S. Vtf. Burnham,
IT may be necessary to remind the reader, that for the particulars
of the classification and form of registry observed in the following
CYCLE, he is referred to pp. 426 and 427 of the first volume. It will
also greatly assist his full comprehension of the matter, if he makes
himself quite familiar with the Position- diagram on p. 428 of the
same volume.
Jan. 1,1840. Jan. 1, 1840.
a Andromedae
Gr. star and comes Oh Om .
... N28°12/
147 !;£. m. Andromedae
Cluster 0 02
... 25 01
22 Andromedae
Star and double 0 02
... 45 11
TT Andromedae ....
Double star .... 0 28
32 50
S Andromedae
Star and comes .... 0 31
... 29 59
18 y. v. Andromedae ....
Nebula 0 32 .
... 40 48
31 Messier
Nebula 0 34 .
40 23
175 P. O. Andromedae
Double star .... 0 38
... 30 04
36 Andromedae ....
Double star .... 0 46
22 46
p. Andromedae
Double star .... 0 48
... 37 38
/3 Andromedae ....
Star and comes .... 1 01
34 46
55 Andromedae ....
Double star .... 1 44
.... 39 56
56 Andromedae ....
Star and comes .... I 47
37 28
y Andromedae ....
Double star .... 1 54
41 33
59 Andromedae ....
Double star .... 2 01
38 17
19 IjJ. v. Andromedae ...
Nebula 2 13
.... 41 36
61 P. ii. Andromedse ....
Double star .... 2 13
.... 40 40
K Andromedae
Triple star .... 23 32
43 27
171 P. xxin. Andromedse
Double star .... 23 36
.... 45 29
240 P. xxin. Andromedie
Double star .... 23 50
23 27
128 P. xix. Anseris
Double star ... 19 19
19 34
21 1^. vin. Anseris
Cluster 19 20
24 49
197 P. xviu. Antinoi ....
Star and comes 18 41
S 6 05
11 M. Antinoi
274 P. xvmT Antinoi ....
Cluster 18 42
Triple star .... 18 54
6 27
0 56
185 P. xix. Antinoi
Triple star .... 19 28
10 47
186 P. xix. Antinoi
Double star .... 19 28
10 30
12 P. xx.^&tinoi
26 P. xx. mitiuoi
Double star .... 20 03
Double star ... 20 04
0 36
... N 0 23
116 P. xx. Antinoi
Double star .... 20 16
0 33
140 P. xx. Antinoi
Double star ... 20 19
.... S 2 38
1 Aquarii
Triple star ... 20 31
0 04
4 Aquarii
Binary star .... 20 43
6 13
1 }$L. iv. Aquarii
Nebula 20 55
11 59
12 Aquarii
Double star .... 20 56
6 27
/3 Aquarii
Gr. star and comes 21 23
6 16
2 M. Aquarii
Cluster 21 25
1 32
29 Aquarii
Double star .... 21 53
17 44
a Aquarii
Gr. star and comes 21 57
1 C6
Jan. 1, 184'>.
Jan. 1,1840.
AQUARIUS (continued}.
41 Aquarii
Double star
22h 05'« ...
. S 21° 52'
y Aquarii
Double star
22 13
2 11
53 Aquarii
Double star
22 18
17 33
£ Aquarii
Binary star
22 20
0 50
200 P. xxn. Aquarii
Double star
22 34
9 09
209 P. xxn. Aquarii ...
Double star
22 37
10 29
r1 Aquarii
Double star
22 39
14 54
219 P. xxii. Aquarii ....
Triple star
22 39
5 03
\P Aquarii
Double star
23 07
9 57
94 Aquarii
Double star
23 10 ...
14 20
69 P. xxni. Aquarii
Double star
23 15 ...
9 20
107 Aquarii
Double star
23 37
19 34
2 Aquilse
Star and comes ....
18 33
9 12
5 Aquilae
Triple star
18 38 ...
1 07
2024 H. Aquilse....
Double star
18 48
N 10 10
11 Aquilse
Double star
18 51
13 25
263 P. xvin. Aquilse ....
Double star
18 52
14 42
15 Aquilse
Double star
18 56
S 4 16
302 P. xvin. Aquilae ....
Double star
18 58
N 6 19
£ Aquilae .... ' ....
Gr. star and comes
18 58 ....
13 38
2035 H. Aquilae....
19 08 ...,
S 1 12
23 Aquilae
Double star
19 10
N 0 48
28 Aquilse
Double star
19 12 ....
12 05
8 Aquilae
Gr. star and comes
19 17
2 48
144 P. xix. Aquilae
Double star
19 22 ....
2 34
38 ^[. vi. Aquilse
19 24 ....
8 54
241 P. xix. Aquilse
Nebula ....
19 35 ....
8 01
250 P. xix. Aquilse
Double star
19 36 ....
12 00
257 P. xix. Aquilae
Double star
19 37
10 24
y Aquilae
Gr. star and comes
19 38 ....
10 14
TT Aquilae
Double star
19 41
11 25
a Aquilse
Star and comes ....
19 43 ....
8 27
307 P. xix. Aquilaa
Gr. star, double
19 44
9 57
56 Aquilse
Double star
19 45 ....
S 8 59
57 Aquilae
Double star
19 45
8 38
/3 Aquilse
Gr. star and comes
19 47 ....
N 6 (ML»
2 P. xx. Aquilae
Double star
20 02
16 2^
43 P. xx. Aquilae
Double star
20 06 ....
6 06
149 P. vn. Argo Navis ....
Double star
7 28 ....
S 23 08
38 I£[. vni. Argo Navis....
Double star
7 29 ....
14 08
46 l£l. vin. Argo Navis ...
7 32 ....
16 00
175 P. vn. Argo Navis ....
Double star
7 32 ....
26 26
46 M. Argo Navis
Double star
7 35
14 27
64 1$. iv. Argo Navis
93 M. Argo Navis
7 35 ....
7 38 ....
17 50
23 29
2 Argo Navis
Double star
7 38
14 18
5 Argo Navis
Double star
7 40
11 48
37 1$. vi. Argo Navis ....
7 52 ....
10 20
t Argo Navis
Gr. star and comes
8 01
23 51
11 1$. vn. Argo Navis ....
Cluster ...
8 03
12 23
72 P. vin. Argo Navis ....
Double star
8 18
23 3-2
188 '
Jan. 1,1840. Jan. 1,1840.
179 P. i. Arietis....
.... Double star .... lh 41
y Arietis
.... Double star .... 45
/3 Arietis
.... Star and comes .... 46
X Arietis
.... Double star .... 49
112 y. i. Arietis
.... Nebula 50
222 P. i. Arietis....
.... Quadruple group 5 1
10 Arietis
.... Double star .... 55
a Arietis
.... Gr. star and comes 58
14 Arietis
.... Triple star .... 2 00
96 P. ii. Arietis....
.... Double star .... 2 21
30 Arietis
.... Double star .... 2 28
33 Arietis
.... Double star .... 2 31
TT Arietis
.... Triple star .... 2 40
41 Arietis
.... Quadruple group 2 41
e Arietis
.... Double star .... 2 50
52 Arietis
.... Quadruple group 2 56
46 P. in. Arietis
.... Double star .... 3 14
217 ^. i. Auriga
.... Nebula 4 20
o> Aurigae
.... Double star .... 4 48
61 l£[. vni. Aurigae
.... Cluster 4 57
a Aurigae
.... Gr. star and comites 5 05
14 Aurigae
.... Triple star .... 5 05
X Aurigae
.... Star and comes .... 5 08
33 IjJ. vii. Aurigae
.... Double star ... 5 09
39 l£l. VT i. Aurigse
.... Cluster 5 17
38 M. Aurigae ....
.... Cluster 5 19
261 1$. i. Aurigse
.... Nebula 5 21
36 M. AurigaB ....
.... Double star ... 5 26
26 Aurigae
.... Double star .... 5 28
225 P. v. Aurigae
.... Double star .... 5 40
v Aurigae
.... Double star .... 5 40
37 M. Aurigae .. .
.... Double star .... 5 42
£ Aurigae
.... Star and comes .... 5 48
6 Aurigae
.... Double star .... 5 49
41 Aurigae
.... Double star ... 5 59
56 Aurigae
.... Double star .... 6 35
59 Aurigae
.... Double star .... 6 42
1 Bobtis
.... Double star .... 13 33
220 P. xiii. Bobtis
.... Double star .... 13 43
77 Bobtis
.... Gr. star and comes 13 47
101 M. Bobtis ....
.... Nebula 13 57
AC Bobtis
.... Double star .... 14 07
a Bobtis ....
.... Gr. star and comes 14 08
418 ^. 11. Bobtis
.... Nebula 14 09
i Bobtis
.... Triple star .... 14 10
99 l£[. i. Bobtis ....
.... Nebula 14 11
69 P. xiv. Bobtis
.... Double star .... 14 15
IT Bobtis
.... Double star .... 14 33
f Bobtis
Double star .... 14 33
e Bobtis
.... Gr. star and comes 14 38
£ Bobtis
.... Binary star .... 14 44
39 Bobtis
.... Double star ..., 14 44
34 55
37 39
37 08
45 49
32 29
39 57
39 10
35 10
35 45
34 07
34 02
30 23
31 44
39 06
32 30
44 55
37 12
48 44
43 44
39 03
20 46
22 04
19 12
55 08
52 33
20 01
36 06
52 06
37 14
9 11
17 06
14 25
27 45
19 46
49 23
Synonyme. Order. Jan. 1,1840.
Jan. 1,1840.
BOOTES (continued}.
756 ^J. ii. Bootis ....Nebula 14" 54- ...
. N54°33'
ft Bootis .... .... .... Star and comes .... 14 56
41 02
44 Bootis Double star .... 14 58
48 17
279 P. xiv. Bootis .... Double star .... 14 59
9 51
b Bootis .... .... .... Star and comes .... 15 09
33 55
759 1$. ii. Bootis .... Nebula 15 11
56 54
/i1 Bootis Triple star .... 15 18
. 37 57
/na Bootis (74 P. xv.) .... Binary star .... 15 18
37 55
53 l£l. iv. Camelopardi Nebula 3 53
60 24
1 Camelopardi .... .... Double star .... 4 19
53 33
2 Camelopardi Double star .... 4 27
53 09
7 Camelopardi .... .... Double star .... 4 44
53 29
269 P. iv. Camelopardi Double star .... 4 56
79 02
35 Camelopardi .... Double star .... 5 52
51 34
159 P. vii. Camelopardi Double star .... 7 31
65 32
232 P. xn. Camelopardi Double star .... 12 48
84 17
11 Cancri .... .... Double star ... 7 59
.. 27 56
f Cancri Triple star .... 8 03 ..
18 07
13 P. vn r. Cancri .... Double star .... 8 05
. 11 20
</>' Cancri .... .... Star and comes .... 8 17
28 25
fe Cancri Double star .... 8 17
... 27 27
v1 Cancri .... .... Double star .... 8 17
25 03
67 P. vin. Cancri .... Double star .... 8 17
8 05
6 Cancri .... .... Star and comes .... 8 22
18 38
118 P. viir. Cancri .... Double star .... 8 30
20 14
124 P. viii, Cancri .... Triple star .... 8 31
... 20 06
44 M. Cancri Double star .... 8 31
20 29
129 P. viu. Cancri .... Double star .... 8 31
20 14
e Cancri .... .... .... Star and comes .... 8 31
... 20 06
8 Cancri .... .... .... Double star .... 8 35
18 44
i Cancri Double star .... 8 37
... 29 20
67 M. Cancri Cluster 8 42
12 24
o-2 Cancri .... .... Double star .... 8 44
31 11
er4 Cancri Double star .... 8 52
... 32 52
95 !;£. i. Canum Venat. Nebula' 12 07
.... 37 13
2 Canum Venaticorum .... Double star .... 12 08
... 41 33
8 Canum Venaticorum .... Star and comes .... 12 26
42 14
94 M. Canum Venaticor. Nebula .... .... 12 43
41 59
12 Canum Venaticorum.... Double star .... 12 48
.... 39 11
63 M. Canum Venaticor. Nebula 13 08
;... 42 53
51 M. Canum Venaticor. Nebula .... .... 13 23
48 02
Prec. 3 M. Canum Venat. Double star .... 13 30
29 09
163 P. xin. Canum Venat. Star and comes .... 13 33
.... 28 53
3 M. Canum Venaticorum Nebula 13 34
29 11
187 !$• i. Canum Venat. Nebula 13 50
48 02
£ Canis Majoris .... Star and comes .... 6 14
.... S 29 59
|3 Canis Majoris .... Star and comes .... 6 16
17 53
Jan. 1,1840. Jan 1, 1840.
CANIS MAJOR (continued).
vl Canis Majoris
a Cam's Majoris
41 M. Canis Majoris
7T2 Canis Majoris
p. Canis Majoris
14 H. vit. Canis Majoris
e Canis Majoris
8 Canis Majoris
12 tjL vn. Canis Majoris
30 Canis Majoris
i) Canis Majoris ..
ft Canis Minoris
a Canis Minoris
170 P. vn. Canis Minoris
14 Canis Minoris
396 P. xix. Capricorni
a8 Capricorni
s Capricorni
/32 Capricorni
p Capricorni
o2 Capricorni
72 M. Capricorni
30 M. Capricorni
/3 Cassiopese
22 H. Cassiopese
28 H. Cassiopese
a Cassiopese
78 M. vin. Cassiopese .
181 P. O. Cassiopese
77 Cassiopese
y Cassiopese
/A Cassiopese
64 tJ. vin. Cassiopese .
42 §. vn. Cassiopese .
35 Cassiopeae
•fy Cassiopese
124 EC. Cassiopese
103 M. Cassiopese
40 Cassiopese
46 l£[. vn. Cassiopese ..
146 H. Cassiopese
31 I£[. vi. Cassiopese
55 Cassiopese
72 P. ii. Cassiopese
4 Cassiopese
101 P. xxin. Cassiopese
Double star
... S 18° 32'
Gr. star and comes
6 38
16 30
Double star
6 40
20 35
Quadruple star ....
6 48
20 12
Double star
6 49 .
13 50
6 52
... 13 29
Gr. star and comes
6 52 .
... 28 45
Star and comes ....
7 02
26 08
Cluster ....
7 H
15 21
Star and comes ....
7 12
... 24 40
Star and comes ....
7 18
... 28 59
Triple star
7 18 .
... N 8 36
Gr. star and comes
7 31
5 38
Double star
7 32
5 36
Triple star
7 50
2 39
Double star
. 19 58
.... S 13 23
Gr. quintuple
20 09
13 02
Double star
20 10
19 37
Star and comes . .
. 20 12
15 17
Double star
20 19
18 20
Double star
. 20 21
19 06
. 20 45
13 07
Cluster ....
21 31
23 52
Star and comes ....
Gr. star and comes
Double star
Binary star
Star and comes ....
Triple star
0 01
0 18
0 24
0 31
0 34
0 39
0 39 .
0 47 .
0 57 .
... N58 16
70 30 .
62 24 .
. 55 39 .
60 55 .
50 34 .
.. 56 58 .
59 50
54 08 .
0 58
60 44 .
Cluster ....
09 .
57 57 .
Double star
63 49 .
Triple star
.. 67 17 .
19 .
61 28 .
23 .
59 51
Double star
26 .
.. 72 13 .
33 .
61 05
55 04 ..
35 .
60 26 .
Star and comites
2 02
65 46 ..
Triple star
2 16
66 41 .
Quadruple group
23 18
64 24
Multiple star
23 22
. 57 40 ..
. 535
Double star
23 51
54 52
Quadruple group
23 56 ..
.. 61 24
b 2
191 P. ii. Cephei
K Cephei
42 I£[. vi. Cephei
77 Cephei
51 P. xx r. Cephei
a Cephei
ft Cephei
248 P. xxi. Cephei
256 P. xxi. Cephei
285 P. xxi. Cephei
£ Cephei
11 P. xxii. Cephei
b Cephei
TT Cephei
o Cephei
52 M. Cephei ....
y Cephei
t Ceti
12 Ceti ....
113 P.O. Ceti
146 P. O. Ceti
/3 Ceti ....
1 ^. v. Ceti
26 Ceti ....
r] Ceti ....
37 Ceti ....
42 Ceti ....
100 y. i. Ceti
191 P. i. Ceti
fCeti ....
227 P. i. Ceti
61 Ceti ....
66 Ceti ....
o Ceti
23 y. iv. Ceti
v Ceti
84 Ceti ...
77 M. Ceti
•yCeti ....
p, Ceti ....
64 ^. i. Ceti
a Ceti ....
94 Ceti
2002 H. Clypei Sobieskii
24 M. Clypei Sobieskii
16 M. Clypei Sobieskii
18 M. Clypei Sobieskii
17 M. Clypei Sobieskii
26 M. Clypei Sobieskii
Jan. 1,1840.
Jan. 1, 1840.
CEP H;E u s.
. . . Dble . star and 2 com
. 2h45m ..
. N78°46"
... Double star
20 14 ..
77 13
... Cluster
20 28
. 60 06
... Star and comes ....
20 42
. 61 13
... Double star
21 08 ..
59 20
... Gr. star and comes
21 15
. 61 54
... Gr. star, double....
21 26 ..
. 69 52
... Triple star
21 34
. 56 46
... Double star
21 35
56 51
... Star and com.es ....
21 38 ..
58 03
... Double star
21 59
. 63 51
... Double star
22 03 ..
. 58 31
.... Double star
22 23
. 57 36
.... Double star
23 02
. 74 31
.... Double star
23 12 ..
67 14
.... Cluster
23 17
60 43
.... Gr. star and comes
23 33 ..
. 76 45
.... Double star
0 11
. S 9 43
... Triple star
0 22
4 51
.... Double star
0 26
5 26
.... Double star
0 32 ..
5 14
.... Gr. star and comes
0 35 ..
18 52
.... Nebula ....
0 40
. 26 10
.... Double star
0 55
0 30
.... Star and comes ....
11 02
.... Quadruple
8 47
.... Double star
12 ..
1 21
.... Nebula
23 .
7 42
.... Double star
. N10 01
.... Star and comes ....
. S 11 08
.... Star and pair ....
. N 6 08
.... Pair double stars
. S 1 06
.... Double star
2 05 ..
3 09
.... Star and comes ....
2 11
3 42
.... Nebula
2 19
1 52
.... Double star
2 27
. N 4 53
.... Double star
2 33 ..
. S 1 23
.... Nebula
2 35
0 41
.... Gr. star and comes
2 35 ..
. N 2 33
.... Star and comes ....
2 36 ..
9 26
.... Nebula
2 38 ..
. S 8 15
.... Gr. star and comes
2 54 ..
. N 3 27
.... Double star
3 05
. S 1 48
ii Double star
18 08 ..
.. S 19 55
.... Nebula
18 09
18 27
.... Cluster
18 09 ..
13 50
.... Double star
18 10 ..
17 12
.... Nebula ....
18 11
16 16
.... Cluster ,...
18 3G ..
9 33
. 6
Jan. 1, 1840. Jan. 1, 1840.
2 Comae Berenicis
12 Comae Berenicis
24 Comae Berenicis
24 Ijl. v. Comae Berenicis
202 P. xu. Comae Beren.
35 Comae Bereuicis
64 M. Comae Berenicis
42 Comae Berenicis
53 M. Comse Berenicis
63 P. xui. Comae Beren.
77 Coronae Borealis
a Coronae Borealis
£ Coronae Borealis
y Coronae Borealis
p Coronae Borealis
s Coronae Borealis
v Coronae Borealis
v* Coronae Borealis
8 Corvi
ft Corvi
a Crateris
d Crateris
39 P. xi. Crateris
y Crateris
17 Crateris
149 P. xix. Cygni
/3 Cygni
169 P. xix. Cygni
16 Cygni
276 P. xix. Cygni
278 P. xix. Cygni
8 Cygni
X Cygni
73 y. iv. Cygni
295 P. xix. Cygni
Vf Cygni
o* Cygni
29 M. Cygni
199 P. xx. Cygni
o)3 Cygni
49 Cygni
a Cygni
52 Cygni
X Cygni
429 P. xx. Cygni
59 Cygni
452 P. xx. Cygni
... Double star .... Ilh56m .
... N22°21/
... Star and comes .... 12 14
26 44
... Double star .... 12 27 .
19 15
s Nebula 12 28 .
.. 26 52
L. Double star .... 12 44
.. 20 03
... Triple star .... 12 45 ..
. 22 07
... Nebula 12 48
22 33
... Double star .... 13 02
18 23
... Cluster 13 05
19 01
i. Double star .... 13 14 .
18 36
.. Binary star .... 15 16
30 52
.. Gr. star and comes 15 27
27 15
,.. Double star .... 15 33 ..
.. 37 10
... Binary star .... 15 36
26 48
... Star and comes .... 15 55
.. 33 47
... Binary and triple 16 08
34 16
,.. Quadruple star .... 16 10
29 33
... Star and comes .... 16 16
34 05
C O R V U S.
.. Double star .... 12 21
.. S 15 37
.. Gr. star, comites 12 26
22 31
.. Star and comites 10 52
.. 17 27
.. Gr. star and comes 11 11
13 55
.. Double star .... 11 11
6 01
.. Double star .... 11 17
16 48
.. Double star .... 11 24
28 23
C Y G N U S.
.. Double star .... 19 22
.. N36 12
.. Double star .... 19 24
27 38
.. Double star .... 19 25
.. 27 56
.. Double star .... 19 37
.. 50 09
.. Double star .... 19 39
35 42
.. Double star .... 19 39
34 37
.. Double star .... 19 40
44 45
.. Double star .... 19 40
. 33 22
.. Nebula 19 40 ...
50 08
.. Star and comites 19 42
33 02
.. Double star .... 19 51
. 52 01
.. Quadruple group 20 08
. 46 1G
.. Cluster 20 18
38 00
.. Star and comes .... 20 26
48 40
.. Double star .... 20 26
. 48 41
.. Double star .... 20 35
. 31 44
.. Gr. star and comes 20 36
. 44 43
.. Double star ... 20 39
30 08
.. Double star .... 20 41
. 35 54
.. Double star .... 20 53
49 50
.. Triple star ... 20 54
46 54
. Double star .... 20 56
38 53
Order. Jan. 1,1840.
Jan. 1,1840.
C Y G N U S (continued}.
611 Cygni
Gr. binary star .... 20h 59ra ..
. N37°58'
1 P. xxi. Cygni
Double star .... 21 02
29 34
£ Cygni
Gr. star and comes 21 06
29 34
39 M. Cygni
Cluster 21 26 ..
47 44
^ Cygni
Double star .... 21 37
28 01
16 ]£[. iv. Delphini
Nebula 20 15 ..
19 36
178 P. xx. Delphini
Quadruple .... 20 23
10 44
103 I£. i. Delphini
Cluster 20 26 ..
6 53
/3 Delphini
Triple star .... 20 30
14 02
a Delphini
Star and comes .... 20 32
15 21
y Delphini
Double star .... 20 39
15 33
X Delphini
Double star .... 20 48
11 57
X Draconis
Star and comes .... 11 22
. 70 13
a Draconis
Star and comes .... 14 00
65 08
219 ]j£. i. Draconis
Nebula 15 02 .'.
.. 56 23
22 M. (?) Draconis
Nebula 15 05
57 36
t Draconis
Star and comes .... 15 21
.. 59 32
764 1$. ii. Draconis
Nebula 15 36 ..
.. 59 52
T) Draconis
Gr. star and comes 16 22
.. 61 52
17 Draconis
Triple star .... 16 32
53 15
20 Draconis
Double star ... 16 55
.. 65 17
/z Draconis
Binary star ... 17 02
.. 54 41
147 P. xvii. Draconis ....
Double star .... 17 25
51 00
/3 Draconis
Gr. star and comes 17 26
52 25
i/1 Draconis
Double star ... 17 29 -
... 55 18
i/r1 Draconis
Double star .... 17 44
72 14
•y Draconis
Gr. star and comes 17 52
51 31
37 ]$[. iv. Draconis
Nebula 17 58
66 38
40 Draconis
Double star .... 18 12 .
79 58
39 Draconis
Triple star .... 18 21
... 58 42
X Draconis
Star and comes .... 18 24
72 40
226 P. xvin. Draconis ...
Double star .... 18 44
... 59 09
o Draconis
Double star .... 18 49
59 12
287 P. xvin. Draconis ...
Double star .... 18 55
... 58 00
8 Draconis
Star and comes .... 19 12
67 23
108 P. xix. Draconis ...
. Double star .... 19 15
62 55
e Draconis
. Double star ... 19 48
69 52
30 P. xx. Draconis
. Double star .... 20 03
63 14
355 P. xx. Equulei
Double star .... 20 45
6 44
376 P. xx. Equulei
Double star .... 20 48
3 55
e Equulei (1 Fl.)
Triple star .... 20 51
3 41
X Equulei (2 FL)
Double star .... 20 54
6 33
d Equulei
. Double star .... 21 06
9 22
/3 Equulei
, Star and comites 21 15
6 08
rj Eridani
Star and comes .... 2 49
S 9 32
T4 Eridani
Star and comes 3 12
22 21
98 P. in. Eridaui
Double star 3 29
N 0 04
107 1$. i. Eridani
Nebula 3 33
... S 19 05
Jan. 1, 1840. Jan. 1, 1840.
ERIDANUS (continued).
•y1 Fornacis
35 M. Geminorum
fj, Gerainorum
15 Geminorum ....
20 Geminorum ....
y Geminorum
e Geminorum
38 Geminorum ....
•2 I; I. vi. Geminorum
f Geminorum
X Geminorum
8 Geminorum
61 Geminorum ....
63 Geminorum ....
45 l£l. iv. Geminorum
a Geminorum
1 1^1. vi. Geminorum
«c Geminorum
ft Geminorum
TT Geminorum
KI Herculis
y Herculis
23 Herculis
3 Herculis
136 P. xvi. Herculis
37 Herculis
42 Herculis
£ Herculis
13 M. Herculis ....
T) Herculis
2. 5 N. Herculis
43 Herculis
46 Herculis
50 I£. iv. Herculis
5G Herculis
60 Herculis
a Herculis
d Herculis
92 M. Herculis ....
p Herculis
X Herculis
Double star .... 3h 46m ...
. S 3° 26'
Gr. star and comes 3 51
13 58
Double star .... 4 07
10 39
Nebula 4 07
13 09
Double star .... 4 08
7 54
Double star .... 4 36
9 06
Double star .... 4 49
5 26
Double star .... 4 59
4 52
Star and comes .... 5 00
5 18
F 0 R N A X.
Double star .... 2 43
25 13
Cluster 5 59
N24 21
Gr. star and comes 6 13
22 35
Double star .... 6 18
20 53
Double star .... 6 23
17 53
Triple star .... 6 28
16 32
Star and comes .... 6 34
25 17
Double star .... 6 46
13 23
Cluster 6 46
18 10
Triple star .... 6 55
20 48
Double star .... 7 09
16 49
Gr. star double.... 7 11
22 16
Dble. star and pair 7 18
20 34
Double star .... 7 18
21 46
Star and comes .... 1 20
21 14
Gr. star, double 7 24
32 14
Cluster 7 29 ....
21 56
Double star .... 7 35
24 46
Gr. star, quadruple 7 36
28 24
Triple star .... 7 37
33 48
Double star .... 16 01
17 29
Double star .... 16 15
19 32
Double star .... 16 17
32 42
Star and comes .... 16 23
21 51
Double star .... 16 30
14 01
Double star .... 16 32
4 32
Triple star .... 16 34
49 15
Binary star .... 16 35
31 54
Cluster 16 35
36 46
Star and comes .... 16 37
39 14
Nebula 16 37
24 06
Star and comes .... 16 38
8 53
Double star .... 16 39
28 39
Nebula 16 42
47 49
Double star ... 16 48
25 59
Double star .... 16 58
12 58
Gr. double star.... 17 07
14 34
Binary star .... 17 08
25 02
Cluster 17 12
43 18
Double star .... 17 18
37 18*
Star and comes .... 17 24
26 14
Order. .Inn. 1, l»4(t
Jan. 1, 1«40.
HERCULES (continued).
200 P. xvii. Ilerculis
.... Double star
17'' 34 "'
.... N24°36'
/LI Herculis
.... Double star
17 40
27 49
300 P. xvn. Herculis
.... Double star
17 49
18 21
95 Herculis
.... Double star
17 55
21 36
100 Herculis
.... Double star
18 01
26 05
110 Herculis
.... Double star
18 38
20 24
108 P. vin. Hydra
.... Double star
8 27
7 10
5 Hydro
.... Star and comes ....
8 29
6 15
160 P. viii. Hydra
.... Double star
8 37
... S 2 01
€ Hydrae
.... Gr. star, double
8 38
.... N 7 00
15 Hydrao
.... Triple star
8 44
.... S 6 35
17 Hydra)
.... Double star
8 48
7 22
6 Hydra)
.... Double star
9 06
N 2 59
65 P. ix. Hydra)
.... Double star
9 15
4 11
a Hydra)
.... Gr. star and comes
9 20
.... S 7 Hi
rl Hydra)
.... Double star
9 21
2 04
~>7 1,1,1 . iv. Hydra)
.... Nebula
10 17
17 50
159 P. x. Hydra)
.... Double star
10 40
14 47
68 M. Hydra) ....
.... Nebula ....
12 31
25 51
p. Hydra)
... Star and comes ....
13 21
22 27
10 Hydra)
.... Double star
14 37
24 45
L A C E R T A.
75 y. vin. Lacerta)
.... Cluster
22 09
.... N49 05
65 P. xxii. Lacerta)
.... Double star
22 12
36 58
2 Lacerta)
.... Double star
22 14
45 44
8* Lacerta)
.... Quadruple
22 29
38 48
10 Lacerta!)
1 >ouble star
22 32
38 13
16 Lacerta)
Triple star
22 49
40 45
o> Leonis
... Double star
9 20
9 45
3 Leonis
.... Double star
9 20
8 53
57 y. i. Leonis ....
.... Nebula
9 23
22 12
6 Leonis
Double star
9 23
10 25
7 Leonis
.... Double star
9 27
15 05
\lf Leonis
... Star and comes ....
9 35
14 45
e Leonis
.... Gr. star and comes
1) 37
24 30
/i Leonis
.... Star and comes ....
9 44
26 45
a Leonis
(Jr. star and comes
9 59
12 45
y Leonis
.... Gr. double star....
10 11
20 39
(>1 P. x. Leonis ....
.... Double star
10 17
9 35
49 Leonis
.... Double star
10 20
y 2«
95 M. Leonis
.... Nebula
10 35
12 32
1« y. i. Leonis ....
.... Nebulas
10 40
13 28
17!» 1*. x. Leonis
.... Double star
10 43
8 18
f>4 Leonis
.... Double star
10 47
25 36
U±» 1'. x. Leonis
.... Double star
10 56
4 30
13 11. i. Leonis
.... Nebula ....
10 57
0 49
•J3«» P. x. Leonis
.... Double star
10 58
7 59
9 P. xi. Leouis ....
.... Double star
11 05
21 00
fi Looms'
... Gr. star and comes
11 05
21 24
50 Ii,l. 11. Leonis
.... Nebula ...
11 08
18 55
</> Leonis
... Star and comes ....
11 08
.. S -j 4i!
• A- L,r
Jan. 1.1S4V. Jan. 1,1840.
LEO (continued).
'. Leonis
llk 12*
c Leonis
Binary star
11 15
83 Leonis
Double star
11 18
91 P. xi. Leonis
Double star
11 22
88 Leonis
Double star
11 23
90 Leonis
Triple star
11 26
/3 Leonis
Gr. star and comet
11 41
170 P. xi. Leonis
Double star
11 44
200 H. i. Leonis Minoris
Nebula ....
8 43
is Minoris
Double star ....
9 21
86 H. i. Leonis Minoris
10 18
37 Leonis Minoris
Star and eomite*
10 30
10 42
87 fcjt i. Leonis Minoris
Nebula ....
10 51
88 §. i. Leonis Minoris
Nebula ...
10 54
L E P U S.
t Leporis
Double star
5 05
K Leporis
Double star
5 06
Leporis ....
Nebula ...
5 18
3 Leporis
Star and com** ....
5 21
a Leporis
Gr.star and comet
.0 20
y Leporis
Triple star
5 38
62 P. xiv. Librae
Double star
14 14
70 P. xiv. Librae
Double star
14 16
of Librae
Gn star and comet
14 42
212 P. xiv. Librae
Triple star
14 48
18 Librae
Double star
14 .00
Double star
1.0 03
14 P. xv. Libra
Double star
15 05
19 M. vi. Librae
15 08
Gr. star and conS
15 08
15 10
'.>\ K xv. Librae
Double star
1.0 -2
Triple star
15 55
4 Lyncis
DouM-- '-tar
6 08
Triple star
6 13
. Lyncis
Double star
0 31
Triple star
0 32
. Lyncis
Double star
6 37
14 Lyncis
Double star
0 :y.t
301 P. vi. Lyncis
Double star
6 53
Triple star
7 10
20 Lyncis
131 P. vui. Lyncis
Double star
Double star
7 in
38 Lyncis
Double star
9 09
39 Lyncis
Double star
9 12
137 y. i. Lyncis
9 15
Pair of stars
9 18
11 25
3 53
8 5 50
N15 15
17 41
15 28
10 20
34 01
34 21
29 19
32 4«
28 49
29 50
8 12 04
13 08
20 53
17 56
22 30
7 02
10 56
15 22
20 41
10 30
in 11
17 49
20 27
8 47
N 2 41
8 19 37
10 55
N -on 20
58 30
59 35
.on :;.o
53 12
59 37
52 59
55 34
50 26
49 25
37 29
50 13
35 12
46 18
a Lyrse '....
151 P. xviii. Lyra)
e Lyrse
£ Lyrse
vl Lyrse ....
/3 Lyrse
57 M. Lyrse
y Lyrse ....
299 P. xviii. Lyrse
17 Lyrse
8 P. xix. Lyrae
13 P. xix. Lyrse
r) Lyrse
56 M. Lyrse
58 P. vi. Monocerotis ...
8 Monocerotis ....
104 P. vi. Monocerotis ..
10 Monocerotis ....
11 Monocerotis ....
2 I£[. vn. Monocerotis ..
14 Monocerotis ....
J5 Monocerotis
31 y. viu. Monocerotis
27 ^ vi. Monocerotis ..
50 M. Monocerotis
33 I£L vin. Monocerotis
34 Ip. vin. Monocerotis
116 P. vn. Monocerotis
52 ]£[. vin. Monocerotis
29 Monocerotis ....
22 I£[. vi. Monocerotis ..,
81 P. vin. Monocerotis..
8 Ophiuchi
p Ophiuchi
88 P. xvi. Ophiuchi
X Ophiuchi
40 1$. vi. Ophiuchi
12 M. Ophiuchi ....
19 Ophiuchi
10 M. Ophiuchi ....
19 M. Ophiuchi ....
270 P. xvi. Ophiuchi
r) Ophiuchi
36 Ophiuchi
39 Ophiuchi
9 M. Opbiuchi ....
94 P. xvn. Ophiuchi
54 Ophiuchi
53 Ophiuchi
a Ophiuchi
14 M. Ophiuchi ....
Jan. 1, li
Gr. star and comes
18h 31'
Double star
18 33
Multiple star
18 39
Double star
18 39
Quadruple star
18 44
Gr. star and comes
18 44
Nebula ....
18 47
Star and comes ....
18 53
Double star
18 57
Double star
19 01
Double star
19 02
Double double st.
19 03
Double star
19 08
19 10
Double star
6 11
Double star
6 15
Triple star
6 19
Double star
6 20
Triple star
6 21
6 23
Double star
6 26
Triple star
6 32
6 40
6 44
Double star
6 55
Dble. star in clus.
7 01
Double star
7 07
Double star
7 20
7 26
Triple star
8 01
Double star
8 06
Double star
,8 20
Gr. star and comes
16 06
Double star
16 16
Double star
16 20
Binary star
16 23
16 23
16 39
Double star
16 39
16 49
16 53
Double star
16 54
Star and comes ....
17 01
Multiple star
17 05
Double star
17 08
17 10
Double star
17 17
Double star
17 27
Double star
17 27
Gr. star and comes
17 27
17 29
Jan. 1, 1840.
N 38° 38'
35 55
39 30
37 26
32 38
33 11
32 50
32 28
46 43
35 15
38 41
37 39
38 52
29 54
12 21
4 40
0 32
S 4 40
6 56
N 5 03
7 41
10 02
S 3 00
N 0 38
S 8 07
10 22
10 01
11 14
12 42
2 31
5 19
1 59
3 17
23 04
7 46
N 2 20
S 12 41
1 40
2 21
3 52
26 02
N 8 41
S 15 31
26 21
24 06
18 21
N 15 45
13 16
9 42
12 41
S 3 09
61 Ophiuchi
23 M. Ophiuchi ..
67 Ophiuchi
r Ophiuchi
70 Ophiuchi
73 Ophiuchi
258 P. iv. Orionis
278 P. iv. Orionis
p1 Orionis
/3 Orionis
T Orionis
23 Orionis
y Orionis
84 P. v. Orionis
109 P. Orionis ...
32 Orionis
33 Orionis
8 Oriouis
X Orionis
Bl Orionis
362 H. Orionis ....
i Orionis
e Orionis
<T Orionis
£ Orionis
34 ]jj. iv. Orionis
78 M. Orionis ....
52 Orionis
a Orionis
59 Orionis
24 H. vin. Orionis
25 ]f[. vii. Orionis
Jan. 1,1840. Jan. 1,1840.
7 „
1 Pegasi
15M. Pegasi
3 Pegasi
e Pegasi
AC Pegasi
312 P. xxi. Pegasi
20 Pegasi
Tr1 Pegasi
33 P. xxn. Pegasi
33 Pegasi
37 Pegasi
f Pegasi
£ Pegasi
ft Pegasi
a Pegasi
55 1$. i. Pegasi ....
306 P. xxii. Pegasi
57 Pegasi
216 P. xxin. Pegasi
OPHIUCHUS (continued).
.. Double star .... 17h 36*
.. Cluster 17 47
.. Double star .... 17 53
.. Binary star .... 17 54
.. Binary star .... 17 57
. Double star 18 02
Double star
4 50
Double star
4 54
Double star
5 05
Gr. star, double
5 07
Triple star
5 10
Double star
5 14
Star and comes ....
5 17
Double star
5 17
Double star
5 21
Double star
5 22
Double star
5 23
Gr. star, double
5 24
Double star
5 26
Multiple star
5 27
Double star
5 28
Triple star
5 28
Gr. star and comes
5 28
Multiple star
5 31
Triple star
5 33
5 33
Nebula ....
5 39
Double star
5 39
Gr. star and comes
5 47
Star and comes ....
5 50
5 59
6 04
Gr. star and comes
0 05
Double star
21 15
Cluster ....
21 22
Double star
21 30
Gr. star & comites
21 36
Double star
21 37
Double star
21 44
Double star
21 53
Star and comites
22 02
Double star
22 06
Triple star
22 16
Binary star
22 22
Gr. star and comes
22 33
Dble. star & comes
22 38
Star and comes ....
22 56
Gr. star and comes
22 56
22 57
Double star
22 59
Double star
23 01
Double star
23 45
N 2° 39'
3 18 58
N 2 56
S 8 10
N 2 32
3 58
1 25
1 22
2 40
8 23
7 01
3 23
6 12
1 46
S 8 30
N 5 49
3 09
S 0 25
N 9 49
S 5 30
4 27
6 01
1 18
2 41
2 02
N 9 00
0 01
6 23
7 22
1 48
13 58
5 29
14 17
19 07
11 27
5 54
9 09
24 55
19 05
12 21
32 24
16 24
20 02
3 37
9 59
11 21
27 13
14 21
11 28
31 58
7 49
11 02
Synonyme. Order. Jan. 1, 1840. Jan. 1, 1840. Page
N50°46/ .... 40
56 46 .... 57
56 24 .... 58
56 49 .... 63
38 21 .... 65
42 02 .... 66
39 31 .... 66
48 33 .... 67
55 13 .... 70
37 41 .... 72
51 42 .... 74
52 52 .. . 75
40 20 .... 77
46 38 .... 78
49 17 .... 80
47 16 .... 82
33 27 .... 83
52 10 .... 85
31 24 .... 90
50 13 .... 90
39 32 .... 91
49 04 .... 93
47 59 .... 94
42 43 .... 101
40 56 101
10 14 .... 4
7 56 .... 5
7 59 .... 6
12 35 .... 7
15 09 .... 8
6 04 .... 9
19 25 .... 10
20 33 .... 13
26 50 .... 20
S 0 05 .... 23
N20 37 .... 24
31 19 .... 24
4 03 .... 26
8 42 .... 31
23 44 .... 31
6 44 .... 32
7 08 .... 36
11 44 .... 38
6 49 .... 38
24 56 .... 39
19 29 .... 41
1 03 .... 46
1 59 .... 48
3 39 .... 531
4 45 .... 536
S 0 37 .... 538
30 28 524
76 M. Persei ....
.... Nebula lh 32«
X Persei
.... Triple star .... 2 07
33 l£L vi. Persei
.... Double star .... 2 08
227 H. Persei ....
.... Cluster 2 22
156 ]J[. i. Persei
.... Nebula .... .... 2 30
34 M. Persei
.... Cluster 2 32
12 Persei
.... Star and pair .... 2 32
6 Persei
.... Triple star .... 2 33
T) Persei
.... Double star .... 2 39
20 Persei
.... Double star .... 2 43
220 P. H. Persei
.... Double star .... 2 50
y Persei
.... Double star .... 2 53
/3 Persei
.... Star and comes .... 2 58
25 IjL vi. Persei
.... Cluster 3 04
a Persei
.... Gr. star and comes 3 13
d Persei
.... Star and comes .... 3 32
40 Persei
.... Double star .... 3 32
80 1$. viii. Persei
.... Double star .... 3 37
£ Persei
.... Quadruple star .... 3 44
43 Persei
.... Double star .... 3 45
e Persei
.... Double star .... 3 47 "
60 ]£[. vn. Persei
.... Group of stars .... 3 58
ft Persei
.... Star and comes .... 4 03
57 Persei
.... Double star .... 4 22
58 Persei
.... Star and pair .... 4 26
34 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 02
35 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 07
38 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 09
42 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 14
49 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 22
51 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 24
52 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 24
55 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 31
65 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 41
251 P. O. Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 51
\P Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 57
a-2 Piscium
.... Triple star .... 0 57
77 Piscium
.... Double star .... 0 58
4 P. i. Piscium
.... Double star .... 02
<f> Piscium
.... Double star .... 05
£ Piscium
.... Double star .... 05
85 P. i. Piscium
.... Star and comes .... 20
100 Piscium
.... Double star .... 26
123 P. i. Piscium
.... Double star .... 28
145 P. i. Piscium
.... Double star .... 32
107 Piscium
.... Double star .... 34
209 P. i. Piscium
.... Double star .... 1 47
a Piscium
.... Double star .... 1 54
430 l£[. 11. Piscium
.... Nebula 23 06
i Piscium
.... Gr. star and comes 23 32
179 P. xxin. Piscium
.... Double star 23 38
a Piscis Australis
. Gr. star and comes 22 49
Jan. 1,1840. Jan. 1, 1840.
19 Pleiadum
15 Pleiadum
23 Pleiadum
27 Pleiadum
Double star .... 3h 36m .... N23°58/
Double star .... 3 36 .... 22 38
Star and pair .... 3 37 .... 23 27
Star and comes ... 3 40 23 33
63 1$. vn. Pyxis Nautica Cluster 8 31 .... S 29 23
«r Sagittse
f Sagittse
71 M. Sagittse
& Sagittse
21 M. Sagittarii
30 ^. vii. Sagittarii
/i1 Sagittarii
28 M. Sagittarii
25 M. Sagittarii
22 M. Sagittarii
or Sagittarii
43 P. xix. Sagittarii
54 Sagittarii
51 Ijl. v. Sagittarii
75 M. Sagittarii
5 Serpentis
76 P. xv. Serpentis
d Serpentis
a Serpentis
/3 Serpentis
39 Serpentis
220 P. xv. Serpentis
49 Serpentis
v Serpentis
r] Serpentis
59 Serpentis
01 Serpentis
Star and comes
Double star
Cluster ....
Triple star
19 30
19 41
19 46
20 03
N16 06
18 45
18 22
20 26
17 55
.... S 22 30
18 03
21 36
Multiple star ....
18 04
18 14
.... 21 06
.... 24 57
18 22
19 10
18 26
... 24 01
Star and comes ....
18 45
26 29
Double star
19 09
18 59
Triple star
19 31
19 35
16 39
14 31
Cluster ..
19 56
.... 22 22
/3 Scorpii
.... Gr. star and comes
15 56
.... S 19 '22
v Scorpii
.... Double star
16 02
19 02
80 M. Scorpii ....
.... Cluster
K 07
22 35
48 P. xvi. Scorpii
.... Double star
16 11
19 43
s Scorpii
.... Double star
16 11
25 12
4 M. Scorpii
.... Nebula
16 14
26 07
a Scorpii
.... Gr. star and comes
16 19
26 04
236 P. xvi. Scorpii
.... Double star
16 47
19 17
62 M. Scorpii
.... Nebula
16 51
29 50
31 Scorpii
.... Double star
17 07
26 27
Double star
15 11
.... N 2 22
Double star
15 19
18 44
Double star
15 27
11 05
Gr. star and comes
15 36
6 56
Double star
15 38
15 56
Double star
15 45
13 42
Double star
15 49
3 52
Double star
16 05
13 57
Double star
17 11
... S 12 41
Star and comes ....
18 13
2 56
Double star
18 19
... N 0 06
Double star
18 48
3 59
Jan. 1,1840. Jan. 1,1840.
Double star .... 9h 35
Double star .... 9 46
Nebula 9 57
Nebula 10 06
Double star .... 10 35
Triple star .... 10 42
.... N
'.' S
.... N
" S
161 P. ix. Sextantis
9 Sextantis
163 ]£[. i. Sextantis
4 ]$. i. Sextantis
35 Sextantis
41 Sextantis
7 Tauri
r) Tauri
30 Tauri
213 P. in. Tauri
69 y. iv. Tauri
(f> Tauri
y Tauri
X Tauri
62 Tauri
0l Tauri
80 Tauri
a Tauri
88 Tauri
T Tauri
257 P. iv. Tauri
295 P. iv. Tauri
4 I£. vii. Tauri
20 P. v. Tauri .
25 P. v. Tauri .
37 P. v. Tauri .
Ill Tauri
/3 Tauri
118 Tauri
1 M. Tauri
124 Tauri
362 P. Tauri Poniatowskii Double star 17 ,58
3° 21'
5 42
6 57
4 15
5 35
8 03
Triple star
3 25
N23 55
Gr. star and comes
3 38
23 36
Double star
3 40
10 39
Triple star
3 51
22 45
Nebulous star ....
3 59
30 20
Double star
4 11
26 58
Star and ct...?s ....
4 11
15 14
Double star
4 13
25 15
Double star
4 14
23 55
4 19
15 36
Double star
4 21
15 17
Gr. star and comes
4 27
16 11
Star and comes ....
4 27
9 49
Star and comes ....
4 33
22 39
Double star
4 50
14 18
Double star
4 58
24 03
Double star
5 03
16 30
Double star
5 07
18 15
Double star
5 08
19 57
Double star
5 10
19 58
Star and comes ....
5 15
17 14
Gr. star and comes
5 16
28 28
Double star
5 19
25 01
Nebula ....
5 25
21 54
Quadruple star ....
5 30
.... 23 13
6 2. N. Tauri Poniatowskii Nebula
18 04
33 M. Trianguli
a Trianguli
e Trianguli
i Trianguli
38 P. ii. Trianguli
93 P. n. Trianguli
160 P. ii. Trianguli
t Ursse Majoris
o-2 Ursse Majoris
205 BJ. i. Ursse Majoris.
21 Ursse Majoris
23 Ursae Majoris
6 Ursse Majoris
78 l£l. i. Ursse Majoris
81 and 82 M. Ursse Maj.
Nebula 1 25
Star and comes .... 1 44
Double star .... 1 53
Double star .... 2 03
Double star .... 2 08
Double star .... 2 19
Double star .... 2 35
Gr. star, double
Double star
Double star
Double star
Gr. star and comes
Nebula ....
Nebula ..
8 48
8 56
9 11
9 14
9 19
9 22
9 35
9 42
11 59
6 49
29 51
28 48
32 30
29 33
28 00
29 12
28 47
48 40
67 47
51 40
54 42
63 45
52 24
73 01
69 52
Jan. 1, 1840. Jan. 1,1840.
URSA MAJOR (continued).
286 H. i. Ursae Majoris....
58 P. x. Ursae Majoris ....
60 tj. iv. Ursa} Majoris
/3 Ursae Majoris
a Ursse Majoris
46 H. v. Ursse Majoris ....
97 M. Ursa} Majoris
| Ursse Majoris
j/ Ursae Majoris
219 H. i. Ursae Majoris....
194 §. i. Ursae Majoris....
57 Ursae Majoris
111 P. xi. Ursse Majoris
94 H. i. Ursae Majoris ....
173 I;I. i. Ursa} Majoris....
y Ursse Majoris
45 H. v. Ursa? Majoris ....
65 Ursae Majoris
62 H. iv. Ursse Majoris....
195 'IjjJ. i. Ursae Majoris....
d Ursae Majoris
43 H. v. Ursa? Majoris....
f Ursae Majoris
113 P. xin. Ursae Majoris
156 P. xin. Ursa} Majoris
77 Ursse Majoris
277 P. xin. Ursae Majoris
a Ursse Minoris
5 Ursae Minoris
/3 Ursae Minoris
£ Ursa} Minoris
t Ursa} Minoris
8 Ursae Minoris
126 P. xi. Virginis
/3 Virginis
98 M. Virginis ....
35 ]£[. i. Virginis
32 P. xn. Virginis
61 M. Virginis
17 Virginis
100 M. Virginis
49 M. Virginis
88 M. Virginis
143 P. xn. Virginis
43 H. i. Virginis
y Virginis
60 M. Virginis ....
196 P. xn. Virginis
75 t£. ii. Virginis
221 P. xn. Virginis
8 Virginis
44 Virgiuis
Nebula ....
9h 50-° .
... N69°30'
Double star
10 15
53 26
10 28
54 20
..... 231
Star and comes ....
10 52
... 57 14
.... 237
Gr. star and comes
10 53
62 37
.... 238
Nebula ...
11 02
56 32 $
24 :\
11 05
55 53
Binary star
11 09
32 26
Double star
11 10
33 58
.... 247
11 16
39 38
.... 251
Nebula ....
11 17
44 28
.... 252
Double star
11 20
40 13
Triple star
11 28
.... 28 40
.... 256
11 33
37 26
Nebula ....
11 44
.... 37 53
Gr. star and comes
11 45
54 35
.... 259
Nebula ....
11 45
53 13
Triple star
11 46
.... 47 22
.... 260
11 47
56 01
Nebula ....
11 59
.... 43 57
Star and comes ....
12 07
.... 57 55
Nebula ....
12 11
48 11
.... 265
Double star
13 17
55 46
Double star
13 23
60 45
.... 302
Double star
13 31
51 32
Gr. star and comes
13 41
50 06
.... 309
Double star
13 53
.... 53 53
.... 312
Gr. star, double
... N88
Double star
Gr. star and
.... 74
Gr. star and
.... 78
Gr. star and
Gr. star and
Double star
11 30
.... S 1 33
.. 256
Star and comes ....
11 42
.... N 2 40
.. 257
12 06
.... 15 47 .
.. 262
Nebula ....
12 07
14 03
. 263
Double star
12 10
S 3 04 .
.. 264
12 14
.... N 5 21
. 266
Double star
12 14
6 12 ..
. 266
Nebula ....
12 15
16 42
Nebula ....
12 21
8 53 .
. 269
12 24
15 18 .
Double star
12 31
S 3 29
. 12 31
10 44
Binary star
12 33
0 34 .
Nebula ....
12 35
.... N12 26
Double star
12 43
.... S 9 28
Nebula ....
12 45
.... N12 06
Double star
12 47
12 22 .
Star and comes ...
12 47
4 16 .
- 286
Double star
. 12 51
.... S 2 57
Jan. 1,1840. Jan. 1, 1840.
e Virginia
6 Virginia
53 Virginia
54 Virginia
25 P. xiii. Virginia
61 Virginia
a Virginia
72 Virginia
75 Virginia
127 P. xiii. Virginia
81 Virginia
84 Virginia
171 P. xiii. Virginia
85 Virginia
238 P. xiii. Virginia
T Virginia
<f> Virginia
70 ^. i. Virginia
95 P. xiv. Virginia
6 VulpeculaB
320 P. xix. Vulpeculae
27 M. Vulpeculse
415 P. xix. Vulpeculse
113 P. xx. Vulpeculse
VIRGO (continued}.
Star and comes ....
12h 54m
.... Nil0 49'
Triple atar
13 01
.... S 4 41
Double atar
13 03
15 20
Double star
13 05
17 58
Double star
13 06
10 30
Star and comes ....
13 10
17 25
Gr. star and comes
13 17
10 19
Double star
13 22
5 38
Star and comes ....
13 24
14 32
Binary star
13 26
.... N 0 30
Double star
13 29
.... S 7 03
Double star
13 35
.... N 4 21
Double star
13 35
.... S 3 28
Double star
13 37
14 57
Double star
13 46
7 16
Star and comes ....
13 53
.... N 2 19
Double star
14 20
.... S 1 30
14 21
6 15
Double star
14 21
3 32
Star and comes ...
Double star
Nebula ....
Double star
Double star
. 19 22
. 19 46
. 19 52
. 20 00
. 20 16
.... N24 21
19 55
.... 22 17
20 39
..., 23 34
The reader is requested to alter the following inadvertence, with his pen :
p. 371 , 1. 2, for 15h in JR, read IS*.
M Oh Om 08s PREC. + 3s '07
DEC. N 28° 12'-5 — N 20"*06
POSITION 267°'l (*6) DISTANCE 65"-9 <w3) EPOCH 1834-64
- 266°-9(«-8) - 64"-8<"6) - 1837'74
A STANDARD Greenwich star, with a minute companion. A 1, bright
white; B 11, purplish. According to my adopted plan, A is assumed
as a first magnitude star from Piazzi; though otherwise it would have
been rated only as a second, which is the size assigned to it by Ptolemy,
who probably copied it from the Catasterisms of Hipparchus. B did
not escape the vigilance of Sir William Herschel, who classed the object
32 v. with these results:
Pos. 259° 23' Dist. 55 "53 Ep. 1781*56
The next micrometrical observations, are those of the Rev. Mr.
Dawes, who managed to obtain them with a five-foot achromatic, of 3f
inches aperture, and kindly forwarded them to me.
Pos. 264° 10' Dist. 66-57 Ep. 1830-68
On a comparison of all the measures previous to my observations, the
increase of angle and distance in this object may be charged to the sf
movements of the large individual in JR and Dec., with an allowance
for errors of operation in so difficult a star. The amount of the proper
motions has been thus valued:
P.... 1R + 0"'14 Dec. - 0"'21
B.... + 0"-19 - 0"-13
A.... + 0"-16 - 0"-15
The extensive northern constellation of which this star is now the
lucida, was one of the old 48 asterisms, and its components, as optical
means advanced, have been thus registered:
Ptolemy ... 23 stars Hevelius .... 47 stars
Bulialdus . . .26 Flamsteed ... 66
Bayer ... 27 Bode ..... 226
Andromeda is conspicuously figured near her father, mother, and
lover, in the bonds which Aratus says she carried to Heaven; and has
been also designated Virgo devoid, Mulier catenata, and Per sea; while
Schickard, on the part of the Mosaicists, claimed her as Abigail, The
Arabians, whose tenets prohibited their drawing the human figure,
represented her as a sea-calf: but the principal star was called Sirrah,
and Alpherat, from Sirrat-al faras, the horse's navel, it having for-
merly been quartered on Pegasus, whence it was taken to decorate the
tresses of the lady. Ulugh Beigh calls it Rds-al-marat al muselselah,
the head of the woman in bonds. Warm imaginations perceive a
resemblance to chains, by drawing the eye from 51 and 54 of Flamsteed,
on the lady's left foot, over ^ between the feet, to T on the right calf;
and from Alamak on the right foot, through ^ and f to <£ on the left
knee. Owing to the derangements which the inadvertence or ignorance
of the celestial map-makers have occasioned, there is no little confusion
in this particular, for Flamsteed's Nos. 51 and 54 Andromedse, are (f>
and v Persei, though placed exactly where Ptolemy wished them to be
— on the lady's foot: so also a in this asterism has been lettered 8
Pegasi by Bayer, and /5 has been the lucida of the Northern Fish.
Several members of this configuration have been placed among the
stellce Versailles, whose brightness varies; first by Mr. Pigott, in the
Philosophical Transactions for 1786, and next by Sir William Herschel,
in the same work for 1797» They were also reviewed carefully by
Harding and Westphal.
Sirrah is useful in alignment, or the mode of finding from a few stars
with which a spectator is familiar, others which are unknown to him.
Thus, an imaginary line drawn from the belt of Orion, which all the
world knows or ought to know, through Aries, will lead to the head of
Andromeda. Certain brackish rhymes then state :
And on, from where the pinion'd maid,
Her cruel fate attends,
Wide o'er the heavens his fabled form
Wing'd Pegasus extends.
From Alpherat down to Markab's beams,
Let a cross line be sent,
Then will four stars, upon the horse,
A spacious square present.
Of this notable square, Alpherat and Scheat form the northern side,
while Markab and Algenib mark the southern; and these are useful in
extending' the alignment to other sought objects.
M Oh Om 42s PREC. -f 3S*07
DEC. N 58° 16'-3 N 20"'05
POSITION 339c-6 (* i) DISTANCE 201//-0 (w n EPOCH 1838-65
A bright star, whose acolyte is so small that it is here rather estimated
than measured. A 2i, whitish; B 11^, dusky. This object is called
Caph, from Kajf-al-Khadib, the stained hand, a name from which a
scientific friend supposes, that although now only the lucida cathedrae —
or bright star on the couch-frame — one of the hands may have reached
it in the earlier designs. But the Arabians applied the term Kajf\
a flat hand, to the whole asterism, whose five brightest stars repre-
sented the thumb and fingers, coloured as if stained with henna, after
the Oriental custom. This general name came to be fixed upon £?.
Mohammed al Tizini records it as Sandm al-ndkah, the camel's
hump — for ardent fancies figured a kneeling camel of the principal
stars. Ptolemy describes it as being on the female's back. Caph is
considered to be variable, from the second to the fourth magnitudes; but
to me it has generally appeared of the brightness above recorded.
Mayer assigns to it a proper motion in JB= + 0"'773; and other
astronomers give as the amount —
P....JR + 0"-82 Dec. - 0"'25
B.... + 1"-01 - 0"-17
A.... + 0"-97 - 0"-19
A glance from the Pole-star to Alpherat, passes through Caph, nearly
in mid-distance: or a line from between 7 and S, the following stars in
the wain of the Great Bear, carried over the pole, strikes upon it, at
a similar distance beyond Polaris: •
In yonder stars, which form a Cross, lo, Caph precedes the whole,
A Cross more glorious than that which decks the austral pole.
m Oh lm 43s PREC. -I- 39'07
DEC. N 25° l'-2 N 2CT05
POSITION 120°-0 <wn DISTANCE 28"-0 <tci) EPOCH 1836-81
A double star in a coarse cluster, occupying the spot where I looked
for Sir William Herschel's faint nebula. A 10, and B 11, both pale blue.
It lies on the crown of Andromeda's head, and about 3° south of the
star a. I saw none of the nebulosity alluded to by Sir W'niam in his
registry of 1784, — but a perceptible glow in a tolerably rich and darkened
field was indicative of nebulous matter. This part was followed by three
principal stars nearly in a line at almost equal distances, and each with a
companion np. The third being the smallest and closest, is here estimated.
Another double star follows in the upper part of the field, at about three
minutes A JR.
If this glow really be a mass of that self-shining element, or modi-
fication of matter, which Sir William Herschel has taught us to recognise
as being a thin filmy substance diffused in the vast regions of space, it
must be at an astounding distance from our system. Sir William only
considered that he could here perceive nebulous fluid, — but neither his
instrument, nor any other yet constructed, has sufficed to give it a
distinct form, let alone a resolvable aspect. From every indication, and
inductive analogy, the numerous small stars perceivable in the field are
posited between us and the nebulosity : it must therefore be at a degree
of remoteness, which cannot be expressed in language. There are some
of the star-gazing class, who would consider such a shadowy pellicle as
barely worth enrolment ; but to the superior order of observers it is a
most important object, both for scrutiny and study, in our present
ignorance of the nature of this self-luminous substance. To the astro-
nomer of a future day, it may offer a more condensed aspect.
M Oh lm 53s PREC. + 3S-07
DEC, N 10° 14'-6 N 20"-04
POSITION 165°-0 (us) DISTANCE 7//'0 <«n EPOCH 183877
A neat double star. A 6, silvery white; B 13| pale blue; and they
point to some small stars in the sf quadrant. This fine object, though
numbered to Pisces, is astern of the leading Fish's tail, and near the
wing of Pegasus; and 4° s— a little preceding — the bright star 7 Pegasi.
From the delicacy of the comes it is so excessively difficult to measure,
that I only mark a mean of careful estimations. It was discovered by
M. Struve, and is No. 5 of his grand Catalogue. The first Dorpat mea-
sures were :
Pos. 160° 08' Dist. 8" -37 Ep. 1828'73
A slight proper motion in space is attributed to A, which, however small,
has been thus valued:
P....JR - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"-01
Sr.... - 0"'03 - 0"-02
# ... + o"'06 - 0"-05
2& oh 2m 2s PREC. + 3S«08
DEC. N 45° 10'-9 N 20"-04
POSITION BC 85°-l (»6) DISTANCE 4"-6 (u>3) EPOCH 1830-84
84°-0 (109) 4"-9 (« B) 1838-92
A star leading to a distant pair. A 5, white; B 8, pale yellow, and
C 9, bluish. A is in the Galaxy, between the left hand of Andromeda,
and the head of Cassiopea; and it may be fished up by a line through
7 and a of the latter, at three times the interval between them in
distance. It is here introduced as a pointer to the charming double star
B C in the np quadrant, on a line 351°-5, and A M= 18s. It is in a
fine field with several stars between the individuals. B and C form
83 1$. ii., and were thus measured:
Pos. 84° 12' Dist. 3"'50 Ep. 1783-16
By Sir James South, No. 381, they were:
Pos. 85° 21' Dist. 5" -01 Ep. 1825-99
which shows the position to be stationary; and as 1$ .'s distance was based
on an allowance upon the apparent magnitude of the large star, no exact
inference, as to change in this element, can be drawn. The orbital
measures of 1838-92 are most satisfactory, and taken under very favour-
able conditions. The proper motions of A have been thus registered:
P....]R - 0"-07 Dec. - 0"-02
B.... -f 0"-ll - 0"-00
M Oh 5m 0s PREC. + Ss<08
DEC. N 14° IT'7 N 20"-04
POSITION 300°-2 (U>D DISTANCE 181"-0 (wi) EPOCH 1835-07
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant companion. A 2| white;
B 13, pale blue, with a small comes in the sp, — a line from B carried
through A, leads to two small stars in the sf quadrant. In Tycho
Brahe's catalogue this is erroneously placed in the constellation Pisces;
but it is on the extreme of the wing of Pegasus, whence it obtained
the name of Algenib, from the Arabic Jendh-al-faras, the horse's wing.
A comparison of the distance between this star and Regulus, by ancient
and modern astronomers, shows Ptolemy to be out — 12' 18". y Pegasi
has a slight proper motion through space, the amount of which has been
thus variously given :
P....M - 0"-03 Dec. - 0"-09
B.... + 0"-01 - 0"-01
A.... + 0"'04 - 0"-01
To find this star by alignment, lead a line from the Pleiades through
Aries, or look about 14 degrees south of Alpherat, where it will be
identified by its lustre. With a Andromedae it forms the twenty-seventh
of the Mansions of the Moon, under the designation of Alfargu, from
the Arabian Al farigh al-mvakkker, the hindmost loiterer.
M Oh 6m 44s PREC. + 3S'07
DEC. N 7° 55'-9 N 20"'04
POSITION 150°-1 (*8) DISTANCE ll"-6 <«>7) EPOCH 1832-04
149°-5 <»7) ir-9^7) 1837-89
A neat double star. A 6, pale white ; B 8, violet tint. This fine
object is 62 1$. in., who describes it as being in "lino austrino" of the
constellation ; but by Sir J. Lubbock's map, it is on the south tip of the
tail of the preceding Fish. A line from a Andromedae through <y Pegasi,
extended about 6° to the south, strikes upon 35 Piscium. It stood when
first classed thus :
Pos. 148° 54' Dist. 12"-50 Ep. 1782-68
which, compared with the recent measures of 5*. H. S. and myself,
embracing an interval of fifty-six years, leaves no doubt as to its fixity.
From the weights attached to my MS. observations, I place great
dependance on the results here given, at both the above epochs.
m Oh 9m 9s PREC, + 38'08
DEC. N 7° 59'-2 N 20"-03
POSITION 236°-4 (we) DISTANCE 4"-5 (» 4) EPOCH 1830-96
235°-9 (»8) - 4"-8 <» 4> 1837-89
A very neat double star on the following tip of the preceding Fish's tail,
following the former object, nearly on the parallel. A 7a> light yellow :
B 8, flushed white. This elegant pair is 50 I£L. n., and it was thought
to be binary by its discoverer, from the following measurements :
Pos. 244° 57' Dist. 4"-00 Ep. 1782-68
235° 27' 4"-00 1802-67
These observations appeared to give a retrograde motion, which
subsequent astronomers have not confirmed. My own observations are
entitled to weight from their great coincidence. Those sage astrologers
who dubbed Pisces a most malignant sign, ought to have contemplated
this beautiful object; had this been done, every notion of stellar unpro-
pitiousness and malevolence must have vanished.
Sig. Carlo Brioschi attributed a larger amount of proper motion to
this star, than appears to be borne out by the comparison of standard
epochs ; the deductions most worthy of attention are :
P....M - 0"'16 Dec. + 0"-05
B.... + 0"-08 + 0"'ll
T.... + 0"'30 - Q"-02
M Oh llm 17s PREC. + 3S'06
DEC. S 9° 42'-7 N 20"'02
POSITION 12°'0 (wi) DISTANCE 45"-0 (w\) EPOCH 1838-82
A wide double star on the north extreme of the tail; whence it was
called Dheneb Ka'itos shemdli, the northern branch of the Whale's tail.
A 4, bright jyellow; B 15, deep blue. This is an excessively difficult
object, being only discernible after long attention, and by occasionally
averting the eye to another part of the field in view. The position and
distance are therefore only the result of cautious estimation. It is No.
1953 of H.'s Fifth Series, where the companion is rated as of the 12th
magnitude. There is a small star near the vertical, in the sp quadrant.
The proper motion of A has been deduced by reference to standard
Catalogues, from which it was thus valued:
Fiamsteed . . M + 0"-161 Dec. + 0"-08
Roemer ... + 0"-118 - 0"'05
Bradley ... - 0"-114 - 0"'06
and by Mr. Daily's recent deductions, its amount is, in ^ + 0"-02, and
in Dec. - 0'x'05. The object may be found by a line carried through
a Andromedae and 7 Pegasi, and extended to about 24° south of the
latter, where it will be seen as the north-eastern apex of a nearly equi-
lateral triangle formed by /, 97, and /5 Ceti.
M Oh Um 9s PREC. -f 3S«09
DEC. N 12° 35-6 - N 20"'01
POSITION 341°-5 <t*4) DISTANCE 35"-0 («c i) EPOCH 1833-95
fr n (- <1L£
A delicate double star following 7 Pegasi at about 2£° in the sf
quarter. A 7, topaz yellow; B 13, emerald green. It is in the boundary,
but not in the figure of the Fishes; and though not close, has an elegant
aspect from the strong contrast of its colours in so barren a field of view.
As the small star defies illumination, the position is approached by the
rock-crystal micrometer, and the distance is cautiously inferred. This
object is ^.'s No. 27, and was thus first measured:
Pos. 344° 54' Dist. 31"'63 Ep. 1828'76
The star A has an appreciable movement in space; but it is so slight
a quantity, that until observations can be rendered perfect, its exact
amount will be debateable. The values have been thus given :
P....M - 0"-06 Dec. + 0"'04
Sr.... - 0"'01 + 0"-04
£.... + 0"'15 + 0"-04
m Oh 18m 10s PREC. + 3S'36
DEC. N 70° 3(X-3 N 19//'98
A large and straggling group of small stars, between the Lady's
footstool and the knee of Cepheus; a line from the 7 of one asterism to
the 7 of the other, and J the distance from that of Cepheus, hits 22 H.
The place here given is that of a coarse double star, the components
of which are of the 8J and 11 magnitudes, both greyish, in the following
portion of the mass; and which is, in a manner, insulated. It was
first registered by Sir John Herschel, and described as a very loose Tbut
pretty rich cluster. On the whole, this object offers a fair test for trying
the light and defining power of a telescope.
M Oh 21m 53s PREC. + 3S>06
DEC. S 4° 50'-6 N 19"'95
AC 113-4 <-, 201" EPOCH1
r-5 («i) }
L"'0<»i) J
A triple star, or rather, a double one with a distant companion,
above half-way in a line shot from 7 Pegasi to /9 Ceti. A 6, topaz yellow;
B 15, bright blue; C 11, dusky, — other telescopic stars in the field.
This beautiful, but most difficult test object, is No. 322 of H.'s Second
Series. It lies between the Whale's tail and the Southern Fish, nearly
mid-distance of two stars to the np and sf> but trending towards the
parallel, — the following individual being of the llth magnitude, and
the largest. B is only discernible by the closest attention under favour-
ing circumstances, though when once caught, is tolerably well seen; the
detail here given is therefore a mere estimation. Piazzi remarks :
"Probably lla of Mayer, the sign of the declination being wrong, as
in the 9a, neither of which are found in a northern sky/'
The principal star of this object, has had the following very minute
amount of proper motions attributed to it :
P....SI +0"-15 Dec. - 0"'05
S.... -j-0"-05
M Oh 22m 29s PREC. + 3S'10
DEC. N 15° 9'-2 N 19"'95
POSITION 109°'5 («>2) DISTANCE 15"-0 <»i) EPOCH 1835-87
A delicate double star, nf 7 Pegasi about 4°. A 7? silvery white ;
and B 13, cerulean blue. Though quartered in Pisces this very deli-
cate object is actually between the wing of Pegasus, and the right hand
of Andromeda: and this, though a minor one, is among the many errors
calling for a reform of the constellations. It is followed nearly on the
parallel by a yellow star of the 7*8 magnitude, which must be the one
alluded to by Piazzi, in Note O. 92, though the distance is nearer 50
than 30 seconds. The companion to A is so minute as to vanish
under the slightest illumination, the details are therefore merely esti-
mated,— but with great care. It was discovered by £., whose measures
with the great Dorpat telescope are :
Pos. 107° 42' Dist, 13" -26 Ep. 182874
M Oh 24m 5s PREC. + 3S<34
DEC. N 62° 23'-9 - N 19"'93
POSITION 228°-0 (U>D DISTANCE 6"'5 (»i) EPOCH 1837*97
A neat double star in a cluster. A 10, and B 11, both pale grey.
They are near the centre of an elegant and rich, but somewhat straggling
field of stars; and being too small to admit of light, their position and
distance are only estimated. The vicinity is splendidly strewed with
stars from the 10th to the 15th sizes, of which the most clustering part
is about 8' or 9' in extent. It is closely nf of K in the throne of Cassi-
opea, a beautiful individual of a bright yellow colour, and 4th magnitude.
M Oh 24m 9s PREC. + 3^08
DEC. N 6° 04/-3 — N 19"'93
POSITION 82°-5 <«>9) DISTANCE 27"-6 (we) EPOCH 1835'91
A fine double star in a line about one-third the distance from
7 Pegasi to 77 Ceti. A 6i, pearl white; B 9, lilac tint. This is
in the centre of that part of the kkett, or ribbon, of the sign Pisces,
which is near the tail of the preceding fish; and my observations for
position and distance are highly satisfactory. It is 70 1$. iv.; and a
comparison with his first measures would indicate a sensible increase of
distance between the two stars, as well as a retrocession of the orbital
angle: but from the concordance of recent measures, it may still be
questioned whether the position has not been stationary. Indeed, when
we recollect that IjJ. first classed these interesting objects, and made the
instruments wherewith to grapple their details, we can only admire how
well they stand such rigorous comparisons. The previous points of
departure are these:
^. Pos. 89° 24' Dist, 22"'48 Ep. 1782'68
H. and S. 82° 49' 25"'08 1823-87
2. 82° 357 27"'42 1833-20
The proper motions of 51 Piscium, have been thus valued.
P....M - 0"-10 Dec. + 0"'10
B.... + 0"-05 + 0"-07
M Oh 24ra 13s PREC. + 3s' 12
DEC. N 19° 24'-8 N 19"'93
POSITION 31 1°'0 («> D DISTANCE 25 "-0 («* D EPOCH 1836-92
A double star, between Andromeda's right arm and the back of
Pegasus ; and nearly midway of a line from 7 Pegasi to f Andromedae.
A 6, fine yellow; B 14, deep blue. This is a neat and most delicate
object, whose position and distance are carefully estimated. It is
followed at about 12s, by a pale star of the 12th magnitude. The
object was first discovered by H., and is No. 1982 of his Fifth Series.
Piazzi has remarked in his note on 50 Piscium, " cujus declinatio 19° 1 1'
(Bradley) omnino non invenitur:" and Mr. Baily has shown, in his
edition of the British Catalogue, that No. 50 does not exist, but that this
star, No. 52, was the individual observed and registered by Flamsteed
in 1692. The amount of spacial proper motions assigned to it is:
P....]R + 0"-24 Dec. - 0"'06
B.... + 0"-18 - 0"-03
XVII. 113 P. O. CETI.
M Oh 26m 20s PREC. + 3S'05
DEC. S 5° 25''8 N 19"'91
POSITION 44°-6 <u»s) DISTANCE 19"'6 <u>8) EPOCH 1832-87
A neat double star, between the whale's tail and the chetil of Pisces,
on a line striking from JS Ceti through a Andromeda?, and about one-
third of the distance. A 7> cream yellow; and B 9, smalt blue. This
is a fine object, being nearly mid-way between two stars, one in the
sf quadrant, and the smallest in the np. It is No. 39 of £.'s grand
Catalogue, where the mean of his observations gives :
Pos. 45° 27' Dist. 20"-09 Ep. 1830-24
My own measures were taken under favourable circumstances, and may
therefore be deemed good. Piazzi tells us that in Flamsteed's asterism,
a companion of the 9th magnitude follows this star, by lls'2 of time,
which he could not find. There is, however, at about the same distance,
and to the north, a star of this character, although rather smaller. Is
the follower, then, variable ?
M Oh 28m 21s PREC. + 38'17
DEC. N 32° 50'-3 - N 19"'89
POSITION 173°'9 <ic7) DISTANCE 35"'6 («>7) EPOCH 1832'90
A fine double star, between tbe shoulders of tbe chained Lady. A 4|,
fine white ; B 9, blue, — and they point to two small stars at a distance
in the sf quadrant. A line carried from a Pegasi to a Andromeda?,
and extended 6° beyond, strikes upon TT. Ptolemy was right in
stating it to be upon the shoulder; but as the figures of the constel-
lations are drawn on many modern celestial maps, with the fronts
towards the observer, TT then appears to be situate on the breast. It
is well described by Piazzi : "duplex" ait, "comes 10® magnitudinis
sequilur Os*6 temporis circiter % min. ad austrum" This object was
first registered as a double star by !£[., and is No. 17 v.; but though
he pronounced his distance of 34*20" to be inaccurate, it must have
been pretty near the truth, for subsequent measures indicate about the
same. H. and S. obtained results thus :
Pos. 175° 26' Dist. 35"-59 Ep. 1821-88
The spacial movement attributed to TT, seems to be diminishing under
more rigorous treatment ; at present it is thus registered : g
P....M + 0"-30 Dec. + 0"-10
Br.... + 0"-27 + 0"'06
B.... + 0"'06 0"'02
M Oh 30m473 PREC. 4- 3H7
DEC. N 29° 59x'l - N 19//'86
POSITION 208°-3 (*2) DISTANCE 122"-0 («») EPOCH 1833'54
A bright star with a telescopic companion to the sp. A 3, orange ;
B 11£, dusky; with three small stars in the southern part of the field.
It is on the right shoulder of Andromeda, though the old Catalogues
term it "clarior in sinistra scapula," as an accepted interpretation of
the contested eV roS jjuera^pevu) of Ptolemy; and it is found by a line
from 7 passed over /3, and carried about 7° beyond the latter. Some of
the recent investigators of those aberrations from the common laws of
precession which have been detected in so many stars, have not included
this in their lists ; yet its proper motions amount to
P....M + 0"-35 Dec. - (T-09
B.... + 0"-20 - 0"'ll
M Oh 3lm '29s PREC. + 3S'34
DEC. N 55° 39'-5 - N 19"*87
POSITION 278° -4 («>3) DISTANCE 96"'9 («»3) EPOCH 1831 '86
A standard Greenwich star, with a companion. A 3, pale rose-tint ;
B 10J, smalt blue. This object is in the right breast of Dhdt-al-Kursq,
the Lady of the Throne; and it also obtained the names of Lucida
Cassiopea, and Schedir ; the last being probably a corruption of Al-sadr,
the breast, by the framers of the Alphonsine Tables. The Arabians
having no passion for delineating the human form, made a dog of
Cepheus, and its female of Cassiopea, retaining the Sedes Regia, or
throne of the latter ; but the Cams fcernma meant no disrespect. The
double star forms 18 Ijl . v., and was thus registered :
Pos. 275° 26' Dist. 56"- 17 Ep. 1781 '97
which, compared with mine, does not show a greater difference of angle
than might be expected from the proper motion of an object whose
proximity is accidental. But the difference in distance is so remarkable,
that it must be imputed to instrumental error, rather than that the
acolyte is describing an ellipse round its primary. This acolyte must be
the star alluded to by Piazzi, in Note O. 139, though he calls it the 9th
magnitude, for the A Dec. 6' "78 makes " parumper ad boream." The
large star is one of the insulated class, and has a slight proper motion,
the amount of which is thus registered :
P....BL - 0"-05 Dec. - 0"'07
B. .. -fO"-15 - 0"'03
A.... + 0"-10 - 0"'04
Cassiopea, one of the ancient 48 asterisms, formed by five bright
stars disposed something like an M, is a well-known circumpolar con-
stellation, next to her husband Cepheus, and on the opposite side of the
pole to the Great Bear. The earlier Arabians considered the whole as a
large hand, of which the bright stars constituted the finger-points, and in
which was even included the nebulous group in the left hand of Perseus.
Bayer thought the Hebrews called this asterismEbn Ezra — "«'» seltsamer
Missgriff" exclaims Ideler: but Bayer had also seen in Juvenal's cathedra
mollis, an allusion to Cassiopea's chair. It has been recorded as Al
Thuraiya, the many, a name more exclusively appropriated by the
Pleiades: and it was once also called Carion, or the Laconian Key. The
enumeration of its members increases, of course, as optical science
advances, and successive ages have yielded these numbers:
Ptolemy . . .13 stars Hevelius .... 38 stars
Ulugh Beigh . . 13 Flamsteed ... 55
Tycho Brahe" . . 46 Bode 134
There has been much idle discussion as to the orthography of this
lady's name, whether it should be written Cassiopea, after the Latins, or
Cassiepea from the Greek Kaooniireia; and the result has left either
to the writer's choice — utrum horum, &c. In the early illustrations to
Hyginus, she is bound to her throne, or rather to a seat with a sort of
gibbet-back, very much like the scaffold called i tre pezzi di legno by
the Italians. Thus secured she cannot fall out in going round head
downwards, pursuant to sentence.
Sir William Herschel has tabulated the comparative lustre of the
stars in this constellated group, and the statement will be found in
the 86th volume of the Philosophical Transactions.
The distance of Shedir from Regulus, by Ptolemy, differs from that
of modern astronomers by — 23' 37"; and the difference of latitude
between it and a Trianguli is — 3' 33", on similar comparison.
Shedir is actually a variable star, though its usual aspect is that of a
sharp, clear, third degree. I$L's observations in 1796, make a and 7 of
the 3rd magnitude, and /3 3'2 in lustre of the stars in Cassiopea; and
its brightness is marked 7 in Ptolemy. Certainly when H. called my
attention thereto, it was smaller than $ or 7 of the same constellation, —
" That the fluctuation in splendour of this star," writes H., " should
have heretofore escaped notice, is not extraordinary, since the difference
between its greatest and least brightness can hardly be estimated at so
much as half a magnitude." Its period is stated at about 200 days ; but
in July, 1839, it was positively brightening and better denned than the
other two. To find this star from the northward, project a ray from
Alioth, through the Pole-star, and it will pass through the middle of
Cassiopea, at nearly an equal distance on the other side of the pole.
The circumvolution is well marked; when Ursa is at its lowest position
below the pole, Cassiopea is near the zenith, and vice versa. If Shedir
is required from the southward, resort to the galley rhyme :
From alpha Ceti, to the east of Al'mak, towering rise,
You'll mark on Cassiopea's breast, where Shedir decks the skies.
M Oh 31m 31s PREC. + 3S'14
DEC. N 20° 33'-6 N 19"'85
POSITION 193°7 ("6) DISTANCE 5"-9 <«-3) EPOCH 1833'83
A neat double star, ascertained by a line through $ and e Andromedse,
and 7° beyond the latter. A 6, orange; B9, deep blue, — the colours in
good contrast, and therefore forming a rich specimen of opposed hues.
This very beautiful object is between the head and right arm of Andro-
meda ; and was found to be double by the vigilant Dorpat astronomer,
being his No. 46, thus measured :
Pos. 192° 73' Dist. 6" -37 Ep. 1830-22
The interval of time which has elapsed between the two epochs of
observation, is too brief for drawing any conclusions upon the differences
observable in the results.
M Oh 31m 42s pREC. + 3S'23
DEC. N 40° 48'«6 - N 19°'85
A large faintish nebula of an oval form, with its major axis extending
north and south. It is between the left arm and robes of Andromeda,
a little to the np of 31 Messier ; and was discovered by Miss Herschel
in 1783, with a Newtonian 2-foot sweeper. It lies between two sets
of stars, consisting of four each, and each disposed like the figure 7, the
preceding group being the smallest ; besides other telescopic stars to the
south. This mysterious apparition was registered by Ijl. as 30' long
and 12' broad, but only half that size by his son; and there was a faint
suspicion of a nucleus. This doubt must stand over for the present, —
for whatever was a matter of uncertainty in the 20- foot reflector, would
have no chance of definition in my instrument. It was carefully diffe-
rentiated with 0 Andromeda
XXIII. 146 P. O. CETI.
m Oh 32m 34« PREC. +
DEC. S 5° 13''8 N 19"-84
POSITION 289°-9 <» 3) DISTANCE 57"'9 («> D EPOCH 1837*87
A wide double star to the north of the Whale's tail, over which
an imaginary line from 17 Ceti to a Pegasi passes, at near 9° from the
former. A 6^, pale topaz; B 9, violet- tint, — several other stars in the
distant parts of the field. This object, though coarse, is pleasing, from
its contrasted colours: it was seen and thus described by Piazzi: " Aliae
9* magnitudinis 3"*2 temporis praecedit, ^ min. ad boream." The prin-
cipal star has a very appreciable amount of proper motions, which have
been thus registered :
P....7R - 0"-40 Dec. + 0"'35
£.... - 0"-20 + 0"'ll
m Oh 34m 5s PREC. + 3s' 24
DEC. N 40° 23/>6 N 19//'82
An overpowering nebula, with a companion about 257 in the south
vertical. It is of an oval shape, light, brightening towards the xf edge
of the general mass, and of a milky irresolvable nebulosity; but though
described " in cingulo Andromedae," is between the robes and left arm
of the Lady, and certainly below the girdle. There are numerous tele-
scopic stars around; and three minute ones are involved in the glow, but
which can have no connection with it, and are doubtless between our
system and the nebulosity. The axis of direction trends sp and nf; and
it may be caught by a good eye, on a very fine night, by running a
fancied line from Alaraak to Mirak, and from thence carrying a rectan-
gular glance to a distance of about 6^°. It can also be struck upon by
a ray from 7 in the mouth of Cetus, over Sheratan in the head of Aries,
and through Mirak, or /3 Andromeda?, to 65° beyond. •
This is the oldest known nebula; for though it attracted but little
notice till the seventeenth century, it was seen, at least, as far back as
905 A.D. Simon Marius re-discovered it, — if such a term can be applied to
an object seen with the naked
eye: in his rare work — DeMundo
Joviali — that astronomer ac-
quaints us, that he first examined
it with a telescope on the loth
Dec. 1612; he was astonished at
the singularity of the pheno-
menon, but expressly says, that
he leaves to others to judge
whether it was a new discovery
or not. It was therefore by an
oversight^ that Halley ascribes
the discovery, in 16(>1, to Bu-
lialdus (Isjnael Boulliaud'); who
himself mentions itsbeing known
as Nebulosa in cingulo Andro-
medce, and that it had been
noticed 150 years before, by an
expert though anonymous astro-
nomer. The tenuity of its boun-
dary offering no definition for
exact comparison, has made the
several attempts to figure it so
conflicting as to mislead. Marius
describes it as resembling the
diluted light of the flame of a
candle seen through horn, —
Halley mentions that it emits a radiant beam, — Cassini calls it a peu-pres
triangulaire, — Le Gentil considered it round for some years, then oval,
but always of an uniform light in all its parts, — while Messier represents
it as resembling two cones, or pyramids of light, opposed by their bases.
From such statements, Boulliaud and Kircher thought this wonderful
object appeared and disappeared, like Mira; and Le Gentil had no doubt
of its undergoing changes in form. But probably this discordance is a
consequence of the means employed. Le Gentil, by his paper of 1749,
seems to have used telescopes of various sizes, in order to see it very
clearly — " non seulement pour servir a la reconnoitre, mais encore pour
voir si dans la suite elle ne seroit point sujetle d quelque variation, soil
dans lajigure, soil dans la position;" yet fifteen years afterwards Messier
differs from him, by assigning a greater brilliance to the centre than to
the edges, which latter accords better with my views of it, than do our
apparent mean places. It is, however, remarkable that Messier examined
this giant nebula with a 4| foot Newtonian, and then turned the instru-
ment upon 7 Andromedae — " qui en etoit fort pres" — to compare its light
with that of the star, on a beautiful night of August, 1764; but he makes
no mention of the duplicity, or contrasted colours, of that lovely star.
Sir William Herschel, the Prseses of all the examiners into the con-
struction of the heavens, gave this phenomenon a rigid scrutiny, and
concluded it to be the nearest of all the great nebula?. " The brightest
part of it," he says, " approaches to the resolvable nebulosity, and begins
to show a faint red colour; which, from many observations on the mag-
nitude and colour of nebulas, I believe to be an indication that its distance
in the coloured part does not exceed 2000 times the distance of Sirius."
Does not exceed that distance ! That is, so far from us, that light, which
is endowed with the swiftest degree of motion yet known, flying along at
the rate of 190,000 miles in a second of time, or nearly twelve millions of
miles in a minute, would require upwards of 6000 years to traverse the
awful interval : as to that type of terrestrial velocity, so often cited, the
cannon-ball, with its 500-miles-an-hour pace, it would have no chance
of passing the same space under nine or ten thousand millions of years.
What an overwhelming idea does such an astonishing conclusion give of
the All-wise and Omnipotent Intelligence!
Halley considered the light of this object as depending quite on a
particular cause. In reality, he says, the spot is " nothing else but the
light coming from an extraordinary great space in the ether, through
which a lucid medium is diffused that shines with its own proper lustre."
Other philosophers have advanced similar opinions, or at least, opinions
not remotely different; and there is still a wide field for conjecture and
speculation. The causes and arrangement of so astonishing a mass of
nebulous matter, if not quite inscrutable, are still so unapproachable
that it will probably occupy ages to detect them; but we must hesitate
in the conclusion of a contemporaneous lecturer, of its being composed of
the united lustre of a vast system of stars.
The companion was discovered in November, 1749, by Le Gentil, and
was described by him as being about an eighth of the size of the prin-
cipal one; he adds, "elle ma paru exaclement de la meme densite que
fancienne." The light is certainly more feeble than here assigned.
Messier — whose No. 32 it is — observed it closely in 1764, and remarked,
that no change had taken place since the time of its being first recorded.
In form it is nearly circular. The powerful telescope of Lord Rosse*
* This telescope is a reflector of three feet in diameter, of performance hitherto
unequalled. It was executed by the Earl of Rosse, under a rare union of skill, assi-
duity, perseverance, and munificence. The years of application required to accomplish
this, have not worn his Lordship's zeal and spirit; like a giant refreshed, he has
returned to his task, and is now occupied upon a metallic disc of no less than six feet
in diameter. Should the figure of this prove as perfect as the present one, we may
soon over-leap what many absurdly look upon as the boundaries of the creation.
has been applied to this, after finding that no actual re-solution in the
large nebulae could be seen, though its edge had stellar symptoms; and
it proved to be clearly resolvable into stars — the which directly interferes
with Le Gentil's remark.
M Oh 34m 15s PREC. + 3S'43
DEC. N 60° 54'-7 N 19"'82
POSITION 70°-0 (wi) DISTANCE 12"-0 («>i) EPOCH 1835-68
A small double star, in a loose cluster of about thirty of the 9th
and 10th magnitudes, occupying all the field; but there being no star-
dust, or nebulosity intermixed, the firmament appears unusually dark
between them. The most conspicuous object is the double star here
carefully estimated, of which A is of the 8^ magnitude, and B of the
llth, both pale. It is No. 1046 of H.'s Fourth Series. This cluster,
which is on the seat of Cassiopea, and exactly half-way between 7 and
A-, was discovered by Miss Herschel in 1784; and described by I£L. as
" taking up 15 or 20 minutes."
m Oh 35m 34s PREC. + 3S'00
DEC. S 18° 51'-9 - N 19"'81
POSITION 221°-5 w D DISTANCE 542"-0 (» n EPOCH 1836-72
A Greenwich star of the second grade, with a distant companion in
the sp quadrant. A 2^, yellow; B 12, pale blue, — and there is a 9th
magnitude star in the sf, following by about a minute of time. The
principal star has a proper motion assigned to it, to the following value :
P....JR + 0"-21 Dec. + 0"-07
B.... + 0"-16 + 0"-05
A.... + 0"-21 + 0"'03
This star is in the south branch of the "Whale's tail, whence it obtained
the name of Dheneb Ka'itos jenubi. But it has been more widely noticed
as Diphda, — from Difda' al thdni, or the second frog, pertaining to an
original Arabian constellation, of which the first frog was Difda al auwel,
the same with Fom-al-hut, or a Piscis Australis. From various compa-
risons of their lustre, /3 Ceti is certainly larger than a; they were both
registered 7, or 3rd magnitude, by Ptolemy: but it seems to have been
increasing in brightness. A fancied line between Fom-al-hut and
Menkab passes over yS Ceti, in about mid-distance.
VOL. ii. C
M Oh 37m 50s PREC. + 3S'20
DEC. N 30° 04/-2 — N 19"'77
POSITION 235°'8 (w9) DISTANCE 46"'4 (ws) EPOCH 1836-12
A wide double star, following S on the Lady's right shoulder, by
about a degree and a half. Both individuals are of the 8th magnitude,
and pale yellow. B is Piazzi's No. 176; and the pair — which is not
a fine one — constitutes 123 Ijl. v.; and the register of the latter may be
thus ranged in juxtaposition with deductions from the former:
1$. Pos.237° 36' Dist. 45" '02 Ep. 1783-02
P. 236° 00' 44"'3 1800-00
It was afterwards measured by H. and S., as 142 Bode's Andromedas:
Pos. 236° 0' Dist. 46" -46 Ep. 1821-95
whence, on a comparison with my own observations, it must have
remained stationary; the very slight decrease of angle being as imputable
to instrumental error as to motion.
M 0* 38m 58s PREC. + 3S'34
DEC. N 50° 34'-2 N 19"-75
POSITION 147°'2 <w6) DISTANCE 2"-3 <«»4) EPOCH 1832-87
— 146°-8(«>8) - 2"-4<w5) 1836-94
A close double star, between Andromeda's knee and the head of
Cassiopea, just following a line projected from tc through a, and carried
5° beyond the latter. A 7i, flushed white; B 9, white. This excellent
object formed 40 1$. I.; and as he saw them "very unequal" in 1782,
and " difficult to be seen," the small star may be variable; the redness
he imputes, was probably owing to causes already alluded to. Ijl. marked
his observation as " very exact" in his manuscript, a slow change of
position, amounting to 0°"17 per annum direct, was therefore inferred by
his son; but subsequent observations do not bear this out. My own
measures, being remarkably coincident, are very satisfactory, and com-
pared with the following, prove the companionship of these stars to be
merely optical:
H. Pos. 140° 30' Dist. 2"-0 Ep. 1782-66
S. 147° 35' 2"-57 1825-14
D. 148° 10' 2"-32 1830-78
2. 144° 58' 2"'19 1832'33
M, Oh 39m 27s
DEC. N 56° 57'9
N 19"'75
POSITION 87°'8 (w 5)
88°-2 ^ 3)
88°-9 (» 3)
90°-3 («> 7)
90°-9 (w 6)
92°-0 (« s)
DISTANCE 9""8 (u> 3)
- 10/x-2 (w 2)
»7 »7
9r/-7 (•» 6)
9"-4 (» 6)
(lc 5)
EPOCH 1830-91
-- 1831-84
- 1833-70
- 183477
- 1835-20
- 1836-81
- 1843-19
A neat binary star, in the cestus of the seated Lady, forming the
apex of a right-angled triangle with a and ft. A 4, pale white; and
B 7|. purple. This superb physical object was discovered to be double
by y., who thus registered it:
Pos. 62° 04' Dist. U"-27 Ep. 1779'63
By I^.'s re-examination in 1803, a rapid angular velocity was detected;
and from thence to my own epochs, the following observations have
formed points of great interest in their results:
2. Pos. 80° 12' Dist. 10"-80 Ep. 1 819 -GO
H. andS. 82° 04' 8"'79 1821-90
S. 83° 05' 9"-90 1825-78
H 86° 39' 10"-38 1829 43
D. 88° 40' 9"'74 1832-87
Sir John Herschel, in his discussion of 1831, said he would not then
decide, on account of the uncertain determination of the distances,
whether the motion thus established was orbital or parallactic. But,
as he added, that the small star, in all probability, would be on the
parallel, or in the act of changing quadrants from nfto sfin the beginning
of the year 1835, I carefully watched, both before and after, and saw
the prediction verified. These double-star orbits are really among the
most interesting subjects which modern research has to occupy itself
about; and their investigation offers a beautiful field for the amateur
astronomer. The lapse of forty years after I^.'s measure gives a mean
velocity of + 0°"45 per annum, and the twenty -three years since elapsed
+ 0-70, while the distance may be regarded as but little altered, from
which a period of about 700 years is deduced.
This object is thus described by Piazzi: "Duplex. Comes 9'10ffi
magnitudinis in eodem parallelo 1" temporis sequitur;" and its proper
motion through space is registered by
P.... M + l"-78 Dec. - 0"'72
B.... -|- 2"-03 - 0"-48
A.... + l"-97 - 0"-50
XXX. 1 #. V. CETL
M Oh 39m 45s PREC. + 2S'96
DEC. S 26° lO'-l N 19"-74
A long narrow nebula, preceding the clumsy stern- frame of Cetus, but
close to the boundary assigned to Apparatus Sculptoris. It is of a pale
milky tint, and trends sp and nf with its brightest portion towards the
south. There are several small stars in the field, of which the nearest
preceding is of the 9th magnitude, and reddish. A line drawn from the
8th-magnitude star in the np quadrant, to the 8th in the iif, will be
parallel to the axis of the nebula, which — owing probably to the inferiority
of means — I could not make out to be of the extreme length figured
by H. This singular object was discovered by Miss Herschel, in 1783:
and I differentiated it with /3 Ceti in 1836. A line shot from a Andro-
medae through ft Ceti, and carried about 7° to the south, where Fom-al-hiit
will appear nearly at right angles with it, marks the site of the nebula.
m Oh 41m 18s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 26° 50'-3 • N 19"72
POSITION 298°-2 (w o DISTANCE 4"'2 (w4) EPOCH 1830-97
- 4"-5(«>5) -- 1838-17
A close double star, which, though classed in Pisces, is placed by the
map artists on the right arm of Andromeda; where it may be struck
upon about half-way between TT and 77. A 6, and B 7-. both pale
yellow. This fine object was discovered by 1^., who registered it thus:
Pos. 300° 57' Dist. 4"-00 + Ep. 1783-15
He again measured its position in 1802, when the results seemed to
warrant the assumption of a slow retrograde orbital motion; but this is
not confirmed by the later observations. Piazzi, who made A the
companion, merely records it, " Duplex. Comes sequitur ad Austrum :"
but it has been closely examined by H. S. £. and D. By assembling
the observations in one view, H. arrived at the conclusion that the
decrease might be 0°*117 per annum; and supposing the star to revolve
uniformly in a circle, its period would be 3077 years. My measures,
however, drawn through a similar comparison, yield only — 0°'06 per
annum, and infer an anmis magnus of a much longer period.
While these sheets are in the press, it is announced that Flam steed's
next star, 66 Piscium, is detected double in the ' gigantic Poulkova
refractor; the components being 6th and 7th magnitudes, and half a
second of space asunder.
m 0* 46m 24s PREC. + 3S'18
DEC. N 22° 45'7 N 19"'64
POSITION 315°7 (» 6> DISTANCE I"-! («* 2) EPOCH 1835'92
- 318°-5 (ic 8) - 1"-1 (w2) 183977
- 322°-9 (»») - J"-0 ^ 4) 1843-12
A very close double star, a miniature of 77 Corona, in the Lady's
right elbow, and closely up of rj. A 6, bright orange; B 75 yellow.
This beautiful golden pair is very difficult, being designated by %. aurece
vicinissimce ; and he has, since my first observations were made, pub-
lished these results:
Pos. 307°-80 Dist. 0"'847 Ep. 1832-14
320° -47 0"-&37 1836-90
But the earliest measures I met with are those of H., from a com-
parison with which I am led to infer, that there is a decided direct
orbital motion; the registered measure to which he has attached the
greatest weight, being
Pos. 307° 04' Dist. 0"-90 Ep. 1830'78
As my observations of position were very satisfactorily made, I am
rather surprised to find so great a difference from that of ^.'s last: and
even omitting that, the results are rather anomalous, varying the velocity
from 0°-57 to 2°'08 per annum.
My own observations offer a mezzo termine, since the measures were
pretty tolerable. During the last operations, the stars were mostly in
contact, but at times fairly separated;) so that my estimation of distance
by diameters of the discs, varied from 0"75 to 1"*25.
As this was an object which demanded every assistance under high
powers — and most of my positions were made with an eye-piece magni-
fying 600 times — I resorted to the recommendation of Sir J. Herschel,
before alluded to, of applying a central paper disc to improve the sepa-
rating power; and, in this instance, I think it was an advantage.
M 0* 47<n 05s PREC. + 3S'54
DEC. N 59° 50'-8 N 19"-62
POSITION 347°'8 («* n DISTANCE 350" w i, EPOCH 1837*68
A bright star with a distant telescopic companion. A 3, brilliant
white ; B 13, blue. This fine star is on the right hip of Cassiopea, and
the following part of the field has a scatter of small stars from 10th to
13th magnitudes, so as almost to make a cluster. 7 is suspected of variu-
bility: and H. wrote to me from Slough, in October 1838, that it was
then decidedly the chief star in that constellation. On the 28th of April
following, he again addressed me on the subject, saying, " In a former
letter I requested you to notice a Cassiopeae, as then less than 7. It
was so, and continued so for some time; but it soon regained its ascen-
dancy. On the 21st instant I again got a positive observation — and a
was then decidedly smaller than /3 or 7. I feel now quite assured not
only of the change, but of its periodical recurrence." This is decisive as
to a, and makes me rather regret that 7 was rejected as a candidate for
the Greenwich list, at the reform of 1830.
The reductions of the various meridional observations of 7, shew
some slight aberrations from the general laws of precession, and there-
fore a proper motion in space has been assigned, of which the most
authentic values are:
P....M 0"-00 Dec. + 0"'04
B.... + 0"-03 + 0"'05
B.... + 0"«02 + 0"'02
To find this star by alignment, project a glance from Alioth, the
inner individual of the Greater Bear's tail, through the Pole-star, and at
nearly a similar distance beyond, it will meet with 7 Cassiopeas.
M Oh 47m 53s PREC. + 3S'28
DEC. N 37° 37''8 - N 19"- 61
POSITION 115°-0 (w D DISTANCE 45" (» i) EPOCH 1833-88
A most delicate double star. A 4, bright white; B 16, dusky grey.
On the Lady's back, and just below the girdle; and it may be found
by carrying a line from 7 Pegasi through B Andromeda?, and extending it
8° or 9° beyond, to the north-west. Registered by H. as No. 1057 of his
20-foot sweeps: an object of extreme difficulty, and merely enrolled
here to verify the power of the instrument; the small star, though
repeatedly sought for, being only caught sight of on November 1 7th,
when the large star was hidden behind a bar, and its place was estimated
as above. Following this on the parallel, at about 20m, is a very neat
double star, of the 8th and llth magnitudes, and about 12" apart: this
is 5$. No. 104, and might have been considered an object of some delicacy,
but tried after JJL appears quite staring, and its colours, pale yellow, and
green, are very decided. The proper motion of yu, Andromeda is valued
as follows :
P.... M + 1"-20 Dec. + 0"-04
#..., 4- 0"-21 4- 0"'07
A.... 4- 0"-26 4- 0"-07
Since the above was written, the Rev. Mr. Challis measured this
object, as my request, with the Northumberland equatoreal, and obtained
these results:
Pos. 110° 28' Dist. 49"-19 Ep. 1842-G7
M Oh 51m 12s PREC. + 3S<07
DEC. S 0° 4'-9 — N 19"' 55
POSITION 299°-8 (* 8) DISTANCE 18"-4 (w e> EPOCH 1832*98
301°-8 (w 8) - 18"-5 (ic 5) 1838-03
A neat double star, bearing both illumination and high magnifying
powers. A 8, pale orange ; and B 9, clear blue. This, though assigned
to Pisces in the Palermo Catalogue, belongs to the Whale, being in the
space between the tail of Cetus and the ribbon of Pisces, at about one-
third the distance of ft Ceti from ft Andromeda?, and nearly in the line;
being one of the amorphotce^ of which an asterism to be called Testudo
was proposed. Piazzi records this object double : " Duplex. Comes 9ffl
magnitudinis praecedit 1" temporis parumper ad boream;" but the first
micrometrical measures I met with, are those of Sir James South :
Pos. 296° 27' Dist. 18//-87 Ep. 1825-17
From which, when compared with my own, I inferred a sensible direct
orbital motion — 00>4 per annum; and this has been since confirmed by
the Dorpat Catalogue. There is, however, on rigorous comparison, a
slight proper motion in space assigned to A — of which probably B
partakes — to the following amount :
B.... ]R + 0"-03 Dec. - 0"-28
T.... + 0"-01 - 0"-32
M Oh 55m 35s PREC. + 3S'07
DEC. N 0° 30'-5 - N 19"'46
POSITION 252°-6 («? 9) DISTANCE 16"'4 & 7) EPOCH 1833-86
A neat double star, close to the foregoing, in the vacant space
between the Whale's back and the ribbon of Pisces; being exactly in
mid-distance between 7 Pegasi and f Ceti. A 6^, pale topaz; B 9^,
lilac tint. This fine object is 83 ]£[. iv., whose measures on its first
registry were:
Pos. 255° 24' Dist. 17"-03 Ep. 1782'7o
It was next examined by H. and S., thus:
Pos. 255° 21' Dist. 15"-756 Ep. 1821-87
whence there would appear to be no material change in upwards of half
a century; so that the present conclusion is, that the connexion is merely
optical. The distance between them, therefore, on the assumption of a
scale by their respective magnitudes, must be wonderfully vast.
M Oh 57m 07s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 20° 36''9 - N 19'H3
POSITION 160°-4 (w si DISTANCE 30"«2 <ur a) EPOCH 1833*97
A fine double star, both 5J magnitude, and silvery white; on the
dorsal fin of the Northern Fish, with a very small star following; and
about one-third the distance of a line drawn from a Andromeda? to
7 Ceti. An easy object for a moderate telescope, B being T/TS, or
Piazzi's No. 276, Hora 0. It is 9 1^. iv., and was thus registered:
Pos. 170° 00' Dist. 27"'50 Ep. 1779'83
H. and S. thought the distance might have increased, while the position
had retrograded, their measures being :
Pos. 161° 02' Dist 30"-34 Ep. 1822-38
but my observations tend to show fixity, which has been confirmed by
the Dorpat Catalogue. The proper motions in space are thus valued :
P.... JR, + 0"-30 Dec. - 0"-10
B.... + 0"-15 - 0"-02
m Oh 57m 24s PREC. + 3S'27
DEC. N 31° 19'-5 N 19"'42
POSITION AB 293°'5 (* 4) DISTANCE 56"-0 (« 2)
AC 235°-0<»3, _ _ uo-0 '
A coarse triple star, just above the snout of the Northern Fish, where
a line carried from a Andromeda? through S, and 5° beyond, will hit to
the south of it. A 6, deep yellow; B 10 J, blue; C 11, ruddy. This is
a poor object, and merely examined because H. entertained some doubts
of its identity, when S. No. 393, had been measured. The results of
16 I£. v. are registered " pretty accurate ;" and the whole of the obser-
vations stand thus:
y . Pos. 285° 28' Dist. 48"-13 Ep. 1780-59
S. 291° 08' 90" '•+ 1824-94
As there appears to be some error here, I examined the spot closely
for another comes in the direction pointed by A and B; and prevailed
upon the Rev. Mr. Challis to do the same with the great Northumber-
land equatoreal, in 1842. "We are both satisfied that there is no other
measurable star than those I observed in 1832; the only other direct
companion in view being a bluish 9th-magnitude individual, near the
parallel of the sp quadrant, distant about 7' in space. No safe conclu-
sion can be deduced from the discrepancies observable in the position
of A and B, as the object is most delicate, — still an inference of binarity
is deducible from a comparison of the registered epochs of l£[ . and myself,
at the rate of 0°*15 per annum, in a nf direction, indicating a highly
elongated ellipse, with a period of upwards of 2000 years.
2& Oh 57m 23s PREC. + 3S'53
DEC. N 54° 08'-1 N 19"'42
POSITION A B 35°'0 <» i) DISTANCE 50"*0
AC 157*0,-.. 276-0 -
A coarse triple star in the Lady's right elbow, whence, conjointly
with 0, the Arabians termed it Marfak. A 5^, deep yellow; B 14, pale
blue, with a minute comes sf; and C 11, bluish. There are several
small stars in the field, and I was assured by an astronomical friend that
one existed very close to A; but, on reference, both Mr. Chain's with
the Northumberland telescope, and Mr. Dawes with an eight-inch object
glass, make a diagram similar to my own. My friend therefore must
have been mistaken.
This star is in the British Catalogue; but Mr. Baily says he cannot
find a perfect observation of it by Flamsteed. It has, however, so rapid
a course through space, that it should be constantly watched, as its
displacement by proper motion is the largest yet detected among stars
not closely double, and having no obvious peculiarity. This is a state-
ment of the several values :
P.... M -H 5"-70 Dec. - l"'6o
" B.... + 5"-82 - 1"'55
A.... + 5"-80 - l"-55
Now, supposing this star to be about the same distance from the
earth as analogy assigns to its magnitude, its hourly motion cannot be
less than 125,000 miles, under the operation of forces incomprehensible
to the human mind. Indeed, even from this remote speck, its conse-
quences are observable ; for this wonderful movement of A leads it in a
course which forms an angle of 107° from its present vertical; so that in
about six years B — unless participating in its journey through space —
will become due south of A, telescopically speaking.
Just 18' south of /j, is a star which, though of the 6th magnitude, is
not in Piazzi. It is followed nearly on the parallel, about 1 1s off, by a
9th magnitude, and both are remarkable from being red, of a decided
but not deep tint. This object may have had something to do with the
mistakes of Flamsteed respecting //,, alluded to by Mr. Baily. To find
this star by alignment, draw a line from /3 through a, and extend it as
far again as the distance between those two, and p will be seen just
above, with 6 following it.
m Oh 57m 32s PREC. + 3S'09
DEC. N 4° 03'-3 — N 19"'42
POSITION 82°-5 (» 8) DISTANCE 32"- 1 (» 8) EPOCH 1835-88
A fine double star, in the centre of the lehe'it^ or ribbon, connecting
the two Fishes; and it may be found at rather less than a third of the
distance from rj Ceti towards ft Andromedse. A 7i> white ; B 8, pale
lilac. These are 280 and 281 of Piazzi, Hora 0,— and nearly in the
middle of the line of stars running from the Whale's crest, which Vitru-
vius, lib. ix., assures us the Greeks named Hermedone; the which, saith
the French commentator, meaneth, les delices de Mercure; but accord-
ing to B. Baldus, De Ferborum Vilrumanorum, #c., it is merely a knot in
the ribbon of Pisces. When ]j[. registered them 68 iv. they were thus:
Pos. 85° 12' Dist. 29"'GO Ep. 1782*69
About forty years afterwards, they were re-examined by H. and S. :
Pos. 82° 40' Dist. 32" '07 Ep. 1821 '91
Though as ]£[. had said, "in both measures the weather too windy for
accuracy," no rigid deductions were to be drawn from the differences:
by my observations fourteen years after those of H. and S., and under
satisfactory conditions, they appear to be stationary with respect to each
other. But A is accused of having a proper motion in space, very slight,
but to the following amount :
P.... M + 0"-07 Dec. - 0"-02
B.... + 0"-06 - 0"-11
T.... - 0"-02 - 0"-21
M Oh 58m 19s PREC. + 3S'67
DEC. N 60° 44/-0 N 19"'40
A lucid but loose cluster of small stars — principally 9th to 14th
magnitudes, preceded by a 6th — on the robe below the right hip of
Cassiopea ; and it will be caught up, at about one-fourth of the distance,
on a line from 7 towards e. It was discovered by Miss Ilerschel, in
1783, and described by her brother as a "forming cluster of pretty com-
pressed stars." It may therefore be of interest in a future day, on which
account it ought to be rigorously and mathematically figured. Indeed,
rigidly accurate drawings are among the desiderata of sidereal astronomy.
The mean apparent place is differentiated from 7 Cassiopeae.
m lh Om 32s PREC. + 33'00
DEC. S 11° 01'-7 - N 19"'35
POSITION 310°7 <» « DISTANCE 239"-0 (* D EPOCH 1838-93
A bright star with a companion, in a barren field. A 3|, yellow;
B 10, livid, — only two other distant stars in view, one of which is in
the jr/J and the other in the nf quadrant. It is on the monster's flank,
towards the tail, as implied by Dheneb-al-Jenubt-, where it has been
mistaken for the Rana Secunda of the Arabs; but which is /3 Ceti. As
this star is useful in the neighbouring alignments, it may be identified
by being exactly at right angles with a line shot from Fom-al-hut and
carried 8° beyond (3 Ceti : and it is on the same vertical with {3 Andro-
meda?. A is only marked as of e magnitude in Ptolemy; while Tycho
Brahe and Flamsteed make it 3. Had I not adopted Piazzi's magnitudes
for my initial star, I should certainly have put this in the 4th degree. Can
it be variable? Its value of proper motion in space has been stated thus:
P.... M •+• 0"-28 Dec. - 0"-10
B.... + 0"-26 - 0"-12
A.... + 0"'23 - 0"-13
M lh Om 47s PREC. + 3S'32
DEC. N 34° 46'-3 N 19"'34
POSITION 299°-0 («> i) DISTANCE 225"-0 («• D EPOCH 1839-54
A bright star with a distant telescopic companion. A 2, fine yellow;
B 12, pale blue, — and there are several small stars in the field, of which
two form a coarse pair in the *;; quadrant. The delineations of the
Northern Fish and the body of Andromeda here create much confusion;
as the Arabs named (S Andromeda, Jenb-al-muselselah, or the chained
woman's side, and also Batn-al-hut, or the fish's belly. This star, once
in the Fish's head, is now placed on the Lady's right hip, over the
Northern Fish's mouth, whence it was called Mirach, from the mantle or
apron round her; but it became the Mirce of the Alphonsine Tables, which
term was substituted — on Scaliger's suggestion — by Mizdr, girdle; an
amendment, however, that confounded it with £ Ursa? Majoris. There
has been some difference of opinion as to its comparative brilliance. It
is certainly rather dim for the above rating, and Ptolemy enrolled it as
7 only in lustre; but Ulugh Beigh, and all the moderns, have ranked it
of the second magnitude.
This star was of importance, as forming the twenty-eighth and
last Lunar Mansion, called Al Risha, the cord, because the vertical
bight of the Fish's khe'it formed its boundary. The famous Mandzil-al-
Kamar, i. e. Lunar Mansions, constituted a supposed broad circle,' in
Oriental astronomy, divided into twenty-eight unequal parts, correspond-
ing with the moon's course, and therefore called the abodes of the moon.
This was not a bad arrangement for a certain class of gazers, since the
luminary was observed to be in or near one or other of these parts, or
constellations, every night. Though tampered with by astrologers, these
Lunar Mansions were probably the earliest step in ancient astronomy.
An imaginary line drawn from a Ceti, through the two stars in the
head of Aries, will strike upon Mirach; or it will be at a right angle
north of the line carried from /3 Pegasi to a Andromeda, and extended
as far again westward : or in the directions of the poet :
From Markab run a line beneath th' imprison'd Lady's head,
And over delta on her back to Mirach 'twill be led.
Proper motions in space are assigned to Mirach, of which, from careful
comparisons, these are the best values:
P.... M + 0"-35 Dec. - 0"-10
B... -f 0"'29 - 0"-07
A.... + 0"-21 - 0"'08
M lh 2m10s PREC. +16S>47
DEC. N 88° 27''4 N 19"'31
POSITION 209°'9 (» e> DISTANCE 18"-4 <u» 6) EPOCH 183078
210°-1 <» 9) — — 18"-6 (<* 9) 1838-16
A standard Greenwich star, at the tip of the Little Bear's tail, with a
companion in the sp quadrant. A 2^, topaz yellow; B 9^, pale white.
A is Polaris, and from its perpetual apparition in this hemisphere, the
most practically useful star in the heavens, whether to the astronomer or
the seaman; and the want of such a constant reference at the opposite
pole is severely felt. Piazzi devoted much labour to obtain all the
conditions of this remarkable star, and prudently concluded that, in
consequence of the great and inconstant precession in the immediate
vicinity of the pole, it is difficult to separate the proper motions in space
from that element: it was also narrowly watched for the detection of
parallax, from 1802 to 1804, at each season, in January, July, April,
and October, and it was deemed that an absolute quantity of ]"'31 was
fairly deduced. It was first classed double by !£[., being his 1, iv.; and
the mean of his observations for 1779, 1781, and 1782, give:
Pos. 202° 58' Dist. 18"'47 Ep. 1781 '50
But the correction due to precession being necessary from the varia-
tion of an angle of position so near the pole, to reduce the observations
from one date to another, I followed H.'s method; and the amount,
— 2° 39', for the forty-nine years between the above epoch and iny first
measures, brings Ijl.'s position to 205° 37'. M. Struve made a series of
interesting observations on this object from 1814 to 1819, not only to
ascertain the proper motion of both components, but also to deduce the
annual parallax and the aberration of light, and find whether very
small stars give the latter different from the large. But he found so
small a quantity for parallax, ( — 0"'32) that if it was not owing to
inevitable error of observation, it is at least what it ought to be. As to
aberration, he found a constant of 20"* 11 2, indicated by Polaris and its
acolyte, and by other stars = 20"'300.
H. and S. were the next examiners of this interesting star, and from
the result of not fewer than a hundred measures, obtained this general
Pos. 208° 49' Dist. 18"70 Ep. 1823-06
T\re may therefore, on the whole, presume that these stars are
unchanged. A is marked 2'3 magnitude from the rule I have adopted,
otherwise it is not even a very bright third size. It was ranked 7 by
Ptolemy, and Copernicus adopted it; but Tycho elevated it to the 2nd
magnitude; and Kepler who, in the Rudolphine Tables, speaks of it
as vulgo Polaris, rates it the same. At present it is 'only 1° 32'
from the polar point, and by its northerly precession in declination
will gradually approach to within 26' 30" of it. This proximity
to the actual pole will occur in A.D. 2095, but will not recur for 12,860
years. The period of the revolution of the celestial equinoctial pole
about the pole of the ecliptic, is nearly 26,000 years; the north celestial
pole therefore will be, about 13,000 years hence, nearly 49° from the
present polar star.
The alignment rule for rinding this star, is so well known that it
scarcely demands repeating: yet it may be as well to remind the reader,
that an imaginary line through
the two well-known pointers,
a and /3 Ursce Majoris, nearly
passes overit; and once found,
it will not readily be mis-
taken, or forgotten, since, to
the naked eye, it appears
always in the same place.
In the alignment of the
heavens, it may assist rough
estimations to assume the
distance between the Pointers
at 5°, and that between the
Pointers and Polaris at about
30°, which, though not the
true distances, will serve as a gazing scale. The diagram shows the direc-
tion, not the distance, of the Pole-star. From Polaris, lines of direction
may be led to most of the great stars around. Hence the poetaster:
The ever watchful Kokab guards, while Dubhe points the Pole ;
The Pole at rest, sees Heaven's bright host unwearied round him roll.
The use of the Pole-star in navigation is recorded to have been
introduced by Thales; but as it was very anciently called Phcenice, and
that philosopher also resided in Phoenicia, it was probably derived from
the mariners of that nation, and has ever since been the "lode-star"
of seamen. Aratus mentions it as a sure sea-guide, or beacon; saying,
— in voce Germanici —
Certior est Cynosura tamen sulcantibus eequor.
Dryden has happily described the infancy of navigation :
Rude as their ships were navigated then,
No useful compass, or meridian known ;
Coasting they kept the land within their ken,
And knew no^north but when the Pole-star shone.
Among our own seamen, the Stella Maris* or Pole-Star, and its
companions, hare immemorially been under requisition. Recorde tells
us, in the Castle of Knowledge, nearly 300 years ago, that navigators
used two pointers in Ursa, — " which many do call the Shafte, and other
do name the Guardas, after the Spanish tonge." Richard Eden, in 1584,
published his Arte of Navigation, and therein gave rules for the
" starres," among which are special directions for the two called the
Guards, in the mouth of the " home," as the figure was called. See
f3 Ursae Minoris. In the Safegard of Saylers, 1619, are detailed rules
for finding the hour of the night, by the "guardes:" and the Bears
generally were regarded as rustic time-pieces, whence Shakspeare, in the
Gadshill affair, makes the carrier exclaim, " An't be not four by the day,
I'll be hanged: Charles's wain is over the new chimney, and yet our
horse not packed!" As to the Little Bear, the whole animal is swung
round by the tail every twenty-four hours: whence the general name
for the pole was Kotb, which means the spindle or pin fixed in the
under-stone of a mill, around which the stars typifying the upper stone
turn. Hence, also, the Ludentes, or Dancers, of old.
I more than once attempted to fix the place of a little star, called
Blucher, by some of the savans, which precession will have now brought
within 2' of the pole. But being only of the 10th magnitude it is a
difficult object to touch in 1R, and there is a wide companion still smaller.
A nebula, like a dull star, is perceivable near it, and is II. 250, Polaris-
sima ; so called from its proximity to the pole. Insignificant, however,
as is this little star with its warlike name, it is as much the pole point of
the zodiac, as a Draconis is that of the Ecliptic.
Arctos minor, or the Lesser Bear, is not mentioned by Hesiod or
Homer, therefore was probably not yet admitted among the constellations
in that shape: indeed, Cynosura was more likely to have been represented
by a dog. Jacob Bryant, dreaming of Philistines, considers the word as
having been borrowed by the Greeks from Cahen Ourah. Thales is
reported to have formed it, from perceiving the seven principal stars
make a similar figure to the well-known wain of the Great Bear; but
reversed with respect to each other: whence Aratus assures us that both
the Bears — the magna minorqite ferce of Ovid — were called a'//,af a, or
waggons, by the Greeks. But instead of the obtuse-angled projection of
the Great Bear's stern, the Lesser Bear's tail curves gradually till it
reaches the Pole-star. It is, however, a perplexing asterism, from the
number of hours of M it extends over, and its components have been
thus registered:
Ptolemy ... 8 stars Hevelius . . , .12 stars
Tycho Brahe . . 20 Flamsteed ... 24
Kepler .... 21 Bode 75
It appears that Ursa minor was a favourite constellation among
the Arabians, who called the pole-star Jedi, or the Kid; and Al
Kaukah-al-shemdlt, the Northern star, an appellation originally given
to /3, which in Ptolemy's time was nearer to the pole than a. On the
Cufico-Arabic globe, described by Assemani, the asterism is written
Al Dubb-al-ashgar: and in the Alphonsine Tables it is corruptly termed
Alrucaba^ which term has been discussed by Grotius, Hyde, and Ideler,
as grounded in Hebrew, Chaldaic, or Arabic. We are told that the pole
was also termed Al Kiblah, because of the obligation in Mahometan
prayer to know which way the head is. To find the kiblah in an
unknown place, they looked to Polaris and could thereby readily orientize
themselves. To this necessity we are considered to be indebted for the
astronomy of the Abbaside Caliphs.
m Ih2m 31s PREC. + 3s- 1 2
DEC. N 8° 42'-0 — N 19 '30
POSITION 291°'0 (w n DISTANCE 35"'0 («• n EPOCH 1836-89
A very delicate double star. A 8, white; B 14, pale blue; and the
two point upon a third star at a distance in the np quadrant. This
object is in the space between the two Fishes, nearly in mid-distance
between 77 Andromedae and 6 Ceti, where A is the apex of a triangle
formed with two other stars, one to the sp and the other to the np. It
is Xo. 634 of H/s Second Series, and with its minute companion forms
a very delicate, though wide, object. From the small star's bearing no
illumination, the angle and distance are mere estimations.
M lh 5m 4s PREC. + 3S«23
DEC. N 23° 44'-l — X 19"'24
POSITION 226°-5 (« 2) DISTANCE 9"-0 <» i) EPOCH 183479
A pretty close double star. A 6, orange; and B 13, flushed. This
beautiful object is on the ventral fin of the Northern Fish, at a little
more than half the distance from 7 Pegasi towards a Trianguli; and
though marked "objectum subtile" by .£., it is steadily seen through my
telescope. But it is singular that Piazzi says of it, " Duplex. Comes in
eodem verticali, admodum exigua et ad austrum." He certainly could
hardly have seen it double with his instrument, as it now is; but the
acolyte may be variable. Z.'s epoch is registered:
Pos. 227°'52 Dist. 7"-98 Ep. 1832-06
M lh 5m 21s PREC. + 3S'51
DEC. N 6° 43'7 N 19"' 23
POSITION 63°'7 (w 9) DISTANCE 23"'3 (" 9) EPOCH 1834*88
63°-8 (w 9) 23"-4 <« 9) 1839-05
A neat double star. A 6, silver white; B 8, pale grey. This fine
and easy object was classed 8 IjjL iv., and it is on a bend of the band
which joins the two Fishes; it constitutes Piazzi's Nos. 16 and 17, of
Hora 1, and by a reduction of his apparent places, the following some-
what vague comparison is obtained:
y. Pos. 67° 23' Dist. 22"'19 Ep. 1779'80
P. 63° 20' 19"'60 1800
whence, after an interval of sixty years, my observations point out but
little change, and even that little is chargeable to errors of observation:
every honest and careful statement, however, is increasing in value with
the improvement of instruments. The large star may be variable.
Ptolemy calls it 8 in lustre, and he is followed by Ulugh Beigh, Tycho
Brahe, and Hevelius. Mr. Baily says, " This star is stated, in the British
Catalogue, to be of the 4th magnitude; but in the original observations
it is nowhere stated to be more than the 5th; and in one place it is
marked as the 6th, but afterwards altered to the 5th, which I have
retained." A slight proper motion in space is assigned, of these values :
P...JR- 0"'01 Dec. + 0"-03
£.... + 0"-19 - 0"'06
A.... + 0"'i7 - 0"-09
71.... + 0"'02 -I- 0"'04
f Piscium slightly precedes an occult line drawn between /3 Ceti and
a Trianguli, and is nearly in the mid-distance.
M lh 6m 19s PREC. + 3S'01
DEC. S 8° 47''1 N 19"-21
POSITION AB 332°*3 («« 9) DISTANCE 50"'6 (w 8)
CD 341-1 ,. e, aO"-6<,4,| EP°CH1
A wide quadruple star. A 6, white; B 7i^ light blue; C 8, yellow;
and D 10, violet. This fine, though coarse, object is on the monster's
tail joint, over 77 to the nf, and preceding 6 by a little more than 2°.
Of the components, the larger pair are 24 Ip. v., of which the first
register was :
Pos. 332° 36' Dist. 45"'15 Ep. 1783-G5
The results obtained from Piazzi's mean places, and those from the
micrometrical measures of H. and S., are :
P. Pos. 332° 18' Dist. 48" '00 Ep. 1800
H. and S. 332° 27' 50"'78 1823-79
whence, compared with my own measures, taken under the finest cir-
cumstances, it appears that the position has remained unaltered, — and
the difference of distance may be imputed to some oversight in the read-
ings. 37 Ceti has, moreover, a sensible proper motion, and in giving
the registered amount of it, I must add, that my meridional reductions
countenance its existence; it is according to
B.... JR -f 0"-11 Dec. + 0"-33
A.... + 0"-06 + 0"-29
2T.... + 0"-27 + 0"'34
A line drawn through A B, points to a fine double star rather low
down in the np quadrant, and there are several other stars in the field;
a pretty bright one following at a A JR =. 26s. The second set, observed
by me, or C D, form a miniature of the first pair, and are 77 IjL rv.
They precede A by about 32s, and are 15' to the north of it; they were
thus, when first registered:
Pos. 333° 24' Dist. 19"-10 Ep. 1782'73
and Sir James South, No. 396, found it :
Pos. 337° 34' Dist. 19"'89 Ep. 1825-30
whence we may conclude, that no sensible change has occurred in the
distance in 52 years, but that there may be a slow direct motion in the
orbital angle.
M lh 9m 10s PREC. + 3S'69
DEC. N 57° £#£ - N 19"-U
POSITION 315°-0 (* i) DISTANCE 15"-0 (» i) EPOCH 1837'66
A minute double star, in a cluster between the Lady's right knee
and her elbow. A 9, and BIO, both white. This brilliant aigrette-
shaped group of large and small stars, was discovered by l£[. on the 18th
of October, 1787, and is No. 97 of H/s Catalogue. In the centre is the
fine double star before us, the position and distance of which are very
carefully estimated. There is a star of the 7th magnitude at the sf verge
of the field, which is very bright and white. The cluster is close to </>,
and though differentiated from that star, was also observed with the
meridian instruments.
The euphonist may be reminded, that the apparently barbarous
Gallicism "differentiated,11 which occurs so frequently, is a technical
expression for the manner of fixing the object's place.
M lh 10m 28s PREC. + 3S'89
DEC. N 63° 49'-0 - N 19"-10
POSITION 352°*5 (w 8) DISTANCE 49"'7 (*» 9) EPOCH 1830-39
A wide double star, on the lower part of the Lady's drapery, and the
following of four stars describing a lozenge; which may be fished up
by carrying a line from 8 towards the Pole-star, and intersecting it
at rather less than 5°. A 7> white; B 9, flushed, — and there are two
other brightish stars in the field. In case the claim of this object to
being Flamsteed's 35 should be disputed, it may be said that B is
Piazzi's No. 39, and A is No. 40, Hora 1; and they constitute also
81 IJ. v., which, when first registered, was:
Pos. 355° 12' Dist. 42" -58 Ep. 1782-56
By Sir James South, No. 397, it was:
Pos. 352° 53' Dist. 50" -36 Ep. 1824-84 )
whence there seems to be hardly any appreciable change in the position,
though there is a greater variation in the distance than would be ex-
pected on an object which bears the lamp so well, and admits of such
easy measurement. If there were no instrumental errors, a retrograde
orbital movement might be inferred: but a reduction of Piazzi's mean
places would imply a slight direct motion, his angle for 1800 being =r 349°.
LI. 42 CETI.
M lh llm 38s PREC. + 3S'06
DEC. S 1° 21'-0 — N 19"-07
POSITION 3320>8 (w 9) DISTANCE l/x>2 (v> 4) EPOCH 1834-84
A close double star, in the space between the Whale's back, and the
khe'it, or band of Pisces, about 10° north of 77 Ceti, on the line towards
a Trianguli. A 6, bright white; B 8, white. A beautiful object, but
very difficult to measure in distance: it is No. 113 of 5*., who terms the
components vicince; and as his last measures were
Pos. 334°-30 Dist. 1"-177 Ep. 1836-91
it seems to have a direct angular movement, to the amount of about
00<700 per annum: but this requires verification. A proper motion in
space is moreover attributed to the star A, to the following values:
P.... M + 0"-06 Dec. + 0"-05
B.,.. + 0"-06 - 0"-02
m lh 14m 42s PREC. + 4S-09
DEC. N 67° 17'*5 - N 18"«99
POSITION AB 102°-1 (u> 9) DISTANCE 31"'9 (» 9)1
> EPOCH 1836-28
- BC 252°-6 (« 2) - 2"-0 (« i)J
A fine triple star, close to the lower part of the Lady's throne, and in
a line between Polaris and 8 Cassiopeae, at rather less than a third of the
distance from the latter. A 4^, orange tint; B 9, blue; C 11, reddish.
This object was first seen triple by ^?., and forms No. 117 of his grand
Catalogue, where it shows :
Pos. AB 101°'77 Dist. 32" -22) „ ,00,.^
BC 253°'32 3"-01/ ^P- M
The two first formed 83 ]$.. v., and were thus measured by him :
Pos. 102° 12' Dist. 33"-41 Ep. 1782-66
H. and S., who overlooked C, found AB =
Pos. 101° 19' Dist. 33" -35 Ep. 1822-90
which, compared with my measures of A and B, show that these indivi-
duals are only optically double, having experienced no change in position
or distance. "Whether B and C are bodies physically connected, remains
for future observers to determine. They form a delicate test. The large
star has certainly a proper motion, though unnoticed by Piazzi and
Argelander. Mr. Baily has given me as the quantity in JR + 0"'43, and
Dec. + 0"'04; and my reductions, though not delicate enough to decide,
countenance the amount.
m lh 18m 51s PREC. + Ss'89
DEC. N 61° 2T'S N 1S"'87
An open cluster, on the Lady's leg, and nearly in mid-distance from
e towards 7. It is a gathering of large and small stars, with glimpses
of star-dust of considerable extent, and irregular figure; but a few of
the principal individuals assume a form not unlike that of an hour-
glass. There is no particular compression or condensation of the stars
to suggest the existence of a central force; yet the group is sumciently
separated to indicate its forming a peculiar system of its own. The
mean apparent place was carefully differentiated from 8 Cassiopeae.
M lh 20m 00s PREC. + 3S'13
DEC. N 7° 07'-8 — N 18"-84
POSITION 98°'7 (» 6) DISTANCE 68"-3 (w 6) EPOCH 1836-99
A star with a distant companion, in the space between the Fishes,
in front of the Ram; and nearly half-way from 77 Ceti towards a Trian-
guli. A 7, yellow; B 8^, pale hlue, being Piazzi's No. 87- It is a
coarse object, in a poor field, and was first micrometrically measured by
Sir J. South, who numbered it 398, and obtained these results :
Pos. 98° IT Dist. 69"'75 Ep. 1825-00
which are nearly identical with those which I afterwards found. The
mean apparent places must have been well settled by Piazzi, since the
reductions bring out the following conditions for 1800, viz.: Position 97°,
and Distance 67"'60.
M lh 22m 41s PREC. + 3S'88
DEC. N 59° 51'-6 - N 18"-75
POSITION 140°'9 (w 8) DISTANCE 14"-4 (w 4) EPOCH 1832-66
A neat double star in a cluster, on Cassiopea's knee, about a degree to
the nfofS. A 7, straw coloured; B 9, dusky blue. This is a fan-shaped
group, diverging from a sharp star in the irf quadrant. The cluster is
brilliant from the splash of a score of its largest members, the four
principal ones of wrhich are from the 7th to the 9th magnitude; and
under the largest, in the sft is a red star of the 8th magnitude, which
must be that mentioned by H., No. 126 of his Catalogue of 1833.
My attention was first drawn to this object, by seeing it among X's
acervi; but I soon found that it was also the 103 which Messier describes
so vaguely, as being between 8 and e Cassiopea?, whereas it is pretty
close to 8, on the Lady's knee.
LVI. 100 13. I. CETI.
M lh 23m 20s PREC. + 2S«99
DEC. S 7° 41x-8 N 18" -73
A tolerably bright round nebula, of a pearly tint, just above the
Whale's back; discovered and registered by Sir William Herschel, in
September, 1785. The field is very interesting, for nearly south of the
little nebula is a neat double star, the components of which are of
the 9th and llth magnitudes, the latter in the .s/" quadrant ; and there
are three other telescopic stars on the northern verge. A line from the
pair above to the minute star below, would fall just before the nebula.
m lh 24m 51s PREC. + 3S'35
DEC. N 29° 51'-3 - N 18"-69
A large and distinct, but faint pale white nebula, in the precincts of
Trianguluni, between it and the head of the Northern Fish; with a bright
star a little H/?, and five others following at a distance, between which
and the object, there is an indistinct gleam of mere nebulous matter. It
was discovered by Messier in 1764; and to Ij[. had a mottled aspect
under his seven-foot reflector, in 1783: but afterwards applying a larger
telescope, he resolved it into stars — "the smallest points imaginable."
By a method of turning the space-penetrating power of his instrument
into a gradually increasing series of gauging powers, he considered the
profundity of this cluster must be of the 344th order: i. e., 344 times
the distance of Sirius from the earth. It is No. 131 of H.'s Catalogue
of 1833; and the above place is obtained by differentiation from a Tri-
anguli, from which it is about 4°, and just north of a line run from that
star to S Andromeda?.
M lh 25m 52s PREC. + 4?-59
DEC. N 72° 13'-3 N 18"-65
POSITION 240°-5 (» 2) DISTANCE 42"'0 (w i) EPOCH 1834-95
A double star between the feet of Cassiopea and Cepheus, where
a line from S carried a little east of T/T, and about 5° further, will
strike it. A 6, yellow; and B 12, pale blue. This is a delicate though
rather wide object; and is one of the principal members of Custos
Messiwn, an asterism placed by Lalande between Rangifer and Cassiopea,
in poorish punning compliment to his friend Messier, the " comet-ferret."
The first register I find of it, is No. 2054 of H.'s Fifth Series. It is in
a poor field, but about 10' or 11' to the sp is 5?s curious nebula No. 2;
and nearly following it, about 4s, is a pair of minute stars lying across
the parallel, about 10" apart.
The star A has had a small motion in space assigned to it, of which
the following are the most authentic values:
P.... I& - 0"-16 Dec. - 0"'15
B.... - 0"-12 + 0"'02
T.... - 0"-21 + 0"-13
M lh 26m 22s PREC. + 3S'17
DEC. N 11° 44'-3 - N 18"' 64
POSITION 78°-9 (w 7) DISTANCE 15"-9 (» 7) EPOCH 1833-86
A neat double star. A 7, white; B 8, pale grey. This fine object
is on the ribbon under the tail of the Northern Fish, and forms Piazzi's
Nos. Ill and 112 of Hora 1; a line from a Arietis through 7, the first
and third of the Ram's head, hits upon 100 Piscium, at about 8° south-
west of 7. It is, as H. and S. have remarked, a miniature of 77 Piscium,
but not so faint in my telescope as to render the measures at all difficult.
It was classed by ]J[. 131, iv., and thus measured:
Pos. 85° 00' Dist. 15"-88 Ep. 1783'59
It was then rigidly examined by H. and S., who made it:
Pos. 80° 25' Dist. 16"-01 Ep. 1821-91
showing a slow np sf> or retrograde orbital change, which appears to be
confirmed by my measurements. This movement is also countenanced
by Piazzi's mean apparent places, from which we find that, in 1800,
B was at an angle from A = 83°; so that, under all the conditions,
there is presumptive evidence of an angular retrocession = — 0°*120
per annum. Ulterior measures will be very desirable, since the slow
progress indicates so long a period for an active revolution of the satellite,
that if the orbit be circular, 3000 years may be estimated.
LX. 123 P. I. PISCIUM.
m lh 27m 41s PREC. + 3s' 13
DEC. N 6° 49'-5 - N 18"-59
POSITION 19°-8 (» 7) DISTANCE l"-5 (» 3) EPOCH 1832-86
- 26°-9 (w 9) l"-4 (w 4) - 1843-10
An interesting close double star, in the space between the two Fishes,
and the meander of the ribbon, about 15° from /3 Arietis, or nearly
half-way on a line from that star towards 77 Ceti. A 6^, yellowish ; B 8,
pale white,— a third star following at some distance; probably Piazzi's
" sequitur alia 6* magnitudinis 8X circiter ad Boream." This beautiful
object is No. 92 of y/s List of 145, and was registered by him in
October, 1792. From his remark that the stars were less than half a
diameter asunder, they must be widening; and in 1801 he found the
angle of position to be only about 10°. 2. entered it among the vicince
on his First Class, and his results are :
Pos. 20° 00' Dist. l"-467 Ep. 1830'23
"We may hence infer that this attendant comes has, during the last
forty-two years, been performing a small north-east portion of its orbit;
although its great proximity to the primary renders the circle so small as
to greatly increase the necessity of long periods for obtaining satisfactory
conclusions. To M. Savary, — who has the merit of having first deter-
mined the elliptical elements of the orbit of a binary star from observa-
tion,— we are indebted for a very ingenious suggestion, by which the
dimensions of such orbit may be known. This method depends on the
fact that light does not move instantaneously, but with a certain definite
velocity, so that a specific time elapses between the moment when the
ray leaves a luminous body and that when it enters our eye. To apply
this, in the present case, would be difficult indeed, since its accuracy
must depend upon knowing the position of the orbit with regard to the
eye; and noting exactly when the errant star is at the two opposite
points of its orbit. Could these conditions be exact, the result is readily
amenable to calculation; for admitting one of these components to revolve
round the other in an orbit which is nearly parallel to our line of vision,
it is evident that the one half of its orbit will be nearer us than the other,
and that at the most distant point of its course the star will be removed
from us to a distance nearly equal to the whole diameter of its orbit
further than when at the point which is nearest the earth. Hence
Sa Vary's rule: Observe the apparent times occupied by any revolving
star, in going through the two halves of its orbit; and half the difference
of these times will be the period in which light passes through the
diameter of its orbit.
The principle of this is beautiful; and were it reducible to practice,
the dimensions of such orbit could be approximated, — for as the velocity
of light is a known quantity, the diameter may therefore be computed
in miles if desired. But in addition to the obstacles already cited, the
long interval of time which must intervene before such an observation
can be completed, is a serious difficulty; as well as deciding upon the
respective brilliance of the binary components.
m lh 32m 23s PREC. + 3S'31
DEC. N 24° 56'-l N 18"--i4.
POSITION 29°'2 (u> 2) DISTANCE 12"'5 (u> i) EPOCH 1836-87
A neat double star in a barren field over the horn of Aries, which is
readily found by carrying a line from ft Arietis, the middle star in the
Ram's head, to {3 Andromeda?, at somewhat less than one- third of the
distance : a thwart line from /3 through a Trianguli passes just to the
south of it, 5^° from a. A 6^, cream yellow; B 13, blue, — and there
is a small blue star near the vertical of the np quadrant. This very
delicate object is No- 145 of I?., who thus measured it :
Pos. 30° 30' Dist. 11"-30 Ep. 1830-06
M lh 32m 16s PREC. + 3s'7l
DEC. N 50° 46'-5 - N 18"-44
POSITION 217°-0 (» i) DISTANCE 45"'0 (« i) EPOCH 1837*79
An oval pearly white nebula, nearly half-way between 7 Andromedae
and & Cassiopese ; close to the toe of Andromeda, though figured in the
precincts of Perseus. It trends north and south, with two stars pre-
ceding by 11s and 50s, and two following nearly on the parallel, by
19s and 36s; and just np of it is the double star above registered, of
which A is 9, white; and B 14, dusky. When first discovered, Mechain
considered it as a mass of nebulosity; but Messier thought it was a com-
pressed cluster; and l£[. that it was an irresolvable double nebula. It
has an intensely rich vicinity, and with its companions, was closely
watched in my observatory, as a gauge of light, during the total eclipse
of the moon, on the 13th of October, 1837, being remarkably well seen
during the darkness, and gradually fading as the moon emerged. In
1842, I consulted Mr. Challis upon the definition of this nebula in
the great Northumberland equatoreal, and he replied : " I looked at
the nebula, as you desired, and thought it had a spangled appearance.
The resolution, however, was very doubtful."
M lh 33m 05s PREC. + 4S-02
DEC. N 61° 04'-9 N 18"-41
A cluster of stars from the 10th to the 1 4th magnitudes, just below
the Lady's right knee; and nearly in mid-distance between S and e.
It is somewhat of a triangular shape, and about 2" or 3' in diameter; the
hypotenuse is well defined by the three brightest stars in the field, of
which the central one is orange-coloured, and of the 8i magnitude,
perhaps Sir William Herschers "ruddy": from analogy it is between
us and the components of the cluster. This object was discovered and
registered in November, 1787.
m lh 33m 24s PREC. + 3S'83
DEC. N 55° 04/-1 N 18"'40
POSITION 120°-0 (» i) DISTANCE 10"-0 (« i) EPOCH 183574
A double star, A 8, pale white; B 12, dusky. In a loose cluster,
between the weapon of Perseus and the elbow of Cassiopea, one-third
the distance from a of the latter to a of the former constellation: and it
may be fished up by carrying a line from K Cassiopeae through y to double
the distance beyond. It was discovered by H., and consists of a gathering
of small stars, of 10th to 13th magnitude, divided into two distinct
groups; one sfof A, and the other nf. It is a neat but difficult double
star, whose angle of position and distance from each other, were very
carefully estimated. These observations were made during a vivid and
strongly coloured Aurora Borealis.
M lh 33m 50s PREC. + 3S*26
DEC. N 19° 29'-4 - N 18"-39
POSITION 318°-3 (*> 2) DISTANCE 55"-0 (w i) Epoch 1837*03
A double star, just before the horn of Aries, where it is the apex of
an isosceles triangle, of which ft and 7 Arietis form the base. A 5^,
pale yellow; and B 14, dusky. This is a very delicate but wide object
in a barren field, with a minute star in the nf towards the vertical. It is
No. 2071 of H.'s Fifth Series. The comes is so minute that light is
inadmissible; the position is therefore gained by the spherical crystal
micrometer, and the distance carefully estimated. The following proper
motion through space has been assigned to A:
P.... XL - 0"-32 Dec. - 0"'57
£.... - 0"-27 - 0"-66
A.... - 0"-30 - 0"-67
M lh 35m 17s PREC. + 4S'02
DEC. N 60° 26'-l N 18//-34
POSITION 70°-2 ;tc 2) DISTANCE 8"'0 (u> i) EPOCH 183370
A neat double star, in a cluster near the Lady's right knee ; and it
may be found by drawing a line from a through 8, and carrying it about
2i° further, A 9, and B 10^, both bluish. This object is in an elegant
field of large and small stars, from a certain degree of brilliance down
to infinitesimal points; but without any disposition to form, except that
the larger members incline towards a parallelogram in which there are
several coarse pairs. In the sp quadrant of this cluster, is a fine ruby
star of the 8th magnitude.
M lMlm19s PREC. + 3s-29
DEC. N 21° 28'-7 - N 18"-12
POSITION 171°-1 (to 6) DISTANCE 2"'6 (» 3) EPOCH 1831-98
>8) - 2"-4(»6) - .1836-11
A close double star, on the Ram's horn, about 1J° from /3 on a line
towards 0 Andromedae. A 6, topaz yellow; B 8, smalt blue. This fine
object was classed by ]p. as 73, i., and was thus registered:
Pos. 167° 24' Dist. 3"'0± Ep. 1782-98
It was then measured by S. as Bode's 304 Piscium :
Pos, 172° 26' Dist. 3" -378 Ep. 1823-98
which encouraged an opinion of a motion in orbit === + 0°*123 per
annum. ' But my observations, taken with rigorous care, do not confirm
this, any more than do those of J£., which have since arrived in this
country. Nor do I think the stars are approaching each other, for the
measures are as correspondent as, under all the conditions of the case,
can be expected. The early distances of I£L, estimated by diameters of the
stellar discs, were but approximations, since, exclusive of that important
element, the magnifying power, it would alter according to atmospheric
and other circumstances at the time of observation. As an example of
the method, we may here give the remarks for this star's distance:
" With 227, about | diameter of L; with 460, full 1£, or about 1J of L,
when best seen."
m lh 43m 83s PREC. + 3S-17
DEC. N 10° Ol'-O • N 18"-03
POSITION 194°-1 (w 8) DISTANCE 3"-6 (w 6) EPOCH 1834*99
A close double star. A 7i, and B 8, both lucid white. This
beautiful object, though catalogued of the Whale, is on the fore leg of
Aries; with a distant telescopic star near the vertical sf, and another
near the parallel, — but the field is otherwise barren. It will readily be
fished up, by drawing an imaginary line from a Trianguli through
7 Arietis, and carrying it about 8^° to the southward, or nearly as far
beyond. It is ^.'s First Class, No. 178, and was first measured thus:
Pos. 192° 48' Dist. 3"-12 Ep. 1825'81
m !M3m34s PREC. + 2s- 95
DEC. S 11° 07'- 6 N 1S"-03
POSITION 40°-4 (» s) DISTANCE 165"-0 (* i) EPOCH 1835-87
A bright star, with a distant companion, in a poor field. A 3, topaz
yellow; B 9, white, with a small star to the nf. This object is in the
midst of the Whale's body, whence it was called bain Ka'itos, the belly of
Cetus, by the Arabian astronomers. It is on the line from 6 towards TT,
and about one third of the distance from the former; and a ray carried
from v through f will stretch out to 0 Andromedse. A has a slight
movement in space, but the value and direction are differently stated:
P.... Si - 0"-16 Dec. + 0"-11
Br... + 0"-11 + 0"'14
B.... + 0"-06 - 0"-12
M lh 43m 42s PREC. + 3S'56
DEC. N 39° 56'-2 - N 18"-03
POSITION 350°-0 (» i) DISTANCE 25"-0 (w i) EPOCH 1832-95
A most delicate double star, on the Lady's right leg, about 3° from 7
Andromedse, a little south of the line from that star towards ft. A 5^,
yellow ; B 16, bluish. This is No. 1094 of H.'s Fourth Series, and
designated by him " a fine specimen of a nebulous star." It is singular
that it was marked nebulous by Flamsteed, in the British Catalogue,
perhaps in consequence of some small stars near it. It sometimes had a
burred aspect to my gaze, and the companion was only caught by
intense attention, and then only by evanescent glimpses, being a minimum
visibile for my telescope: its position and distance are therefore only
estimated. Is the intense blue which some of these mere points of light
present, an optical illusion? Pigott suspected A of variability.
The acolyte of this object being of the last degree of faintness, it was
necessary to apply that singular method of obtaining a view, viz. to avert
the eye, and direct it to another part of the field. H. accounts for the
success of this stratagem, by supposing the lateral portions of the retina
to be less exhausted than the central ones.
M lh 43m 58s PREO. + 3S*38
DEC. N 28° 47'* 8 N 18"-02
POSITION 179°-0 (* i) DISTANCE 110"'0 (» i) EPOCH 1834-67
A bright star with a telescopic companion. A 3^, yellow; B 11,
lilac. This object is at the preceding angle of Deltoton, and, except a
lOth-magnitude star near the sf vertical beyond B, is in a barren field.
It is the apex of a large oblique-angled triangle, the base of which is formed
to the np and nf by ft and 7 Andromedae: and it is also 6° beyond
a Arietis, on a line brought from 7 Ceti. It was named by the Arabians
Rds al Mothallath, or tfc Caput Trianguli;" and has had this amount of
proper motion through space assigned to it:
P.... M -t- 0"-04 Dec. - 0"'36
£.... + 0"-06 - 0"-21
A.... + 0"-03 - 0"-23
Though small, Triangulum, Deltoton, or Trigonus, is one of the
ancient 48 asterisms, and is supposed to have derived its name from the
Egyptian Delta; but others insist that the Triangle alludes to Trinacria,
or Sicily; an island favoured by Ceres, and whence her planet was lately
revealed to Piazzi. The members have been thus numbered:
Ptolemy ... 4 stars Flamsteed . . .16 stars
Bayer .... 5 Piazzi .... 25
Hevelius ... 9 Bode 33
Several very old illustrations delineate Deltoton as an equilateral
triangle, with a star at each angle — "in unoquoque angulo unum;" but
it has latterly been drawn as a scalene figure. Anciently there was only
a single triangle, but Hevelius took three other stars between it and the
head of Aries, to form Triangulum minus: the figure, however, is dis-
continued. A line drawn from Sheratan to APmak passes the lucida
Trianguli, at about one-third of the distance.
M lh 44m 45s PREC. + 3S>27
DEC. N 18° 30'-5 N 17"'99
POSITION 360°0 (« 7) DISTANCE 9"'l (» 6) EPOCH 1833-07
359°-8 (» 9) 8"-8 (w 9) 1837-93
A neat double star, the duplicity of which was discovered by Dr.
Hook, in 1664. A 4J, bright white; and B 5, pale grey. This fine
object is formed by Piazzi's Nos. 196 and 197, Hora 1, and is placed at
the lower bend of the Ram's horn, where it precedes /3 and a; it is
followed in the nf, but nearly on the parallel, and about 3''5 distant, by
the 9th-magnitude star which that astronomer describes. A and B are
9 I£ . m., and these are the results of the earliest recognition of them as
a pair; with reductions from the Palermo Catalogue:
1$. Pos. 356° 05' Diat. 10"*17 Ep. 1779-68
P. 360° 00' 8"'90 1800
From observations made by IjJ. twenty-three years afterwards, he
concluded the orbital angle to have increased; but the subsequent
measures of H. S. 5*. D. and myself, indicate little or no change. It
is certainly a beautiful pair, in a powerful instrument. " "What would
Cassini say," demands IjE., "if he were to view the first star of Aries,
which appeared to him as split in two, through a telescope that will
show ?} Corona Borealis, and h Draconis to be double stars?"
The larger member of this compound has these proper motions in space:
P.... Si + 0"'15 Dec. - 0"'12
£.... + 0"-10 + 0"-09
Dr. Hook mentions that the telescope shows some stars, which appear
single, to consist of two or more, so close, that to the naked eye both the
images falling upon one single filament of the tunica retinae, make but
one impression upon the brain. " Of this kind," he continues, " the
most remarkable is the star in the left horn of Aries, which, whilst
I was observing the comet which appeared in the year 1664, and followed
till he passed by this star, I took notice that it consisted of two small
stars very near together: a like instance to which I have not else met
with in all the heaven." There are some thousands now detected!
7 Arietis has been called the first star in Aries, because it was once
the nearest to the equinoctial point: it was named Mesartim, owing
to an erroneous deduction by Bayer from the word Sartai, a corruption
of Al Sharatain, which is the next star.
m lh 4»m 49s PREC. + 3S'28
DEC. N 20° Or-4 N 17"'94
POSITION 1980>8 («> i) DIFFERENCE M — 7S<4 (« i) EPOCH 1835-99
A bright star with a distant companion, in a barren field near the tip
of the Ram's horn, being the middle one of the three stars known as the
Ram's head. A 3, pearly white; B 11, dusky, a still smaller star in the
sf quadrant. This object was named Sheratan or Sharataln^ the dual
of shard*, a sign, signifying y and y3, the two bright stars in the head
of the Ram; with an interval between them and a, says Kazwini, of two
bans, by eye- measurement: said ka»s being used as synonymous with
the astronomical ell of 2°. An imaginary line from the Pleiades to
Markab, passes between them in the mid-distance of that line. They
formed the first Lunar Mansion, if Kazwini is preferred to Dr. Sedillot.
A proper motion is given to A of the following value :
P.... JR + 0"-14 Dec. - 0"-23
B.... + 0"-12 - 0"-11
2R Ih46m40s PREC. + 3S>51
DEC. N 37? 27''9 — N 17"'91
POSITION 302°-4 (» 9) DISTANCE 176"-2 (w 7) EPOCH 1834-13
A pair of stars between the Triangle and the Lady's right knee, both
of the 6th magnitude, and both yellow, being Piazzi's admirably observed
Nos. 203 and 204, Hora 1. These stars are suspected of physical con-
nection, principally on the ground that their identity of movement in
space implies their union in some vast system. Their proper motions
Lave lately been rigidly inquired into, and the following results registered:
B. No. 203 m + 0"-06 Dec. - 0"-01
204 + 0"-24 + 0"'04
A. No. 203 ]R + 0"-03 Dec. - 0"-02
204 + 0"-21 + 0"-01
This object is readily identified, by carrying a line from TT Andro-
medae through /3, and extending it about 10° beyond the latter; and it
is also nearly in mid-distance between Al'mak and Mothallath.
m lh 47m 38s PREC. + 3S'08
DEC. N 1° 03'-2 - N l7"'87
POSITION 62°-9 (*> 6) DISTANCE l"-5 (w 3) EPOCH 1833-83
A close double star, on the sf extreme of the Fishes' khe'it, or ribbon ;
and it lies on a line shot from f Piscium to a Arietis, at about a third
of the distance. A 7? silvery white; and B 7i> white. Piazzi notes
No. 209 as being 84 IjjL v., but he evidently alludes to the distant com-
panion in the np quadrant. This very fine object, resembling TJ Coronce,
is 2's No. 186, and registered " vicinae" in the Catalogue of 1827; it
has since been thus measured at Dorpat:
Pos. 64°-72 Dist. l//-232 Ep. 1831 -12
m 1* 49m 02s PREC. + 3S'32
DEC. N 22° 48'-S N 17"'82
POSITION 45°-6 (w 7) DISTANCE 36/x-9 (w 7) EPOCH 1830-96
A fine double star, on the root of the Ram's horn ; pointed at by a
line through y and /3, and is the apex of an oblique triangle of which
a and /3 form the base. A 5£, yellowish white; B 8, blue. This
optical object was first registered b/^. thus:
Pos. 48° 00' Dist. 36"-61 Ep. 1779'83
which, compared with the subsequent measures, shews no greater change,
than the nature of observation, and the amount of proper motions charge-
able on A, would lead us to expect; they are to this amount:
P.... SL - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"*03
£r... - 0"-11 _ 0"-05
B.... - 0"-08 - 0"-00
M lh 50m 34s PREC. + 3S'27
DEC. N 18° 13'-6 N 17"76
A round nebula, closely following 7 on the neck of the Ram, where it
may be fished for on a line carried from a Trianguli 4^° below X Arietis.
It is large and pale, but brightens in the centre. Jj[. classed it in
November, 1785, and considered it "not easily resolvable;" but still H.,
No. 181, distinguished it through a thick cloud. It lies among some
small stars, the most conspicuous of which form a curve across the south
part of the field. Its place was carefully differentiated from 7 Arietis.
m lh 50m 43s PREC. + 3S'30
DEC. N 20° 16'-7 N 17"-75
POSITION AB 53°'0 («? i) DISTANCE 2"'5 (w m
- AC 165°-0 (w 2) — 40"-0 (» i)l EPOCH 1834 99
AD 359°'2 (w 2) — - Kjo^'O (w 2))
A quadruple star, in mid -distance between a and 7, under the Ram's
ear, lying nearly at right angles with the vertical. A 6, topaz yellow;
B 15, deep blue; C 10, lilac; and D 9, pale blue. This is an exquisite
object, of which the three southern members form No. 196 of 5*.'s grand
Catalogue, under these measures:
Pos. AB 53°'53 Dist. 2"'370l p IDQOMO
AC167°'38 39"-460/ EP' 1832 42
This group is most difficult to observe, and the results are rather
estimations than measures, particularly those of A B. Still, under every
disadvantage, it forms an admirable test to try the light and distinctness
of a telescope.
LXXIX. 227 P. I. CETI.
M lh 5im 49s PREC. + 3S'U
DEC. N 6° 08H N 17"'70
POSITION BC 1 13°'9 («> 5) DISTANCE 43"-6 (» s) EPOCH 1834-87
A star pointing to a distant pair, close under the Ram's fore-foot;
half-way on a line projected from f Ceti to a Arietis. A 7£> yellowish;
B 8, light blue; C 9J, violet. This is a coarse object, of which A is
assumed as a pointer to B, a star which bears from it 183°'7> with
A JRr= 4Stl; and is the apex of a scalene triangle, formed with another
star there, the shortest side of which is here measured as B C.
M lh 53m 38s PREC. + 3S'47
DEC. N 32° 30'-5 N 17"'63
POSITION 110°'0 (»i) DISTANCE 5"-0 <wi) EPOCH 183571
A most delicate double star, on the np limb of Deltoton; and a
line projected from <y Andromedee to pass between a and X Arietis, will
pass over it in about mid-distance. A 5^, bright yellow; B 15, dusky.
This object was marked "difficilis" in the Dorpat Catalogue of 1827-
It lies diagonally between two small stars, one of which, 10th magnitude,
precedes it by 9S*0; and the other, a deep orange-coloured 8th magnitude,
follows by 14s, with a little neighbour 2s farther off. Proper motions in
space, but under conflicting values, have been assigned to e; thus :
P.... M - 0"-08 Dec. - 0"-10
Br... - 0"-10 + 0"-06
B.... + 0"-14 0"-00
T7.... + 0"-24 + 0"-06
M lh 53m 46s PREC. + 3S'09
DEC. N 1° 59X'3 N 17"'63
POSITION 334°'7 («a) DISTANCE 3/r'6 <»9> EPOCH 1834-92
- 333°-4 (*> 9) — - 3"-8 (« 9) 1838-87
A close double star, at the sf extreme of the ribbon of the Fishes,
where it is readily identified, by carrying a line from ft Ceti over #, and
rather better than as far again to the north-west, — it is also in mid-
distance between v Ceti and a Arietis. A 5, pale green; B 6, blue.
This splendid object is 12 IjJ. n., and was thus registered:
Pos. 337° 23' Dist. 5"' 12 Ep. 1779 '80
As that astronomer obtained an angle of 330° in position, twenty-
three years afterwards, he was led to suppose a retrograde motion: all
the subsequent observations, however, of H. S. D. <£. and myself, prove
the fixity of these stars. But there is an appreciable movement in
space, — perhaps common to both, — of which the values for A have been
thus estimated :
P.... Si - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"-09
B.... + 0"'14 + 0"-01
T.... + 0"'02 + 0"'01
Pisces is one of the old forty- eight asterisms, and the twelfth or last
sign of the old zodiac. The constellation consists of two Fishes linked
by a ribbon, or string, attached to their tails, and divided by Hevelius
into linum boreum and linum austrinum; they occupy a large space in the
firmament, the one being under the wing of Pegasus, and the other under
the right arm of Andromeda, in the position described by Manilius:
Dissimile est illis iter, in contraria versis.
The conspicuous rectangular figure in Pegasus is a guide to the
position of these two Fishes; the line of a Andromedae and 7 Pegasi
being parallel to the body of one Fish, and that of y and a Pegasi
to the body of the other. The equinoctial colure now passes through
this " watery trigon," which was not a favourite sign with astrologers;
indeed, Mr. John Gadbury, — albeit it was notorious that, under domi-
nance of " ye Fysches," it was good to " wed a wyfe, and to trete frendys,"
— says, "I know Pisces to be a dull, treacherous, phlegmatic sign."
Yet this visionary <j)i\o/jid6r)fjLaTiKO$ was consulted on mundane affairs
by the Parliament of England! The star a — the Syndesmos of the Greeks
— has been called Okda, from the "Okdah al Kha'ilatn, or " knot of the
two threads," of the Arabian savans; and the component members of
Pisces have been thus stated:
Ptolemy ... 38 stars Hevelius .... 39 stars
Tycho Brahe .36 Flamsteed . . .113
Bayer .... 37 Bode 257
Eratosthenes considered that this asterism symbolized the Syrian
Derceto, and it has therefore been represented with a woman's head on
a huge fish's body. The Scholiast on Aratus says, that the Northern
Fish was figured with a swallow's head, and called Xe\i§6vias; while
the two collectively were called Gemini Pisces, to distinguish them from
the Southern Fish. Hence, also, the Al-semakata'in of the Arabians;
but the term Echiguen in the Arabo-latin Almagest has defied com-
mentators, unless Ideler's notion of its being a corruption of 'I^Qves
be accepted. The same astronomers attributed great influence over man
to such planets as happened to be in this sign: and we learn from the
translation of the Ysagogicus of Alchabitus, 1485, that in such case,
Saturn had full dominion over humeros, et brachia, et collu; Venus
presided over col lit et dorsum, and Jupiter over cor et caput.
VOL. n. E
M lh 54m 06s PREC. + 3s- 63
DEC. N 41° 33'-6 — N 17"'61
POSITION AB 62°'3 (w &) DISTANCE 10"-3 (w 7) EPOCH 1830*91
AB 62°-9(w9) — — 10"-6(«>9) 1837-80
AB 61°'6(w9)
11"-0 («9)1
0"-5 (w i)J
BO i3
A splendid double star, on the right ankle of Andromeda. A 3^,
orange colour; B 5J, emerald green; and of these colours I feel pretty
positive, although the high authority of IjjL and J£. has pronounced them
to he yellow and hlue. This heautiful object was seen to he double by
C. Mayer in 1778: it is No. 5 y. in., and was thus measured when
first classed:
Pos. 70° 23' Dist. 9" '25 Ep. 1779'C5
Between this period, and my attack, the following results were recorded:
H.andS. Pos. G4° 46' Dist. 10"-91 Ep. 1821-91
2. G2° 26' 10"'33 1830 02
whence there would appear to have been a slight motion npsf, or retro-
grade. But even without the excellent comparison of recent observers,
my own results are sufficient to establish the relative fixity of these
stars; although this is against the opinion, that high coloured stars
possess the greatest velocity. A is remarkable as forming, with a star
in the head, and another in the belt, an almost direct line, across the
parallel, from east to west; it is called Al'mak, from the Arabic Al-
' Andk-at-ard, the "badger," or caracal of Buffon. Scaliger's clever
notion, that Al'mak, as the star at the foot, was derived from Al-mauk
—cothurnus — is now given up.
This star is readily found, by drawing an imaginary line through the
three stars of Orion's belt, and thence over the Pleiades; or, a ray from
Thuban to the Pole-star, at about two-thirds the distance beyond, leads
to it. Should Orion's neighbourhood be obscured, an occult line carried
through (B and a, the two brightest stars of Cassiopea, and extended to
rather more than five times their distance from each other, will strike
upon Al'mak, after passing the star upon Andromeda's left ankle. It
has a slight proper motion assigned, which my meridian observations,
albeit the determination of so delicate an element is beyond their object,
do not confirm; this is the registered amount:
P.... M + 0"-26 Dec. - 0"'ll
B.... + 0"'06 - 0"-04
A.... + 0"-03 - 0"-05
Since the above was written, Mr. Baily put into my hand a letter
which he had received from M. Struve, in October, 1842, announcing
the unlocked for tidings that he had detected 7 Andromedse to be triple,
and that the companion is composed of two stars of equal size, separated
by an interval of less than Ov'5. I lost no time in notifying this to my
friend Mr. Dawes, who, as well as myself, had so repeatedly gazed at
this, merely as a double star. On the 1st of November, he informed me
that he charged Mr. Bishop's refractor with an excellent single lens
magnifying 520 times, and when the star was best defined, became
satisfied of an elongation sf and np in the companion, making it look
like a dumpyish egg. By the measures he obtained, the angle of
position was 1 2o° 48', and the distance of the centres was estimated at
0"'4. I also received a letter from the Rev. J. Challis, under date
of December 9, 1842, after his attacking it with the Northumberland
equatoreal, at my request, of which the following extract is most inter-
esting. " I looked at 7 Andromedae the first opportunity after receiving
your note, and was surprised to find that I could easily recognise the
small star as being double. I cannot say that I saw the components
separated, but there was a decided elongation, and several measures
which I took of position agreed well with each other. The distance is
certainly not more than 0"'5. My impression was, that the components
are not equal."
When I repaired to Hartwell, in February, 1843, I was baffled in
my attempts to examine this object in the evening twilight. But on
returning thither in the spring I was enabled to catch some fine early
views of it. On the 1st of May, the morning atmosphere was perfectly
diaphonous, and I teased 7 under various powers from 118 to 600, until
I fairly saw that the comes was not round, but elongated, in a direction
np and sf to the amount above estimated. It was, however, so slightly
oval, that, but for M. Struve's unexpected announcement, I must
assuredly have overlooked it.
m lh 54m 35s PREC. + 3S'37
DEC. N 25° 09'7 • N 17"'59
POSITION 26°-8 (w 6) DISTANCE 2"-2 (» 4) EPOCH 1838-66
A close double star, over the Ram's head, nearly in mid-distance
between a Trianguli and a Arietis, and it has several followers exactly
on the parallel. A6J, yellow; B 8^, pale grey. This is one of ^.'s dis-
coveries, No. 208 of the Dorpat Catalogue; and so beautiful an object,
that H. calls it a miniature of e Bootis. It has been well looked to
by astrometers, and the several results for comparison are:
H. Pos. 25° 28' Dist. 2"'13 Ep. 1830 '79
2. 25° IT l"-98 1833-05
D. 27° 50' 2"- ± 1833-36
Though in our present knowledge of these stars, there appears to be
a relative fixity, proper motions in space are attributed to the large one,
of which the several amounts are thus given :
P.... M 0"-00 Dec. + 0"-20
B... + 0"-20 - 0"-03
T.... -j- 0//-02 - 0"-22
E 2
M lh 55m 37s PRBC. + 3S'06
DEC. S 1° 06'-5 - N ir-55
POSITION AB 188°'8 (» 2) DISTANCE 39
39"-0 (« 2)1
4"-6 (to 6)J
, EPOCH 1834-88
CD 249°-8
A pair of double stars, at the "back of the Whale's head, and 3° to the
south, a little following, of a Piscium; a line from r Ceti through £
carried nearly double the distance, hits 61. A 7, pearly white; B 11,
greenish; C 7, white; and D 8J, blue. A and B form 102 ]J[. v., which
was thus first registered :
Pos. 193° 39' Dist. 37" '89 Ep. 1782 '78
which would imply a slight change in the orbited curve, but that the
difficulty of the measures must be taken into consideration.
Near the following parallel, at a distance of 4m 57s, on the angular
line = 1 02° 33', is the beautiful double star CD, which proved to be
^Vs 218, of which the measures previous to mine were:
S. Pos. 250° 29' Dist. 4"'96 Ep. 1824-92
250° 00' Dist. 4"'78 1832'36
M lh 58m 10s PREC. + 3s -34
DEC. N 22° 42'-2 - N 17"'44
POSITION 107°'3 (w i) DIFFERENCE OF JR 19S'5 (w i) EPOCH 1835-10
A standard Greenwich star, on the Ram's os frontis. A 3, yellow;
B 11, purple. The large star is followed by three small ones, forming a
line across the parallel, of which the middle individual is B. The
primary has a sensible proper motion in space, and the following amount
has been registered:
P.... M + 0"-20 Dec. - 0"-20
B.... + 0"'24 - 0"-12
A.,.. + 0"'22 - 0"-14
Though this constellation only possesses stars of more interest than
magnitude, it opened the astronomical year, 2000 years ago, as Princeps
signorum and Ductor exerciius zodaici; and bore the office for a similar
period. The charge is now resigned to Pisces, for Aries has passed
30° to the eastward of the point where the equinoctial is intersected by
the ecliptic, or Via Solis. This is owing to the precession of the
equinoxes, which apparent motion of the zodiac arises from a slow vibra-
tion of the earth's axis, occasioned by planetary attraction.
Thomas Hood, the Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, who
published directions for using the celestial globe, in 1590, — and who
considered the Triangle as only placed in the heavens in order that the
head of Aries might be better known — thus speaks of its first star:
" Scholar. Why is that same starre placed so farre from the head of
Aries? me thinketh it were good to keepe the figure and the signe
"Master. That cannot be; for the starres moving continually from
the west towards the east, cannot keepe one and the same distance
from the vernall equinoetiall point, but are carried on forward continually,
so that the starres which are now in the signe Aries will be hereafter in
Taurus, and from thence will come into Gemini" &c.
Aries indicates the golden fleece of the adventurous crew of the
Argo, albeit a stir has been made to identify him as Abraham's ram ;
and he is recognisable by three stars crossing the head obliquely.
Hevelius refers those who wish to be familiar with the different appella-
tions of signs and stars, to the works of Blsevius, Alsted, Ricciolus,
Goldemayer, Bartschius, and Cellarius ; and says he selected the name
mostly used — " non attento, quod Aries nonnunquam etiam Vervex,
Chrysomalus, Jupiter -Ammon, Krios. Aribib, Elhemal, et Elhamel, &c.
vocetur." The Ram has long been figured in his present attitude, for
Manilius accurately describes him as advancing stern foremost, with his
legs bent under.
First Aries, glorious in his golden wool,
Looks back, and wonders at the mighty bull.
And it is so represented upon the Farnese globe : yet the erudite Bishop
of Avranches insists, that the ancients made him running and looking
towards the west, or before him. The star under discussion was called
Hamal, by the Arabs, i.e. a sheep. It was also named Al natih, the
butt-er, by those who considered the first Lunar Mansion as formed by a
and {3 Arietis. A line made to pass between the Pleiades and Ilyades,
from Alpherat, will pick up Hamal in the mid-distance, and pass
through the Ram's flank; it may also be identified by the brackish rhymes :
From Has Mothallath shoot a ray, in a south-following line,
And where expand huge Cetus' jaws, to gamma let it join;
One-fourth the distance thus expressed from Triangle to Whale,
(If thus can such odd fish be termed,) will strike upon Hamal.
The stars of Aries have been thus enumerated:
Ptolemy . . . .18 stars Hevelius .... 27 stars
Tycho Brahe . .21 Flamsteed ... 66
Kepler .... 23 Bode 148
An attempt has been made to bring forward a numismatic evidence
of the Roman regard for this sign, by citing a coin of Domitian bearing
the Ram as Princeps Juventutis. But I am not aware that such a
symbol was ever struck; though the aureus with that legend, and the
Amalthean goat in a garland, is common enough. Astrologers distin-
guished it as an equinoctial, cardinal, and diurnal sign — the day-house
)f Mars — of the fiery triplicity — and what not.
m 2h 00m 19s PREC. + 3S'38
DEC. N 25° 10'-8 N 17"-34
POSITION A B 43°'5 (w 4) DISTANCE 82"'6(M>2)1
AC 278-6,-, 1833'92
A wide triple star, between the head of Aries and the base of
Triangulum; being the centre of the group mentioned as headed by
10 Arietis, above described. A 5^, white; B 10J, blue; and C 9, lilac.
A is the apex of a scalene triangle, with B in the ?*/*and C in the np
quadrant, in a field otherwise barren; but immediately followed on the
parallel of A, by 1 6 Arietis. A and C of these three stars are registered
as 69 I£. vi., thus:
Pos. 281° 15' Dist. 89"-47 Ep. 1781-99
Sir James South next measured it, and found
Pos. 277° 58' Dist. 105"'258 Ep. 1823-97
which great discrepancy, H. is inclined to attribute to the construction
of his father's micrometer at that early period; the effect of which is to
throw great uncertainty on the earlier distances of all the wide stars:
" fortunately," adds he, " these are the least replete with interest." This
object was evidently not scrutinized with rigour, since B was overlooked
by former observers. Piazzi, in referring to C, says, " In eodem paral.
8" temp, circiter, praecedit alia 9* mag."
2& 2h lm Ks PREC. + 3S<60
DEC. N 38° 16'-9 - N 17"'30
POSITION 34°7 (w 9) DISTANCE 16"-3 (w 9) EPOCH 1835-11
A neat double star, between the right foot of Andromeda and the
Triangle; which may be readily identified by running a line from a, close
under /3, till it arrives nearly at right angles with <y. A 6, bluish white;
B 71, pale violet. Piazzi saw and recorded this as double, remarking,
prazcedens observata; and it is No. 129 IJ. iv., whose measures were:
Pos. 34° 51' Dist. 15" -25 Ep. 1783 '48
whence all the recent observations, on an average interval of fifty-two
years, establish its fixity. Yet it is curious, that though all the results
tread closely on each other's heels, and the objects present no peculiar
difficulty, H. and S. found a difference of 3° 23r in their measures, which
they considered the maximum error to which an angle can be held liable.
M 2h 2m 00s PREC. -f 4s-57
DEC. N 65° 46'-2 - N 17"'27
_ AC
A star with two distant companions, in the Lady's right foot; or,
including an orange-coloured Sth-magnitude star near the north vertical,
a quadruple object. A 6, yellowish; B 11, and C 9, both greyish.
It can be identified by passing an imaginary line from a through the two
i/s, and carrying it about three times that distance to the north-east.
This was merely looked at because it is entered at 34 I£. i., where it is
also named as the i Ptolema?i of Bayer's Map; but the latter star being
ranked as one of the 4th magnitude by Ptolemy, it was soon seen that
there existed a mistake in the identity; and that the elegant triple star
discovered by 1^ must be 72 P. IT.
To the northward of this object, in the open space under the sca-
bellum, a new star suddenly burst forth in full splendour, in November,
1572; and the locality ought to be diligently watched. This discovery
appears to have been made by Schuler at Wittemburg, on the 6th of
August; but the star was seen by Hainzel at Augsburg on the 7th, and
by Cornelius Gemma on the 9th of November. Correspondence was,
however, in those days, pretty heavily clogged, so that each was probably
a discovery independent of the other. Thus it happened to Tycho Brahe,
who was astonished at the apparition, when returning to supper from
his crucibles, on the llth of November: and as it was the only change
which had been known to take place in the appearance of the heavens
since the revival of learning in Europe, it excited the utmost attention.
This star fortunately made its apparition when astronomy was sufficiently
cultivated for it to be watched with precision; and being in the circum-
polar region, it was constantly in view. " By a strange instinct," says
one of its historians, " by a strange instinct of Providence were those
admirable instruments made and erected by Tycho, a little before the
appearing of this starre, as if either the starre had stayed for his tooles,
or he had foreseene the birth of that starre;" but still stranger was the
instinct which made the same Tycho ashamed of publishing his observa-
tions on it, considering it " a disgrace for a nobleman either to study
such subjects, or to communicate them to the public."
The stranger twinkled strongly, so that its aspect was precisely that
of a star, having none of the distinctive marks of a comet : it was at
first white, then yellow, afterwards reddish, and finally bluish, which led
the great La Place to the strange and unsatisfactory analogy of a body
under the action of fire. It grew rapidly, until it surpassed Sirius in
brilliancy, being brighter than Jupiter when Jin perigee; and as it was
even visible in the day-time, Cornelius Gemma concluded its lustre to
be scarcely less than that of Venus. The maximum magnitude was of
short duration, and it diminished by degrees till March, 1574, when it
entirely vanished from view, and has not been since seen. During its
apparition it continued to hold the same position with respect to the
other stars of the constellation; and as Tycho Brahe was unable to
ascertain that it had any sensible parallax, he justly concluded that its
place was beyond the planetary bounds. He was the forerunner of the
theory of the transformation of nebulas into stars, in supposing that it was
produced by a condensation of the celestial matter collected in the Milky
Way; and he inserted it in the Catalogue appended to the Rudolphine
Tables, as of the 6th magnitude, and No. 46 of the asterism,
Lon. 0 6° 54' Lat 53° 45' Nova, anni 1572
Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Beza, Maurolycus, and other exact spectators,
wrote dissertations upon it; but to all the reasonings as to why it had
not been seen before, Reisacher's answer is perhaps the best: "God
knows." The astute Dr. Dee started the idea that it moved alternately
towards, and from the earth, in a direct line. His brethren tried this
phenomenon by their tools, and found that it came in with the Jiery
trigon, or that in which Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, are in the three fiery
signs — Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; an event which occurs only every
800 years. Tycho had some heterodox notions as to its origin; and
Ricciolus, no friend to astrology, admitted that it was saluted by all the
planets before it was extinguished. This remark, added to that of La
Place, made Mrs. Somerville say, u It is impossible to imagine anything
more tremendous than a conflagration that could be visible at such a
distance;" but in a conversation upon the topic with her, I found this
intelligent lady not at all inclined to grant, that so vast a combustion was
within the precincts of probability. Keill conjectured it to have a period
of 150 years, but as it did not return to the time, the notion was started
that it might have different degrees of lustre at different times. Here,
however, the mind must pause; and in our ignorance, no reasoning upon
such a wonderful body can be deemed wild, except that of annihilation.
As there are vague impressions that similar stars appeared in 945
and 1264, Sir J. Herschel thinks it possible another such appearance
may take place in 1872, or thereabouts. Telescopes will then be applied,
owing to the want of which, in 1572, it could not be ascertained whether
the stranger had any sensible diameter.
M 2h 3m 06s PREC. + 3S'45 '
DEC. N 29° 33'-0 N 17"-22
POSITION 78°-l (» 5) DISTANCE 3"-6 (u> 3) EPOCH 1830*91
- 77°'9 (« 4) - 3"-3 <» 3) - 1834-17
- 78°-8 (« 9) — - 3"-5 (w 6) 1838-99
A fine close double star, under the base of the Triangle, and 4^°
south of /3, on a line leading through @ to 7 Andromedaa. A 5i, topaz
yellow; B 7» green. This exquisite object is 34 IjJ. 11., by wbora it was
likened to a Herculis, "but smaller, and not so bright." From the
existence of an angular difference of 7° 39' between the position of ]J[.
and that of H. and S., an orbital change was suspected; but all the
recent measures are against it:
I£. Pos. 85° 37' Dist. 3"-5 ± Ep. 1781 '77
H. andS. 77° 58' 3"'88 1821-94
2. 77° 50', 3" -598 1830-97
D. 78° 58' 3"-G8 1832-94
m 2h 04m 37s PREC. + 3S*03
DEC. S 3° 08'-6 - N 17"-15
POSITION 229°-6 (w 9) DISTANCE 15"-4 (w 9) EPOCH 1837-89
A neat double star, on the neck of Cetus, nearly in mid-distance
between 7 and 6. A 7i pale yellow; B 8^, sapphire blue. This inte-
resting object is formed by Piazzi's Nos. 17 and 18. It was registered
25 IjJ. iv.; but as there is a probability of direct orbital motion, or else
a greater proper motion of the principal star, it is to be regretted that
BJ. left no decided measures in 1780, those given by H. from the MS.
being estimations. "When II. and S. attacked it, it was found:
Pos. 226° 05' Dist. 16"'173 Ep. 1822*90
S. measured it with great care, and obtained:
Pos. 228° 55' Dist. 15" -540 Ep. 1832-67
The proper motion of A through space, has been thus valued :
P.... Si + 0"-81 Dec. - 0"-05
B.... + 0"-54 - 0"-04
A.... -1- 0"-39 - 0"-08
B. must also be physically connected, and partake of this occult move-
ment, for a reduction of Piazzi's mean apparent places gives an Z — 231°'5
and distance = 19"'3 for 1800, which, as he says both these stars are
in motion, would by this time have altered the angle to 233°, and the
distance to 18'/P2.
M 2h06m52s
DEC. N 56° 46'-3
POSITION AB 354°-3 («> 2)
- AC 43°-2 (« 5)
PREC. + 4s- 14
N 17"'14
DISTANCE 65"-0 (» i)l
122".0<4 EPOCH 1835-82
. A coarse triple star, in the weapon hand of Perseus. A 6i, yellow;
B 12, bluish; C 9i, greenish. An imaginary line projected from S
Cassiopese to a Persei, will pass just below ^, at one-third of the dis-
tance. This is a multiple object, among rich fields, where the intermix-
ture of greater and less individuals renders the vicinity very favourable
for testing the light and definition of a telescope. It was classed by
f£[. No. 19, vi., but no results given; A and C were thus measured by
Sir James South, but he did not perceive B:
Pos. 43° 30' Dist. 124"'533 Ep. 1824-99
XCII. 33 l£. VI. PERSEI.
m 2h 07m 58s PREC. + 4S'13
DEC. N 56° 24'-4 - N 17"'00
POSITION 321°-9 <» 2) DISTANCE 9"\5 (w i) EPOCH 183678
A delicate double star, in the glorious cluster of Perseus's weapon
hand. A 8, white; B 10, pale grey. This brilliant mass of stars, from
7th to 15th magnitudes, fills the whole field of view, and emits a peculiarly
splendid light. In the
centre is a coronet, or ra-
ther ellipse, of small stars,
above an 8th -magnitude
one, which, with its np
comes., is here measured.
The 7th-magnitude stai
which follows, is handsome
from the blackness of the
space immediately around it.
A line from the lucida, or
Algenib, carried to S Cas-
siopeae, passes over this
brilliant assemblage, at two-
thirds the distance. Sir
William Herschel considered it a protuberant part of the Milky Way,
in which it is situated; and analogy indicates that it is comparatively near.
This is followed by another gorgeous group of stars, from the 7th to
the 15th magnitudes, at about 3m, and nearly on the parallel. It is
34 1J[. vi. The components gather most towards the centre, but there
is little disposition to form; the sprinkle, however, is in a direction
parallel to the equator. One of the central individuals is of a fine ruby
colour, and a 7th-magnitude in the nf is of a pale garnet tint; with two
sparkling but minute triplets south of it. These two clusters are quite
distinct, though the outliers of each may be brought into the same field
under rather high powers; and, on the best nights, the groups and light
are truly admirable, affording together one of the most brilliant telescopic
objects in the heavens. It is impossible to contemplate them and not
infer, that there are other laws of aggregation than those which obtain
among the more scattered and insulated stars.
m 2h 08m 09s PREC. + 3S'45
DEC. N 28° 00'-2 — N 16"'99
POSITION 209°-1 (w 9) DISTANCE 14"-1 (* 9) EPOCH 1834-92
A fine double star, between the Ram and the Triangle, where it will
be found by shooting a line from a Andromedae through a Trianguli, and
extending it nearly 5° beyond: it is also near the mid-distance between
7 Andromeda? and 7 Ceti. A 8^, and B 9, both silvery white. This
object, formed by Piazzi's Nos. 38 and 39, was classed 40 1$. iv., in
1781; no measures of position were then taken, but the distance was
found to be 17"'31, "pretty accurate." H. and S. found it thus:
Pos. 208° 56' Dist. 14" '35 Ep. 1821-96
which is too similar to the result given by my measures thirteen years
afterwards, to confirm the retrograde motion inferred from a reduction
of Piazzi's mean places for 1800, which give 211°'5 for the angle, and
16"'8 as the distance.
M 2h llm 16s PREC. + 3S'02
DEC. S 3° 42'-3 - N 16"'85
POSITION 88°-9 <«• v DISTANCE 116"'0 (* 4) EPOCH 1831-03
A flushed yellow variable star, with a distant companion. A, recorded
in extremes varying from 2 to 7^ and from thence to invisible; B 10,
pale lilac. This very extraordinary object is in the middle of the Whale's
neck, and well known as Aftrn; the epithet " wonderful" being given on
account of its remarkable variation in brilliance, first noticed, in 1596, by
David Fabricius. Forty-two years afterwards it was observed by Phocy-
lides Hoi ward, and treated of in his TTavcre\7]vos as a new star, in a
right line with lucida mandibulce Ceti. Bailly thus relates the circum-
stance: "En 1638, Hoi ward revit Tetoile de la Baleine, et a peu-pres
au meme lieu ou elle avait etc apperyue par Fabricius. II ignoroit sa
premiere apparition, il la perdit lorsqu'elle se cacha dans les rayons du
soleil; et lorsque cet astre, en s'ava^ant dans 1'ecliptique, eut rendu
visibles les etoiles de la Baleine, Holward ne retrouva plus son etoile,
quoiqu'il la cherchat avec soin; mais il dut etre etonne de la revoir tout-
a-coup le 7 Xovembre, 1639. On la vit les annees 1644, 45, 46, 47, 48,
avec des alternatives de disparition et de renaissance, telles qu'on ne la
vit jamais une annee de suite. Hevelius la suivit constamment en 1 648
et en 1660." Since this time it has been found pretty regular in its
periods, except in the four years 1672 to 1676, during which time
Hevelius could not perceive it, though it was a particular object of his
attention. Bullialdus determined its periodical time, from bright through
all its gradations to bright again, to be 333 days, and Cassini made the
same period to be 334. Halley mentions that it was found to appear
and disappear periodically; and that its period is "precisely enough,
seven revolutions in six years, though it returns not always with the
same lustre. Nor is it," he adds, " ever totally extinguished, but may at
all times be seen with a six-foot tube/' This was singular in its kind,
till that in Collo Cygni was discovered; and the attention it excited among
astronomers is detailed in the Historiola Mirce Slellce. 1$., however, has
decidedly shown that it actually does become invisible, and he estimated
that its period is 331 days, 10 hours, and 19 minutes; and a compa-
rison of the observations of Pigott, Goodricke, Wurm, Westphal, Arge-
lander, and Bianchi, give its recent periods of maximum brightness
between September 30 and October 7»
From some discrepancies of observation between A and B, 1$. sur-
mised a rapid change in the distance, and that the position had changed
from the southern to the northern side of the parallel; but from my
measures and comparisons, I am inclined to think there has been little
or no movement beyond what may be ascribed to the proper motions of
A in space, the values of which have been thus sifted:
P.... M - 0"'18 Dec. - 0"-15
B.... - 0"'05 - 0"-23
A word upon this. Piazzi's mean places of Nos. 56 and 57, Hora II.,
make A precede B by 104"*4, with a A in declination of only 0"'6,
consequently the angle may be safely assumed as = 90°. The proper
motion of A in JR being marked minus would by this time increase the
distance from B to 111"*4, and its movement in declination during
the same interval being to the south, would reduce the angle to 87°'5;
which is in fair agreement with my micrometrical measures.
Count de Hahn thought he saw another companion, but I could not
detect it. "We are also told that Mira alters its colour with its magni-
tude, yet it was always reddish when viewed in my telescope.
A fancied line led from Castor through Aldebaran, till it meets
another shot from. Al'mak by Hamal, will point out the place of this
mutable body to the casual gazer, by whom, however, it is rarely picked
up. It is exactly in the direction, and half-way between 7 and f Ceti.
m 2h 12m 35s PREC. + 3S72
DEC. N 41° 36'«1 - N 16"-78
An elongated nebula, on the Lady's right foot, where a line from
Algol to Al'mak passes under it, at about two-thirds of the distance.
This wonderful object was most indistinctly seen, though watched
with a set attention on a glorious night, with the telescope in the
highest possible order: yet it was discovered by Miss Herschel in
August, 1783, with a Newtonian sweeper of only twenty-seven inches
focal length, charged with a magnifying power of 30. Sir William
Herschel describes it as having a black division or
chink, in the middle; and in my telescope it is cer-
tainly brighter at the edges than along the central
part. Sir John Herschel, whose No. 218 it is, has
given a beautiful drawing of its aspect in the twenty-
foot reflector, and concludes that it is a flat ring, of
enormous dimensions, seen very obliquely. It con-
sists, probably, of myriads of solar systems at a most
astounding distance from ours, and affords a distinct
lesson that we must not limit the bounds of the universe by the limits
of our senses. The adjoined sketch gives a slight notion of it.
M 2h 12m 54s
DEC. N 40° 40'- 1
PREC. + 3s -70
N 16"-77
POSITION 355°-0 (w 2) DISTANCE 50"'0 <* 2) EPOCH 1836-69
A wide double star, closely following the preceding object, and about
one-third the distance from Al'mak to Algol. A 7, yellow; B 11, pale
lilac. This object was examined on seeing Piazzfs note of proxime to
an 8th-magnitude star closely following the north vertical at about 8'
distance, which I am satisfied is No. 62 of his Catalogue; although its
mean place from A is found to be at an angle of 3° 5' and a distance
of 283". Between these two there are three other small stars, which
the Palermo telescope overlooked; the nearest of which is here mea-
sured. When Mr. Dawes procured his doubly-refracting micrometer,
he kindly measured this pair for me, as follows :
Pos. 355° 11' Dist. 49"'0 Ep. 184276
M 2h 15m 58s PREC. + 4S'80
DEC. N 66° 40'-7 N 16"-62
POSITION AB 274°'2 (w 7) DISTANCE 2"-l (» 4)
-AC 107°'K"9)
EPOCH 1834-83
A beautiful triple star, under the Lady's right foot, and more than
mid-distance between a Persei and 7 Cephei. A 4J, pale yellow;
B 7, li^ac; and C 9, fine blue; the individuals running nearly in a line,
with the colours well contrasted. There has been a little confusion as
to the identity of this object, ]J[. having entered it as 55 Cassiopeae, and
others calling it ^; but it is quite clear that it is as above named, and
the 292 of the British Catalogue; where, as a note shows, it gave Mr.
Baily some trouble. When l££. first enrolled it, he overlooked B, and
marked A C No. 3, iv., thus:
Pos. 100° 37 Dist. 7" '50 Ep. 1779 '63
but he afterwards caught up the star B, which became No. 34, I., under
these measures:
Pos. 290° 30' Dist. 1"'50 Ep. 1782-45
Such results, and the not having seen B at first, would induce a
supposition of great motion; but II. suggests that an error exists in the
position of A C, and that an observation of 1802 is more to be trusted.
This measure = 18° 57' sf, or 108° 57', shews that there is little or no
change in the elapsed time.
M 2h 19m 25s PREC. + 3S'04
DEC. S 1° 51'- 6 - N 16"-45
A planetary nebula, in the middle of the Whale's neck, discovered by
Ij[. in January, 1785. It is round, bluish white, and pale, but very
distinct, and brightening towards the centre. This object is situated
equatorially between two very small stars; and four larger, due north,
form the letter L. It was differentiated with 7 Ceti, from which it is
about 7°? on the line leading upon f.
M 2h 19m 26s PREC. + 3S'50
DEC. N 29° 12'-5 - N 16"-45
POSITION 342°*1 (w 4) DISTANCE 2"-3 (w 2) EPOCH 1834-11
A close double star, between the Fly and the Triangle; being the
northern of a small trapezium of telescopic stars, lying in the direction
of a line carried from 7 Arietis through a — the first and third stars
in the Ram's head — and extended about two-thirds farther. A 6^,
yellow; B 10, grey. This exquisite and difficult object was dicovered
by 1$. in October, 1781, being his No. 21 of the First Class; but he only
estimated a position and distance, which, however, approximate so nearly,
that no motion can be assumed from the recent measures. Those of
the Dorpat astronomer are :
Pos. 340°-40 Dist. 1"'903 Ep. 1832'36
The larger star is 13 Trianguli of Flamsteed, to which slight proper
motions have been thus assigned:
P.... 2R - 0" 04 Dec. - 0"'02
B.... - 0"-03 + 0"-05
T.... - 0"-02 - 0"'01
While this was in the press, I learned that Professor Struve had
discovered, with the gigantic refractor at Poulkova, that the neighbouring
star 89 P. n., was double; the components being of the 7^ and 8^ mag-
nitudes, and 1 \" apart.
M 2h 21m 209 PREC. + 3S'42
DEC. N 24° 31'-4 - N 16"-35
POSITION 182°-0 (a 2) DISTANCE 12"-5 («> i) EPOCH 1832-06
A yery delicate double star, over the Ram's back, and nearly in mid-
distance between the Pleiades and a Andromedse, where it is intercepted
by a line from y8 Arietis — the middle star of the Ram's head — to the
lucida of Musca. A 6^, pearl white; and B 14, blue. This fine object
is in a poor field, with a 9th -magnitude star in the nf quadrant, between
which and A, a little following, is another of the 13th. It is No. 12
of ly.'s last Catalogue, and 221 of ^.'s; but so difficult, that with my
means accurate measures are impracticable.
CI. 227 H. PERSEI.
m 2h 22m 03s PREC. + 4"-26
DEC. N 56° 48'-8 N 16"'32
An irregular but pretty rich cluster, on the weapon arm of Perseus,
and in a fine vicinity. It was discovered by H., and consists of indivi-
duals from the 9th to the 15th magnitudes, preceded by some largish
outliers, one of which is of a red tinge. The mean apparent place
depends, by differentiation, on a Persei; and it may be fished up about
10° tip that star, nearly in the mid-distance of a line shot from Polaris
to the west of Algol. A 7th magnitude in the np quadrant is the avant-
courier of this field, and three of the llth magnitude form so correct a
line in the nf as to attract attention.
M 2h 27m 29s PREC. + 3S>14
DEC. N 4° 53'-5 N 16' -04
POSITION 85°-0 (w i) DISTANCE 6"'0 (to i) EPOCH 1833-88
A double star, in the Whale's eye, about 3° from 7 Ceti, slightly
preceding a line from 7 towards (3 Arietis, the middle star of the Ram's
head. A 4^, pale yellow; B 15, blue. This very delicate object is one
of those marked by 2. " dimcilis ;" and not without reason, for the comes
can only be seen by glimpses, on ardent gazing; and its details are
therefore mere estimations. It is followed exactly on the parallel,
A JR=z 25s, by a dusky star of the llth magnitude, 5Vs results are:
Pos. 83°-30 Dist. V -725 Ep. 1831-92
The proper motions in space attributed to A are :
P.... M - 0"-19 Dec. - 0"-13
B.... - 0"-08 - 0"-03
M 2h 27m 44s PREC. + 3S'42
DEC. N 23° 56'-9 - N 16"-02
POSITION 273°-0 (w 7) DISTANCE 38"'3 (» B) EPOCH 1837'80
A fine double star, over the Ram's back, in the line from a Trianguli
towards Aldebaran, and about one-fourth of the distance; it is also
pointed out by a ray leading from 7 Pegasi to a Arietis, and carried about
7° beyond. A 6, topaz yellow; B 7, pale grey; and Piazzi's No. 128
is on the following parallel, 44" off. The object forms 49 Ij[. v., being
registered in 1781*79, under a distance of 31"' 10, but without an angle
of position. H. and S. measured it thus:
Pos. 272° 26' Dist. 38"-44 Ep. 1821-99
which made them assume that the distance had increased. Still the
observations of Bradley do not warrant such a conjecture, because
they give a A Dec.— 42"'8; while those of Piazzi yield 48"'0. But as
1$. marked his result "inaccurate," and my determinations show no
alteration in a lapse of sixteen years, the fixity of this star may be
presumed upon.
30 Arietis is the most southern of a group of about a dozen double
stars, spread over the adjoining portions of the three constellations —
Aries, Musca, and Triangulum — with extensive patches of dark and
blank space between them.
CIV. 156 #. I. PERSEI.
2BL 2h 30m 25s PREC. + 3S71
DEC. N 38° 21'-3 N 15"-88
An elongated lenticular nebula, sp the head of Medusa, and pointed
out by a line led from the Hyades through
the Pleiades, and carried twice their dis-
tance further. This curious body was dis-
covered by y. in October, 1786, Though
pale, it is very distinct in my instrument,
and elliptical, not — as the twenty-foot re-
flector defines it — lenticular; an appear-
ance owing, perhaps, to its being a vast
ring lying obliquely to our line of vision.
It trends wfand sp, and is accompanied by
many small stars, of which the nearest is a
lOth-magnitude, due south. Differentiated with /3 Persei for a mean
apparent place, and diagrammed as here represented, whereby a notion
of its form is afforded.
m 2h 31™ 20s PREC. + 3S'47
DEC. N 26° 22'-2 N 15"-83
POSITION 00°-2 («, 9) DISTANCE 28"-5 (« 9) EPOCH 1832-12
A fine double star, over the back of Aries, but in the space assigned
to Musca; lying nearly mid- way between the Pleiades and ft Andromedae.
A 6, pale topaz; B 9, light blue. This easy object is 5 I£. iv., and was
thus registered :
Pos. 2° 46' Dist. 25"-53 Ep. 1779'7-i
Forty-three years afterwards, H. and S. found it :
Pos. 1° 40' Dist. 29"-185 Ep. 1822-08
whence, compared with my own very satisfactory results, there may
exist a slow motion in orbit. But the inference that the stars are
receding from each other, cannot be supported, as IjjJ. marked his
distance " inaccurate." The proper motions of A are :
P.... M + 0"-21 Dec. - 0"-09
B.... + 0"-14 + 0"-01
M 2h 31m 46s PREC. + 3S'81
DEC. N 42° 02'7 N 15"-81
POSITION 250°-8 (w 2) DISTANCE 14"'0 (» 2) EPOCH 183778
A double star in a cluster, between the right foot of Andromeda
and the head of Medusa; where a line carried from Polaris between
€ Cassiopese and a Persei to within about 2° of the parallel of Algol, will
meet it. A and B, 8th magnitudes, and both white. It is in a scattered
but elegant group of stars from the 8th to the 13th degree of brightness,
on a dark ground, and several of them form into coarse pairs. This was
first seen and registered by Messier, in 1764, as a "mass of small stars;"
and in J783 was resolved by Sir W. Herschel with a seven-foot reflector:
with the twenty-foot he made it "a coarse cluster of large stars of
different sizes." By the method he had applied to fathom the galaxy,
he concluded the profundity of this object not to exceed the 144th order.
M 2h 32m 11s PREC. + 3S75
DEC. N 39° 30'-8 N 15"79
POSITION BC 209°-8 (w &) DISTANCE 22"-9 («> 9) EPOCH 1833-85
A pointer to a double star in the nf quadrant, with A JR 10s, pre-
ceding the head of Medusa; and a line led through K and 7 Cassiopeas
passes over it between Algol and Al'mak. A 6, yellow; B 7J» pale
blue; C 8, lilac. This object is 64 Ij[. iv., and was thus measured:
Pos. 212° 03' Dist. 21"-98 Ep. 1782-30
It was then re-examined by S., No. 416, with these results:
Pos. 209° 30' Dist. 22//-88 Ep. 1823-99
which are so singularly coincident with those I obtained ten years after-
wards, that its fixity may be held to be proved; and it must be rated
as an optical object, or one which is casually juxtaposed in the heavens.
Still the components must be within a distance of each other which
imagination may compass, since their relative brightness is apparently
so nearly the same. A bright star, distant upwards of 4' in the sp
quarter, is Sir James SoutlTs C; and still nearer to A is a pair of 10th
magnitudes, on the parallel with each other.
2& 2* 33m 02s PREC. + 3S'05
DEC. S 1° 22'7 N 15"-74
POSITION 334°-5 w 2) DISTANCE 5"'0 <w i) EPOCH 1833-97
A very delicate double star on the Whale's under-jaw; between
a and f Ceti. A 6, pale yellow; B 14, lilac, with several minute stars
in the field. This beautiful object was discovered by £., and is No. 295
of the Dorpat Catalogue, where its measures are :
Pos. 334° 62' Dist. 4" '855 Ep. 1831-90
No inferences can be drawn on comparing our epochs, since my observa-
tions, from the difficulty of the object, are little better than estimations.
2R. 2h 33m /8s PREC. + 4S-01
DEC. N 48° 32'-9 - N 15"72
POSITION AB 293°-l («> 2) DISTANCE 15"-0 (» i)
- AC 219°-0 (» i) - 27"
l)\ EPOCH 1833-65
'•0 (« i)J
A triple star in a rich field on the Hero's right shoulder; and nearly
in mid- distance between Algol and B on the knee of Cassiopea. A 4,
yellow; B 13, violet; C 11, grey. IjJ. mentions a third star within 1'
towards the south; but both he and ^. measured the object only as
double, with these results:
3L Pos. 290°-0 Dist. 13" -to Ep. 1782-64
2. 294°-60 15"-40 1832'20
A very sensible proper motion in space has been registered to A, and
the following astronomers assign as values:
P.... m + 0"-67 Dec. - 0"-10
B.... + 0"-56 - 0"-10
A.... + 0"-52 - 0"-12
CX. 77 M. CETI.
m 2h 34m 30s PREC. + 38'06
DEC. S 0° 4V-2 N 15"'56
A round stellar nebula, near S in the Whale's lower jaw, and about
from 7 on the line towards e, or s. by w. This was first classed
F 2
by M. in 1780 as a mass of stars containing nebulosity. It is small,
brigbt, and exactly in a line with tbree small stars, one preceding
and two following, of which the nearest and largest is a 9th-magnitude
to the sf. There are other minute companions in the field; and the
place is differentiated from <y Ceti.
This object is wonderfully distant and insulated, with presumptive
evidence of intrinsic density in its aggregation; and bearing indication of
the existence of a central force, residing either in a central body or in
the centre of gravity of the whole system. Sir William Herschel, after
repeatedly examining it, says, — " From the observations of the large ten-
feet telescope, which has a gauging power of 75*82, we may conclude
that the profundity of the nearest part is at least of the 910th order."
That is, 910 times as far off as the stars of the first magnitude!
m 2h 35ra 01s PREC. + 3s'll
DEC. N 2° 33'-5 N 15"-63
POSITION 289°-0 (« 4) DISTANCE 2"-6 <w a) EPOCH 1831 '85
286°-8 (w 8) 2"-7 <« s) 1835-89
288°-8 (w 7) — 2"-8 (« 4) 1838-92
285°-7 (» s) 2"-6 (w 5) 1843-16
A second-grade Greenwich star, in the Whale's mouth, and closely
double. A 3, pale yellow; B 7> lucid blue, the colours finely con-
trasted. With my instrument this beautiful object is certainly not so very
difficult to measure, as the above discordancies would indicate; so —
leaving the unravelment of the anomaly to future inquiry — on comparing
my results with those of 2. H. and D., I consider its Jtxity established.
The amount of proper motion through space assigned to A, has been
thus valued:
P.... M - 0"-35 Dec. - 0"-20
B.... - 0"-11 - 0"-16
A.... - 0"-13 - 0"-17
The Arabian astronomers applied the name of Kaff-al-jidhma, the
maimed hand, to a group of stars forming the Whale's head; and which,
though limited by Ideler to <z, £, X, //,, and f Ceti, has been latterly
applied exclusively to 7. There are vestiges shewing that the Orientals
had a large asterism here in very early times, probably before Cepheus
and the Ethiopian plague were thought of. A line from ft Andromeda3
through ft Arietis, the centre of the three stars in the Ram's head,
points nearly upon <y Ceti at about 25° beyond, or as far again; and it
is nearly in mid-distance between Algenib and Rigel.
M 2h 35m 08s PEEC. + 3S'53
DEC. N 28° 46'-9 N 15"-63
POSITION 297° 8 (w 6) DISTANCE 2"-9 (w 4) EPOCH 1831-88
A close double star, very near the wing of Musca, and forming the
apex of a nearly equilateral triangle with the two brightest in that insect.
A 8, B 8^, both cream-white. This lovely object is in a barren field,
and by no means of easy measurement. The earliest micrometric results
I meet with are those of Sir James South, No. 418:
Pos. 294° IT Dist. 2" '903 Ep. 182578
m 2h 36m 17s PKEC. + 38'21
DEC. N 9° 26'-l N 15"'56
POSITION 1°-0 (*> D DIFFERENCE M = ls<5 (» D EPOCH 1836*78
A star with a companion, both of which are upon the hind hoof of
Aries, though assigned to Cetus: it is on the line, and nearly a third of
the distance from 7 to TT Ceti, beyond the former star, where it forms a
nearly equilateral triangle with a and 7. A 4, pale orange; B 11,
cinereous. A sensible proper motion through space has been registered
to A, and the following astronomers assign as values:
P.... M + 0"'06 Dec. + 0"-20
B.... + 0"-30 - 0"-05
A.... + 0"-27 - 0"'05
CXIV. 64 #. I. CETI.
m 2h 38m 08s PREC. + 2S'95
DEC. S 8° ]5'-l N15"-46
An oval nebula, on the strange pectoral fringe of the Whale's neck,
at rather more than a quarter of the distance from € to a. It is pale
though distinct, and brightens towards the centre. This object was dis-
covered by 1$. in January, 1785, and is No. 264 of his son's Catalogue.
Its place was carefully differentiated with 77 Eridani; but to insure the
identity of so delicate a spot, it needs only be raised a little in the
inverted field, when three equidistant stars of the 8th magnitude will
appear on the northern verge. There are several very small stars in the
field, under a moderate power.
2R 2h S9m 04s PBEC. 4- 4S<30
DEC. N 55° 13''5 N 15"-41
POSITION 301°-1 <w 5) DISTANCE 28"- 1 <«> 6) EPOCH 1830-89
300°-4 (» 8) 28"-4 <» s) 183878
A fine double star, on the Hero's head, and nearly in mid-distance of
a line projected from a Persei, and carried between S and e Cassiopeaa.
A 5, orange; B 8^, smalt blue; the colours in clear contrast. This is a
very neat object, of which the pair was measured for comparison with
former results, otherwise there are three small stars which offer closer
secondaries. There are distinctly nine stars in the group, of which the
principal, as Professor Barlow has remarked, having three small stars
nearly in a line on one side, and one on the other, forms a miniature
representation of Jupiter and his satellites. The leader of this family
precedes A a little below the parallel, or north of it, in the inverted
field, with a A M — 15s. When A and B were first classed as 4 I£. iv.,
the measures were :
Pos, 290° 05' Dist. 26"*00± Ep. 1779*72
H. and S., No. 34, then found it
Pos. 299° 53' Dist. 28"-96 Ep. 1821-94
whence an angular change of + O25 per annum was suspected; but
which is not confirmed by my results.
This star is 179 P. n., or 9 Hevelius; and was under no small
confusion as to its identity in the British Catalogue, until Mr. Baily's
correctives duly installed it 15 Persei 77, No. 348. And he adds: "In
the British Catalogue it is stated to be of the 6th magnitude: but in
Halley's edition it is called the 4th. On consulting the original entry in
the MS. book, I find it is there also noted as the 4th; which I have here
adopted." It is certainly bright for Piazzi's rating, but I see no reason
for altering it, since it is less lustrous than 0 or 7 Persei, its neighbours
of the 4th magnitude.
M 2h 40m 22s PREC. + 3S'33
DEC. N 16° 47''8 - N 15"'33
POSITION AB 121°-6 <u> s> DISTANCE 3"-l (»3))
- AC 1090-9 ,. «, _ 25--0 «. , 1835'89
A neat triple star, on the haunch of Aries, closely on the line and about
one-third the distance from {$ Arietis, the middle star of the Ram's head,
and Aldebaran. A 5, pale yellow; B 8|, flushed; and C 11, dusky.
This superb trio was discovered by IjJ. in October, 1782, who describes
them as lying in a line 109° 19', and point-ing towards a fourth star in
the sf quadrant. Now A and B certainly do point exactly to the star
D, but C is quite out of the line, yet I£L.'s estimated distance of "25" or
26" " appears correct. He says, the smaller stars of 64 i., are " both
mere points," neither of which can be seen " except with considerable
and long-continued attention;" but they are comparatively so easy in my
instrument, that they may have become brighter. It is remarkable that
a MS. remark of Ijl., adduced by his case in 1782, and the three stars
perceived " than B. If this was the son, describes C as " easier to be
were then in a line with D, the object merits close watching, both for
motion and variability. The Rev. Mr. Dawes saw it triple in his excel-
lent five-foot telescope, thus:
Pos. A B 125° 19' Dist.3"'17 I ^ i ooft.7o
AC 111° 15' "impossible" I EP" 1(
A slight movement in space is attributed to the large star, amounting
to these values:
P.... m + 0"-03 Dec. - 0"-ll
B.... + 0"-05 - 0"-04
m 2h 40m 34s PREC. + 3S'50
DEC. N 26° 35'-9 N 15"'32
POSITION AB 250°-0 (w 2) DISTANCE 15"-0 <» n
— AC 196°-2 (« s) 38"-0 <« s) EPOCH 1834-10
— AD 225°-0 <« 5) l24"-8 <»
A coarse quadruple star, in the south wing of the Fly, and forming
its lucida. A 3, white; B 13, deep blue; C 11, lurid; D 9, pale grey.
Of these two members A and C form 116 ]£. v. under these measures:
Pos. 188° 12' Dist. 39" '37 Ep. 1782-08
while A and D constitute 5 I£. 6, thus measured by H. and S.:
Pos. 226° 36' Dist. 127"*55 Ep. 1821-96
But since Sir William Herschel registered this object as 35 Arietis,
and another error of identity occurred, it should be stated that A is
186 P. ii., the Muscce secundce of the Palermo Catalogue; and to which
is assigned the following degree of proper motion, viz. :
P.... M + 0"-20 Dec. - 0"-14
B.... + 0"-09 - 0"-10
My friend the Rev. Mr. Dawes re-examined this object at my request
in October, 1842, with results very similar to my own, — whence the
difference between I£[. and myself in the angle of A and C must be only
accidental. Piazzi's note 186 to Hora II., mentions a couple of distant
companions — ulraque 9* magnit. — which, though too far off to be very
interesting, may be thus reduced:
1 Pos. 275°'6 Dist. 94") „ lpftn
2 213°'5 146"} EP'1(
Musca Borealis is a little asterism to the north-east of the Ram's head,
and is known by three stars of the 3rd and 4th magnitudes. It seems to
have been composed from informes by Bartschius, the scientific son-in-
law of Kepler; for which reason, perhaps, it was afterwards retained by
Hevelius, though reluctantly. To identify the object here treated, let a
line from Aldebaran be passed under the Pleiades and meet another
carried from a Andromeda? over a Trianguli; it will pass Lucida Muscse
in the mid-distance.
2& 2h 42m 46s PREG. + 2S'66
DEC. S 25° 13'-3 - N 15"-20
POSITION 171°-0 (w 2) DISTANCE 45"'0 <« i) EPOCH 1837*94
A wide but delicate double star. A 6, pale white; B 12, light blue.
This object is followed, a little north of the parallel A JR rr 25s, by a
neat star of the 8th magnitude. As B vanishes under illumination its
position is taken by the spherical rock-crystal micrometer, and the
distance estimated.
This star is close under the "Whale's paw, but in the precincts given
to Fornax Chemica by La Caille. Bode, in altering the type of this
asterism, says, " J'ai trace au lieu de ces instrumens, la delineation
d'une des experiences de rimmortel Lavoisier." A line from a Ceti
through 77 Eridani, carried a little more than as far again to the south,
strikes 7 Fornacis.
M 2h 43ra 37s PREC. + 3S74
DEC. N 37° 40'-9 N 15"'15
POSITION 236°-5 (•» 9> DISTANCE 13"-9 (w 7) EPOCH 1832-04
A double star sp the larva, or mask of Medusa; which may be
found by carrying a line from Mirphak through Algol and about 3°
to the south ; and a perpendicular to that point will cut 20 Pera& at
nearly 1J° to the eastward of it. A 6J, pale white; B 10, sky-blue.
This is a neat test object, being 60 IJ. in.; and supposing with II., that
Sir William by error noted down the quadrant as sf instead of jp, the
first measures are :
Pos. 239' 30' Dist. 14" -30 Ep. 1782 '64
This supposition was confirmed by S., No. 420:
Pos. 236° 10' Dist. 13"'88 Ep. 1824-91
whence, with the further corroboration of my observations, it is shown
that there has been little or no change in an interval of half a century.
Since this conclusion was arrived at, 5Vs grand Catalogue has been
received, and, on scrutiny, all the conditions of this case are therein
placed beyond doubt.
A sensible proper motion in space is attributed to the leader of this
compound, the values and directions of which are thus given:
P.... 2R + 0"-18 Dec. - 0"-09
Sr... + 0"-15 - 0"-10
B.... + 0"-09 - 0"-07
T.... + 0"-12 - 0"-09
JR 2h 45m 09s PKEC. + 73'51
DEC. N 78° 46'-6 N 15"'06
POSITION 225°-8 (w e) DISTANCE 5"-2 (w 2) EPOCH 1834-91
A double star, with two telescopic companions at a little distance.
A 6, orange; B 10^, smalt blue. This charming object was discovered
by 5*., and is No. 320 of the Dorpat Catalogue, where the measures are:
Pos. 226° 97' Dist. 4"'427 Ep. 1831-60
This star is in a strange corner of the following boundary of Cepheus,
but in the part where le Monnier squeezed in an asterism between the
Ethiopian monarch and the Camelopard, to commemorate his operations
in Lapland, in 1736, under the name of Rangifer. It is about 10° from
the Pole-star, on a line leading from thence to Algol.
m 2h 48m 38s PREC. + 2S>92
DEC. S 9° 32/-4 N 14x/'86
POSITION 55°«7 <«> « DIFFERENCE M — 17S<5 <* D EPOCH 1833-90
A star with a distant companion, pointed out by a south-east line
from 7 Pegasi through o Ceti, when it can be seen, and carried about
12° beyond; where it forms an oblique-angled triangle with 6 and TT Ceti.
A 3, pale yellow, and not of a brightness corresponding to its rated
magnitude; B 10, cinereous, being the nearest of a triangle of three
small stars in the nf quadrant. This object is pretty close to the Whale's
chest in the reach or bend of the River; and is known under the name
of Az-ha, by an easily-made error of transcription from the Arabic word
Udh-ha, a little nest; it being among the stars which were anciently
called the Ostriches. The proper motion of A has been stated by
P.... M + 0"-16 Dec. - 0"-30
£.... + 0"-12 - 0"-22
A.... + 0"'09 - 0"-23
M 2h 49m 30s PREC. + 4S'21
DEC. N 51° 42''6 N 14"'81
POSITION 84°-9 (» a) DISTANCE 12"-4 (» 6) EPOCH 1835-10
85°-5 (« 9) - 12"-5 (« 7) 1843-18
A neat double star, on the nape of the Heroes neck, slightly preceding
a line carried from Algol to Polaris, at one-third of the distance. A 6,
silvery white; B 8, sapphire blue. This fine object escaped the eagle-
sight of ^.; but it was marked "duplex" by Piazzi; and S., No. 422,
thus measured it:
Pos. 85° 20' Dist. 12" -96 Ep. 1823-97
The pair forms No. 331 of the Dorpat Catalogue, where the observa-
tions of £. confirm the fixity shown in the above results. But though
Piazzi made note of the comes following to the north, there can be little
doubt of his having observed and entered it as No. 222 of the Palermo
Catalogue, since a careful reduction yields these results:
As comes. Pos. 83°-5 Dist. 15") „ lftnn
As No. 222. 79 '2 12 J ^ "
M 2h 50m 04s PREC. + 39-41
DEC. N 20° 41/-8 N 14/x'77
POSITION 193°-5 («> 3) DISTANCE 0'x-5 (w i) EPOCH 183577
195°-7 (» 4) 0"-8 (w i) 1839-25
199°-6 («7) 0/x-9 («s) 1843-18
A very close double star, at the root of the tail. A 5, pale yellow;
and B 6£, whitish. This is 3Vs No. 333, of the order "pervicinae;" he
says that it is perhaps the closest of all his double stars — " inter
omnes nostras fortasse vicinissima." And H., writing to me in 1831,
asks, " Have you tried e Arietis? My twenty-foot, with power 480,
has fairly separated it. I do not say it will always do so. I should
like to see the telescope that will." It must, however, be widening, for
I have divorced them myself latterly, though they generally hung in
contact at my earlier attempts. A third star in the sp is so nearly in a
line with the angle of position, that I was enabled to make use of it in
my measures. The distances are mere estimations. The Rev. W. R.
Dawes first saw this object double, in my observatory.
In his Catalogue of 1827, Professor Struve merely registered e Arietis
as being in contactu; yet he subsequently paid such attention to it, that
he suspected the components of variability, to the small amount of
between 0 and 0'5 of his scale. This affords internal evidence that he
watched them closely; but from their not appearing on the list of
M ensures Secundce, in 1837, he probably did not perceive their binarity.
Still he affords a very valuable starting point, in the following mean:
Pos. 188° 87' Dist. 0"-547 Ep. 1830-16
An increase of angle had, however, become so apparent to me in
1839, despite of light measures, that e Arietis was among my strictest
agenda on repairing to Hartwell to make some re-measurements; when I
found it considerably altered, and easier to manage. From the results then
obtained, I can with some confidence state, that the acolyte has a direct
orbital motion. From the present state of the data, this motion may be
inferred to amount to about 0°*85 per annum, so that its revolution may
be made in four centuries at most. If we may place dependence on the
observations, as to the slight increase of distance, it will probably still
widen for a few years longer, until the satellite shall have doubled the
southern point of its course, which now seems to be on an ellipse
shooting out from e in the micrometric direction of 210°, with a major-
axis about thrice the length of its minor.
e Arietis, as well as o, was named Botein, from al-bota'in^ the little
belly; as forming with 8 and p3 the second chamber of the Mandzil
al Kamar, or Lunar Mansions, which, says Kazwlni, is placed in three
dark stars which form an athafi, a trivet or tripod. It is readily found,
mid- way on a line drawn between the Pleiades and Hamal; and a ray
shot from 7 Pegasi between ft and 7 Arietis, in the Ram's head, and
led as far again, strikes e.
m 2h 53m 14s PREC. + 4S'28
DEC. N 52° 52'-4 N 14"-59
POSITION 226°-0 <» D DISTANCE 55"-0 <« D EPOCH 1837*65
A wide and unequal double star, on the Hero's left shoulder, where
it forms the northern apex of a nearly equilateral triangle with a and 9
Persei. A 4, flushed white; B 14, clear blue. This is No. 2170 of H.'s
Fifth Series, and a line through them leads nearly over a lOth-magnitude
star in the nf quadrant, the angle of which with A is = 51°-3, and
A M = 18S*4; but I am quite at fault respecting a companion recorded
by Piazzi in note No. 234, Hora II., in these terms: "Duplex: altera
prsecedit 0"'2 temporis, 8" ad Boream." A movement in space is
assigned to the principal, of which the amount has been thus stated :
P.... JR, - 0"-15 Dec. - 0"-05
B.... + 0"'l2 0"-00
2& 2h 53m 55s PREC. + 38'13
DEC. N 3° 27''5 N 14"'55
POSITION 258°-5 (» 2) DIFFERENCE M — 29S'6 («> 2) EPOCH 1833-85
A standard Greenwich star, in front of the lower jaw, with a distant
companion. A 2J, bright orange; B 10, pale grey. This is a curious
object under a moderate power, on account of a decided blue star in the
field, north of it, of the 51 magnitude. The leader is assigned proper
motions in space, to the following amount :
P.... m - 0"-08 Dec. - 0"-15
B.... + 0"'03 - 0"'10
a Ceti is numbered among the insulated stars, and is called MenJcab,
corrupted from Al minkhir, the nose or snout, a name which the
Arabians applied, with greater propriety, to X; but though rated of equal
magnitude with /3 Ceti, it is not now so large. A line from Pollux by
Aldebaran, carried nearly as far again, brings the eye to a Ceti; which
star, with Hamal, forms the lower points of a gigantic W, of which Alde-
baran, the Pleiades, and Algol make the upper portion. The poet says :
To know the bright star in the Whale, the lower jaw which decks,
From fair Capella send a glance through Pleiad's beauteous specks ;
And bear in mind this cluster fine, so admirably seen,
From Cetus' head to th' Charioteer, lies just half-way between.
The figure of this asterism, a veritable monstrum marinum^ with its
long legs, ears, proboscis, missile tongue, and carnivorous jaws, ought
rather to have retained the name 'OpQbs, Pistrix, as given by Hyginus,
than KOTOS', Cetus, whose un-whale-like appendages did not escape
the lash of Butler:
Yes, 'tis clear
Tis Saturn; but what makes him there?
He 's got between the Dragon's tail
And further leg behind o' th' Whale.
Stanislaus Lubienietzki, in his Thealrum Comelicum, 1667, attempted
to lop off some of these redundancies; but in fishifying the animal he has
given him so capacious a mouth and throat, that a Munchausen's ship
might well have sailed in. Indeed, the leading distinctions of a whale
seem to have been overlooked by all the celestial delineators.
Although this fish, as shown in MorelFs edition of Aratus, 1559, is
a very queer-looking creature, yet it is better drawn than some later
figures, in that it has no legs; but as it is so furnished in the MS. of
Cicero's translation of Araius in the British Museum, it is evident that
the monster is connected with the tale of Andromeda. Cetus, is, how-
ever, the most extensive constellation of the firmament, occupying the
large space to the south under Pisces and Aries; and it was one of the
standard old 48 asterisms. Its constituents have been thus numbered :
Ptolemy ... 22 stars Bayer ... 27 stars
Copernicus . . 22 Hevelius ... 46
Tycho Brahe . .21 Flamsteed . . 97
Kepler . . '. 25 Bode .... 301
The Arabians appear to have given great attention to this fish. From
a fancied resemblance of the stars of the head to the Kaff-al-Khadtb
in Cassiopea, they designated a, S, X, /i, and f, Kajf-al-jidhma. the
maimed hand; the five stars on the body — 77, 0, T, f and v — were
al-na'dmdt, the ostriches; and <J> 1, 2, 3, and 4, which are nearly in a
straight line across the tail, were called al-nidham, the necklace.
m 2h 56m 05s PREC, + 3S'49
DEC. N 24° 37'7 N 14"-41
POSITION AB 265°'7 («>4) DISTANCE 0"'B (w
- AC 355°-0 (« i) 5"-0 (to i) EPOCH 1835-88
— AD 85°-0 <HF i) 105"-0 (
A quadruple group, between the Ram's tail and the Fly, followed
nearly on the parallel by a small dusky star. Three of these form S's
No. 346, and the whole are of most difficult measurement. A is 6^,
bright white; B 7, pale blue; C 15, blue; and D 13, lilac: the details
of the latter two being, of course, mere estimations. It may be picked
up by running the eye from 41 Arietis — the lucida of Musca — towards
the Pleiades, in which direction it lies, at about one-third of the
distance. A line led from 7 Pegasi between a and /3, in the head of
the Ram, and carried nearly as far again, also hits this object.
M 2h 57m 46s PREC. + 3S'86
DEC. N 40° 20'-0 — N 14//'37
POSITION 195°'0 (to 2) DISTANCE 55"-0 (wi) EPOCH 1835-63
A variable star, in the forehead of the larva of Medusa, with a
companion in the sp quadrant, and two others up. A 2 to 4, whitish;
B 11, purple. This star is generally known as Algol, a variation of
Al-ghul, the monster or demon; so harshly depicted in Hevelius's map
of this asterism. This ominous name was mightily noted in Astrology,
and to its influence poor Padre Vitalis, in his dismal Jeremiad, attributed
the then unhappy lot of the kingdom of Naples. Dr. Sedillot writes
rhol for ghul, but he adopted so singular a mode of expressing Arabic
words, that it is not always easy to find out what he meant to denote.
Algol is the most remarkable of the periodic stars, since the increase
and decrease in its changes of light occupy but seven or eight hours; and
this is best observed at the recurrence of the diminished light, because
when brightest it is the more difficult to determine, from its varying in
brilliance at different times. The most feeble light lasts about eighteen
minutes, from the examination of which, Argelander concludes that the
period of Algol is not quite constant. The first who observed these varia-
tions was Montanari; and in 1694 Maraldi ascertained that it changed from
the 2nd to the 4th magnitude. The period has been thus determined:
ByWurm 2d 20h 48* 58s '7
By Goodricke 2d 20h 48m 56s "0
It varies from the 2nd to the 4th size in three hours and a half,
and back again to the 2nd in the same time, and so remains for the rest
of the period, retaining its brightness. These singular appearances are
accounted for, by supposing the body to revolve on an axis, having parts
of its surface not luminous; and I£. observes that such stars, besides a
rotatory motion on their axes, may also have other movements — " Such
as nutations or changes in the inclination of their axes; which added to
bodies much flattened by quick rotatory motions, or surrounded by rings
like Saturn, will easily account for many new phenomena that may offer
themselves to our extended views."
To find Algol by alignment, project a ray from Orion's belt through
Aldebaran, and carrying it something more than double the distance, it
will hit the head of Medusa ; or, lisping in numbers,
Thus belt of Hero, eye of Bull, so surely mark the place
Where Algol shines, 'bove three faint stars, in fell Medusa's face.
These same stars collectively, were formerly called the Gorgons, the
prases of which has had a movement in space attributed to it, to the
following amount:
P.... m, +rO"'ll Dec. - 0"-04
B».. + 0"-03 + 0"-02
2R 3h 04m Ol8 PREC. + 4S>09
DEC. N 46° 37'-9 N 13"-92
A very extensive and compressed cluster, on the right side of Perseus,
in a rich portion of the galaxy; and it has a gathering spot, about 4' in
diameter, where the star-dust glows among the minute points of light.
This elegant sprinkle was registered, in December, 1786, by 1$., who
says, " the large stars are arranged in lines like interwoven letters." It is
H.'s No. 290, of the Catalogue of 1833: I derive its mean apparent
place by differentiation from a Persei, from which it lies at an angle
_= 9° with the vertical, at a distance of nearly 8° in space.
M 3h04m383 PREC. + 3S'10
DEC. S 1° 47'-9 N 13"'88
POSITION 260°-0 (» i) DISTANCE 5"-0 (»i) EPOCH 183675
A most delicate double star, on the tip of the cameleon-like tongue
with which the celestial TVhale is often figured; and it will be struck by a
line thrown from a Arietis, in the Ram's head, through a Ceti, and carried
about 6^° beyond. A 51, pale cream -colour; B 16, dusky. This object
was discovered by Sir John Herschel, and is No. 663 of his Third Series
of Twenty-foot Sweeps, where the acolyte is registered of the 19th
magnitude. But as, after several toilful trials under the best circum-
stances, I caught a view which, though most evanescent, and under an
averted eye, was sufficient to catch a guess by, I have assigned its bright-
ness at the point which is fixed upon as the minimum visibile of my
telescope. It must, however, be esteemed among the intensiva of faint-
ness, and has been repeatedly sought in vain, with the same instrument.
Reasoning from the analogies presented by optical space-penetrating
power, this acolyte, if not physically connected with A, must be almost
inconceivably beyond it in the vast profundity of those remote regions
which may be but the beginning of the Universe : such argument suggests
the possible distance to be somewhere between 700 and 800 times that
of Sirius from us.
M 3h 12m 24s PREC. + 2S'66
DEC. S 22° 20'- 6 N 13"'39
POSITION 240°-8 <»i) DISTANCE 150"-0 <wi) EPOCH 1836*90
A bright star writh a distant companion, in the second reach of the
River; being one of no fewer than nine stars designated by the letter r
in Bayer's Map of Eridanus. A 3^, light orange; B 11, greyish. This
object is in a barren field, and the large star seems overrated, since it
appeared more than once diminished to nearly a 5th-magnitude; but the
lowness of its position renders the case doubtful, from variable refraction.
A lengthy line projected from a Arietis through 7 Ceti, and from thence
carried by 77 Eridani to 1 6° beyond, will strike upon x4.
M 3h 12m 55s PREC. + 4s-23
DEC. N 49° 17''2 N 13"-36
POSITION 206°-0 («>i> DISTANCE 75"'0 <wi) EPOCH 1837*64
A standard Greenwich star, with a companion, in a rich galaxy
field. A 2J, brilliant lilac; B 9, cinereous: they are followed at a little
distance by many small stars. It is now placed in the Hero's left side,
but as it was called Mirfak, the elbow, or more fully Al mirfak al
thureyyd, the elbow of the Pleiades, to distinguish it from the other
elbow, the figure may have once been differently situated: still its other
Oriental name, Jenb Bershawush^ signifies the side of Perseus (Bershd-
wush Jre/Jtreu?), the p being lost in Arabic. Chrysococca calls it
II\€vpa Ilepa-dovs', and it must be from the word Jenb that it was
corrupted to Algenib, the style and title of 7 Pegasi, an equivoque
complained of by Sir J. Herschel.
A fancied line projected from the Pole-star to the Pleiades, passes
through the left knee of Perseus, and points in the mid-distance to
Mirfak; which is also gained by a line from Castor to Capella onwards;
or by that which the rhymester points out:
A ray from Algol to the Pole with accuracy guide,
Near, but behind it, Mirfak shines in Perseus' manly side.
The following quantity of proper motion through space has, on
reference to epochal observations, been assigned to Mirfak :
P.... JR - 0"-21 Dec. - 0"-02
B.... + 0"-11 - 0"'04
A.... H- 0"-07 - 0"-05
Perseus, whose mythological story is too well known to require
repetition, is one of the old 48 asterisms, and is placed in a very brilliant
part of the Via Lactea, nearly opposite to the three stars forming the
tail of Ursa Major, on the other side of the pole, and directly north of
the Pleiades. In the ancient MS. of Cicero's Aratns, in the British
Museum, the drawings of which as my late friend, Mr. W. G. Ottley, went
far to prove, were executed before the age of Constantine, Perseus is
represented with no other drapery than a light scarf, holding the head of
Medusa in his left hand, and a singular hooked and pointed weapon in
the right. The number of his stars may really be called infinite, on
gazing with a powerful telescope; but of his constituents, whose mean
apparent places are tabulated, the numbers run:
Ptolemy ... 29 stars Hevelius .... 46 stars
Tycho Brahe . . 33 Flamsteed ... 59
Bayer .... 38 Bode 196
This asterism, in the Arabo-Latin Almagest, is designated Cheleab,
which Grotius refers to kelb, a dog, but others to kullub, the harpago,
or hooked weapon in the Hero's hand *. It was also called Hdmil rds-
* Some of our crusaders must have imported this word ; for it is assuredly a better
etymon for "club," than the clwppa and kluppel cited by Dr. Johnson.
the bearer of the demon's head, or, as the Germans say, Trager
des Mcdusenkopfs: but it was the Caco daemon of astrologers. Such
was its style and title for many ages; but in the new uranography of
Schickard, the ethnic Perseus cum capite Medusae was supplanted by
David with the head of Goliath, as had been proposed by Novidius.
M, 3h Um 06s PREC. + 3S*44
DEC, N 20° 23'7 - N 13"-28
POSITION 87°'6 («-3> DISTANCE 0"'8 <«>i> EPOCH 1834-19
A close double star, just following the tail of Aries, at about one-
third of the distance between 8 Arietis and the Pleiades. A 8, pearl
white; B 9, yellow. This exquisitely delicate object is in a line with
two distant stars of the 10th magnitude in the sp quadrant, and there is
another small one in the nf: it is J£.'s No. 381, " oblongam suspicor,"
and was thus first measured by its discoverer:
Pos. 93°'7 Dist. 0"-75 Ep. 1827-16
The elongation is not immediately detected; and the focus was slightly
distorted to examine the outline of the spurious disc. This, if well
managed, is often of great use on such occasions. This star forms an
angle of 28° from r2 Arietis, 45 P. Hora III., with a distance of 16'; but
though so distant from each other, it is singular that there appears to be
a slight movement in space, partaken by both, in quantities of similar
amount and denomination.
m 3h 24m 58s PREC. + 3S'53
DEC. N 23° 55H - N 12"-55
POSITION A B 265°-0 («- 2) DISTANCE 0"7
3) J
AC 61o.9 ,„., _ . 2r.8(lt,3) •' 21
A triple star, on the back of Taurus, about 3° to the np of the
Pleiades. A 6, white; B 6y, pale yellow; C 11, bluish. This is a fine
and very difficult object, being X's No. 412, " vicinissiraas." A and C
point to a comes in the nf quadrant, and constituted 88 I£. iv., but Sir
William did not observe that A was double. It may have opened since.
His measures of A and C were
Pos. 66° 45' Dist. 19" '833 Ep. 178377
It was then re-examined by H. and S., No. 363, with these results:
Pos. 56° 06' Dist. 21"-055 Ep. 1821-97
and 2., who first made it a triple object, thus registered it:
AB Pos. 2G9°-92 Dist. 0"-692 Ep. 1830-38
AC 63°-02 22"'407 1830-92
Now the first two epochs exhibited so great an orbital change, in
less than forty years, as to excite much attention ; but the accordance of
those of 2. and myself, indicate some error of observation or entry. In
this conclusion, however, X's angle for 1821'95, in the Dorpat Obser-
vations^ is rejected; since it must be deemed rather an essay than a
conclusive measurement.
M 3h28m35s PBEC. + 3S'07
DEC. N 0° 03'7 N 12"-30
POSITION 231°-8 <»9) DISTANCE 5"-9 <«»6) EPOCH 1834-93
A delicate double star, on a line with a Ceti and Rigel, and nearly
one-third the distance: /3 and a Tauri also point upon it. A 6£, yellow;
and B 9, pale blue. This is 45 ]£. in., who by measures in 1781-83,
made the position angle = 234° 27'; but II. informs us, that by a MS.
note he finds it declared, that the observation is too small by 6° or 8°.
The first measures, therefore, for future reference, must be those of S.,
No. 431:
Pos. 225° 12' Dist. 5"-C12 Ep. 1824-02
This object is between the Bull's chest and the northern branch of
the Eridanus, in the part where the Abbe Hell (who also placed Her-
schel's telescope among the celestials) squeezed in his Harpa Georgti, to
compliment a sovereign of these realms; having filched from Eridanus
about thirty or forty stars, some of the 4th magnitude, for the purpose.
2R Sh 31m 33s PREC. + 48'22
DEC. N 47° 16'-2 N 12"'10
POSITION 315°-0 (**) DISTANCE 140"-0 (»« EPOCH 1833*74
A bright star, with a companion, on the Warrior's hip, and is about
3° to the south-west of a Persei, as pointed by a line led from a Cephei,
through the lucida of Perseus. A 3^, flake white; B 11, pale blue;
the two pointing towards a 9th-magnitude star at a distance in the np
quadrant. The vicinity is very rich. A has had a slight proper motion
assigned by
P.... M + 0"-04 Dec. - 0"-10
B.... + 0"-09 - 0"-03
A.... + 0"-05 - 0"-05
m 3h 32m 14s PREC. + 3S*77
DEC. N 33° 26'-8 - N 12"'05
POSITION 238°-2 (»s) DISTANCE 20"-6 (w2) EPOCH 1834-92
A delicate double star, on the wing of the Hero's right ankle, if one
of the ialaria may be so called. A 6, pale white; B 10, ash-coloured.
This is 39 I£. in., being registered in September, 1781, but without
measures, except one estimated distance of about 15". "We are, there-
fore, indebted to ^. for the first micrometrical observation, as follows:
Pos. 237°'0 Dist. 19 "77 Ep. 1828-15
The identity of this star has created some little confusion, since
several astronomers, among whom are even Flamsteed and Piazzi, have
designated 38 and 40 Persei under the letters o1 and o2 : but Mr. Baily
has shown, in his edition of the British Catalogue, that 40 Persei is the
"parvula supra o" in the Historia Ccelestis; and that 38 Persei is the
Greek 'o fJLLKpov, while the other is the English o of Bayer. It may be
found by running a line from Algol a little to the westward of the
Pleiades, and it will pass over 40 Persei at something more tban half
the distance. It is also struck by a ray carried from the cluster in the
sword of Orion, over Aldebaran, and extended a little more than as
far again.
2& 3h 33m 02s PREC. + 2S'70
DEC. S 19° 04'-8 N 12"'00
A milky-white nebula, between the two northern reaches of the
River; it is pale, but distinct, round, and bright in the centre. It lies
nearly midway between and preceding two distant stars, sf and nf, the
three forming an obtuse-angled triangle; there are only a few glimpse
stars besides in the field. Now there is, on close gazing, such strong
internal evidence of the nebula^s being inconceivably beyond those specks
of light, that, small as it appears, the mind is lost in considering its
probable magnitude and distance. This object was registered by I£. in
October, 1785, and I differentiated it with 7' Eridani; to fish it up, run
an imaginary line from the coarse double star Keid (40 Eridani) through
7, and extend it exactly as far again as the distance between those two
m 3h 35™ 41s PREC. + 3S'55
DEC. N 23° 57A7 N 11"'80
POSITION 335°-0 M DISTANCE 45"-0 («> i) EPOCH 1835-01
A delicate double star, in the cluster on the shoulder of Taurus.
A 5, lucid white; and B 10, violet tint. This object, though wide, is
fine; being Taygeta, a leading one of the seven sisters, whose name
appears to have been of some weight in Sparta. This has been consi-
dered as the Brood Hen's head, the slight movement of which, in space,
has been thus valued:
P....m + 0"-03 Dec. - 0"-07
B.... + 0"-06 - 0"-02
In this group, Celeno and Electra, Nos. 129 and 130 P. in., appear to
be affected with proper motions, similar in denomination though not
in amount: yet they are 10' apart, on an angle = 353°.
m 3h 36m 23s PREC. + 3s '52
DEC. N 22° 38'-6 N ll"-76
POSITION 342°-0 (ws) DISTANCE 5"-0 (»i) EPOCH 1835*03
A double star, in the cluster on the Bull's shoulder. A 8, bright
white; B 14^ fine blue. This most delicate object was discovered by 2?.,
and entered as No. 444 of the great Dorpat Catalogue, with these mea-
Pos. 338°-97 Dist. 3" -277 Ep. 1832-34
As the same astronomer got an angle of 334°'4 in 1831, it may be
well for those who have means equal to the task, to watch this pair
closely. But any discrepancies at present must be referred to the
extreme difficulty of the stars.
m 3h 36ra 51s PREC. +
DEC. N 23° 26'-8 N 11 "72
POSITION BC 149°'9 (w2> DISTANCE 32"-5 (u>4) EPOCH 1830*96
A bright star on the Bull's shoulder, pointing to the small pair in
the south of the field, which were measured and proved to be S.'s
No. 437. A 5, silvery white; B 8, purple; and C 9, pale blue. This
object — Merope — is in a fine neighbourhood, as viewed under a moderate
magnifying power, being near the middle of the Pleiades. S. thus
registers it:
Pos. 150° IT Dist. 34"-566 Ep. 1823'99
Proper motions in space are imputed to Merope, which are noted to
these opposing values :
P....M - 0"-11 Dec. + 0"-04
B.... + 0"-09 - 0"-03
M 3h S7m 20s PREC. + 4s-46
DEC. N 52° 09''9 N ll"-66
POSITION 255°-0 (»s) DISTANCE 9"'5 <«2) EPOCH 1836'79
A delicate double star in a cluster over the Hero's left thigh, and
about one-third of the distance between 7 Persei and Capella. A 8,
light yellow; B 11, pale violet. The large individual is placed equato-
rially between two small stars, and the secondary advances into the
sp quadrant, forming a fine object. It was first registered by Ijf. in
December, 1788; being on the following boundary of Perseus, on a
wavy branch of the Galaxy; and was described as containing one large
star, but without notice of the pair here measured, which seem to have
been first detected by %• No. 446, whose measures were :
Pos. 252°-70 Dist. 8"-545 Ep. 183074
m 8h 37m 59s PREC. + 38'55
DEC. N 23° 36'-3 N ll"-65
POSITION 289°-2 («9) DISTANCE 115"'6 <t*9) EPOCH 1836-97
Alcyone, a Greenwich star, with a distant companion, in the midst
of the Pleiades, called by the Arabians Jauza, the wall-nut, and Neyyir,
bright, or lucida of the Pleiades. A 3, greenish yellow; B 7, pale
white. Piazzi marked this "duplex," but the comes could only be
151 P. in.; and a reduction from his mean apparent places, and the
micrometrical measures of Sir J. South, afford these results :
P. Pos. 288° 00' Dist. 122"-50 Ep. 1800
S. 288° 42' 116"'40 1824
which, considering that A is chargeable with a small proper motion both
in M and declination, is very consistent with more recent observations.
The other two small stars in the same, or np quadrant, form the " binse
ad hoream" mentioned 150 P. in.; and were also measured by S. The
proper motions alluded to, are thus valued :
P....M - 0"-04 Dec. - 0"'09
#.... + 0"'06 - 0"-05
This star has usually been considered as the one described under the
32nd of Taurus, in Ptolemy, and there marked e in brightness. But
Mr. Baily says, " I do not think this star can be 77 Tauri, on account of
its magnitude : yet it is singular that the brightest star in the Pleiades
should not have been noticed by Ptolemy*."
The Pleiades constitute a celebrated group of stars, or miniature
constellation, on the shoulder of Taurus; their popular influences have
been said and sung for many ages. Hesiod mentions them as the Seven
Virgins, " of Atlas born;" and in the ancient MS. of Cicero's Aratus^
in the British Museum, they are finely represented by female heads,
inscribed Merope, Alcyone, Celaeno, Electra, Taygeta, Asterope, and
Maia, under the general title Athlantides, — while the illustrations to
Julius Firmicus in 1497, represent them as well-grown women. The
moral may be, that Atlas himself first rigidly observed these stars, and
named them after his daughters. But various are the appellations under
which they have been known. Theon likened them to a bunch of
grapes; Aratus says they were called eTrraTropot; Manilius clusters
them as glomerabile sidus; the Arabs said they were Ath-thurayya, or the
little ones; the French designate them poussiniere; the Germans, gluck-
hennes the Italians knew them as le gallinelle; the Spaniards term them
the cabrillas, or little nanny-goats, which is the key of the Duke's query
to Sancho; and several schools called them the brood-hen, under the
representation of a hen and chickens. There has also been much
discussion ,as to the number of the individuals in the group, some of
the ancients having advanced that there were seven, and others resolving
to count only six, in the spirit of Ovid's oft-cited
Quse sept em dici, sex tamen esse solent.
The "lost Pleiad" is, however, rather a poetical than an exact
expression, for in moonless nights I never had any difficulty in counting
seven stars in the so-called Hexastron, with the naked eye; and indeed
this is nothing to boast of, for many people may enumerate even more,
though few will equal Mcestlinus, the discoverer of the new star of
1604, who, as Kepler avers, could distinctly see fourteen stars in the
Pleiades, without any glasses. Still, if we admit the influence of varia-
bility at long periods, the seven in number may have occasionally been
more distinct; so that while Homer and Attalus speak of six of them,
Hipparchus and Aratus may properly mention seven. But they have a
singularly brilliant light for their magnitudes, whence the unassisted eye
* The occultations of this star, and h Pleiadum, by the dark limb of the Moon,
were well observed on the 19th March, 1839, by my excellent friend Lord Chief
Justice Tindal; who thus elegantly occupied the evening of a tedious assize-day at
Bedford. The observations were made with the S^-foot equatoreal, charged with an
eye-piece magnifying ninety-three times.
becomes dazzled. The ancients allotted to them only seven stars; but
in modern catalogues, their numbers hare run thus:
Kepler . . . .32 stars Hook 78 stars
Galileo .... 36 Jeaurat . . . .103
De la Hire , . . 64 F. de Rheita . . 188
And the zealous amateur may be assured, that there are yet many
recruits for him who will undertake an exact chart of them, the which
is still a desideratum, the cluster being directly in the Moon's path, and
therefore the site of abundance of occultations. This part formerly con-
stituted the third Lunar Mansion; and is so generally known, that its
alineation need hardly be pointed out; yet it may be added, that an
imaginary line through the wain of the Great Bear, passing Capella,
leads to the Pleiades ; or, from the southward, a line from Sirius, carried
over Orion's belt, meets them.
An interest in the Pleiades is strongly excited by Job's beautiful
allusion to God's power, in the ninth chapter of his book. We are held
to deal largely in chronology when, by reducing the occasus matutinus of
these stars — twenty-five days after the autumnal equinox — to this time,
we find that 2480 years have elapsed since the days of Thales; but here
we have recorded evidence of their being well noticed 3362 years ago!
Look also to] the thirty-eighth chapter, where, in convincing Job of
ignorance and imbecility, the Omnipotent demands,
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion ?
Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season ? or canst thou guide Arcturus with
his sons?
Knowest thou the ordinances of Heaven ? canst thou set the dominion thereof in
the earth ?
Now this splendid passage, I am assured, is more correctly rendered
Canst thou shut up the delightful teemings of Chimah ?
Or the contractions of Chesil canst thou open ?
Canst thou draw forth Mazzaroth in his season ?
Or Aish and his sons canst thou guide?
In this very early description of the cardinal constellations, Chimah
denotes Taurus, with the Pleiades; Chesil is Scorpio; Mazzarofli is
Sirius, in the "chambers of the south;" and Aish the Greater Bear, the
Hebrew word signifying a bier, which was shaped by the four well-
known bright stars, while the three forming the tail were considered as
the children attending a funeral. St. Augustin, in his annotations on
the above passage, assures us that under the Pleiades and Orion, God
comprehends all the rest of the stars, by a figure of speech, putting a
part for the whole; and the argument is, — The all-powerful Deity
regulates the seasons, and no mortal can intermeddle with them, or
presume to scan the ordinances of Heaven.
This beautiful group of stars also attracted very early attention in
Greece; and Hesiod, in the opening of the second book of Works and
Days, has a truly astronomical passage upon the Pleiades, nearly 1000
years B.C. It is thus rendered by Cooke:
There is a time when forty days they lie,
And forty nights, conceal'd from human eye,
But in the course of the revolving year,
When the swain sharps the scythe, again appear.
Among the classical ancients the heliacal rising of the Seven Stars
was esteemed the most favourable season for setting' out on a voyage,
though rain and storms were frequently then prevalent, whence Ideler
thinks they merit the appellation of Schijfahrts-gestirn. Some savans
tell us, that from the custom of letting fly a pigeon on the occasion, for
auspices, they were named the Pleiades, or doves: others say the desig-
nation is derived from TrXeti/, to sail; while another class insist that it
is derived from TrXeos-, full, from the genial bearings of the asterism.
Thus etymologists dock and stretch words, and limbs of words, after a
Procrustean fashion, to suit their own theories, a practice by which
they fall into many a trap, even more fatal than that which assumed the
Mount Sier of Ezekiel for Monsieur over-the-way. Of this system of
convertible terms and changeable terminations, which form the etymo-
logical battery, a notable expose occurs in Townsend's scourging of Sir
W. Drummond; from which we may instance the group in question,
Succotk Benolh, or Pleiades, on the back of " TUT, Tor, Tait, whence is
derived Turris, Topais^ Tap&os, Tvpaos, Tavpos, and Taunts" the
Bull. By the way, Aldebaran was called Taliyu-n-nejm, as following or
driving the Pleiades: can this have engendered the tally-ho of earthly
chases? I have elsewhere remarked, what a capital hit a sharp wit
might make between Almack's famous ball-room, and the beautiful
double star Afmak^ which being on Andromeda's right foot may be
assumed to symbolize dancing.
It may also be mentioned, that the night star to which Mahomet
devotes the eighty-sixth chapter of the Koran, has been said to refer to
the Pleiades; but I see no reason for restricting to any shining object,
so vague an epithet as the " star of piercing brightness," which appeared
by night. A more legitimate reason for supposing it to allude to this
group rather than to al-tdrik, the morning star, or al-thakib, Saturn
the piercer, is the allusion to its bringing back the rain, in the Sura
quoted: at least, so the commentator fancifully applies it.
M 3h 39m 30s PREC. + 3S'27
DEC. N 10° 38'-8 N ll"-53
POSITION 58°-2 (ws) DISTANCE 9"-2 («>4) EPOCH 1833-85
58°-5 (we) 9"-0 (w$ 1839-90
A delicate double star, on the left shoulder-blade of Taurus, indicated
by a line drawn from f Tauri, in the south horn, under Aldebaran, and
continued as far again. A 6, pale emerald; B 10, purple. This elegant
but difficult object is 66 ]£. in., and the measures recorded are :
Pos. 72° 45' Dist. 11" -27 Ep. 1782-69
These results, as compared with the above, would have excited
attention, but that H. has shown, from the existence of some error, that
w no conclusion respecting the motion or rest of this star can be formed."
Between the time of I£I.'s observations and ray own, I find the following
astrometrical details:
S. Pos. 58° 46' Dist. 9"'867 Ep. 1824-98
2. 57° 54' 8" -891 1830'71
A small amount of proper motion must not be overlooked:
P.... M + 0"-13 Dec. - 0"-12
£.... + 0"-03 - 0"-05
M 3h S9m 39s PREC. + 33'55
DEC. N23° 33-6 N 11"'52
POSITION 238°-2 (» 2) DIFFERENCE JR=118'5 (w 2) EPOCH 1832-96
A bright star with a distant companion, bringing up the rear of the
Pleiades. A 5, intense white; B 9, pale blue. Here the principal star
is Atlas, which is marked in %.'s Catalogue of 1827 "fortasse cuneus;"
I was therefore induced to give it a rigid examination, at various times,
under my fullest powers, — but always made the disc perfectly round.
On the arrival, therefore, of the grand Dorpat Catalogue, in 1837, I was
not at all surprised to find that in 1836'74, X gazing at this star with a
power of 800, records, " Stella simplex in optima nocte." Yet, as the
same excellent astronomer had undoubtedly seen it double, with a visible
line between the two individuals, it should be closely watched. These
were his measures:
Pos. 107°-5 Dist. 0"-79 Ep. 1827'! 6
Now as the motions of the heavenly bodies afford the most obvious
instance of unlimited power, the object before us assumes the highest
interest. From the conditions here stated, Atlas pursues its course with
a rapid and restless activity in a circular orbital progression, performed in
a plane nearly parallel to our line of vision. The revolution must con-
sequently occupy a period so comparatively short, that imagination is
confounded at its probable velocity.
A slight movement of Atlas in space is thus valued:
P....M + 0"-02 Dec. + 0"'03
B.... +0"'05 - 0"-05
Since the above was written, I find that Professor Struve, in
examining the neighbouring star 165 P. in., with the giant refractor of
14'9 inches aperture, detected it to be double, the components being of
the 8th and 10th magnitudes, and 10" apart. Struve's 10th- magnitude
will, however, be a task for most refractors. He also records 77 Pleiadum
as being double, in the Poulkova Catalogue, 4th and 7th magnitudes, and
the Sixth Class of distance.
2& 3h 44m 05s PREC. + 3s' 74
DEC. N 31° 24'-2 N 11"-20
POSITION AB 206°-6 (w e) DISTANCE 13"'2 (w 4)J
AC 198°-1 (w 3) 82"-9 (w 3)1 EPOCH 1832-19
AD 185°-0 («0 1) 121"-0 (w i)J
A delicate quadruple star, in the Hero's right foot; and about 7i°
north — slightly following— of the Pleiades. A 3^, flushed white; B 10,
smalt blue; C 12, ash coloured; D 11, blue. This is an elegant group,
to which II., No. 337 of Second Series, adds a fifth star of the 17th
magnitude, at 25" distance in the np quadrant. The object gave some
trouble, since I^.'s register 96 vi. is only for three individuals; but
as I cannot think so neat and near a star as B could escape him while
observing the others, I am inclined to attribute the derangement to some
accidental oversight in taking his distances, and that the original " treble"
he noted were A, B, and C; whose details would then be:
Pos. AB 203° 24' Dist. caret \ « 17o9,fifl
AC 195° 00' 71"-43J EP' 1782
An estimated notice of the star D, during a pressure of work, may have
occasioned all the discrepancies; we therefore now turn to the results of
S., No. 441 :
Pos. A B 204° 58' Dist. 13" '30}
AC 198° 46' 84"'38> Ep. 1825'00
AD 184° 33' 119" -07)
The difference of angle between A and B, may be owing rather to diffi-
culty of observation than change.
2R 3M4m44s PREC. + 4S-40
DEC. N 50° 13'-4 N 11"-16
POSITION 32°-0 (*>» DISTANCE 75"*0 («»i) EPOCH 183073
A wide and delicate double star, over the Hero's left thigh in the
Galaxy; where it follows Mirphak by about 8°, a little to the north.
A 6^, white; B 10, red. This object is 41 I£. v., enrolled in September,
1781, but no measures given. There are some companions in the field, of
•which a 9th and llth in the sf quadrant form a coarse pair, at a A JR
= 50S*5. The principal pair constitute No. 440 of S. A is said to be
variable, by Taylor of Madras; and a proper motion is assigned to it thus:
P....M +0"-21 Dec. - 0"-15
B.... -f 0"-20 - 0"-16
A.... + O^-IC - 0"'17
M 3M6m16s PREC. + 38'14
DEC. S 3° 25'-9 N 11"-04
POSITION 347°'4 (*>5) DISTANCE 7"-3 <«>4) EPOCH 1831-91
346°-8 (w 9) 6"-8 («> 9) 1838-09
346°-5 («* 8) 6"-6 (w 7) 1843-16
A very neat double star, between the chest of Taurus and the Hirer;
and a line carried from 7 Eridani to the following part of the Pleiades,
passes it at rather better than a quarter of the distance. A 5, topaz
yellow; B 7? sea-green; the colours in brilliant contrast. This fine
object is 36 ]J[. IL, and was thus measured by its discoverer:
Pos. 343° 23' Dist. 4" '33 Ep. 1781 '81
between which and my measures were these examinations:
H. and S. Pos. 349° 01' Dist. 8"-08 Ep. 1821-90
2. 349° 45' 6"'75 1825-00
D. 347° 14' 7"'02 1830-82
From all which we may conclude that there has been little or no
change, though the star is sufficiently easy for the results to have been
more coincident.
2R 3h 47m 08s PREC. + 3S>99
DEC. N 39° 32'-4 N 10"-98
POSITION 9°-l (W DISTANCE 8"-4 (we) EPOCH 1832-83
A neat double star, under the right knee of Perseus; where it will
be struck by a line led from the Pleiades due north through f Persei, and
continued a little more than as far again: i. e. about 16° on the whole.
A 3|, pale white; B 9, lilac. This fine and delicate object is 22 ^. n.,
and was thus measured at its discovery :
Pos. 8° 32' Dist. 8"-00 Ep. 1780-59
The subsequent observations of H. and S., 5". D. and myself, confirm
its fixity. There is a third star in the sf9 about 90" distant.
As the components of e Persei were not too faint to bear a trifling
loss of light, I successfully employed a method of separating them which
was suggested to me by Sir John Herschel, viz. a central paper disc,
of two inches diameter, on the object-glass.
M 3h 50m 34s PREC. + 2S79
DEC. S 13° 58'-0 N 10"73
POSITION 286°-0 (»D DIFFERENCE M = 30s (w D EPOCH 1836-89
A Greenwich star, with a distant companion, preceding the bunch of
T'S with which Bayer's map is disfigured ; to be readily identified by
shooting a ray from Procyon through the cluster in Orion's sword, and
extending it nearly as far again to the eastward, or by a like process with
Capella and the Hyades. A 2|, yellow; B 10, pale grey. It is in the
south part of the upper reach of the River; and there is a third star, of
the llth magnitude, in the sp quadrant. The leader has a distinct
movement through space, to which the following values are assigned:
P.... JR + 0"'16 Dec. - 0"'ll
B.... + 0"-09 - 0"-10
71 Eridani is called Zaurak, from the Neyyir-al-Zaurak, or bright star
of the boat, of the Arabians: and being at the flexure of the River, as
well as large and bright, seems to be the one alluded to by Hipparchus,
Patav. Uranolog., as that which the equinoctial colure passed through in
the time of Eudoxus. The same colure, however, could not have cotem-
poraneously passed through the right hand of Perseus.
CL. 213 P. III. TAURI.
M 3h 51™ 27s PREC. + 3S'47
DEC. N 22° 44'7 N 10"-66
POSITION AB 128°-1 (w 9} DISTANCE 7"-2 (
BC240°-0(»2> 60"-0(M1,/ EP°CH1 ;'12
A delicate triple star, in the neck of the Bull, at about one-third of
the distance from the Pleiades towards the Hyades, and slightly to the
north of the line drawn between them. A 7i> white; B 8, grey; C 12,
blue. This neat object was discovered by 5*., and is No. 479 of the
Dorpat Catalogue: and it may, at some distant period, prove to be a
system of more intricate combination, than the present results on short
epochs promise. Though registered " triplex," the distant individual, C,
appears to have escaped S.'s telescope, whose measures of A and B, the
first I meet with, are thus :
Pos. 127° 41' Dist. 7"-208 Ep. 1823-98
m 3h 53m 29s PREC. + 5S'07
DEC. N 60° 23'-5 N 10"'51
A bright planetary nebula, of a bluish white tint, about 60" in
diameter, on the hind flank of the Camelopard. It is in a rich field of
small stars, and was first registered by 1$. in November, 1787? as an
object whose light was uniform and definition abrupt. It is a curious
body; and was watched under the total lunar eclipse of the 13th of
October, 1837, being well seen during that shadowy obscurity which an
Italian would call un tenebroso orrore.
Closely following the north vertical of this object, and about half a
degree from it, is a beautiful and brilliant field of stars, the compact
portion of which is 47 $. vn., discovered in 1787- Many of the com-
ponents of this group are in pairs, the brightest of which is a neat
double star, both of the 7th magnitude, and decidedly red.
M 3h 58m 11s PREC. + 4S'40
DEC. N 49° 04'-5 N 10"-16
A pretty compressed oval group of small stars in the left knee of
Perseus, nearly mid- way between X and /-t, in the space extending from
Mirphak to Capella. It is a well
marked object, with a crown of larger
ones around, somewhat in the form of
the letter D. It was first registered by
1^. in December, 1790, and is in a very
rich vicinity of splashy groups of stars,
one of which to the «/"', is magnificently
radiated, and formed like a badge of
knighthood. This figure will identify
60 1$. vn., an object which — however
insignificant and dim a blot it may
appear — is a myriad of worlds, for a
powerful instrument reveals even thou-
sands of stars in it : and various late
operations show, that we have not yet arrived at our maximum of optical
prowess. But J. Harris, F.R.S., tells us, even in 1729, that he does
not " think our telescopes will be much farther improved P
M 3h 59m ©6s PREC. + 3S74
DEC. N 30° 20'-5 N 10"'02
A nebulous star over the Bull's neck, about one quarter the distance
of a line between the following portion of the Pleiades and Capella. In
the large reflectors this object presents an extraordinary aspect, but with
my telescope looks only burred. It was first registered by T£L. in
November, 1790, under this announcement: " A most singular pheno-
menon; a star 8th magnitude, with a faint luminous atmosphere of a
circular form, about 3' in diameter. The star is perfectly in the centre,
and the atmosphere is so diluted, faint, and equal throughout, that there
can be no surmise of its consisting of stars, nor can there be a doubt of
the evident connection between the atmosphere and the star/' From
this wonderful aspect Ijf. draws the following consequences. Granting
the connection between the star and the surrounding nebulosity, if it
consist of stars very remote which give the nebulous appearance, the
central star, which is visible, must be immensely greater than the rest;
or if the central star be no bigger than common, how extremely small
and compressed must be those other luminous points which occasion the
nebulosity? As, by the former supposition, the luminous central point
must far exceed the standard of what we call a star, so, in the latter, the
shining matter about the centre will be much too small to come under
the same denomination; we therefore either have a central body which
is not a star, or a star which is involved in a shining fluid, of a nature
totally unknown to us. IJL. maintained at first, that all nebula were
stellar masses; but it will be obvious to those who have studied Sir
William's condensation system, after the palinody of 1791, that he
adopted the last opinion on further experience. This luminous matter
seems more fit to produce a star by its condensation, than to depend on
the star for its existence; but, after all, it may be, that the star happens
to fall in a line with the centre of the nebula, so as to be connected
optically but not physically. See 19 1$. vi., M 15h 8m.
M 4h 03m 10s PREC. + 4S«36
DEC. N 47° 59'7 N 9"'78
POSITION 230°-5 (« 2) DISTANCE 92"'7 (» 2) EPOCH 1832-10
A star with a distant companion, on the left knee of Perseus, and
nearly in mid-distance between Mirphak and Capella. A 4|, greenish
yellow; B 10, pale blue; the two pointing to some others at a distance
n the sp quadrant. It was recorded by I£[. in August, 1780, but with-
out other measures than an estimated distance; but his son applied the
micrometer, and gained this result:
Pos. 231° 12' Dist. 91"-56 Ep. 1821-94
Proper motions in space have been detected in fi Persei, of which
the following rigorous comparisons afford the best results:
P....EL + 0"-09 Dec. - 0"-18
-B.... + 0"-03 - 0"-06
While this was in the press, I learned that Professor Struve had,
with the giant refractor of Poulkova — 14'93 inches aperture — detected
a most minute acolyte within 12" distance from A.
M 4h 06m 48s PREC. + 2S'85
DEC. S 10° 39'-4 N 9"'51
POSITION 154°-0 (w 4) DISTANCE 7"-l (» 2) EPOCH 1832-07
A delicate double star, under the Tz/bend of the river, at one-fifth of
the line which the eye carries from 7 Eridani to 7 Orionis, or nearly 6°
from the former, where it is so insulated as to be readily identified.
A 5, full yellow; B 11, deep blue — and nearly points to an llth-magni-
tude in the sf quadrant. This elegant object was discovered by ]j[. in
January, 1785, but not having taken any measures he did not publish it
till he gave the 145 New Double Stars in 1821. By 5?s observations
it was thus :
Pos. 152° 12' Dist. 6"'28 Ep. 1833-14
A movement is attributed to 39 Eridani, to the following amount:
P.... Si + 0"-07 Dec. - 0"-17
£r... + 0"-10 - 0"«12
B.... + 0"-03 - 0"'05
m 4h 06m 50s PREC. + 2S'79
DEC. S 13° 09r'l N 9//'50
A planetary nebula under the nf bend of the River, about 4J° from
7 Eridani in the direction of Rigel. A splendid though not very con-
spicuous object, of a greyish white colour; it is somewhat like a large
star out of focus, with a planetary aspect. 1^., who observed it on the
1st of February, 1784, remarked that it was slightly elliptical, with an
ill-defined disc; and concluded it might probably be a very compressed
cluster of stars at an immense dis-
tance. The limited aperture of my
telescope only permits the object to
appear in a spherical form ; but the
conjectural disclosure is the same.
The place was carefully differentiated
with 39 Eridani; and there are
several telescopic stars in the field,
of which two of the 8th magnitude
in the sp quadrant, point exactly
upon it, as in the annexed diagram, where the nebula is shown under its
best aspect, highly magnified.
M 4h 7m 56s PREC. + 2S'90
DEC. S 7° 54'-5 N 9"'42
POSITION 107°'6 (» 8) DISTANCE 83"'9 (w 6) EPOCH 1837'09
A very coarse double star, in the nf reach of the flexuous River,
designated Keid, from the Arabic al-Ka'id, the egg-shells; being rather
better than a degree to the sfofo Eridani, or Be'id, the egg, so called
from its whiteness, and forming, with the stars around, Az-ha~l-na am,
the ostrich's nest. A 5, orange colour; and B 9|, sky blue; other
stars follow in the field. This object is remarkable for its amount of
proper motion, being, as far as I yet know, second only to 61 Cygni,
and therefore an object of very considerable interest*. It is No. 80 IjL n.,
and was thus measured :
Pos. 107° 53' Dist. 81"78 Ep. 1783-00
which determinations, compared with those of S. S. and myself, in a
period of fifty-four years, manifest the physical connexion of these stars,
since their relative position has scarcely changed a second, although the
greater individual has performed so large a proper movement as to
amount nearly to 250" to the s.w. The values of the proper motions
assigned to A are these:
P....2R - 2"-21 Dec. - 3"'60
B.... - 2" '16 - 3"'45
A.... - 2"'19 - 3"'45
* While this sheet is actually under revise, the indefatigable Professor Bessel
writes me — "A series of observations about the annual parallax of a SECOND star
(No. 1830 of Groombridge, the proper motion of which over-rates that of 61 Cygni,)
which is now going on here, has been interrupted by bad weather. This star is less
favourably situated, though its north polar distance is nearly the same as that of the
other." Reducing this remarkable star from Groombridge's Catalogue, to the epoch
of this Cycle, it will give for M 1 lh 44m, and for Declination 38° 52' north. The
proper motions are stated to be in Si = + 5"'1G7 and in Dec. - 5"-GlW.
M 4* 10m 31s PREC. + 3S'67
DEC. N 26° 57''8 N 9"'21
POSITION 241°*8 (» 7) DISTANCE 55"'9 (» 7) EPOCH 1832-86
A wide double star, in the upper part of the Bull's neck; within the
mid-distance from Aldcbaran towards e Persei. A (j, light red; B 8|,
cerulean blue. This object is 13 1$. v., found in 1779; but the register
only records a distance of 55"'02, which is marked " inaccurate," albeit
it proves to be so neat an estimation. It is No. 40 of H. and S., who
gave these measures:
Pos. 240° 27 Dist. 56" -C4 Ep. 1021-95
The larger component has a proper movement in space, of which the
registered value is;
P.... JR + 0"-08 Dec. - 0"-10
B.... - 0"'05 - 0"-04
m 4h 10m 41s PREC. + 38'39
DEC. N 15° 14'-1 N 9"'20
POSITION 291°'0 (v i) DIFFERENCE M = 17"'8 (u> i) EPOCH 1835-17
A bright star with a distant telescopic companion, in the Bull's
nostril. A 3J, fine yellow; B 11, pale blue, preceded by another small
star in the sp quadrant. This is Hyadum primus, or the leader of the
Hyades, which, as the name implies, was esteemed a showery group;
whence the pluviasque Hyadas of Virgil, and the moist daughters of
Spenser. The family of Atlas was mentioned at 77 Tauri, but the Hyades
were considered to be another batch of his daughters; though some, to
lessen his burthen, dubbed them the Dodonides^ or nurses of Bacchus.
The ancients were not agreed as to their number, for while Thales merely
reckoned the two eyes, a and e, Euripides counted three, and Hesiod
five. Though the identity of this star must be pretty well established,
it may be stated, that it lies about one-third of the distance from
the Pleiades to the cluster in Orion's sword. But we learn from the
poetaster that this direction is almost needless; for
Among those gorgeous hosts aloft so gloriously shown,
The liyades, and Pleiades, to all who seek are known.
Pliny gives the name Palilicium to the Hyades, while others have made
it proper to Aldebaran, because they rose heretofore at Rome, on the
feast day of Pales; and Ovid lumps them together as Sidus Hyantis.
The group was also called Y-psilon — the Pythagorean symbol of human
life — from its shape; and from thence the Roman V, a and e being the
VOL. ii. H
extremes, and 7 the angular point. From a notion, either that the same
letter resembles a pig's jaws, or that Aldebaran with the Hyades were
like a sow with her litter, the Latins designated them Suculce. Cicero,
however, thinks the name a corruption, from having mistaken the Greek
word {/6S-, pigs, for vetv, fo rain. It must not he forgotten that 7 Tauri
has a very appreciable proper motion in the awful void, the amount of
which is thus severally given:
P.... 51 + 0"-14 Dec. - 0"-09
Br... + 0"-25 - 0"-10
A... + 0"-18 - 0"'02
m 4h 12m 51s PREC. + 3s' 63
DEC. N 25° 14/7 N 9"'04
POSITION 25°-l (w 8) DISTANCE 19"-3 (w 8) EPOCH 1831-93
A neat double star, at the back of the Bull's ear; where with v it
forms what the Arabians termed Al Kelbe'in, or the two Dogs. A 6, white ;
B 8, pale sky-blue. The alignment of ^ is not difficult: a ray being shot
from Castor through /3 Tauri, the tip of the Bull's northern horn, and
extended about 15° further, towards the Pleiades, strikes upon it: a line
from Rigel through Aldebaran, carried half that distance beyond the
Bull's eye, also hits it. This object is 10 l£l. IT., discovered in 1779,
but not measured. The point of departure is therefore the epoch of
H. and S., whose results are:
Pos. 23° 56' Dist. 19"'96 Ep. 1822'90
But the star being rather difficult under illumination, the difference of
position offers nothing to calculate upon. The leader's proper motion
has been thus registered :
P....1R - 0"-05 Dec. - 0"'23
B + 0"-08 - 0"'04
M 4h 14m 21s PREC. + 3S'60
DEC. N 23° 55H N 8"-92
POSITION 290°-0 (w 9) DISTANCE 28"' 6 (« 8} EPOCH 1835-98
A neat double star, on the tip of the Bull's left ear, at rather more
than one-third of the distance from the Pleiades to f. A 7» silver
white; B 8|, purple; and there are several small stars in the field.
This is a fair object for a moderate telescope; being 109 Ijjl. iv., thus
measured when first registered :
Pos. 291° 12' Dist. 28"-08 Ep. 1782-90
On comparing these data with the observations of H. and S. in 1821, of
%. ten years afterwards, and my own at the epoch stated, there seems
to be no appreciable change during an interval of fifty-three years;
though Piazzi's remark — "Duplex. Comes 8* magnit. pracedit 1"*8
temporis, 10" circiter ad Boream" — interposes a mystification. Mean-
time it has been slightly affected with proper motion, the amount of
which is thus severally given :
P....M + 0"-26 Dec. - 0"-11
B.... H-0"-06 - 0"'01
M 4h 19m 23s PREC.
DEC. N 53° 33'-3
N 8"-52
POSITION 307°-9 (» 9) DISTANCE 10"*4 (» 9) EPOCH 1838-09
A neat double star, between the animal's hind hoofs; and nearly in
mid-distance between a Persei, and 8 on the head of Auriga. A 7i,
white; B 8^, sapphire blue. The object consists of Piazzi's 83 and 84
of Hora IV. ; and though the process of obtaining a position and distance
from the observed JR and Dec. can hardly be expected to give a result
absolutely exact, the Palermo observations merit grave consideration,
and are therefore placed as the earliest epoch, to the conclusions of the
principal astrometers, as thus shown:
P. Pos. 299° 00' Dist. 12"-00 Ep. 1800-00
H. and S. 306° 26' 10"-45 1822-05
2. 307° 05' 10"- 13 1830*57
D. 307° 10' 10" -68 1832-90
2& 4h 19m 26s
DEC. N 15° 36/-0
N 8"-52
POSITION 166°7 («* 9) DISTANCE 336"'8 (» 9) EPOCH 1834-13
A wide pair of stars on the Bull's face, where it forms the southern
vertex of a small triangle with Aldebaran and the Hyades. A 5,
pearly white; B, which is 02, 5^, yellowish. From an apparent identity
in the values and signs of proper motions in space, the components of
this object are suspected of being in physical connexion; and imagination
is confounded at the probable period of the magnus annus^ should the
idea ultimately prove correct, for its curve defies human calculation. In
order to aid future inquiry, the above mean apparent place and micro-
metrical measurements were made under the greatest caution and care,
for the amount and direction of proper motion stands thus :
p f0iJR+.0"-13 Dec. - 0"-10
*> U« + 0"-10 - 0"-05
re1 + 0"-05 - 0"-01
*• te2 + o"-is - o"-oi
91 0"-08 - 0"-02
• 92 + 0//.n _ 0//.07
Mr. Baily thinks it probable, that Ptolemy observed 0l and 6* as
one star, and of course a fixed star; but from the quality of the capital
now accumulating for posterity, it is probable that a few hundred years
hence will find the list of inerranies^ or stars not wandering, a term so
general down to our own day, very greatly restricted. And while on
this, I am glad to produce another proof from Piazzi's Prcecipuarum
stellarum INERRANTIUM, of the excellence of the Palermo observations;
for a reduction of the mean places, together with an application of the
proper motions, affords the two following periods of comparison :
Tos. 166°-0 Dist. 340"-0 Ep. 1800
167°'0 338"-0 1840
m 4* 19m 43s PREC. + 3S'91
DEC. N 34° 54'*9 N 8"-49
A round pale nebula, between the legs of Perseus and Auriga, of a
slight cream-colour. It is 315 of H.'s Catalogue; and is so faint that
probably I should have overlooked it, but for his having described its
place so exactly, as "inclosed among six stars." It was discovered by
I£. in December, 1788, who remarked that "it stands nearly in the
centre of a trapezium." Its approach is announced by a star of the
8th magnitude, in the np quadrant; and it lies nearly in mid-distance
between Capella and the Pleiades, at about 12° from the latter.
M 4h 21m 01s PREC. -f 3S'40
DEC. N 15° ]7X'0 N 8"-39
POSITION 11°-0 (wa) DISTANCE l"-4 (w 2) EPOCH 1C37'22
13°-9 (100) l"-6 («s) 1839-16
— 15°-2 (« a) r-8 (w 4) 1843-11
A close double star, on the Bull's face, and about 1|° south-west of
Aldebaran. A 6, yellow; and B 8i, dusky. This beautiful object is
If.'s No. 554, and, as one of his vicmce, is of no very easy measurement.
The mean of his observations affords this result :
Pos. 12° 55' Dist. 1" -74 Ep. 1831 '18
Although I had strong doubts of my own angle of position for 1837,
which is a mean of some very varying ones, still on viewing the results
of 5*. with my weights for those of 1839, I could not but infer a small
orbital movement; and this suspicion is greatly strengthened by my
last measures at Hartwell.
M 4h 22m 10s PREC. + 4S'19
DEC. N 42° 42'-9 N 8"-30
POSITION 199°-8 (» 5) DISTANCE 110"-3 (u> 6) EPOCH 1833*08
A wide double star, in the left ancle of Perseus, with several small
Stars in the field, of which a remarkable one of the llth magnitude is to
the np of A, and seems to have escaped the eye of ]jf. A and B are
both of the 8th magnitude, and white; being Piazzi's 101 and 104 of
Hora iv. The object is 99 ]£. vi., and with a reduction from the
Palermo Catalogue may be thus registered:
I£. Pos. 198° 09' Dist. 96"-42 Ep. 1783-66
P. 198° 30' 116" -00 1800-00
It was next measured by II. and S., with these results:
Pos. 198° 52' Dist. 110"-19 Ep. 1821-91
whence an extraordinary change of distance was shown. Subsequent
measures, however, indicate some error in I£[/s register. It will be
found nearly in mid-distance of a line run from a Persei to /3 Tauri, at
about 10° from the former.
M 4h 25m37s PREC. + 48'13
DEC. N 40° 55'-8 N 8"-02
POSITION BC 30°-3 («> s) DISTANCE 1 l"-6 («> s> EPOCH 1838-21
29°-8i«>7) ll"-8(«>5) 1843-18
A star on the left heel of Perseus; it is an insulated object, assumed
as a pointer to the distant pair in the sf quadrant, with A JR = 4s.
A 5^, orange tint; B 7^5 greenish; and C 9, lilac. A line led to the
north-west from the preceding star of Orion's belt through B llatrix,
and 35° further, strikes upon it; and it precedes the mid-distance of a
ray shot from a Persei to /3 Tauri. The double star is 65 IJ[. in., and
there is another couple in the sp part of the field, of the 10th and llth
magnitudes, at about the same distance from A as the other pair. The
results of the measures of B and C have been very accordant in distance;
and also in angle, during the last twenty years, being thus:
I£. Pos. 41° 06' Dist. 1I"'36 Ep. 1782 69
HandS. 30° 00' 12"-46 1821-97
2. 29° 50' 11"'71 1828-72
M 4h 26m 44s PREO. + 3S>42
DEC. N 16° 10'-9 N 7"'93
POSITION 35°'9 (w 6) DISTANCE 107"-9 (v> 4) EPOCH 1836-98
A standard Greenwich star, with a telescopic companion, in the
southern eye of Taurus. A 1, pale rose-tint; B 12, sky blue; a mag-
nitude assigned on deliberate comparison, for I was surprised on readily
seeing it with my 5-foot telescope of 3f in. aperture, but the Rev. W. R.
Dawes has since shown me a diagram which he made of it in November,
1828, with a 3^-foot telescope, of 2f inches aperture, and a negative
eye-piece magnifying 200 times. This wide object is 66 1JL VL, and
was thus first registered:
Pos. 37° 02/ Dist. 87"-79 Ep. 1781-97
whence it is clear that the position has undergone no appreciable change,
the large star having a minute retrograde proper motion. The distance
may have increased, but such an inference cannot be drawn with cer-
tainty, as the difference very probably combines instrumental error with
amount of proper motion. Aldebaran is readily found by the eye, from
being exactly between Bellatrix and the Pleiades. The stars in Orion's
belt also point nearly in its direction; and it is moreover easily dis-
tinguished by its red colour. The rich appearance of its vicinity has
been thus eulogized by the brackish poet:
In lustrous dignity aloft, see alpha Tauri shine,
The splendid zone he decorates attests the power divine :
For mark around what glitt'ring orbs attract the wandering eye,
You'll soon confess no other star has such attendants nigh.
It has a slight proper motion in space, of which the following amount
has been estimated :
P....JR-f-0"-04 Dec. - 0"-21
B.... + 0"-12 - 0"-15
A.... + 0"'08 - Q"-17
Taurus is now the second in the zodiacal march, though only 4000
years ago he led the celestial signs, and continued to be their leader
for 2000 years. The principal star is Al-debardn, the hindmost, because
he drives the Pleiades, whence the name of Stella dominatrix, and
Taliyu-l-nejm, were also applied; but it was most popularly known
among the Arabians, with whom it was no favourite, as 'a'in-al-thaur,
the hull's eye, though it was placed at a little distance from the ani-
mal's head in the ancient configurations. (See Hyades.) Tycho con-
sidered it to be 125 times the size of our earth, while Ricciolus worked
it up to 2810 times that magnitude; such unwarranted conclusions,
however, are mere dreams; give us but the parallax, and the mass will
soon follow. It is a red star, and I have repeatedly seen it apparently
projected on the disc of the moon, even to an amount of nearly three
seconds of time, at the instant of immersion, when occulted by that
body, as related in the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society. This
phenomenon seems to be owing to the greater proportionate refran-
gibility of the white lunar light, than that of the red light of the star,
elevating her apparent disc at the time and point of contact.
All these suppositions, however, are purely arbitrary, as other stars
are liable to a similar affection; and notwithstanding that the call of
the Astronomical Society for observations of the occultations of Aldebaran
for 1829 and 1830, was zealously responded to from various parts of
Europe, nothing satisfactory was elicited. Of six observers at the
Greenwich Observatory, five distinctly saw the projection on the lunar
limb; and the majority of corresponding astronomers saw the star either
projected or hanging on the moon's edge : but there were several practical
men who saw nothing remarkable. The fact, however, of the singular
phenomenon is admitted, but subject to much diversity of opinion as to
its cause; for it cannot be traced either to the character of the telescope
employed, of the observer, or of the weather during the observation. To
those who have not the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society at hand, an
extract from one of my reports may be illustrative :
" October 15th, 1829. I saw Aldebaran approach the bright limb of
the Moon very steadily; but, from the haze, no alteration in the redness
of its colour was perceptible. It kept the same steady line to about f of
a minute inside the lunar disc, where it remained, as precisely as I could
estimate, two seconds and a quarter, when it suddenly vanished. In
this there could be no mistake, because I clearly saw the bright line of
the Moon outside the star, as did also Dr. Lee, who was with me. The
emersion took place without anything remarkable: the dark limb not
visible. Telescope 5 -foot achromatic, 3f aperture, power 78; adjusted
on the star." Dr. Lee was watching with a smaller instrument.
Ij[. measured the apparent diameter of this oculus Tauri as 1"'50;
and others have attempted a substantive measurement. Its ruddy aspect
has long been noted, and old Leonard Digges, in his Prognostication
Everlasting, 1555. pronounces that it is " ever a meate rodde." Indeed,
all late observers agree in its redness; but Virgil wrote
Candidas auratis aperit quum cornibus annum
which golden horns must rather refer to /3 and f, the two bright stars on
the tips, than to the " horns of triumph " of the Scholiast.
To account for this constellation's comprising only half the animal,
the mythologists have it, that as he personates the bull which swam
away with Europa, his flanks are immersed in the billows. This is very
much like the Dutch effigies behind a tree; but it does not well explain
why Taurus, Pegasus, or Equuleus, are deprived of their hinder parts.
Ovid, indeed, throws a doubt upon the gender of this sign, by making it
the transformation of lo, — but in either case it is still the munus umoris^
in which the heathens delighted. The classical astronomers are, however,
rery weak in their mythological derivations and zodiacal origins. In the
rare zodiac gold-muhrs struck by Jehangir Shah in 1618, Taurus is
represented as a complete though spiritless animal, with the gibbous
hump common to Indian oxen: but on the silver rupees of the same
monarch, the half animal is drawn in a bold butting attitude, exactly
as described by Manilius. Yet Aratus must have seen that of Eudoxus
differently placed, for lie puts the Pleiades in the knees. Some of the
Romans represented the animal as whole; since both Vitruvius and
Pliny speak of cauda Tauri as being formed by the Pleiades, to the
derogation of those young ladies. But the Arabians retained it merely
as a section, calling o, or Flamsteed's No. 1, the first star in Al Khat^
the slash, or section.
Taurus is one of the old 48 constellations, and contained the Fourth
Mansion of the Moon. As one of the earthy triplicity, it was held to refer
to the season for cultivating fields, in allusion to which the manuscript
Almanac of 1386 says, that " whoso is born in yat syne schal have grace
in bestis." Novidius recognised in Taurus the ox that stood with the
ass by the manger, at the blessed Nativity: " but," saith Hood, " whether
there were any oxe there, or no, I know not how he will prove it." It
is a very rich asterism, and its components have been thus tabulated:
Ptolemy ... 44 stars Hevelius .... 51 stars
UlughBeigh . . 43 Bullialdus . ... 52
Tycho Brah£ . . 43 Flamsteed . . .141
Bayer . . . .48 Bode 394
M 4h 26m 53s PREC. + 3S'2S
DEC. N 9° 49'- 6 N T ''92
POSITION 300°'4 (w 6) DISTANCE 68"-5 (« s) EPOCH 1832-93
A star with a distant companion, in the right fore-leg of Taurus,
being about 6° below Aldebaran, where it forms the vertex of an acute-
angled triangle with that star and Bellatrix. A 5, bluish white; and
B 85, cerulean blue. Some minute stars follow A, and there is one of
the 9th magnitude in the np quadrant. B is No. 127 of Piazzi's
Hora IV., a deduction from whose mean places are given below; and
the object forms 31 Ij[. vi., discovered and registered in September,
1780; but it was not micromctrically measured till the operations of PL
and S. The comparison of the previous results to my own are thus:
P. Pos. 303° 24' Dist. G4"-30 Ep. 1800-00
H. and S. 298° 59' 69" '45 1822-88
A discussion of all the observations leads to the inference — should
they be tolerably correct in a metric sense — that the satellite will have
reached the western limit of its orbit in about a century and a half; so
that after the year of our Lord 2000, its distance from A will begin to
decrease, since it will commence the southern half of its orbit.
M 4h 27m 18s PREC. + 4*71
DEC. N 53° 09''0 N 7"'89
POSITION 307°'9 (»«) DISTANCE l"-9 <»2) EPOCH 1834-49
-308°-7(«3) 1"7("3) 1836-28
A close double star, between the animal's hind hoofs. A 5 j, yellow;
B 7i» pale blue. An attentive observer will pick it up by casting a line
from Polaris between Capella and Algol, leading it about 9° from the
former; and it will be intersected by another line, drawn from a Persei
to B in the head of Auriga. This exquisite object was discovered by 2}.,
No. 560, who recorded it " vicinae;" but it is certainly wider and easier
of measurement than those usually so classed by him. It may, however,
be increasing its distance, albeit the mean of all my observations in
1836, afford no direct testimony of the fact. These are the results of
the Dorpat observations:
Pos. 311° 40' Dist. l"-585 Ep. 1829'79
m 4h 32m 39s PREC. + 3S'58
DEC. N 22°'38/7 N 7"'4S
POSITION 209°'8 (»8) DISTANCE 61 "-6 <w3) EPOCH 1831-96
A star with a companion, in a barren field, at the root of the Bull's
left horn; and about 6° north of Aldebaran, on a line leading from that
star to Capella. A 5, bluish white, and B 8, lilac. This object is
7 !$• vi., discovered in October, 1779; and registered with a ''pretty
accurate" distance of 61" 25'", but no angle of position appears to have
been taken. Piazzi then observed the mean places, from which we
obtain the following data to compare with the micrometrical measures of
Sir James South, viz. :
P. Pos. 210° 00' Dist. 58"-60 Ep. 1800-00
S. 211° 32' G2"-82 1824-00
On the whole, weighing the different methods and instruments
employed, the fixity of these stars may be held to be here established.
m 4h 35m 54s PREC. + 2S'S7
DEC. S 9° 05'-9 — N 7"'19
POSITION 318°-5 (w 9) DISTANCE 10"-2 (» 9) EPOCH 1832*12
A neat double star, under the nf extreme of the River, and close to
the four vertical stars of the 4th magnitude, which Kirch classed in
1688 as Sceptrum Brandenburgicum: and which was revived a century
afterwards by Bode. A and B are both 7i> and yellowish white ; being
Nos. 172 and 173 of Piazzi's Hora IV., and they constitute 99 $. in.,
being thus first registered:
Pos. 314° 09' Dist. 9"-16 Ep. 1783'08
It was measured by H. and S., with these results:
Pos. 318° 20' Dist. 10"-51 Ep. 1821-97
From these data, and a position of %. in 1820 = 322° 01', a slight
orbital increase of angle was presumed, in a direction sfnp, or direct; but
this is not confirmed by the later observations. It may be found by the
out-of-door observer, by running a line from Pollux through Betelgeuze,
and leading it rather more than half as far again into the south-west,
where it forms the vertex of an isosceles triangle, the base of which is
formed by Rigel and /3 Eridani.
2R 4h 44m 28s PREC. + 4S'77
DEC. N 53° 29'-3 N 6"-48
POSITION 239°-2 (« 3) DISTANCE 27"'0 (w 2) EPOCH 1838'7l
A delicate and very difficult double star, on the animal's hind hoof;
and about two-thirds of the distance from a Persei towards B in the head
of Auriga. A 5, white; B 13, orange; and they point to a third star in
the sp quadrant, of the 12th magnitude. It is No. 610 of ^., whose
measures gave:
Pos. 238° 32' Dist. 25"'G47 Ep. 1831-57
There was apparent evidence of a considerable amount of proper motion
in this star, but it has almost disappeared before the accurate observations,
and discriminating comparisons, which have latterly plied it; these are
the assigned values:
P.... M + 0"-14 Dec. - 0"-03
B.... + 0"-03 0"-00
Camelopardus is a large but indifferent constellation of recent forma-
tion, occupying the vast sporadic space between the Pole-star, Perseus,
and Auriga. It was introduced by Bartschius, on his four-foot globe,
and is said to have been reluctantly retained by Hevelius; who, though
he did prefer plain to telescopic sights, yielded only to Flamsteed in
diligence and accuracy of observation, among the astronomers of his day :
at all events the Camelopard is not among the new constellations which
Hevelius is offering to Urania and her choice staff, in the elaborate
frontispiece to his Atlas. The animal is fairly delineated in his map,
although its very existence was, even after that epoch, questioned. He
assigned it 32 stars, which Flamsteed increased to 58, and Bode to 211.
m 4> 48m 24s PREC. + 4S'05
DEC. N 37° 38'-5 N 6"-16
POSITION 351°-8 (we) DISTANCE 6"7 (u>5> EPOCH 1831-97
352°-6<tc7) 7"-0<«>5) 1833-88
A neat double star, preceding the hip of Auriga; and about one-
third down a line passed from Capella to the Hyades. A 5, pale red;
B 9, light blue. Though this fine object is well defined, from the dis-
parity of size in the pair, it is not at all of the easiest measurement:
yet owing to the pains taken by astrometers, there are few double stars
of which the results are more coincident:
I£. Pos. 352° 37' Dist. 5"'50± Ep. 1779-83
H. and S. 352° 01' 7" '89 1822-90
2. 351° 56' 6"-46 1828*75
H. 353° 027 6"-79 1830*96
The star nf this object, 5 Aurigae, has been found to be a most delicate
double star by Professor Struve — with the giant Poulkova refractor, of
14-93 inches aperture — the components being 6th and 10th magnitudes,
and 1^" apart: it should be remarked, however, that the acolyte is JjVs
10th, which in some cases cannot be estimated at less than my 15th.
m 4h 48m 32s PREC. + 2S'95
DEC. S 5° 25'-8 N 6"-15
POSITION 73°'6 (««> DISTANCE 63"'8 0*4) EPOCH 1831-93
A wide double star, in the centre of the nf end of the River. A (j,
white; B 8, lilac; a third star in the «p, of the 10th magnitude, makes
A the apex of a scalene triangle. From a comparison of the following
measures :
1$. Pos. 74° 51' Diet. 60"-43 Ep. 1783-04
H. andS. 74° 44' G5"-86 1821-97
the distance was considered as having increased: but my observations
do not support that opinion. An imaginary line led from Mintaka, the
third star in Orion's belt, close over /3 Eridani, touches No. 62, at about
3° west of the said .
M 4* 49m 48s PREC. + 3S'10
DEC. N 1° 25'-4 N 6"'04
POSITION 180°-4 (w e) DISTANCE 2"'4 (w 5) EPOCH 1833-92
A fine double star, just preceding Orion's right knee; and at rather
more than a third of the distance from Rigel to Aldebaran, where it is
intersected by a line passed from Pollux through Bellatrix. A 8^,
white; B 9. pale grey. This exquisite object is 68 IJL i.; and having
had a retrograde angular motion of 0°*269 per annum assigned to it, was
very carefully attended to. My measures, though they exhibit a slight
change, do not countenance the amount mentioned; since, supposing
I£[.'s to form a standard for its epoch, it would only be about 5° for
upwards of half a century. Since this was discussed the great Dorpat
Catalogue has arrived, by which a confirmation of other measures is
obtained. The whole previous results are :
1$. Pos. 174° 51' Dist. 2"-0 ± Ep. 1782-85
S. 173° 49' 2"-56 1825-04
2. 179° 54' 2"-64 1832-09
M 4h 49m 553 PREC. + 3S'39
DEC. N 14° 17'-6 N 6"-04
POSITION AB 303°*8 («> 3) DISTANCE 38"'9
r-9 (« 3)1
r-0 (» 2)J
AC 88-3 (.„ 70 >5
A wide triple star, between the Bull's ear and Orion's arm; and
nearly one-third of the distance from Aldebaran towards Betelgeuze,
where it is also shewn by a line carried from Sirius through Bellatrix,
and extended about 10° beyond. A 7, white; B, which is No. 255 of
Piazzi, 8, cerulean blue; and CIO, purple, with a minute star following
it. This is a pretty though coarse object, forming a neat arc; and A
and B were measured by H. and S. as 26 Bode Orionis, with results
which may he thus placed with the conclusions obtained from the JRs
and Decs, of the Palermitan Catalogue :
P. Pos. 301° 00' Dist. 44"-30 Ep. 1800'00
H, and S. 304° 25' 38"'48 1 822-09
A slight movement in space is attributed to A of the following value :
P.... M + 0"-05 Dec. - 0"'01
J3.... - 0"-09 - 0"-03
m 4h 53m 43s PREC. + 38'10
DEC. N 1° 22'-2 N 5"'72
POSITION 49°-3 (w s) DISTANCE 13"'7 EPOCH 1833'92
A neat double star, on Orion's right knee. A 8^, silvery white;
B 9, pale blue. These are Piazzi's No. 278 and 279 of Hora IV., where
the mean places are given; but they were first micrometrically measured
by Sir James South, with these results:
Pos. 48° 18' Dist. 14"-43 Ep. 1824-97
which, compared with what I obtained, promise no great motion. He
who has no equatoreal instrument, may fish up this object by carrying
an imaginary line from Sirius over the cluster in Orion's sword, and
about 10° beyond: or it may be sought near the mid-distance between
Aldebaran and Arneb, the luci da of Lepus.
m 4h 56m 193 PREC. + 9S'70
DEC. N 79° 01'-8 N 5"'50
POSITION 348°-8 («> 5) DISTANCE 34"- 1 (*~3) EPOCH 1833-16
— 349°-l <«> 8) 33"-8 («> 8) 1836-25
A fine double star, at the lower part of the back of the animal's neck.
A 51^ light yellow; and B 9, pale blue; while in the np quadrant, about
2' distant, is the little star mentioned by Piazzi, " 2' ad Boream, 2X/
temporis praecedit, alia 10* magn." This object is 19 Hevelius, the
No. 634 of the Dorpat Catalogue; but the first measures I meet with
are those of Sir James South :
Pos. 340° 23r Dist. ST'^Ol Ep. 1825-10
wrhence, by graphic comparison, a slight direct orbital motion, perhaps
nearly + 0°'3 in annual amount, is implied, as well as a small decrease of
distance, say — 0/x-3; for S.'s observations appear to be a mean of very
satisfactory observations, and I am able to place considerable weight on
my own. On these grounds a highly elongated elliptic orbit is to he
inferred, and a period of not less than 1000 or 1200 years. The question
has since heen further illustrated by the arrival of 3Vs results:
Pos. 348°-57 Dist. 34"-042 Ep. 1834-15
To find this object look about 10° on a line carried from Polaris
between Menkalinan and Capella, a and /3 Auriga?: a line from Alwaid
carried through the Pole-star, also reaches it at the same distance beyond.
M 4h 57m 11s PREC. + 4S>04
DEC. N 37° 08'*4 N 5"-43
POSITION 220°-6 (w a) DISTANCE I" '8 (w s) EPOCH 1832-25
A loose cluster, on the lower garment of Auriga; where a line
from Betelgeuze passed over the stars f and /3 Tauri, the tips of the
Bull's horns, hits it at 10° beyond. A 7, topaz; B 8, amethyst. This
object is a bright though freely spread band of stars, from 8th to 13th
magnitudes, having four brighter ones in a curve, of which the leader is
double; and there are three other pairs. It was registered by ]J[. in
January, 1787> and is No. 344 of his son's Catalogue of 1830. Just to
the north of the parallel, it is followed by the beautiful double star
^. 644, which, from its aspect, being more likely to prove an optical
object than the rest, was carefully measured, as above. The determi-
nations of other astrometers are :
2. Pos. 219° 12' Dist. 1"-61 Ep. 1828-60
H. 224° 19' l"-99 1830'05
M 4h 58m 21s PREC. + 3S'64
DEC. N 24° 02'-9 N 5"'33
POSITION 195°-5 (v> 2) DISTANCE 28"-0 (w 2) EPOCH 1831-94
A double star, between the horns of Taurus; where a line from Sirius
passed close to the west of Betelgeuze, and led nearly as far again, will
find it, lying between a and ft Tauri. A 6, pearly white; B 13, pale blue.
This is No. 114 IjJ. v., and though a widish object in a bare field, it is
fine and delicate. IJ., who calls A 203 Tauri, has not mentioned the
quadrant in which B is placed, but assuming his angle 72° 24'- to be sp,
his measures will be thus :
Pos. 197° 36' Dist. 30"-03 Ep. 1782-94
m 4h 58m 51s PREC. + 2S'96
DEC. S 4° 52'-5 N 5"'29
POSITION 13°-8 <* i) DISTANCE 47"-0 (» D EPOCH 1832-01
A coarse double star, close to the shin of Orion, where it will be
seen closely preceding and north of /3 Eridani. A 6, white; and B 11,
lilac; these two nearly pointing upon a third small star, near the south
vertical, and there are other stars in the field. It appears on the
Dorpat Catalogue, No. C42, but without measures or description : and in
the edition of 1837, has the " rej" against it.
2R 4h 59m 59s PREC. + 2S'95
DEC. S 5° 17''9 N 5"'19
POSITION 147°-5 (w 2) DISTANCE 120"-0 (*> i) EPOCH 1830'98
A bright star with a distant telescopic companion, on the shin-bone
of Orion. A 3, topaz yellow; B 12, pale blue. I examined this object
with anxious care, because in 57s first Catalogue, No. 647, A is marked
"vicinae;" and he moreover considered it to be formed of two close stars
of the 7th magnitude. All my endeavours, however, could only raise a
round disc, and ^. has since declared it " simplex." This star is readily
found from its vicinity to Rigel, being just above it, and in the direction
of the Hyades; the poetaster of these matters tells us:
Where Rigel shows the Hero's foot, north-westerly — not far —
Against his leg hi glory shines the River's second star.
Many writers think this River, which, according to Sherburne, flows
over the meridian at midnight in November, was originally intended to
typify the Nile, and that the vanity of the Greeks led them to call it
Eridanus. By other sage authorities we gather that the river represents
either the Spartan Fluviorum rex, or the Po, or the Granicus, or Orion's
river, or some other stream; while Ptolemy merely terms it the HorafJLov
dcrTepter//,o9, or asterism of the river ', which is followed in the Fluvius
of the Latins. In the early wood-cut figures of illustrations to Hyginus,
Eridanus is represented as a reclining female; while in the MS. of
Cicero's Aratus, it is delineated as a river-god, with his urn and aquatic
plant. At all events it is one of the old 48 constellations, and its
members have been thus successively enumerated:
Ptolemy ... 34 stars Bayer . . . , . 42 stars
Copernicus . . 34 Bullialdus ... 39
Tycho Brahd . . 19 Flamsteed ... 84
Kepler .... 39 Bode 343
This star is called Cursa, from the Arabic al-kursd, a chair or throne,
and is the principal individual of the asterism seen in this hemisphere;
a being far down in the south, though not quite at the end of the River,
ultima Fluvii, as its name Achernar implies, it being from dkher-nahr,
the latter part. It is also called Dhalim, the ostrich, a name given by
the Bedavvi Arabs, very probably before the Greek constellations were
known to their countrymen; and while some called X, /3, ^ Eridani and
r Orionis the Giant's throne, others termed it udh-ht, the little nest,
or place in the sand where the ostrich's egg is laid, which, by an error of
transcription, became az-ha.
M 5h 2m 50s PREC. + 3S>45
DEC. N 16° 30'-1 N 5"-03
POSITION 60°7 (ws) DISTANCE 25"*0 <w2) EPOCH 183773
A very delicate double star preceding a tolerably condensed cluster,
over the right arm of Orion. A 8, yellow; B 11, bluish. This object
is an outlier of a rich gathering of small stars, which more than fills the
field; it was registered by 1$. in February, 1784, under an estimation
of 20' or 25' of diameter, but he did not notice the pair here measured.
However, Sir John Herschel thus describes it, No. 349 : " Large rich
cluster; stars 12 to 15 m.; fills field. Place that of a D *. The most
compressed part is 42S'5 foil, the D *, and 3' south of it." The
whole may be fished up by carrying a line from the foremost star in
Orion's belt, Mintaka, through Bellatrix, and there intersecting it by
another from Aldebaran, due east towards 7 Geminorum.
m 5h 04m 509 PREC. + 2S79
DEC. S 12° 03'-9 N 4"7S
POSITION 336°-9 («> 4) DISTANCE 15"-0 («> D EPOCH 1836-93
A fine and delicate double star, in the Hare's left ear; where a line
from Betclgeuze through e — the middle star of the belt — and extended
rather more than as far again into the south-west, will pick it up.
A 4^, white; B 12, pale violet, with a reddish distant star nearly north,
which is the one mentioned by Piazzi, Nota 11, Hora V. This is 67
1$ . in., and No. 655 of Struve's great Catalogue, by whom these mea-
sures are given:
^. Pos.359° 31' Dist. 12"-34 Ep. 1782-69
2. 337° 30' 12"-81 1832-25
Little of a decided character, however, can as yet be deduced from the
observations of so difficult a star.
m 5h 04m 53s
DEC. N 45° 49'-7
PREC. + 4S'40
N 4"-77
POSITION A B 150°'9 («* 3)
"-o <t*i)i
-o <«i)j
EPOCH 1831-77
A standard Greenwich star, with two distant companions, on the
right shoulder-blade of Auriga. A 1, bright white; B 12, pale blue; C 9,
grey; AB being 30 1$. vi., and AC No. 51 of H. and S., under these
]£. Pos. 151° 23' Dist. 169"-0 Ep. 1780-69
H. and S. 348° 02' 454" -2 1821-22
Here the principal star is Capella, a name considered to allude to the
goat and kids, which Auriga, the waggoner, has charge of; but it is
sometimes called el-dyyuk, a word of doubtful origin and signification.
The Arabs distinctly termed it the Guardian of the Pleiades; and many
astronomers treated it as a single constellation, under the name of
Hircus, or Capra, the goat. Capella is a brilliant object, and as it never
sets at Bedford, and my view was unobstructed, it described a noble
circle, of which both the upper and lower transits used to be taken.
This is one of those stars which Piazzi attacked with the intention of
detecting parallax, as detailed in the Memoirs of the Italian Society. Sir
William Herschel measured its diameter, and concluded it to be 2"*5.
Sir John Herschel says, " I have a strong impression that Capella, within
my recollection, has increased in brightness. M. Struve is of the same
opinion." Its proper motions in space have been valued as follows:
P.... M + 0"-12 Dec. - 0"-44
B.... + 0"'20 - 0"-41
A.... + 0"-14 - 0"-43
Auriga is one of the original forty- eight asterisms, though it has gone
by divers other denominations, as Heniochus, Myrtillus, Elasippus, and
Erichthonius. It is thought to have been the Horus of the Egyptians;
but there is a want of apparent connection between the goat, kids, and
carter, and the potent son of Isis. The Arabians drew a mule, instead
of the human form; but they knew the latter figure also, and called it
Mumsi/ri-l a' inan, or holder of the reins. It has been thus tabulated:
Ptolemy . . .14 stars Bullialdus .... 27 stars
Ulugh Beigh . . 13 Hevelius .... 40
Tycho Brah£ . . 27 Flamsteed ... 66
Bayer ... 32 Bode 239
The goat in this constellation has been recognised as Amalthasa, the
nurse of Jupiter, and mother of the "Ept(f)oi, Haedi, or two stars f and
7) in the arm of Auriga, emphatically termed " horrida et insana sydera :"
with a third star they form an isosceles triangle, f and 77 were termed
al-anz, the goat, by the Arabians, and the former was Dhat-al-inan,
corrupted to Sadatoni in the Alphonsine Tables. The Haedi were regarded
by mariners of yore, as affording presages of the weather: and they were
so much dreaded, that they are said to have closed navigation at their
rising. Hence, in an Epigram of the Anlhologia^ Callimachus says :
Tempt not the winds, forewarned of dangers nigh,
When the Kids glitter in the western sky.
When the day of their peculiar influence was passed, a festival with
sports and games was celebrated, under the denomination of Natalis
Navigationis. Even Germanicus calls them unfriendly stars to seamen,
vaults inimicum sydus in undis. In the early and well-known Venetian
illustrations to Hyginus, Heniochus is delineated in a car drawn hy two
oxen and two horses, with a goat on his right shoulder, and two kids
on his right hand: "In manu duas quse Haedi appellantur stellis prope
occidentibus formati."
Capella, the shepherd's star, is a brilliant insulated object, and there-
fore of easy alignment. A line drawn from Polaris perpendicular to the
line of the Pointers, and on the opposite side to Ursa Major, passes, at
44° distance, through it. It will also be found by a ray projected
through a and &, the two most northern stars of the Great Bear's body,
into the irregular pentagon formed by Auriga. If looking from the
southward for it, take the rhymester's advice:
From Rigel rise, and lead a line, through Bellatrix's light,
Pass Nath, upon the Bull's north horn, and gain Capella's height —
Where a large triangle is form'd (isosceles it seems),
When beta is with delta join'd to lustrous alpha's beams.
m 5h04m55s PREC. + 3S>13
DEC. N 2° 39'-9 - N 4"-77
POSITION 61°-8 (w 7) DISTANCE 6"-8 (w 5) EPOCH 1835-89
A pretty double star, between the right arm and thigh of Orion; in
a line with the stars of the belt, preceding it by exactly double its
length. A 5, orange; B 8^, smalt blue — the tints are so decided as to
bear out 5?s remark, " colores insignes." This object was discovered
by I£. in December, 1784, but was first micrometrically attacked by S.,
whose No. 469 it is. The principal measures of other astrometers may
be thus stated:
S. Pos. 61° 59' Dist. 7"'05 Ep. 1825-12
D. 61° 05' 7"'31 1831-14
2. 63° 28' 7" '05 1832-05
So that there has been no appreciable change in ten years. There are
several other small stars in the field, of which two bright ones in the sp
quadrant form a coarse pair, at an /, from A r= 240°, with A JR = 29s.
A natural index for the future detection of proper motions in the star p,
is offered us in its just preceding and being nearly equidistant between
two small stars, the one north and the other south of it.
PREC. + 3S'90
N 4"'76
M 5h 04m 59s
DEC. N 32° 29''8
POSITION A B 224°-5 <»8)
EPOCH 1832-81
A fine triple star, over Auriga's right knee; about 15° down on the
line which runs from Capella to Rigel. A 5, pale yellow; B 7^? orange;
C 16, purple; A and C pointing to a distant fourth star in the np
quadrant. The two principal individuals of this object form J9 1$. iv.,
and B was thus noticed by Piazzi: " 1" temporis 20" ad austrum praecedit
telescopica." The former measures of A and B are as follows:
^. Pos. 232° 22' Disk 16"«09± Ep. 178073
H. and S. 224° 23' 14"'61 1822-10
From these determinations, a change in the angle of position was
inferred, but my measures, after an interval of ten years, do not confirm
it. %. also examined this object, and discovered the delicate companion
C, which had escaped the gaze of all other observers, and requires the
most careful attention even to be perceived by occasional glimpses, but
when seen, has a peculiar deep purple tint, which strikes singularly on
the eye from so excessively minute an object. ^Vs measures are:
Pos. AB225°-48 Dist. 14"'653l ,,
AC342°'37 12"-577J E
M 5h 5m 51s PREC. + 2S'77
DEC. S 13° 08'-0 N 4"-69
POSITION 359°'5 <* 3) DISTANCE 3"'7 («" 2) EPOCH 1835-02
A close double star, at the root of the animal's left ear, and may be
readily fished up about 5° south of Rigel, on a line run from Bellatrix
through the latter. A 5, pale white; B 9, clear grey, pointing towards
a distant star on the northern verge of the field. This exquisite object
was on J£.'s list of 1827, No. 661 ; and on the arrival of the grand
Catalogue of 1837, tbe mean of his measures was found to be:
Pos. 358°-68 Dist. 3X/'053 Ep. 1832-23
From these results, the general fixity of the components might be
inferred; but, as the weights show, I do not place great confidence in
my measures, which were troubled with variable refractions.
M 5h 6m 51s PEEC.
DEC. S 8° 23''5 N 4"-61
POSITION 199°-4 («>9) DISTANCE 9"' 5 (we) EPOCH 1832-07
A standard Greenwich star, double, in the Hero's right foot, at the
commencement of the flexuous Eridanus; it is familiarly termed Rigel,
from the Arabic Rijl-al-jauza, the giant's leg; and Recorde assures us,
it was called " Algebar by the Arabitians." A 1, pale yellow; B 9,
sapphire blue. This splendid object, which is 33 Ij[. n., is somewhat
difficult to measure on account of the component's disparity in magnitude,
and the brilliance of the large star. Still the results are in gratifying
accordance, being:
$. Pos. 201° 48' Dist. 6" -48 Ep. 178176
H. and S. 200° 41' 8"'87 1822-10
D.« 199° 48' 9"-86 1831 -15
2. 199° 46' 9"-14 1831-53
Here IjL's positions are from those printed in the Philosophical
Transactions for 1785; but H. has made extracts from the original
MS. observations, by a mean of which he obtains :
Pos. 200° 45' Ep. 1791-60 Dist. 9"'53 Ep. 1781-81
an agreement hardly to be expected under the difficulty of estimating
exactly the position of the occult line passing through the centres of two
stars so close, and so very unequal. I£[. remarks, " The small star not
wanting apparent magnitude, is better seen with ray power of 227 than
with 460." The proper motion of A has been thus registered :
P.... JR - 0"-05 Dec. - 0"-02
B.... + 0"-07 - 0"-01
A.... + 0"-02 - 0"-01
@ Orionis has been designated Rd'i al-Jauza in Arabian astrognosy,
as shepherd of the Jauza, whose herds, or thirst-allaying camels, are
represented by a, 7, 6\ and K. Zahn tells us, in his Oculus Artificiality
1702, that Francis Grindel observed through his telescope, that two stars
in the right foot of Orion were surrounded with great splendour, as
though emulous of the Sun; and that a phenomenon resembling them in
splendour, cannot be found in the whole firmament. Now, as I cannot
conceive either X or T to have been thus shining in the field with y3, I
can only impute the remark to a spurious image in a bad instrument,
coloured by the same enthusiasm which showed Padre de Rheita the
seamless coat of our Lord and a chalice, in this same asterism.
Independent of the "nautis infestus Orion" character of the constel-
lation, Rigel had one of his own; for it was to the astronomical rising of
this " marinus aster" in March, that St. Marinus and St. Aster owe
* The Rev. W. R. Dawes has shown me a diagram which he made of this delicate
object, with a two-foot telescope, of l$j inches aperture, made by Dollond, having a
pancratic eye-piece charged with a magnifying power of seventy times. This same
little instrument showed the companion to Polaris distinctly.
their births in the Romish calendar. It is easy to find. A line run
from the head of Leo through Procyon, arrives at Rigel; as does one
from Castor, by Betelgeuze; and the locale of the star is thus expressed:
With glittering gems Orion's belt, his sword, his shoulders, blaze ;
While radiant Rigel on his foot pours forth its silver rays.
It will be recollected, that this was one of the stars selected by Count
d"Assas de Montardier, a captain in the French navy, for his investiga-
tions of parallax; and that he concluded he had detected an amount of
from one to two seconds. But as he merely observed its appulse and
disappearance behind an iron frame fixed on a mountain at different
periods of the year, it would be difficult to prove such a quantity, right
or wrong, even if the frame were absolutely immovable during the
intervals, and insensible to the variations of temperature.
M 5h 7m 23s PREC. + 3S*50
DEC. N 18° 15'-3 N 4"-56
POSITION 168°-5 <« Q) DISTANCE 2"-l (w 4) EPOCH 1834-89
A neat double star, on the Bull's southern horn; where a line run
from the cluster in Orion's sword, and extended as far again to the
north, passes upon it. A 8, and B 8|; both bluish, and lying between
two stars in the sp arid one in the nf quadrant, and nearest to the latter.
It was discovered by Z., and is No. 670 of the great Dorpat Catalogue,
where the registered measures are:
Pos. 171°-13 Dist. 2"-327 Ep. 1830-53
M. Struve styles A, alba; but in noticing so slight a difference of
shade, even on so small an object, it is requisite to know to what degree
his field of view was illuminated, and in what manner. It is possible
that colour may interfere with our exact perception of size, which points
out the necessity of obtaining greater accuracy of expression in the
language of sidereal astronomy.
m 5h 7m538 PREC. + 4S'16
DEC. N 39° 57-0 N 4"*52
POSITION 30°-2 («> e) DISTANCE 102"-8 (» S) EPOCH 1835-88
A star with a distant companion, on the Waggoner's loins; and
rather more than 6° down a line drawn from Capella to Bellatrix.
A 5, pale yellow; B 9^, plum colour. This object is 22 Ij[. v., but as
he described it merely u — multiple, — 2 within 30," it is impossible
to identify them in the group of small stars of the galaxy wherein they
are placed. I therefore measured to B, although there were two or
three minute stars nearer, because it is the second of Sir James South's
No. 472; and a little coarsely-double star about 3m in the nf quadrant,
not far from the parallel, is his C; which are thus registered:
Pos. AB34°36' Dist. 102"-14) «„,„„..,„
AC 81° 31' 193"-94J •*• 1J
X Aurigae has a very sensible movement in space, which, though it
escaped Piazzi, has had the following values assigned to it:
B.... M + 0"-71 Dec. - 0"'66
A.... + 0"-68 - 0"'67
M 5h 8m 03s PREC. + 3S'54
DEC. N 19° 57''2 N 4"'51
POSITION 148°-4 (w 3) DISTANCE 10"'0 (w 3) EPOCH 1839-76
A neat double star, in the middle of the Bull's southern horn; jand
about 11° along a line projected from Aldebaran towards Pollux. A 8,
bright white ; B 1 1 , bluish ; and there are other companions, as mten-
tioned at 37 P. v. This delicate object is one of %.'s Third Class,
being No. 674 of the Dorpat Catalogue, where it is thus registered:
Pos. 147°-33 Dist. 10"-547 Ep. 1828-19
M 5h 9m 02s PREC. + 4S-15
DEC. N 39° 10'-2 N 4"-42
POSITION 42°-2 (w i) DISTANCE^'-D (w i) Ep
A very delicate double star in a group, on the "Waggoners loins.
A 7i, pale white; B 13, dusky. A fine field of small stars in a rich
neighbourhood, with but little disposition to form. The most prominent
member is a bright orange-coloured star of the 7'8 magnitude, forming a
scalene triangle, with two others to the sf; near it, in the np quadrant,
is the delicate pair above estimated, while on the northern verge of the
field is a triplet of lOth-magnitude stars.
This object, which is H.'s No. 350, was first pointed out by Sir
William Herschel, in 1 785, who describes it as a pretty compact cluster,
*( with one large star, the rest nearly of a size;" but he makes no mention
of the strong colour seen both by his son and myself. It is about 7° on
the line from Capella towards Bellatrix, or nearly one-sixth of the
distance between those stars.
m 5h 9m 47s PREC. + 3S'56
DEC. N 19° 57''7 N 4"-37
POSITION 204°'l («> 2) DISTANCE 9"'0 (« 2) EPOCH 1830-81
A very delicate double star, in the middle of the Bull's southern
horn; at nearly one third of the distance between f and Aldebaran.
A 7, deep yellow; B 11, bluish. It is the following of a curious series
of six stars nearly in the same declination ; the one immediately preced-
ing it, being 25 P. v., before described. No. 37 is one of 5?s Third Class,
and No. 680 of the Dorpat Catalogue, under the following measures:
Pos. 201°'77 Dist. 8" 720 Ep. 1827'85
"•0 (w 1) }
"'0 (w 1) J
- — « EPOCH 1835-97
2& 5h 9m 50s PBEC. + 2S'9I
DEC. S 7° Or-3 N 4"-35
POSITION AB 2550<0 (* i) DISTANCE 15'
AC 65°-0 <«- i) 20"
An elegant and extremely delicate triple star, on Orion's right instep ;
where it is the vertex of an obtuse-angled triangle, formed with Rigel
and @ Eridani. A 4, pale orange; B 15, blue; and C 12, lilac; the
three lie nearly in a line sp and nf^ between two brightish stars at either
end of the parallel. This is 25 ^. v.; registered October, 1780, but
without measures; and it is No. 2259 of H.'s 20-foot Sweeps, who
thus records it:
Pos. AB 250°-4 Dist. AB 18"-0
AC 63°'8 AC 18"-0
2& 5h 14m 25s PREC. + 3s' 15
DEC. N 3° 23'-l N 3"-96
POSITION 27°-9 («> 9) DISTANCE 32"-3 (» 9) EPOCH 1835-17
A neat double star, in Orion's right arm-pit; where a line carried from
the Pleiades through the Hyades, will find it about 3° south of Bellatrix.
A 5, white; B 7? pale grey. This is a fine object for telescopes of
moderate power, and is 84 l£[. rv. It has been thus measured:
1$. Pos. 30° 27' Dist. 26"-16 Ep. 178275
H. and S. 27° 20' 33"'04 1822-05
2. 28° 15' 31 "'71 1831-44
Hence, taking all the probable errors of observation into considera-
tion, there is perhaps no appreciable change in position; nor indeed in
distance, since H. has shown from his father's MSS. that, at the above
date, the stars were 32"'80 apart.
m 5h 15m 05s PREC. + 38'47
DEC. N 17° 13'' 8 - N 3"-90
POSITION 271°-2 (w 4) DISTANCE 63"-0 i* i) EPOCH 1832-95
A star with a distant comes, below the middle of the Bull's southern
horn, in a poor field; and in the mid-distance between 7 Orionis and
ft Tauri. A 6, white; and B 8|, lilac. Something seems to be the
matter with the distance of 110 IJL v., or it must have had an annual
increase of nearly 0"*37 per annum; but there is no reason to suppose
any change in the relative position angle of these stars in half a century,
the former measures being:
^. Pos. 273° 48' Dist. 46"-70 Ep. 1782-87
S. 271° IT 61"-76 1825-06
M 5* 16m 11s PREC. + 3S78
DEC. N 28° 28'-0 N S"-81
POSITION 225°-0 (*> i) DIFFERENCE M = 14S<5 (» i) EPOCH 1836-65
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant companion, and three
other small stars in the field, forming a regular figure with the two
preceding and two following ft. A 2, brilliant white; B 10, pale grey.
This object, y8, is on the very tip of the horn of Taurus, and therefore at
the greatest distance from the hoof: can this have given rise to the other-
wise pointless sarcasm, of not knowing B from a bull's foot? This position
gained it the name of Nath, from Al-ndtih, the butting; and as it is also
in the Waggoner's left ancle, it was called Kab'dhi-l-inan, i. e., heel of
the rein-holder, and entered on several Catalogues as 7 Aurigae. The
proper motion assigned to this star — small as it is — may be stated :
P.... m - 0"-03 Dec. - 0"-17
A... + 0"-12 - 0"-19
A.... 4- 0"-08 - 0"-20
In finding Nath by alignment, it must be sought about half-way between
the Pleiades and Pollux ; or, following the poet's dogma, a line sent
From centre of Orion's belt to where Capella's seen,
Will point to the observant eye Nath in mid-way between.
m 5h 1&»33* PREC. + 3s'2l
DEC. N 6° 12'-0 N 3"78
POSITION 150°-0 <«c 3) DISTANCE 178"-0 <»2) EPOCH 1838-85
A bright star, with a minute distant companion, on Orion's right
shoulder; and it is one of I£[/s insulated objects. A 2, pale but clear
yellow; B 15, grey; a third star precedes by about 34s, in the sp qua-
drant. 7 Orionis was rejected from the Greenwich List in 1830, there
being no fewer than four others of this constellation retained as standards :
it is called Bellatrix, or the female warrior, and is the smaller of the
two upper stars in Orion. The gender of this star puzzles Hood, who
knoweth not why it should be female, " excepte it be this, that women
born under this constellation shall have mighty tongues." Bellatrix is
the Al-najid, or subduer, of the Alphonsine Tables; but Ulugh Beigh
calls it Al-mirzam al-najid, though other Asiatic astronomers give the
first epithet, Al-mirzam, to a Orionis. Hyde, in his notes on Ulugh
Beigh (Syntagma I. 59), explains the Arabic words as signifying " the
conquering lion;" but his interpretation is doubtful. 7 Orionis is the
north-west star of the four at the corners of this asterism, so to speak;
and an ideal line, carried from Sirius over Aldebaran to the Bull's
ear, passes over it in the mid-distance; the rhymester then directs,
From Bellatrix now pass a line, to Betelgeuze the red,
And, to the north, three little stars will mark Orion's head.
A friend considered my distance as " much too large," and the colour
of A to be "reddish." On referring to Mr. Challis, that gentleman
examined the object with the great Northumberland equatoreal, pro-
nounced A to be "yellowish," and made the following measures:
Pos. 148° 04' Dist, 180"-46 Ep. 1841-19
Bellatrix has a small though sensible movement in space; but the
doctors differ respecting its amount and direction. Thus the values of
those most worthy of attention are the following:
P.... M - 0"-17 Dec. - 0"-03
B.... + 0"-09 + 0"-01
M 5h 16m 533 PREC. + 3s'll
DEC. N 1° 46'-4 N 3"'75
POSITION 322°-5 (*> 9) DISTANCE 2"-6 (» 6) EPOCH 1835-11
A close double star on Orion's right side; where a line from Orion's
belt towards Aldebaran passes it at about 4^° below Bellatrix. A^8,
silvery white; B 10, grey. This delicate object is 52 JjjL i., and was
placed by 5*. in his First Class, " plurium maxima." There are few close
double stars whose fixity for upwards of half a century has been more
satisfactorily proved than this, the other measures being as follows :
IjjL Pos. 322° 48' Dist. 2//-0± Ep. 178276
S. 320° 48' 2"-98 1825'OG
2. 323° 13' 2"-61 1831-81
M 5h 17m 18s PREC. + 3S'99
DEC. N 35° 10'-3 N 3"'71
POSITION 235°-0 (w i> DISTANCE 5"'0 (w n EPOCH 1836'79
A minute double star announces this cluster, on the robe under the
left thigh of Auriga. A 9^ and B 11, both grey. The object is a
compressed oval cluster of 10th to 14th-magnitude stars, about 3' in
diameter, trending sf and np, with a pair of lOth-magnitude to the
north; in a splendid district of the heavens. It was discovered by IJ[.
in January, 1787; but the neat double star here estimated, is No. 699
of H."s Third Series of Sweep Observations. It is about 12° down on
the line which the eye projects from Capella towards Betelgeuze, and is
there intercepted by another line drawn from Bellatrix through ft Tauri,
and extended 6i° beyond.
m 5h 17m 50s PREC. + 2S'47
DEC. S 24° 39'-9 N 3"'67
A bright stellar nebula, of a milky white tinge, under the Harems
feet, the following edge of whose disc just precedes a line formed by two
stars lying across the vertical, and it is followed nearly on the parallel by
a 9th-magnitude star. It is a fine object, blazing towards the centre,
and was discovered by Mechain, in 1780. It was resolved by ]j[. into
a mottled nebulosity, in 1783, with a seven-foot telescope; but on
applying the twenty-foot in the following year, he fairly made it a
" beautiful cluster of stars nearly 3 minutes in diameter, of a globular
construction, and certainly extremely rich.*" The mean apparent place
is obtained by differentiation from f Leporis, which is a fine white star,
with a red companion of the 7th magnitude in the np quadrant. An
imaginary line run from Betelgeuze before a Leporis and over /3, will
hit this object about 4° south-west of the latter.
M 5h 18m 41s PREC. + 4S'01
DEC. N 35° 44'-9 N 3"*59
POSITION 251°-0 («> D DIFFERENCE M 14"'5 (w i) EPOCH 1835-80
A rich cluster of minute stars, on the Waggoner's left thigh, of
which a remarkable pair in the following part are here estimated. A 7,
yellow; and B 9, pale yellow; having a little companion about 25 " off
in the sf quarter. Messier discovered this in 1764, and described it
** a mass of stars of a square form without any nebulosity, extending to
about 15' of a degree;1' but it is singular that the palpable cruciform
shape of the most clustering part did not attract his notice. It is an
oblique cross, with a pair of large stars in each arm, and a conspicuous
single one in the centre ; the whole followed by a bright individual of
the 7th magnitude.
The very unusual shape of this cluster, recalls the sagacity of Sir
William Herschel's speculations upon the subject, and very much favours
the idea of an attractive power lodged in the brightest part. For
although the form be not globular, it is plainly to be seen that there is
a tendency towards sphericity, by the swell of the dimensions as they
draw near the most luminous place, denoting, as it were, a stream, or
tide of stars, setting towards a centre. As the stars in the same nebula
must be very nearly all at the same relative distances from us, and they
appear to be about the same size, Sir William infers that their real
magnitudes must be nearly equal. Granting, therefore, that these
nebulae and clusters of stars are formed by their mutual attraction, he
concludes that we may judge of their relative age, by the disposition of
their component parts, those being the oldest which are the most
To fish up this object, a line from Rigel must be carried northwards
through /3 Tauri, on the tip of the Bull's left horn, and about 7° beyond,
where it will be intersected by the ray from Capella to Betelgeuze.
118 TAURI.
PREC. -f
.ZR 5h 19m 25s
DEC. N 25° 00'-8
POSITION 195°'5 («> &) DISTANCE 5"-3 (w 3)
195°-9 (« 9) 5"-0 (« 9)
+ 3s- 68
N 3"-53
EPOCH 183378
1838 91
A very neat double star, between the tips of the Bull's horns; and
mid- way between the Pleiades and S Geminorum. A 7i white; B 7J,
pale blue. This elegant object is 75 1$. n., and was noticed thus by Piazzi :
"Duplex; minor ad austrum; medium observatum," — which method
perhaps prompted him to assign the slight proper motion he has registered
to A, hut which has not been confirmed. A consideration of all the
measures of this star, and allowing for probable small errors of obser-
vation, identifies its fixity. These are the data:
J$. Pos. 192° 45' Dist. 5" -03 Ep. 1782-94
H. andS. 194° 01' 5"-66 1821-97
2. 196° 46' 4"-89 1829-63
D. 196° 20' 5"-15 1832-87
A proper motion is ascribed to A, in which it is probable that both
stars partake. The best valuations give:
P.... JR + 0"-11 Dec. - 0"-06
&... + 0"-08 - 0"-07
CCVL 261 #. I. AURIGA.
m 6h 20m 51s PREC. + 3S*97
DEC. N 34° 06'*9 N 3"'41
A resolvable nebula, on the lower garment of Auriga, about 2m*5 sf
38 Messier. This very curious object wras discovered by IjjL in February,
1793, who remarked that it "seems to have one or two stars in the
middle, or an irregular nucleus." This object was next examined by
H., No. 355, who described it as a nebula including a triple star, sur-
rounding them like an atmosphere. With these premonitions, I attacked
it under most favourable circumstances. The nebula is situated in a
rich field of minute stars, with five of the lOth-magnitude, disposed in
an equatoreal line above, or to the south of it, and preceded by a bright
yellow 7J magnitude star in the same direction. After intently gazing,
under moderate power, the triangle rises distinctly from the star-dust, and
presents a singular subject for speculation.
m 5h 21m 02s PREC. + 28'87
DEC. S 8° 30'7 N 3"-39
POSITION 295°'0 («> i) DISTANCE 20"*0 (« i) EPOCH 1834*71
A delicate double star, in the space between Orion's right heel and
left knee; where it may be found by drawing a line from the third star
in Orion's belt, over the sword cluster, and carrying it nearly as far again
beyond. A 7i> pale white; and B 10, blue. This pretty object was
J£/s Fourth Class, No. 722, but is not placed among his measured stars;
being branded in tbe great Catalogue with " rej" It is in a barren but
brightish field, in which an occasional glow seems to verify the " diffused
nebulosity" which H/s powerful light-grasping 20-foot reflector saw,
No. 2268 of his Sweeps.
m 5h 21m 23s PREC. + 2s-57
DEC. S 20° 53'-5 N 3"'36
POSITION 67°-5 («> i) DISTANCE 210"'0 (u> i) EPOCH 1832-00
A star with a distant telescopic companion, between the legs of
Lepus. A 4, deep yellow; and B 11, blue, and in the centre of three
small stars in the following part of the field. This star is often called
Nihal, but the name is more properly applied to a, /?, 7, and 6\ the
Arabian Al-nihdl^ or thirst-slaking camels; it will be identified by
drawing a line from the middle star of Orion's belt, through the sword,
and extending it 3° below a Leporis.
A difference from the general laws of precession has been exhibited
by this star, which, though of no great amount, is deserving of being
well watched, and the little comes here noted may be a direction. The
values at present given are :
P.... ]R - 0"-03 Dec. - 0"*07
Br... — 0"-04 - 0"-10
B.... + 0"-06 - 0"-08
M 5h 22m 13s PREC. + 3S'20
DEC. N 5° 49'*3 N 3"-29
POSITION 205°-4 («> 3) DISTANCE 1"-0 (* 2) EPOCH 1831-13
206°-2 (to 7) 1"-0 (i* s) 1839-20
A close double star, on Orion's right shoulder. A 5, bright white;
B 7? pale white. This elegant object was discovered by 1$., and his
observations compared with late results seemed to show a retrograde
motion in the angle of position; but this has not been confirmed by the
latest measures. It was considered too difficult for the five-foot equa-
toreal by H. and S., in 1822; and their measures were therefore cau-
tiously advanced. Nor did H. place reliance on his angle, 214° 33',
taken afterwards with the seven-foot telescope. I therefore re-attacked
it under every favouring circumstance in 1839, and place pretty good
confidence in the results obtained. The other observations are :
$. Pos. 2ir 507 Dist. 1"'0± Ep. 1780-06
2. 203° 45' 1"-04 1830-96
A line from the leading star of Orion's belt carried towards ft Tauri,
passes 32 Orionis at rather more than 6°, where it will be seen just to
the eastward of Bellatrir.
M 5h 22m 51s PREC. + 3S'14
DEC. N 3° 09'-9 N 3"'24
POSITION 26°-7 <«> 9) DISTANCE l"-9 (w 9) EPOCH 1830-16
25°-8(«>9) 2X/-0(«>9) 1838-21
A close double star, on Orion's right shoulder, where it is a little
more than one-third of the distance from Bellatrix to the last, or following
star of Orion's belt. A 6, white; B 8, pale blue; with a distant 8th-
magnitude star in the np quadrant, which must be 121 P. Hora V.
This superb object is 22 ]£. i., and not of very difficult measurement,
though rated as one of ^/s " vicinae." The results of the former astro-
meters are:
^. Pos. 28° 37' Dist. 0"-70 Ep. 1781-81
H. andS. 26° II7 2" -02 1822-02
2. 25° 35' 1"'87 1831-22
These results, compared with my own, indicate no change in the angle ;
but as Ij]L says they were only half the diameter of the small star
apart, the distance may possibly have increased.
M 5h 23m 503 PREC. + 3S'06
DEC. S 0° 25'-4 N 3"-15
POSITION 359°-9 i* 9) DISTANCE 53"-2 (w 9) EPOCH 1835-11
A standard Greenwich star, coarsely double; it is the leader of the
three " bullions" in Orion's girdle or belt, and nearly on the equator.
A 2, brilliant white; B 7, pale violet. This object is 10 $. v., and has
been thus registered:
$. Pos. 358° 10' Dist. 52"-96 Ep. 1779 77
H. and S. 0° 03' 54"-87 1822-97
Weighing the circumstances, these positions agree well enough with
Piazzi's description : " alia 7> 8ffi magnitudinis in eodem verticali, 51''
ad boream;" and the same maybe said of the distances, although 1$.
has recorded that he gave "full measure." The coincidence of these
results proves the fixity of the large star, and militates against the large
amount of proper motion which has been imputed to it; the later
assigned values are:
P.... & - 0"-12 Dec. -f 0"-05
£.... + 0"'08 - 0"'04
This star being the preceder of Orion's beautiful belt, has been
popularly distinguished under various names. Among astronomers it is
usually known as Mintaka, from the Arabian Mintakah-al-jauza, the
giant's belt; which some people also designated al-lekat^ the gold grains
or spangles. It was also called, with its associates, Jacob's staff, perhaps
from the traditional idea mentioned by Eusebius, that Israel was an
astrologer. It was also the Golden Yard of seamen, the Three Kings
of soothsayers, the Ell-and-yard of tradesmen, the Eake of husbandmen,
and Our Lady's Wand of the Catholics. The belt points on one side to
Sirius, the brightest of all the stars; and on the other to the Hyades and
Pleiades; and the rhymester points out the individual before us:
In the blue vast, Orion's Belt shines with its bullions three,
And of those bright conspicuous gems the first as delta see.
M 5h 24m 51s PREC. + 3"'60
DEC. N 21° 54'-2 N 3"-06
A large nebula, pearly white, about a degree north-west of the star
f on the tip of the Bull's southern horn, and on the outskirts of the
galaxy. It is of an oval form, with its axis-major trending np and sf9
and the brightest portion towards the south. Sir John Herschel registers
this in his Catalogue of 1833, as a "barely resolvable cluster;" and
figures it with a fair elliptical boundary. He applied his 7? 10, and
20-foot reflectors, and endeavoured to ascertain its relative distance by a
modification of their space-penetrating capacity. " As all the observa-
tions," he concludes, " of the large telescopes agree to call this object
resolvable, it is probably a cluster of stars at no very great distance
beyond their gauging powers; its profundity may therefore be of about
the 980th order." All this shows the difficulty of what, to my view, is
rather a milky nebulosity than a cluster. The powerful telescope con-
structed by Lord Rosse, however, not only displays the component stars
distinctly, but also shows several fringy appendages around, and a deep
bifurcation to the south. So do sidereal wonders increase with our means
of optical practice !
This fine nebula is remarkable as having been discovered by M.
Messier — the comet-ferret of Louis XV. — while observing f Tauri and
a comet in 1758, when he caught up a " whitish light, elongated like
the flame of a taper." This accident induced him to form his well-
known and useful Catalogue of nebulae and clusters, from the observa-
tions of himself, La Caille, and Mechain, in order to prevent astro-
nomers from mistaking any of those objects for comets; and the List of
103 which he furnished to the public, was considered to have scraped them
all together, as far as climate permitted. Whence D'Alembert, speaking
of Messier, observed, "on ne peut s'empecher de regretter qu'un Obser-
vateur si exact et si plein de zele, n'ait pas ete place dans un climat plus
heureux." But the progress of astronomy has not depended upon climate,
as the names of Tycho, Romer, Flamsteed, Bradley, Hevelius, Huygens,
Schroeter, Olbers, and others of the lepa <f>d\av%, abundantly testify.
Indeed, in the department before us, within twenty years of Messier's
publication, the illustrious Sir William Herschel increased the 103 by
2500 new members, in the decried
climate of England, thus affording a
strong instance how moral causes can
control the physical. Piazzi, whose
observatory in the Conca d'Oro was to
the eye most charmingly situated, was
so troubled with a peculiar flickery
hot aerial refraction, that one night he
exclaimed to me, " Ah, Greenwich is
the paradise for an observer!"
It is rather curious, on recollecting
that this nebula was first caught up in
seeking the comet of 1759, that it was
also a mare's nest to more than one
astronomical tyro in August, 1835,
when on the look-out for the return of Halley's comet, in the very month
in which it had first been seen seventy-seven years before : and f Tauri
was also the star which served as a " pointer," on that interesting advent.
m 5h25m40s. PREC. + 2s -64
DEC. S 17° 56'-5 — N 2"'99
POSITION 261°-0 («> i) DIFFERENCE M 17S*4 (v> i) EPOCH 1 834'01
A Greenwich star of 1830, with a distant companion, on the body of
Lepus. A 3J, pale yellow; B 9^, grey; a bright 6th magnitude in the
np quadrant. This object is easily found by alignment; for a ray
carried from 6, the central star of Orion's belt, through 6 and its nebulous
patch on the sword, as low down as Sirius, falls upon a Leporis; it is
thus recorded in galley-rhymes:
Orion's image, on the south, has four stars — small but fair ;
Their figure quadrilateral points out the timid Hare.
This asterism is one of the old 48, and is said to have been placed
immediately below Orion, as emblematic of caution and celerity. The
Arabians called a, Arneb, from al-arneb, the hare; it was also, in con-
junction with /3, 7, and S, named Kursa, from Kursa-l-jaiiza, or 'Arsh-
al-jauza^ the giant's chair or throne, — for al-jauzd, the belted-sheep,
seems to be here used as the proper name of the giant. 'Abdr rahman
Sufi designates the throne — one of the many which the Arabs had in
their heavens, although a squatting rather than a sitting people — al-
muakkkkerah, the succeeding, as following that formed by X, yS, ifr Eridani,
and r Orionis. Ideler mentions its having this name, and angrily adds,
44 und Gott weiss wie sonst noch." It is a poorish constellation — if such
a term may be applied to those wondrous assemblages — and has been
thus registered:
Ptolemy . . .12 stars Hevelius . , .16 stars
TychoBrahe". . 13 Flamsteed ... 19
Bayer .... 14 Bode .... 66
M 5h25m448
DEC. N 34° 01'-9
PREC. + 3S<96
N 2"-99
POSITION 308°'7 (» 5) DISTANCE 12"-0 (« i) EPOCH 1836*71
A neat double star in a splendid cluster, on the robe below the
Waggoner's left thigh, and near the centre of the Galaxy stream. A 8,
and B 9, both white; in a rich though open splash of stars from the 8th
to the 14th magnitudes, with numerous outliers, like the device of a star
whose rays are formed of small stars. This object was registered by M.
in 1764; and the double star, as H. remarks, is admirably placed, for
future astronomers to ascertain whether there be internal motion in
clusters. A line carried from the central star in Orion's belt, through
f Tauri, and continued about 13° beyond, will reach the cluster, following
</> Aurigae by about two degrees.
m 5h 26m 19s PREC. 4- 3S'30
DEC. N 9° 49'-3 N 2"'94
POSITION 42°-5 (» m DISTANCE 4//-6 («> e> EPOCH 1833-17
43°-0 <« 9)
4"-5 (w 9)
A neat double star, in Orion's ear; where it will be seen at about
5° on a line shot from Betelgeuze to Aldebaran, being the northern of
the three small stars forming Orion's head. A 4, pale white; and B 6,
violet. This fine object is 9 1$. n., and appears to be, from the following
measures and my own, without any appreciable motion :
I£. Pos. 44° 46' Dist. 5" -83 Ep. 1779-88
H. andS. 40° 46' 5"'57 1822'19
2. 40° 32' 4//'24 1830-81
D. 43° 02' 4"-65 1832-95
This double star, and the two <£>'s in Orion's head, forms, says Kazwini,
an athdfi constituting the Yth Lunar Mansion; the peculiar aspect of
which gained X the name of Heka, from al-hetfah, a white spot. On
the early application of the telescope to this spot, Galileo found it to
consist of twenty-one stars; but this definition of it does not seem to
have obtained generally. "It is evident," says JjjjE., "the whole appeared
nebulous to Flamsteed for no other reason than because his telescope
had not sufficient power to distinguish them." Hence the term, in
capite nebulosa, of the Catalogues. It forms the apex of a triangle, the
base of which extends between a and 7 Orionis.
JR 5h 27m 25s
DEC. S 5° 30'-0
2s -94
POSITION AB 311°-1 (»B)
AC 60°-2(«>8)
— AD344°-7(»8)
BE 350°-0 (» i)
DISTANCE 13"'0 («
5"-0 (*
s) f
i) J
EPOCH 1834-07
A multiple star, the beautiful trapezium in the " Fish's mouth " of
the vast nebula in the middle of Orion's sword-scabbard. A 6, pale
white; B 7, faint lilac; C 7i» garnet; D 8, reddish; and E 15, blue.
This was entered 1 IJJ. in., in November, 1776, and had the honour of
being the object to which the grand forty- foot reflector wras first directed,
in February, 1787, under the designation of " quadruple." As a trape-
zium it was gazed at, measured, and delineated, for upwards of fifty
years, when 5*. announced it " quintuplex," by the addition of the little
star E. Now when we consider the eye of I£., the measures of S., anil
the rigorous examination of H., this little companion must be looked
upon as variable; indeed nothing can exceed the confidence with which
H. assured me, of its not being visible when he made the beautiful
drawing of 1824, confirmed by himself and Mr. Ramage on the 3rd of
March, 1826; and yet in 1828 it was not to be overlooked but by wilful
inattention. Mr. Dawes afterwards saw it well with his five-foot
telescope. The best measures for comparison with my epoch, are those
of 2. and S.; and by adjusting the latter's uncials and quadrants, they
will stand thus:
S, 1824-50
AB Pos. 310° 48' Dist. 13" -453
AC 60° 04' 13"-582
AD 345° 03' 16" '685
BE (not seen)
2. 1836-15
Pos. 311° 14' Dist. 12" -983
60° 07' 13" -467
342° 10' 16" 780
353° 42' 3"-860 (1832-53)]
Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, and Hevelius, ranked 6 of the 3rd magnitude,
as did Bayer in his Uranometria, all evidently supposing the two con-
tiguous stars and the bright spot constituted a single star. The effulgent
nebula in which it is placed, familiarly called the Fish's head, with its
streaming appendages, certainly has an irregular resemblance to the
head of some monster of the polyneme genus. Its brilliancy is not equal
throughout, but the glare of the brighter parts gives intensity to the
darkness which they bound, and excites a sensation of looking through it
into the luminous regions of illimitable space, a sensation not entirely
owing to any optical illusion of contrast. This supposition must have
forced itself upon Huygens, independently of any recollection of the
empyrean heaven of the ancients; and had Voltaire seen the object
under powerful means, he would hardly have lashed Dr. Derham for
asking, whether nebube be not this shining region, seen through a chasm
of the primum mobile. Another wonderful singularity is, that the nebu-
lous and apparently attenuated matter seems to recede from the stars of
the trapezium, so as to leave a black space around each, between them
and the glow, as though they were either repelling or absorbing it.
This is a most splendid object under any telescope, but the greater
the optical power applied, the more inexplicable does it become. My
own telescope showed it to very great advantage, but it is here where
the light-grasping quality of reflectors is brought advantageously to bear.
Thus in the twenty-foot telescope at Slough, Sir John Herschel gained
perceptions of its modification which were not decided to my view: '• I
know not," he says, " how to describe it better than by comparing it to a
curdling liquid, or a surface strewed over with flocks of wool, or to the
breaking up of a mackerel sky, when the clouds of which it consists
begin to assume a cirrous appearance. It is not very unlike the mottling
of the sun's disc, only, if I may so express myself, the grain is much
coarser, and the intervals darker; and the flocculi, instead of being
generally round, are drawn into little wisps. They present, however, no
appearance of being composed of stars, and their aspect is altogether
different from that of resolvable nebulas." Such, at present, are the only
ascertained peculiarities of the wondrous mass. It is pronounced to be
of the singular nature termed milky nebulosity by Sir William Herschel:
" to attempt," he remarks, " even at a guess at what this light may be,
would be presumptuous. If it should be surmised, for instance, that
this nebulosity is of the nature of the zodiacal light, we should then be
obliged to admit the existence of an effect without its cause. An idea
of a phosphorical condition is not more philosophical, unless we could
show from what source of phosphorical matter such immeasurable tracts
of luminous phenomena could draw their existence, and permanency:
for though minute changes have been observed, yet a general resem-
blance, allowing for the difference of telescopes, is still to be perceived in
the great nebulosity of Orion, ever since the time of its first discovery."
This illustrious astronomer was, at first, inclined to consider all the
nebulae as resolvable, but this milky instance, with that in Andromeda,
contradicted the notion, and led him to inferences respecting nebulous
matter, and its possible gradation to stars by condensation, so as to form a
distinct and plausible theory of cosmogony; with the originality of which
neither the A' kdsah., oijifth element of the Brahmans, of which the heavens
are formed, nor the vague notions of Tycho Brahe and Kepler, can
properly be said to interfere. From these bold and almost overwhelming
ideas we may yet become conscious, as well of the operations of the
powerful agents by which whole systems are formed, as of those tremen-
dous forces by which others are destroyed.
We are told that this nebula was one of the first fruits of Galileo^s
telescope; but it is certain that Huygens discovered it by accident in
1656, as stated in his Systema Saturnium. where he notes, " Portentum,
cui certe simile aliud nusquam apud reliquas fixas potuit animadverti."
From a comparison of the descriptions and drawings of this object, since
his time, great alterations might be inferred; but astronomical delineation
was not then sufficiently advanced to render the diagrams at all satisfactory,
nor were the instruments sufficiently powerful. Thus, while one man
thinks his 3^ foot telescope indicated " myriads upon myriads " of stars
in its composition, Lord Rosse, with the most powerful and perfect
instrument extant, gained no appearance of re-solution. It may there-
fore be concluded, that the first rigidly accurate representation of it, is
that by Sir John Herschel; and he who wishes to acquire all the actual
knowledge we at present possess on the subject, cannot refer to a better
description than that contained in his paper, published in the second
volume of the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society. "Several astro-
nomers," says Sir John, " on comparing this nebula with the figures of
it handed down to us by its discoverer, Huygens, have concluded that its
form has undergone a perceptible change; but when it is considered
how difficult it is to represent
such an object duly, and how
entirely its appearance will
differ even in the same tele-
scope, according to the clear-
ness of the air, or other tem-
porary causes, we shall readily
admit that we have no evidence
of change that can be relied
on." To the drawing which
illustrates that account, pos-
terity will refer with con-
fidence, in order to "catch
Nature in the fact:" meantime,
it seems clear, that if the
parallax of this nebula be no
greater than that of the stars,
as one hypothesis assumes, its
breadth cannot be less than a
hundred times that of the diameter of the Earth^s orbit: but if, as is still
more probable, at a vast distance beyond, its magnitude must be utterly
This luminous spot is so well known to all star-gazers, that it is
hardly necessary to add, that a line projected from a Orionis, through f,
the third of the belt, will pass upon 0 and the nebula, in the sword-
scabbard. The portion called the Fish's mouth, with the well-known
trapezium, may be rudely sketched as in the preceding figure*.
6* Orionis, which is 133" from 01, on an angle = 135°, is coarsely
double, of the 6th and 7th magnitudes. At the epoch above named,
viz. 1834*07, the components measured 91°*5 as the angle of position,
and 52" for the distance.
M 5h 27m 36s PREC. + 2"97
DEC. S 4° 27''6 N 2"«83
POSITION 58°-6 («> 2) DISTANCE 5"'0 <«* 2) EPOCH 183579
A delicate double star in the wide-spread cluster on Orion's sword.
A 6, lucid white ; B 9, pale blue. The principal members of this group
of stars, are of the 6th and 7th magnitudes, with some smaller; and
from their brightness and disposition form a capital test for the light of
a telescope. It was examined by H., and entered on his Catalogue of
1830; whence it may lay claim to being an aggregated and connected
assemblage, and, comparatively speaking, not very remote from us.
m 5h 27m 36s PREC. + 2S'93
DEC. S 6° Or-2 N 2"'83
POSITION AB 141°7 (w 8) DISTANCE 11 "-5 («> 6)]
-AC102°-8<»3> _ - 48"-9<4 EPOCH 1832-13
A fine triple star, in a good field on Orion's sword-scabbard; and 5°
south of the middle star in the belt. A 3|, white; B 8^, pale blue; and
C 11, grape red. Piazzi says of t, in his Notce, " Duplex: comes 0'''4
temporis sequitur, et vix distingui potest," — but his instrument being
fully equal to distinguish such a magnitude as that of B, his remark
excites a suspicion that it may be variable. There is a glow about this
* Since my observations were made, a sixth star has been seen just outside A,
nearly in the h'ne with A and B. But it is a very intenswa of vision, and therefore
quite escaped me. The Rev. W. R. Dawes managed to measure it, and he kindly
communicated to me the following results :
Mean of 6 Observations of Pos. = 127° 48' 1 -p ,«,!«.,«
4 Dis. = 2"-79 } EP- 1842 16
"My attention," he writes, "was directed to this star by Mr. W. Lassell, Jun., of
Star-field. He lately saw the small companion with a newly-figured 9-inch Newtonian
metal, of 112 inches focus, made by himself."
object, when viewed under favouring circumstances; yet I cannot assert
that the nebulosity in which it is enveloped, is clearly seen. But under
proper means it is well worth scrutiny; for nebulous stars are certainly
among the most remarkable objects in the heavens, and perhaps should
be distinguished from stellar nebulae in being of a less doubtful character,
as to the state of condensation, the central matter in such being suddenly
vivid, and sharply denned, i Orionis is 12 1$. in., and was thus mea-
sured when first classed :
AB Pos. 133° 51' DIs. 12"-50) „ 1WQ.W
AC 101° 19' 48"-31J ^P-1"9"
When Sir James South re-examined this star, in 1824, A and B
were considered, from the apparent change of angle in fifty-five years, to
have a direct orbital motion = + 0"'202 per annum; but more recent
observations do not support the inference. The measures with which
I compared mine, are:
S. Pos. 141° 58' Dist. 12"-08 Ep. 182474
D. 141° 21' 11"'89 1831-16
2. 142° 10' ll"-32 1831-86
2R, 5h 28m 06s PREC. + 3S'04
DEC. S 1° 18'-6 N 2"78
POSITION 67°'9 («> D DISTANCE 160"'0 (w i) EPOCH 1835-02
A standard Greenwich star, in the centre of Orion's belt, with a
distant companion. A 2^, bright white, and nebulous; B 10, pale blue.
This fine star, rated a full second magnitude by Flamsteed, is in a neat
trapezium of the 8th magnitude, in a rich vicinity. It is often called
Alnilam, from the Arabic Al-Nidham, or Nizam, the string of pearls, in
allusion to its situation between f and 8, forming, as Robert Recorde says,
the bullions set in Orion's girdle. It may assist the alignment of the
vicinity to state, that the belt extends exactly 3°, or 1^° on each side of
this star.
As neither f nor B could have offered much peculiarity to Padre de
Rheita's binocular telescope in 1643, the treble-bodied star which he saw
in or near Orion's belt, may have been e or cr, — " in aut prope cingulum
Orionis vidisse se tricorpoream stellam." The worthy Bohemian's visions
and views sadly interfere with the exactness of his real discoveries in
ccelo stellifero. The galley-poet tells us:
Our Lady's wand is bless'd by all who watch those gems on high,
And centre of that brilliant zone epsilon meets the eye.
The attractions of this beautiful constellation have thus afforded five
objects in close succession; and numerous others deck this comparatively
compact region. It is a wonderful spot; and there is food for the
theorist in the brilliant oblique zone exhibited by Taurus and Orion,
coming to a full stop at Sirius.
M 5h 28m 21s PREC. + 3S'S4
DEC. N 30° 23'-4 N 2"-76
POSITION 267°'8 <» 9) DISTANCE 12"-3 <» 9) EPOCH 1833-09
A neat double star, on the Waggoner's left shin; where a line from
the cluster in Orion's sword, led through the middle star of the helt,
through f Tauri, will hit it at less than 10° beyond the latter. A 5,
pale white; and B 8, violet. This fine object is 64 Ij[. in., and from an
error in the original entry, was erroneously supposed to have changed its
quadrant, in an interval of forty-three years, in an orbital motion npsf or
retrograde. These are the measures with which mine are compared:
1$. Pos. 272° 36' Dist. 13"-41 Ep. 1782-68
S. 268° 22' 12"-32 1825 '03
2. 268° 02' 12"-34 1828-61
5*.'s epoch is a mean of four years, and should a retrograde motion
be hereafter established, it will prove the delicacy of his measures, and
the sterling talent of ]£.; for when he established those admirable epochs,
there were no spider-line micrometers, &c.
m 5h 29m 32s PREC. + 3S'64
DEC. N 23° 13'*5 N 2"-66
POSITION AB 240°-8 («» i) DISTANCE 98"'0 (« m
- BC 315°*0 (w 7) 5"-0 (« 3)1 EPOCH 1835-65
— AD 170°-0 <« i) 82r/-0 (w i)j
A coarse quadruple star, in the space over the Bull's southern horn.
A 8i, garnet; B 8, and C 9, both pale white, and forming a very delicate
object; D 10, bluish. This star does not appear upon the British
Catalogue, but was well observed by Piazzi, who remarked — " Praecedit
telescopica ad Austrum, nee alia inventa." This group was examined
because it happened to be near the spot where I was on the look-out for
Halley's comet, on its most welcome return to our neighbourhood, in
August, 1835. Several stars in this vicinity, which I used as comet-
pointers, were meridionally observed for me by my friend Mr. Henderson,
in the Royal Observatory at Edinburgh.
124 Tauri is rather more than one- third of the distance from Alde-
baran to Castor; and about two degrees north, very slightly following
f on the tip of the right horn.
PREC. + 3S'01
2° 41'-8
N 2"-55
12"-0 (w if
1O".K (w 5)
-I ^J \J (*U **/
41//-8 (w s)
EPOCH 1832-20
Q".K (w 6\
O *J \™ °/
67"'8 <« 5)
2& 5h
POSITION Aa 235°-9 o
— AB 84°-2(«7)
AC 60°-8
AD 321°-6
DE 266°-8
- DF 21°-8
A multiple star, just below the belt of Orion, forming a scalene
triangle with f and e. A 4, bright white; all, ash-coloured; B 8,
bluish; C 7, grape red; D 8J, dusky; E 9, white; F 8, pale grey. This
is a fine group of 10 members, forming 10 and 11 ]$. n., where it is
denominated "a double-treble star, or two sets of treble stars almost
similarly situated;" H. and S. call it "a very pretty double-triple star;"
but Professor Barlow, with greater precision, says it is " double-qua-
druple, with two very fine stars between the sets." As some of these lie
at a great distance, I measured to the uncials of H. and S., with only
the addition a, to the bright, or following set. By reducing £.'s obser-
vations to one epoch, and arranging his letters and quadrants to]quadrate
with ours, the scale of comparison will be :
^. 1779-77
A a (not seen)
AB Pos. 84b 55' Dist. 13" '44
AC 60° 55' 43"-20
AD (not measured)
DE 267° 00' +
DF 23° 25'
H. and S. 1823-13
A a (not seen)
AB Pos. 83° 19' Dist. 12" -91
AC 61° 03' 42" -77
AD 322° 57' 210" -26
DE 266° 21' 11"-14
DF 21° 49' 68" -26
2. 1831-06
Aa Pos. 236° & Dist. 11"-01
AB 84° 30' 12"-86
AC 59° 55' 4l"-60
A D (not measured)
DE 267° 51' 8" -35
DF 21° 35' 68" -08
As this is a good object for trying the light and definition of a
telescope, and the following of its groups is both delicate and pretty as
a quadruple set, the explorer is recommended to examine it when in
apparition. Nor need he be very much annoyed with his instrument,
should he be unable to distinguish the minute comes a; since it is
so small a point of light, that it escaped even the searching eye of 1$.
This group may be readily fished up, as it forms the southern vertex of
a triangle with the two last stars in the belt, as above stated; and it is
rather less than a degree from £ in the direction of Rigel.
m 5h 32m 41s PREC. + 3S'02
DEC. S 2° 02'-0 N 2"«38
POSITION AB 148°'8 (* 9)
AC 7-8 - - 9
A fine triple star, the last or lowest on Orion's belt, formerly one of
the Greenwich List, hut rejected in 1830. A 3, topaz yellow, and very
bright for its magnitude; B 6^, light purple; and C 10, grey. The prin-
cipal star is designated on Piazzi's and other Catalogues, Alnitak, the
Arabian al-nitak, the girdle; otherwise in conjunction with B and e,
mintakah al-jauza, the giant's belt. A slight difference from the general
laws of precession has been exhibited to the following values:
P.... XL - 0"-12 Dec. - 0"'08
JS.... + 0"-09 - 0"-01
As this was classed 21 l£[. iv., in 1780, Sir William could not hare
seen the large star double; and yet it seemed difficult to account for his
overlooking so remarkable and elegant a pair, wherefore it has been
surmised, that the comes was under occupation at the time. Later
observations do not countenance this singular evolution; and I took
such pains to establish an epoch for future comparison, that I have every
confidence in the results. The other measures which I have carefully
consulted, are:
H. andS. Pos. 150° 03' Dist. 2"-62 Ep. 1822*61
H. 145° 52' 2"'60 1830-18
2. 151° 187 2"-35 1831-22
D. 148° 23' 3"-00 1832-56
m 5h 33m 21s PREC. + 3S'28
DEC. N 9° 00^2 N 2/x-33
A planetary nebula, of a bluish white tint, on the nape of Orion's
neck; and about 3^° on the line from Betelgeuze towards the three
small stars forming Orion's head. This is a small and pale, but very
distinct object, with a faint disc, discovered by Ij[. in December, 1785
and is No. 365 of his son's Catalogue; wherein it is described as "rather
oval, and perhaps of a mottled light:" a power of vision beyond what
my means afforded. It was differentiated with a Orionis, and is pre-
ceded by several small stars, the foremost of which is coarsely double
and of the 8th and 10th magnitudes.
M 5h 37m 48s PREC. + 2S'52
DEC. S 22° 30'-2 N l"-94
POSITION AB 349°-0 (» 7) DISTANCE 92"-9 («
, EPOCH 1832-06
BC 345°-0 (« 2) 45"-0 (»
A wide triple star, in a barren field, in the Hare's left hind foot;
where a line passed from S Orionis, the preceding star of the belt, through
the sword cluster, and carried 16° beyond, hits upon it. A 4, light
yellow; B 6^, pale green; C 13, dusky; and a fourth star, of the 12th
magnitude, following at A JR =r 21s. This poor object was only examined
because, under 50 §. v., we are told there is a companion within 40' of
A, of course meaning forty seconds. This escaped my search, and also
that of the Astronomer Royal, who obligingly examined it at my request,
and forwarded me Mr. Main's diagram, which is identical with my own.
B is mentioned hy Piazzi in the notes to Hora V., No. 219; and by
reducing his JRs and Decs, the results agree very fairly, epoch considered,
with the micrometrical measures above registered:
Pos. 348° 0' Dist. 95"'8 Ep. 1800
On the whole, though 7 Leporis is of a fine lustre, I have little doubt of
B and C being the stars which Ijf . classed. The proper motion of A has
been thus stated:
P.... M - 0"-42 Dec. - 0"'40
B.... - 0"-29 - 0"-35
A.,.. - 0"-34 - 0"-39
M 5h 38m 33s PREC. + 3S'07
DEC. N 0° 00'7 N l"-87
POSITION 32°-0 (» 2) DISTANCE 45"'0 (w i) EPOCH 1836-79
Two stars in a "wispy" nebula, just above Orion's left hip; where a
ray from Rigel carried between the centre and last stars of the belt, and
extended 2° farther, picks it up. A 8^, and B 9, both white. This
object was first fixed by Messier in 1780; and described as "two bright
nuclei surrounded by nebulosity." It is a singular mass of matter
trending from a well defined northern disc into the sf quadrant, where it
melts away. The nebula lies equatoreally between two small stars,
which are nearly equidistant from it, in a blankish part of the heavens;
and in its most compressed portion is the wide double star. This was
beautifully drawn by H., and is figure 36 of his Catalogue of 1830.
ISL 5h 39m 24s PREC. + 38*22
DEC. N 6° 23'-6 N 1"-80
POSITION 199°-9 <» 7) DISTANCE l"-8 <* «) EPOCH 1838-27
A close double star, on Orion's left shoulder; about 2° south-west of
Betelgeuze. A 6, pale white; B 6J, yellowish. From a comparison of
all the measures of this very elegant object, it appears to have remained
unaltered, both in position and distance, for upwards of half a century.
The other registered results are:
Ijl. Pos. 200° 19' Dist. 1"-00± Ep. 1781*76
S. 200° 41' I" '65 1824-18
200° 01' 1"'75 1831-23
M 5h 39m 31s PREC. + 38'89
DEC. N 31° 43''7 N 1"'79
POSITION 61°-5 (wo) DISTANCE 3"-8 <»s) EPOCH 1832-00
A very neat double star, on the Waggoner's left shin; lying in the
line formed between ft Aurigse and 8 Orionis, the preceding star in
Orion's belt; nearly in mid-distance between ft and the three small stars
forming Orion's head. A 8, creamy white; B 8^, pale grey. This fine
object was discovered by £., and is No. 796 of the great Dorpat Cata-
logue, where its position and distance are thus given:
Pos. 61°-16 Dist. 3" -596 Ep. 1830'79
M 5h 40m 24s PREC. + 4S'15
DEC. N 39° 05'-6 - N 1"-71
POSITION 201°'9 («M) DISTANCE 85"'0 («>i> EPOCH 1833'75
A coarse double star, on Auriga's left arm. A 5, rich yellow; B 12,
dusky red; herein agreeing more than usual with Sir William Herschel's
colour. This object is 90 ]$. v., thus tabulated:
Pos. 208° 127 Dist. 53"'71 Ep. 1782-68
The position of B, and even the colour, identify it with Sir William's
star; but the discordance in the distance is very great, for mere error of
estimation. Sir William says, that the small star is not visible till after
some minutes attention; but I found no difficulty in seeing the one
here registered. It is readily distinguished by glancing about 10° along
a line passed from Capella to Procyon, over e in the knee of Castor.
M 5h 41m 46s PHEC. + 3S'92
DEC. N 32° 30'-1 N l"-59
POSITION 357°'0 (w i) DISTANCE 25"«0 <« i) EPOCH 183679
A double star in a cluster in front of Auriga's left shin. A and B,
both lOth-magnitude, and pale yellow. A magnificent object, the whole
field being strewed as it were with sparkling gold-dust; and the group
is resolvable into about 500 stars, from the 10th to the 14th magnitudes,
besides the outliers. It was found and fixed by Messier in 1764, who
described it as "a mass of small stars, much enveloped in nebulous
matter." This nebulous matter, however, yields to my telescope, and
resolves into infinitely minute points of lucid light, among the distinct
little individuals. It is immediately preceded on the parallel by another
small double star: and is about half a degree north east of 225 P. v.,
whose alineation is already described.
M 5h 46m 30s PREC. + 3S'24
DEC. N 7° 22'-3 N 1"-18
POSITION 155°-0 <«>i) DISTANCE 160"-0 <«n) EPOCH 1832-75
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant comes, on Orion's left
shoulder. A 1, orange tinge; B 11, bluish, and the two point nearly
upon a pale small star in the np quadrant, at A JR. 15S'7« The object
forms 39 1$. vi., and was thus registered:
Pos. 152° 18' Dist. 161"-72 Ep. 1780'78
It is called Betelgeuze, from ibt-al-jauzd, the giant's axilla, or shoulder,
whence.it is also menkib-al-jauzd; and it has likewise been designated
al-mirzam, the roarer. It is the northernmost of the four bright stars
forming the corners of this constellation, and cannot be mistaken by the
most casual observer: moreover, with Sirius and Procyon, it forms a
conspicuous triangle, which is nearly equilateral; while Procyon makes
a right-angled one with Betelgeuze and Pollux. It is hardly necessary
to diagram this well-known and splendid group; but possibly there may
be a beginner who would wish for the following figure, as a guide.
H. has recently pointed out this fine star as being variable and
periodic, and he thinks the most obvious conclusion is, an annual, or
nearly annual period; but further observations are necessary for the
confirmation : on his star-list the
maximum was stated as above Rigel,,
the minimum below Aldebaran. It
was suspected of a wide proper mo-
tion, but the ordeal of the best obser-
vations reduces it so greatly, that it is
now barely entitled to registry.
Orion may be considered the most
beautiful and brilliant of all the con-
stellations, without disparaging the
Great Bear; and when just over our
meridian, is so well accompanied, as
to present the finest view of the
heavens in this hemisphere. The
principal stars of Orion, when joined
by imaginary lines, form two inverted
cones, and resemble a clepsydra, or
hour-glass. He is usually represented
as a classic warrior ; but Paulus
Venetus, De copositione Mudi, equips
him in knightly armour, with a huge
club in one hand, a formidable human-faced shield in the other, and
a long Toledo sword by his side: and this is also the style in which
he figures among the illustrations to Julius Firmicus, in 1497. It is a
paranatellon of Taurus, and as the ecliptic passes nearly through its
middle, it is visible to all the world; while its figure, belt, and pendant
sword, so well described by Manilius, render it of easy recognition:
hence it is written:
Orion's beams ! Orion's beams !
His star-gemmed belt, and shining blade ;
His isles of light, his silvery streams,
And gloomy gulfs of mystic shade.
No constellation was more noted among the ancients than Orion.
As it occupies an extensive space in the heavens, this circumstance
may have probably given Pindar his notion that Orion was of a mon-
strously large size; and hence the jugula of Plautus, the magni pars
maxima cceli of Manilius, and the jebber of the Arabians. Hood
tells that "the reason why this fellow was placed in heaven," was to
teach men not to be too confident in their own strength. But though
his name was long ago bettered from Oarion or Arion, and he has been
notorious as the Candaen of the Boeotians, the Hyreides of the old
astrologers, and what not, the world will not yet agree in the nomen-
clature; as may be seen in the astronomical glossary of that redoubtable
anti-Newtonian, highte Sir Richard Phillips, late sheriflf of the good
city of London. Following Nasiru-1 din, the name is El-Jebbdr, the
hero; but, says Ideler, not Algebra, as is sometimes written in the
astrognostic books. A disciple of the unhappy Lieutenant Brothers
proposed to designate the whole asterism Nelson: and in 1807, the
University of Leipsic resolved, that the stars belonging to the belt and
sword of Orion, as well as the intermediate ones, " shall in future be
called the constellation NAPOLEON." "Was that learned body in possession
of a copy of Thomas Hood^s treatise?
The present appellation, however, is of too long a standing, and has
too firm a hold on men's minds, to be easily shaken; and, despite of his
dirty origin, it seems "this fellow" must stand. Both the Septuagint
and the Vulgate call it Orion, according to the Greeks and Romans. It is
mentioned in Job, Ezekiel, and Amos; and the Mosaicists persist that it
represented Nimrod, as mighty a hunter as Orion, and the author of the
post-diluvian heresy*. From his terrible and threatening gesture, as
much as from his time of rising, he was held to portend tempests and
misfortune, and was therefore so much dreaded by the mariners of yore,
as to give rise to the ancient proverb " Fallit saepissime nautas Orion."
Polybius attributes the loss of the Roman fleet in the first Punic war, to
the obstinacy of the consuls, who, despite of the pilots, would sail between
the risings of Orion and Sirius, always a squally time. The Latin
writers are full of invective against pluviosus et tristis Orion; while the
nimbosus of Virgil, the nautis infestus of Horace, the aquosus of Pro-
pertius, the horridus sideribus of Pliny, and the like sage allusions, fill
the imagination with storms, hail, and deluges of rain. Added to this,
we are reminded by Hood that this asterism was " the verie cutthrote of
cattle :" and Hood was not addicted to astrology.
This constellation is a rich mine for the practical astronomer, as
containing a wondrous universe of bright stars, double stars, clusters,
and nebulae, within itself. The Capuchin de Rheita asserted that, with
his binocular instrument, he found more than 2000 stars in it; and
where he is not dwelling upon Teutonic crosses and seamless tunics, he
will be found worthy of credit. What may be telescopically obtained
will not be decided, perhaps, until some amateur astronomer undertakes
to map and tabulate it; for such work is out of the line of duty of the
regular meridian observatories. The number of stars whose mean
apparent places have been noted, are:
Ptolemy .... 38 stars Bullialdus ... 61 stars
Ulugh Beigh . . 38 Hevelius ... 62
Tycho Brahe . . 62 Flamsteed ... 78
Bayer .... 49 Bode .... 304
The reader of course will remember that the equinoctial circle cuts
the middle of Orion; which is also about 8° west of the solstitial colure,
or soils stalio. Nor will he forget the trimming which Halley gave Pere
Souciet, about the Dodecatemorion of Aries, Newton's chronology, and
the equinoctial colure.
* Orion was designated Khesil, or Kesil, by the Hebrews, which the learned say
comes from chasel, to be inconstant, to stir up, in allusion to the unsettled weather
supposed to attend this constellation. Hence Rabelais has pleasantly called the
grand Council of Trent, the Council of Chesil, to denote that it was a stormy, fickle,
and troublesome meeting. Has the Australian term of being chiselled, any affinity
with this?
M 5h 47m 48s PREC. + 4S'40
DEC. N 44° 55'-3 N 1"-06
POSITION 380>2 (w 2) DISTANCE 185"'0 o* 2) EPOCH 183770
A bright star with a distant companion, on the "Waggoners left
shoulder. A 2, lucid yellow; B 10^, bluish. This object forms 88
]j[. vi., and was thus measured:
Pos. 35° 48' Dist. 169"'10 Ep. 1782-23
As a discussion arose upon this difference in the distance, I requested
Mr. Challis to try it with the great Northumberland equatoreal, with
which he kindly complied; and the following results constitute the last
epoch :
Pos. 37° 56' Dist. 183" -45 Ep. 1841-96
This fine star — familiarly known as Menkalinan, from the Arabic
Menkib-dhi-Vinan, the rein-holder's shoulder — lost much of its importance
on being rejected from the Greenwich Catalogue in 1830. It may be
picked up by projecting an imaginary line from the Praesepe, in Cancer,
through Castor, which is nearly half-way: or a ray from Rigel through
Bellatrix, led rather more than three times as far to the north, hits it.
Our friend the galley-rhymester submits a third alineation, thus:
From the Pole-star direct a glance, with Betelgeuze to mix,
About mid-distance, near the Goat, Menkalinan you'll fix :
And there behold how neat it forms with Capra bright a base,
While delta as a vertex stands, the triangle to grace.
M 5h 48m 48s PREC. + 4S'08
DEC. N 37° H'7 N 0"'98
POSITION 289°-0 (* 2) DISTANCE 30"-0 (» « EPOCH 1832-64
A neat double star, in the Waggoner's left wrist; where a line from
Procyon through e in Castor's knee, and 14° beyond, will find it, in the
direction of the brilliant Capella. A 4, brilliant lilac; BIO, pale yellow;
and lower down in the same quadrant, near the vertical, is a yellowish
star of the 9th magnitude, which is that observed with A in the Cata-
logue of H. and S., No. 68, when its distance was found to be = 125".
This proves it to be 34 I£. vi., classed in September, 1780, but not
measured; and A B are 89 1$. v., thus registered:
Pos. 286°-00 Dist. 35" -30 Ep. 1782-68
A comparison of the best meridional results detects a small proper motion
in space:
P.... M + 0"-1 1 Dec. - 0"'04
J5.... + 0"'12 - 0"'ll
m 5h 50m 06s PREC. + 3s'll
DEC. N 1° 48'-9 - N (T87
POSITION 201°-0 (w i) DISTANCE 42"-0 (w D EPOCH 1833-69
A small star, with a very minute companion, between Orion's left
side, and the Galaxy. A 6, white; B 13, blue. This delicate though
wide object is 100 IJL v., who remarked that the small individual is " a
point requiring some attention to be seen." His measures were:
Pos. 205° 0' Dist. 37" '25 Ep. 178276
A is preceded in the np quadrant by an Sth-magnitude star, whose angle
is about 290°, with a distance of 178": this is 282 P. v. 59 Orionis
may be picked up by a line shot from Rigel through f, the third star of
the belt, and carried nearly 6° beyond.
m 5h 51m 48s PREC. + 4S75
DEC. N 51° 34'-2 N 0"72
POSITION 14°-4 (w 2) DISTANCE 30"-0 (w n EPOCH 1833-66
A small double star, which, though absurdly chronicled in the
Camelopard, is in the "Waggoner's eye; and it is nearly in the line between
(S and S Aurigae. A 7? white; B 10, lilac. It was picked up by H.,
and is No. 2292 of his Sweeps; and our results, weighing the conditions,
are not harshly discordant, his magnitudes being registered 6^ and 11,
with Pos. 13°'8 and distance 35"'0.
M 5h 59m 01s PREC. + 3S>67
DEC. N 24° 21/-3 N 0"'09
A cluster, near Castor's right foot, in the Galaxy, discovered and
registered by Messier in 1764. It presents a gorgeous field of stars from
the 9th to the 16th magnitudes, but with the centre of the mass less rich
than the rest. From the small stars being inclined to form curves of
three or four, and often with a large one at the root of the curve, it
somewhat reminds one of the bursting of a sky-rocket.
Under favourable circumstances this cluster can be distinguished by
naked eye ; it therefore may be comparatively near us. It must be
sought on the line between Castor and f on the tip of the Bull's southern
horn, at exactly one-quarter of the distance from the latter : or a line led
from a Leporis through Betelgeuze, and extended 18° beyond, will strike
upon it.
This object being so handy to the point assumed by Hipparchus,
as the north extreme of the ecliptic, I swept for anything -which might
be on the actual spot, under the necessary corrections, in JR 6h, and
Dec. N 23° 27'. After some search, I found a star of the 12th mag-
nitude, but too small for having its place differentiated for any permanent
M 5h 59m 21s PREC. + 4S'59
DEC. N 48° 44'-l N 0"'06
POSITION 351°-4 (« 6) DISTANCE 8"-5 (» 4) EPOCH 1831-13
- 352°-8 ;» 9) 8"-2 (* 9) 1837-97
A neat double star, in front of the Waggoner's chin; where a line
from ft Tauri, on the tip of the Bull's northern horn, led through /3
Aurigae, and carried 4° beyond, strikes upon it. A 7? silvery white ;
and B 71, pale violet, and it probably partakes of the proper motion
assigned to A:
P.... M - 0"-15 Dec. - 0"'17
B.... + 0"-18 - 0"-12
T.... H- 0"-23 - 0"'24
This pair is Piazzi's Nos. 333 and 334, Hora V., as well as 82 IJ[. in.;
and there appears no appreciable motion in the lapse of 55 years.
l£l. Pos. 350° 00' Dist. 8" -53 Ep. 1782-85
P. 350° 00' 9"-00 1800-00
H. and S. 353° 16' 8" '81 1822-53
2. 353° 07' T '99 1830-31
m 5h 59m 25s PREC. + 3S'40
DEC. N 13° 58'-6 N 0"-05
POSITION 108°-8 <* 8) DISTANCE 2x/>4 <» 9) EPOCH 1837'02
A close double star in a small cluster, on Orion's left hand. A 74,
and B8^, both lucid white. This elegant little triangular group, has
many glimpse stars thronging about the two lower angles. The cluster
was discovered by 1$. in 1784; but the very neat pair here measured,
VOL. n. L
was first enrolled by £., No. 848, as lucida acervi, and the following
measures have been obtained :
S. Pos. 109° 33' Dist. 2"'75 Ep. 1825-10
H. 108° 15' 2"-86 1830 92
D. 107° 20' 2"-59 1831-13
2. 108° 50' 2"-35 1833-19
This, therefore, must be merely an optical object. A line from the
central star of Orion's belt passed close over Betelgeuze, and prolonged 7°
— or rather more than as far again — beyond, picks it up between the
Pleiades and Procyon.
These gatherings occurring indifferently upon the Via Lactea and
off it, awaken still more our admiration of the stupendous richness of
the Universe, in every department of which there appears such a pro-
fusion of creation, if we may so express ourselves of the works of the
ALMIGHTY, in which our utmost ken has yet never detected any redun-
dancy, much less anything made in vain.
M 6h 03m 35s PREC. + 3S<20
DEC. N 5° 28'-9 S 0"-31
POSITION 355°-0 (wt) DISTANCE 5"-0 («>i) EPOCH 1833'00
A neat but minute double star, in a cluster, under Orion's left shoulder
and in an outcropping of the Galaxy. A 9J and B 10, both pale yellow.
This is a tolerably rich and compressed mass of stars, from the 9th to
the 16th magnitudes, with numerous stragglers. It was discovered by
Herschel in J 786, and is No. 384 of his son's great Catalogue ; but the
reference in the latter to No. 2288 of the Double-star Sweeps, ought to
have been 2301.
To fish up this object, pass a line from Rigel through the lower star
of Orion's belt, and carry it a little more than as far again to the north-
east, where it will strike the cluster at about 4° south-east of Betelgeuze.
M 6h 07m 51s PREC. + 5S'33
DEC. N 59° 25'-8 - S 0"-68
POSITION 90°-2 <u> 6) DISTANCE 1"-0 (* 3) EPOCH 1837-89
A close double star, in the animal's snout; at about 30° from Polaris,
on a line through Sirius, and closely north-east of 2 Lyncis. A 6 and
B 7J, both white. This elegant but difficult object was discovered by 5".,
id is one of his vicince; being No. 881 of the great Dorpat Catalogue,
where it is thus registered :
Pos. 88°-97 Dist. 0"-815 Ep. 1830-28
This would imply a direct movement in angle; hut the pair is too
impracticable to merit reliance on epochs of short periods. It is only
from accurate and continued observations, that an orbit worthy of con-
fidence will emerge.
The Lynx, sett Tigris, is one of the new asterisms formed by Heve-
lius, from the stellce informes of the neighbourhood, and added to the
old 48 constellations. It is pretty extensive, occupying the vast space
between Auriga and the Greater Bear, above the Twins; but though it
contains many beauties for assisted vision, there are few remarkable
objects to the naked eye. Hevelius started it with 19 stars, Flamsteed
gave it 44, and Bode 149.
Hevelius defends the location he has assigned to this animal, and in
a set paragraph, De Loco Lyncis, tells us that he cast it between the
Great Bear and Auriga, where an empty space was found on the globes,
which was wont to be filled up with title and dedication. He acknow-
ledges that the 19 components he assigned it are small and insignificant,
but thinks that those who would examine the Lynx ought to be lynx-eyed.
He formed a symbol for this, as well as for the other asterisms, giving
permission to those carpers who dislike them, to make new ones if they
choose: "Si cuidam Momo forte displicent, liberum ipsi per me esto,
alios characteres eflingere."
m 6h 10m 43s PREC. + 3S'36
DEC. N 12° 21 -2 S 0"-94
POSITION 295°-0 (w D DISTANCE 20"-0 («> i) EPOCH 1839-10
A most delicate double star, close to Orion's left hand, and in the
Galaxy. A 8 and B 13, both dull yellow; followed at about 10s by a
coarse pair, of the 9th and 10th magnitudes, which constitute the
No. 892 rejected from X's list. The object here estimated is No. 891
of the same Catalogue, where it is thus registered by its discoverer:
Pos. 292°-23 Dist. 21"-903 Ep. 1830-33
Here is another of those cases where illumination is out of the
question; but the rock-crystal micrometer enabled me to catch up a
tolerably fair angle. The instrument is easily managed on practice.
This star, though placed on the Unicorn's horn by various map-
makers, is filched from Orion, and in Sir John Lubbock's Map is. placed
on that gentleman's club; so that in any reform of the heavens, the
matter must be gravely looked to. It will be found by carrying a line
from Rigel through e, in the middle of Orion's belt, which, passed under
Betelgeuze on his left shoulder, and extended 7i° beyond, will strike
upon the little star in question.
m 6h 12m 50s PREC. + 5S'25
DEC. N 58° 29''7 - S 1"'12
POSITION AB 130°-0 (w n DISTANCE 25"
AC 271°'9 (^7) 96
r-o <« 2)j
o.0 - _., EPOCH 1833-77
A coarse triple star, on the animal's lower jaw; it is a little to the
north of a line running from Capella towards Dubhe, and about 18°
from the former star, where it precedes 6 Lyncis. A 6, orange tinge;
B 13, blue; and C 9, pale garnet, being No. 61 of the Palermo Cata-
logue. The larger individuals of this object form 102 ]£[. vi., whose
searching scrutiny overlooked B. The following are the registered
measures of A and C : and to these may be added the testimony obtained
by reducing Piazzi's meridian observations.
1$. Pos. 272° 00' Dist. 88" -33 Ep. 1782-87
P. 271° 30' 98"-6 1800-00
S. 272° 07' 95"'45 1825-05
Sir John Herschel, in his notes, alludes to the difference in distance
between his father's measures and more recent ones, saying, " it may be
remarked once for all, that there is great reason to suspect a considerable
instrumental error in all the measures of that early period, exceeding 40",
the result being constantly (or most commonly) in defect, and that not
unfrequently to a very large amount. The cause probably lies in the
construction of the micrometer used; and its effect is to throw a great
uncertainty on the earlier distances of all stars of the Fifth and Sixth
Classes. Fortunately these are the least replete with interest." Here,
however, my friend's opinion, — and with the utmost deference be it said, —
is, like one of Homer's prayers, only to be in part received.
M 6h 13m 17s PREC. + 3s 62
DEC. N 22° 35'-5 - S 1"-16
POSITION 89°-0 (* D DISTANCE 80S-0 (w D EPOCH 1831-98
A Greenwich star of 1830, with a distant comes, on Castor's right
instep; a glance from Orion's sword cluster through f, the lowest of the
belt, carried closely to the east of Betelgeuze, and 16° beyond, will rest
upon JJL. A 3, crocus yellow; B 11, bluish; there are two other com-
panions in the */", and a group of small stars follow at A JR — 25s. This
object is known as Tejat post> from Tahydh, a word used by the Arabs,
as the name of a constellation formed by the two stars 77 and yu,, in the
anterior feet of Gemini, also called Al-henah, and Al-nuhhata'i. The
latter word is the dual of Nuhdt, side or inclination; which affording
but little clue, Nahata'i (from nahat) two strangers, has been suggested.
The proper motion of the praeses has been thus valued :
P.... M + 0"-13 Dec. - 0"-16
8.... + 0"-15 - 0"-13
m 6h 14ra 10s PREC. + 2S'30
DEC. S 29° 59'-9 S l"-24
POSITION 338°-0 (w 4) DISTANCE 167"'0 («* D EPOCH 1833-81
A star with a distant companion, on the Greater Dog's left hind paw;
where it will be found in a manner insulated, by running a line from
Pollux into the south-west, closely shaving Sirius, and carrying it about
14° beyond that lustrous star. A3, light orange; B 7, pale grey; these
components being Piazzi's Nos. 81 and 80, Hora VI. This object is
called Phurud, and is supposed to be from AL-furiid, the single ones;
but it is probably an error of transcription, easily made in Arabic, for
Al-kuriid, the monkeys, i. e. from 2 to 5 of the smaller stars of Canis
Major, with 0, K, and \ Columbas.
Comparisons of the best observations have indicated that A has a
movement in space independent of the general laws of precession, and
the amount has been thus conflictingly stated:
P....JR - 0"-20 Dec. - 0"-25
B.... + 0"-06 + 0"-03
M 6h 15m 17s PREC. + 3S'18
DEC. N 4° 40'-1 S lv'34
POSITION 23°-8 (u> B) DISTANCE 12^9 <» 8) EPOCH 1834-19
A neat double star, in the Unicorn's nostril; where a glance from
Aldebaran, passed closely over the head and shoulders of Orion, will find
it at about 7i° east of Betelgeuze. A 5^, golden yellow ; B 8, lilac.
This fine object is composed of Piazzi's Nos. 84 and 85 of Hora VI.;
and it was classed 29 I£. in., in 1781, but no measures were then
taken. Subsequent observations afford reasonable presumption of its
retrograding, in the approximate ratio of — 0*75 :
H. and S. Pos. 25° 21' Dist. 14"'379 Ep. 1823-04
25° 52' 13"'865 1831'74
M 6h 15m 40s PREC. + 2S'64
DEC. S 17° 52'-9 S l"'37
POSITION 339°-0 (w i) DISTANCE 104"-0 <u> i) EPOCH 183376
A bright star with a distant companion, on the Dog's fore-paw.
A 21, fine white; B 9, dusky grey, and another of the same magnitude
in the sp quadrant. An almost imperceptible movement in space is
attributed to the leader, of which the following are the most accurately
investigated quantities :
P.... M - 0"-04 Dec. - 0"-06
B.... + 0"*05 0"-00
ft Canis Majoris is called Mirzam, the roarer, a term applied to the
camel as well as the lion. Al-mirzam is the name of this star, of ft in
Canis Minor, and of 7 and a in Orion; the two former being called
al-mirzamani, the two roarers. A line dropped from Nath, on the
northern horn of the Bull, to Betelgeuze, and from thence nearly the
same distance southwards, will fall upon the star under discussion; the
rhymer remarks:
Where Sirius blazes in the south, and leaves the ship behind,
Look west-south-west, just four degrees, and beta there you'll find.
m 6h 18m 14* PREC. + 3S'58
DEC. N 20° 52'-9 S l"-59
POSITION 205°-4 (w 5) DISTANCE 33" -2 (w 3) EPOCH 1832-04
A fine double star, on Castor's right heel; very nearly in mid-distance
of an imaginary line between Castor and Bellatrix, where it is the
northern member of a trapezium of small stars. A 6, flushed white;
B 8, bluish, the latter being Piazzi's No. 99, Hora VI. This object is
classed twice over by Sir William Herschel, being 52 and 56 Ij[. v.;
Flamsteed erred in its entry, as shown by Mr. Baily, and it was mistaken
by Mr. Taylor, at Madras, for 17 Geminorum, which is among the non
invenla of Piazzi. Both stars were well determined at Palermo, by
repeated observations; and as they had been the cause of such repeated
inadvertencies, I gave A a more than usual attention with the meridional
instruments. A careful comparison of the results impresses a belief, that
the proper motion in JR is inappreciable; but that a slight annual
movement in declination actually exists. The micrometric measurements
afford presumptive proof that they are relatively unaltered:
13. Pos. 210° OCX Dist. 32" -65 Ep. 1782-08
H. and S. 204° 39' 32"'69 1822-10
M 6h 18m 30s
DEC. N 0° 32'-6
POSITION AB 151°-5 (we) DISTANCE ^t „ v~ ., ,
BC 170-0 ,.» '"- > EPOCH 1833-14
A coarsely triple star, between the boundary line of Orion and the
Unicorn's chest; it is about 17° from Procyon, on a ray carried to the
west-south-west through Orion's sword cluster and Rigel. A 7i> topaz
yellow; B and C 8J, both of a plum tinge. B is most exquisitely
double, Piazzi's No. 105, Hora VI., and 910 of the Dorpat Catalogue,
where it was classed among the vicinissimce. "When Struve first sub-
jected it to measurement, under a power of 540, it was :
Pos. 168° 48' Dist. 0"78 Ep. 1825-12
On considering the great difficulty of an object which my best powers
only elongated, these observations may be considered to correspond.
5*. afterwards added A to B C, under the following determinations, with
magnifying power 320:
Pos. 150°-57 Dist. 66"-15 Ep. 1831-68
M 6h 20m 03s PREC. + 2S<96
DEC. S 4° 4(X-2 S 1"«75
POSITION 225°-0 (* i) DISTANCE 72"'0 (w i) EPOCH 1832-99
A wide double star in an elegant group, on the Unicorn's right fore-
knee: it is about 12^° in an occult line carried from Sinus a little to
the west of Capella, and directly between ft in the Lesser Dog and
a Leporis. A 6, pale yellow; B 9, orange, with a comes to the south.
Though this object is a capital one for testing the performance of a
telescope, it has not been classed among the clusters. Piazzi, in his
note upon 116 vi., says, "plures telescopicae simul conspicuas."
Monoceros was introduced into the firmament by Bartschius, among
the delineations on his four-foot globe; it was, perhaps, out of regard to
the husband of Kepler's daughter, retained by Hevelius, being now con-
sidered as one of his constellations. It is concocted of the stellce informes
scattered about in the large space between Orion, Hydra, and the two
Dogs, over a portion of the Milky Way. But though extensive it is not
conspicuous, few of its gems rising to the 4th magnitude. It has been
pretty well ransacked since its first appearance in the Prodromus Astro-
nomice, and many capital pairs, nebula?, and clusters have been reaped.
The stars have been thus successively tabulated :
Hevelius .... 19 stars Piazzi .... 95 stars
Flamsteed .... 31 Bode . , .220
m 6h 21™ 04s PREC. + 2S>91
DEC. S 6° 56'«1 - S 1"'84
POSITION AB 130°-3 (w 7) DISTANCE 7"-2 (w 5)1
— AC 121°-6 (we) - 9"-6 («3)l EPOCH 1834-02
- BC 102°-3 (w 7) 2"-8 (« 4))
A fine triple star, in the Unicorn's right fore-leg: a ray shot from
the Bull's eye through Bellatrix, and extended rather more than as
far again into the south-east, will pick it up in the out-cropping of the
Milky Way. A 6J, white; B 7, and C 8, both pale white. Two consti-
tuents of this object appear bracketted in Piazzi's Catalogue as double —
Nos. 121 and 122, Hora VI. — the stars he saw and determined being
A and B; and about 250" away in the np quadrant, at an angle of
340°, is the little star alluded to in the Palermo Catalogue — "alia
8s5 magnit. prsecedit ad boream." Sir William Herschel, who discovered
it in 1781, classed it a "curious treble star," pronouncing it to be "one
of the most beautiful sights in the heavens;" but the next observers, his
son and Sir James South, registered it quadruple. This is 10 I£. i. and
17 Ij[. ii.; 71 of H. and S. ; and 919 of 5*.; and the several measures
are so coincident, on comparison — notwithstanding the nearness of mag-
nitudes creates an anomaly of quadrants — as to prove the general fixity
of the individuals. But a slight degree of proper motion is imputed to A,
of the following varying values:
P.... JR - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"-12
B.... + 0"-06 + 0"-05
'25- s
m 6h 22m $& PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 5° O3'*l — S l"-99
A tolerably compressed cluster, between the Unicorn's fore legs.
This is a brilliant gathering of large and small stars, from the 7th to
the 14th magnitude; the latter running in rays. It was first registered
by Sir William Herschel in the summer of 1784, and is No. 392 of his
son's Catalogue. Its place is differentiated from a Orionis; and it may
be found nearly in mid-distance between Pollux and a Leporis, where it
is crossed by a line led from Procyon to the west, and passed between
Orion's belt and his right shoulder, about 2° below Bellatrix.
m 6h 22m 57s PREC. + 3S'50
DEC. N 17° 53'-2 - S 2"-00
POSITION 209°-2 (» a) DISTANCE 20"-4 (» w EPOCH 1833'99
A neat double star, on Castor's left heel, about 1|° to the north-north-
west of the bright star 7 Geminorum; where a line carried from Rigel
over the middle component of Orion's belt, will point it out at about
14° beyond Betelgeuze. A 8, topaz yellow; B 8J, cerulean blue.
A little explanation may be requisite on the identity of the individuals
constituting this pair, for Piazzi asserts that Bradley, with but one excep-
tion, always observed 21 Geminorum for 20. Mr. Baily says that 21 does
not exist, at least in the position given by the British Catalogue, observing:
" The observation, from which it has been deduced by Flamsteed, was
made on February 19, 1696, at 7h 26m 50s; as may be seen MSS. vol. xxiii.
page 43. Most of the modern astronomers have supposed it to be
Piazzi vi. 135; or the second of the two stars forming the double star
20 Geminorum. But this is on the assumption that Flamsteed has made
an error of lm in recording the time; and that 7h 26m 50s ought to be
read 7h 25m 50s. Although this is very probable, (a similar mistake
having certainly been twice committed on the same day with two
previous stars,) yet there is nothing in the original MS. entry to warrant
the conclusion. It is the only solution, however, of the difficulty."
This is a very fine object, and was classed 46 IjjL iv., in 1781, but no
measures of position were given, and only an estimated distance of 25".
H. and S., therefore, afford the earliest micrometrical point of departure ;
and their measures, compared with those of 2. and my own, show that
no appreciable change has occurred in twelve years:
H. and S. Pos. 208° 57 Dist. 19"'454 Ep. 1822-05
209° 48' 20" -012 1830'00
M 6h 26m 06s PREC. + 3s'2o
DEC. N 7° 41'*5 S 2"-28
POSITION 2100<0 («* i) DISTANCE 10"'0 (» i) EPOCH 1833-89
A most delicate double star, in the Unicorn's eye. A 6, yellowish
white; B16, dusky. This is indeed a difficult object, B being the
minimum visibile of my instrument, and with it only seen by such tran-
sient glimpses, that but for a distant pale lOth-magnitude star in the sp
quadrant, nearly in the same line of bearing, my estimations must have
been much wider. There is also a dusky 12th star in the sf9 at about
100" from A; so that the whole forms a wide quadruple object. It is
nearly mid-way between Procyon and the three little stars which
form Orion's head — and also of a line passed from Castor to a Leporis —
in the middle of the Milky Way.
About 2' preceding, and 40' south of this, is a sprinkle of brilliant
stars, registered 2 lj[. vn. in 1784, and described as tracing " winding
lines around 12 Monocerotis."
m 6h 28m 28s PREC. + 3S*46
DEC. N 16° 31'-8 - S 2"-49
POSITION AB 335°*0 (» D DISTANCE 75S*0 (v>
AC 290-0 <.., 110-0,. ' '°
A coarse triple star, on the right foot of Pollux, in a rich field. A 3,
brilliant white; B 13, and C 12, both pale plum colour; followed nearly
on the parallel, A JR = 40S, by a neat 9th-magnitude star. This object,
with f on the other foot, is called Alhena, from al-hen'ah, a ring or
brand on a horsed neck, and the two form the YIth Mansion of the
Moon. These stars are also f Al-zerr, the button; and 7 Al-me'isdn,
the proud marcher; and they are described by Kazwini as two whitish
glimmering stars in the Milky Way; butTizini makes the Alhena include
also ?;, ft, and y, in Castor's right foot; and some of his countrymen
termed 77 and v, Al-nuhhdta'i, the expressed dual of al-nuhhah, a large
camel^s hump, 77 is called Upoirovs by Ptolemy, as being in the fore-
foot, but the name is best applied to H Geminorum, as the ante-foot, or
star preceding the feet.
The alignment of this star is easy. A ray from Rigel through the
middle star of Orion's belt, will pass clear of Betelgeuze to Alhena. The
same imaginary line continued, passes close under Castor: it is also
about two-thirds of the distance between Pollux and Betelgeuze.
Proper motions are detected in 7 Geminorum, but not to the amount
which was suspected, the most authentic values being:
P.... M + 0"-05 Dec. - 0"-08
B.... + 0"-08 - 0"-02
M 6h 29m 23s PREC. + 2s- 62
DEC. S 18° 32'-0 S 2"-56
POSITION 260°-2 (* 5) DISTANCE IT'S («> «> EPOCH 1830-83
A neat double star, in the Greater Dog's left fore knee, and about 3°
to the south-west of Sirius. A 65, pale garnet; B 8, grey. The last is
Piazzi's No. 178 of Hora VI., and the pair is followed in the sf quadrant
by v2. This is 81 IjjL iv., recorded as having a distance of 18"-32,
but with a position "nearly preceding" in 1782. From I£[.'s remark
this object was sedulously attacked at Palermo, and the place of both
components in JR and Dec. were established; though the angle of
position and distance derived from such data, is rather too vague for
relying upon. But H. and S. then micrometrically measured it, and the
results stand thus:
P. Pos. 255° 30' Dist. 19"-01 Ep. 1800-00
H. andS. 259° 52' 17"-24 1821'22
Sir "William's expression of " nearly preceding," being irreconcileable
with a deviation of 10° from the parallel, it was concluded, that an
obvious and considerable change had occurred in the angle of position:
but this was not confirmed by my observations. Yet, as a friend consi-
dered the angle to be = 256° in 1839, I requested the Astronomer Royal
to re-examine it, and he kindly handed me the following measures by the
Rev. Robert Main :
Pos. 261° 36' Dist. 17"'34 Ep. 1842-82
m 6h 30m 42s PREC. + 5S'33
DEC. N 59° 35'-6 S 2" 68
POSITION 134°-2 <» 8) DISTANCE 4"'0 (w 6) EPOCH 1835*11
A neat double star, under the animal's eye, nearly in mid-distance
between Dubhe and Capella, where it is crossed by a line passing from
Polaris a little to the westward of Procyon. A 7J» bright white; B 10,
blue : the magnitude of the latter star was carefully estimated by my
usual method of assuming Piazzi's brightness of A as the standard; and
also by referring directly to the companion of Polaris. This delicate
object was discovered by .£., and is No. 946 of the great Dorpat
Catalogue. S. measured it in 1825, and from the difficulty he experienced,
I expected to find the companion much smaller than I did. It appeared
to him of the 12th magnitude, and 2. — from finding it 8*5 in 1827, 10 in
1831, and 8'5 again two years afterwards — asks, Num minor variabilis?
Their measures are:
S. Pos. 136° 48' Dist. 4" -063 Ep. 1825-07
2. 133° 28' 4"-197 1830-58
Now these results, in the brief period of ten years, afford an indica-
tion of evolution, the nature of which must be shown by a train of
future observations. But the possibility of the comes being variable,
awakens considerations of peculiar interest; it having been surmised,
that certain small acolyte stars shine by reflected light, a point which is
still to be ascertained. But sidereal science is yet in its infancy.
M 6h 32m 5s PREC, + 5S'32
DEC. N 59° 35'-6 S 2"-80
POSITION AB 154°-3 (w 9) DISTANCE l"-6
AC305»-1,.» , 8"-6
AB 149°-5 i» 9)
8"-9 (« 9)J
AC 3050.6., 8"" - "27
A neat triple star, on the animal's cheek, so exactly following 1 74
P. vi., above described, that the alineation there given will answer for
both. A 6, white; B 6J, ruddy; C 7£, bluish. This curious object, of
which A and C are Piazzi's 185 and 184 of Hora VI., was discovered
to be triple in 1780, and registered 6 1JL i., and 22 IJ. in. By a
comparison of the measures then made, with the subsequent ones of H.
and S., 5*. D. and myself, it will be seen that the two close stars have
undergone so great a retrograde orbital change as to promise to bring the
three stars into a straight line in about half a century, C having remained
relatively unaltered with the primary. The other measures are :
^. 1780-68
Pos. AB 181° 23' Dist. l"-5±
AC 302° 33' 9"-38
H. and S. 1822-93
Pos. AB 158° 39' Dist. 2" '59
AC 306° 50' 9" -85
2. 1831-10
Pos. AB 153° 42' Dist. 1"'52
AC 304° 12' 8" -67
D. 1833-13
Pos. AB 153° 19' Dist. 1"'64
AC 304° 06' 8" -88
From a rough-cast geometrical treatment of these, there results an annus
nmgnus of nearly seven of our centuries.
2& 6h 32m 10s PREC. + 3S>30
DEC. N 10° 02'-2 S 2"'81
POSITION AB 206°-2 (w 6) DISTANCE 2"'5 (w 3)1
-AC 16°-0(«D -15"0<«i)/
A delicate triple star, in a magnificent stellar field, between the
Unicorn's ears, at one-third of the distance from Procyon towards Alde-
baran. A 6, greenish; B 9j, pale grey; C 15,' blue. This very fine
object is one of 57s First Class, and No. 950 of the Dorpat Catalogue,
where these measures are registered:
Pos. A B 208°-66 Dist. 2"76i „ lft,. _,
AC 12°-90 16" 58 1 ^' 1J
The bright star is crowned by three pairs, of which the sf is the nearest.
Piazzi had noted — " Duplex videtur. Multas simul conspiciuntur."
m 6h 34m 05s PREC. + 3s- 69
DEC. N 25° 16'-9 S 2"'97
POSITION 94°-l (ws) DISTANCE 110"-6 (tea) EPOCH 1831-98
A star with a distant companion, on Castor's right knee; it is about
26°, or rather more than one-third of the distance, from Procyon towards
Capella, where a line led from Rigel through Betelgeuze also reaches it.
A 3, brilliant white; B 9£, cerulean blue. This wide object is 73 §". vi.;
registered by Sir William in 1782, with a distance of 110"-48, but no
angle of position given. It was first measured by S. :
Pos. 93° 42' Dist. lll"-57 Ep. 1825-04
This star is called Mebsuta, from al-dhira al mebsutak, the out-
stretched arm; i.e. Castor and Pollux, the bright stars of whose heads
form the Vllth Lunar Mansion.
M 6*35m12s PREC. +
DEC. N 43° 43'-7 S 3"'07
POSITION 17°-1 («>9) DISTANCE 56"'8 (ice) EPOCH 1831-02
A wide double star; it is just to the north of an imaginary line
carried from Capella eastward through ft Aurigae, and extended as far
again as "the distance between those two stars. A 6, silvery white;
B 8^, lilac. This is an object which, though belonging to Auriga, is on
Telescopium Herschelii, an asterism proposed by the Abbe Hell to com-
memorate the discovery of the planet Uranus, in this spot, 13th March,
1781. It is No. 107 1$. v., and appears, from a comparison of deter-
minations, to have remained stationary for fifty years. The other
measures are:
I£. Pos. 17° 24' Dist. 52"-95 Ep. 1782-80
S. 17° 08' 55"-38 1823 20
m 6b 36m 46s PREC. + 4S'83
DEC. N 53° 12'-] — S 3"'20
POSITION 69°'l (*> 4) DISTANCE 23r/-0 ;«-2) EPOCH 183178
A delicate double star, on the neck of the Lynx; it is about 11° on
a line shot from ft Aurigae towards Dubhe, or nearly one-third of that
distance. A 8, bright yellow; B 11, dusky green. This is rather a
troublesome object to treat, but on the whole the measures are satis-
factory from coincidence inter se. It was first detected and registered
by S.9 and these results appear in the Dorpat Catalogue:
Pos. 66°-40 Dist. 21"-93 Ep. 1829-21
M 6h 38m 06s PREC. + 2S'68
DEC. S 16° SO7-! S 3"'32
POSITION 45°-0 <u>n DISTANCE 150"-0 <»i) EPOCH 1835-80
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant companion, in the Greater
Dog's mouth. A 1, brilliant white; B 10, deep yellow, other distant
small stars in the field; and a line through the two here cited passes
nearly upon that mentioned by Piazzi, "alia 8* magnit. praecedit .3"
temporis, 3' ad Boream." A, or Sirius, is subject to a large proper
motion, the values of which have been stated as follows:
P.... M - 0"-51 Dec. - 1"'14
B.... - 0"-48 - 1"'23
A.... - 0"-53 - 1"'23
Sirius, the dog-star, and one of Orion's hounds, is the brightest of
all the stars in the firmament, and therefore regarded as their chief; for
I have frequently compared it with Canopus, the next in brilliance, when
both were nearly on the meridian together, and the latter yielded the
palm to Kvcov. From this brilliance there is little probability of its
being mistaken for any of its stellar neighbours; but it may be noted,
that a line from the Pleiades through Orion's belt passes, at about 20°
beyond the latter, through Sirius. The geometrical diagram here pre-
sented to the gaze, was not lost to the rhymester:
Let Procyon join with Betelgeuze, and pass a line afar,
To reach the point where Sirius glows — the most conspicuous star;
Then will the eye delighted view a figure fine and vast,
Its span is equilateral, triangular its cast.
This star derived its Greek name from ^eipios, in allusion to the
brightness, heat, and dryness assigned to it; though Dr. Hutton gravely
informs us that the term is from Siris, which he says is the most ancient
appellation of the Nile, for when this star rose heliacally, and became
visible to the Egyptians and Ethiopians, their year commenced, and
with it the inundation of their fecundating river. As that beneficial
flood was attributed to the influence of the beautiful star, it was there-
fore worshipped as Sothis, Osiris, and Latrator Anubis*; and was
viewed as the abode of the soul of Isis. Jacob Bryant insists, that the
word Sirius was borrowed by the Greeks from the Egyptian Cohen
* Bainbridge, who was well versed in Arabian astronomy, wrote a treatise,
Canicularia, together with a demonstration of the heliacal rising of Sirius for the
'eJior; and others recognise in it the Mazzarotk of Job; while Novidius,
who gave a scriptural meaning to each constellation, says it alludes to
Tobit's dog: "and so it may," ejaculates Moxon, "because he hath a
tayle." It is first mentioned as a star by Hesiod, though "Wyllyam
Salysbury, 1 550, and Heyschius, contend that the name applies equally
to the Sun and the dog-star; and Homer, albeit he does not cite Sinus
by name, compares the brightness of Achilles' armour to the pernicious
blaze of the dog-star;
Whose burning breath
Taints the red air, with fevers, plagues, and death.
Some of the ancients asserted that a star in the head of the Dog»
perfectly distinguishable from Sirius, perhaps meaning 7, was designated
Isis, in former ages ; but they were assuredly in error, as may be inferred
from Diodorus and Plutarch, and all the honours of the constellation
were vested in the dog-star. Lcelaps, one of Actaeon's kennel, was,
however, slipped in, and moreover the Latins called it Cants Candens,
and Canicula; which last should seem to apply to the Lesser Dog, but
that, among the many opinions on this serious topic, the shew of hands
is for Sirius. Yet Horace, inviting Maecenas to quit the " Fumum et
opes strepitumque" of Rome, (one would think London was meant,) for
the country, during hot weather, thus describes the aspect of the heavens :
Jam clarus occultum Andromedee pater (Cepheus)
Ostendit ignem; jam PROCYON furit,
Et stella vesani Leonis (Regulus)t
Sole dies referente siccos.
There is no end to the evil influences which the ancients attributed to
this star, though Geminus considered the bulk of them as rather resulting
from the Sun; yet he was borne down by those who held Sirius to be an
object equally terrible and splendid. While Virgil and others considered
the unhealthy and oppressive period, which followed the summer solstice
in Italy, was owing to the presence of the dog- star, Manilius thought it
was a distant sun to illumine remote bodies; and thus he speaks, through
the means of Sherburne :
'Tis strongly credited this owns a light
And runs a course not than the Sun's less bright,
But that remov'd from sight so great a way
It seems to cast a dun and weaker ray.
From its heliacal rising the ancients reckoned their dies camculares,
or dog-days, which, however, in our climate, often commenced a fortnight
after the veritable dog-days were ended; they have been frequently
parallel of Lower Egypt. This was published at Oxford in 1648, five years after his
death. The sonorous tetrandryan mmogynian bard commemorates the doe-star's
advent :
Sailing in air, when dark monsoon inshrowds
His tropic mountains in a night of clouds,
High o'er his head the beams of Sirius glow,
And dog of Nile, Anubis, barks below.
* * * #
Her long canals the sacred waters fill.
And edge with silver every peopled hill ;
O'er furrow'd glebes and green savannahs sweep,
And towns and temples laugh amid the deep.
shifted and adjusted, and now seem to be established among the
Almanacks, from the 3rd of July to the llth of August; i.e. before
Sirius rises ! An extraordinary influence in engendering diseases among
men, and madness among dogs, was assigned to the canicular days;
hence their advent was of paramount importance, and Theon Alexan-
drinus has left a full formula, to find the exact time of the dog-star's
rising; twenty days before which, and twenty days after, included the
period of perspiration, hydrophobia, and other evils.
Canis Major is situated in the Southern Hemisphere, below Orion's
feet; and the appellation of the principal star was frequently applied to
the whole asterism, as an emblem of watchfulness and fidelity; hence
its name Alshira, from the Arabic Ash-shira-l-Yemeniyah, the bright
shining star of Yemen, or Arabia Felix. This Ski'ra, it will be remem-
bered, is largely complimented by Mahomet, in the fifty-third Sura of the
Koran. The Greater Dog is one of the old 48 constellations, and has
been thus tabulated :
Ptolemy ... 29 stars Hevelius .... 22 stars
Tycho Brah£ . . 13 Flamsteed ... 31
Bayer .... 19 Bode ..... 161
Mr. Barker, of Lyndon, in the fifty-first volume of the Philosophical
Transactions, considered that Sirius has changed colour, from red to
white, in the lapse of ages; and quotes Aratus, Cicero, Virgil, Ovid,
Seneca, Horace, and Ptolemy, in proof. The ancients, however, used
the names of colours with the utmost latitude. Splendescere, purpu-
rascere, signified to shine brightly; irouciXos of Aratus expresses a
glittering object; and the rubra Canicula of Horace may allude to heat.
Mr. Barker's evidence for the mutation has therein more learning than
point; but Seneca has an admission that the redness of Sirius was so
strong as to exceed that of Mars; and Ptolemy says it was of the same
colour as Cor Scorpii. These witnesses, both men of character and trust,
are directly opposed to Hyginus, who asserts that the star was white,
flammce candorum. This Barker gets over, by considering that candor
may be used for brightness, without regard to colour; and he might have
called in Eratosthenes, a witness of high credit, to prove that Sirius ?t
first signified bright, glittering, sparkling, and was afterwards given
exclusively as the name of the most brilliant of the fixed stars. At all
events, such a variation would be the more remarkable, since the other
principal stars are unchanged in colour. Ptolemy calls Arcturus, Alde-
baran, Pollux, Betelgeuze, and Antares, virbiuppos, or reddish, as they
now actually are.
Sirius holds a leading place among the insulated stars, and is considered
to be free from disturbance, although it seems to be obvious, that no two
stars in the universe can be altogether out of the sphere of each other's
attraction: but upon the supposition that the masses of Sirius and our
Sun are equal, and that the former has a parallax of 1", it would take
about forty millions of years for them to fall to one another by their
mutual action.
The brilliance of Sirius has long attracted the attention of philosophers,
and every practical astronomer must be conversant with its superiority
over its compeers. Sir William Herschel says, that when this star was
about to enter his large telescope, the announcing light was equal to that
on the approach of sunrise, and upon gaining the field of view, the star
appeared in all the splendour of the rising sun, so that it was impossible
to behold it without pain to the eye. By Sir John Herschel's photometric
experiments on the apparent brightness of stars, the light of Sirius was
found to be about 324 times that of an average star of the 6th magnitude.
Consequently, if both bodies be assumed as of similar proportions, light
diminishing as the square of the distance of the luminous body increases,
their respective distances from us must be in the ratio of 57'3 to 1.
Another word upon such astonishing luminosity. My regretted friend
Dr. Wollaston, in his skilfully ingenious researches in this branch of
photometry, says, " From a comparison which I made in the year 1 799
of the light of the Sun with that of the Moon, I should estimate the
direct light of the Sun as being nearly one million times greater than
that of the Moon; and consequently the direct light of the Sun as very
many millions times greater than that afforded us by all the fixed stars
taken collectively. Such then being, to our visual organs, the vast dis-
proportion in radiance between the Sun and the whole starry firmament,
it is not to be expected that we should assign very accurately how much
greater the light of the Sun is, than that exceedingly minute quantity of
it which shines upon us from any one, even the most brilliant of the
fixed stars." We must refer the reader to the 119th volume of the
Philosophical Transactions, for the details of his method of obtaining
results by approximate ratios, and leap to his conclusion, that " we are
not warranted by these experiments in supposing that the light of Sirius
exceeds a 20,000,000,000th part of the Sun's light." Dr. W. therefore
assuming the low limit of possible parallax of half a second, and conse-
quently its distance from the Earth to be 525,481 times the radius of our
orbit, concluded its intrinsic splendour to be nearly equal to that of four-
teen suns: and that, if the star were placed where the Sun is, it would
appear nearly four times as large as that luminary ! "Well might Yoltaire
make Micromegas, one of its inhabitants, to be eight leagues in stature.
The wit of Ferney drew his vast ideas of the magnitude of the dog-
star from the several computations of modern philosophers. Maginus of
Padua, considered the magnitude of Sirius to be equal to 10', Kepler
supposed 4', and Tycho thought it was 2'; Ricciolus, however, brought
it down to 18": on which assumption its true magnitude was thus
tabulated, according to the distance in the Copernican Hypothesis, main-
taining the parallax of the fixed stars made by the Earth's motion, not to
exceed 10", and imagining the diameter of the annual orbit to be such
as upon those principles it is stated to be:
Distances in
semi-diameter of
the Earth.
Diameter of Sirius
contains diameters
of the Earth :
The body of Sirius contains
the Earth's body :
tralilaeus . . .
Bullialdus . .
Keplerus . . .
Exorbitant as this appears, Vendelinus made his distance vastly
greater, namely 605 millions of semi-diameters of the Earth. Yet
Schickard says, " The speculations that represent the starry heavens the
farthest removed from us, and consequently most amplify the stars, are
more favourable to truth, for more confined ones would by no means
admit of the annual parallax of our globe."
Astronomy is indebted to Sirius upon many counts, but perhaps in
none of higher scientific interest, than' that of investigating the knotty
question of Parallax. The dazzling splendour of this star, had long
created a notion of its being nearer to us than any other of the stellar
host, and therefore the fittest for determining the annual parallax of the
Orbis Magnus. Huygens, assuming the Sun and Sirius to be of equal
magnitude, made some ingenious but rather unsound optical experiments,
from whence he concluded the light and diameter of the former to be
27,664 times greater than those of the latter; and that, consequently, the
star's distance must be 27,664 times beyond the distance of the Sun
from the Earth. From the varieties of the zenith distances observed at
Paris, 130 years ago, Cassini II. inferred a parallax in declination
amounting to 6" in space, an inference which, though it gave the star
still a diameter of 380 millions of leagues, excited the approbation of
astronomers; and, from similar variations in the observations of La Caille,
at the Cape of Good Hope, a parallax of 4" was deduced. In 1760
Dr. Maskelyne made a proposition to the Royal Society for discovering
this desideratum, the finding out of which, would be " the fullest and
directest proof of the Copernican System;" the most striking objection
to which was, that the enormous displacement of the spectator's place
which that system supposed, was not supported by a corresponding
change in the positions of the fixed stars. This proposal seems to have
had little effect, and the matter slumbered till Piazzi revived it in a
confirmation, by the Palermo observations, of La Caille's amount of the
parallax of Sirius. This was announced formally to the Italian Society
of Sciences; and in the notes to Hora VI. of the Catalogue, Piazzi says,
"Juxta meas observationes, qua3 cum iis conveniunt, quas ad Caput
Bona? Spei tentavit La Caille, Sirii paralaxis statui probabiliter potest
quatuor secundorum circiter*." The question then rested till the recent
admirable operations of Messrs. Henderson and Maclear, whose zeal and
ability have been so applied as to produce a result, which must ever keep
their names on the Fasti of Science. For the observations of these
gentlemen, we must direct the reader to the Memoirs of the Royal
Astronomical Society, and shall merely give the important result. On
resolving, by the method of minimum squares, the two sets of equations,
and combining the results according to their relative weights, the greatest
effect of parallax in declination is found, from the whole of the 231
observations, = + 0"*15; and the greatest effect of aberration in decli-
* Piazzi's discussion was communicated to the Italian Society in 1805, under the
title — Ricerche sulla paralasse annua di alcune delle principale fisse ; cioe la Capra,
Aldebaram, Procione, Sirio, Arturo, ed Atair: and he concludes Sirius with — "In
ogui maniera, da tutto cio sembrami che si possa ben conchiudere, che se la paralasse
di 4" uon e pienamente sicura, non lascia pero di essere molto probabile." He states,
moreover, his confidence in the well-known circle which he used on the occasion —
" opera dell' immortale Artefice, Ramsden."
nation, — 13"'07. These quantities are to the total effect of parallax
and aberration in the proportion of 13"'13 to 20"'50, whence the final
results are:
Parallax of Sirius, (or the angle subtended by the radius of the
Earth's orbit, at a distance equal to that of the star,) . . = 0"*23
Constant of Aberration . = 20" -41
The possible error of this determination of the parallax may be esti-
mated not to exceed a quarter of a second, as it is almost certain that the
constant of aberration is not in error to a greater amount. On the
whole, it may be concluded that the parallax of Sirius is not greater than
half a second of space, and that it is probably much less. See 61 Cygni.
The rigorous investigations by the same astronomers on a Centauri, are
equally successful, and are still closely attended to.
M 6h 38m 57s PBEC. + 58'32
DEC. N 59° 37''6 S 3"'39
POSITION 50°-0 (w2) DISTANCE 1"-0 («?« EPOCH 1833'31
A close double star, under the Lynx's eye; between Dubhe and
Capella. A 5£, golden yellow; B 7? purple. This is one of ^7s per-
vicince, and No. 963 of the great Dorpat Catalogue, where its measures
are thus registered:
Pos. 50°-51 Dist, 0"'897 Ep. 1830-88
It is a very delicate and pretty object, and only seen with dark
notches at intervals, being in contact in general, yet with the colours
distinct. Piazzi pronounced this a double star, but the term was meant
to include the preceding small star as B. His note states: "Duplex.
Comes telescopica 1" temporis praecedit."
M 6h 39m 42s PREC. + 3S'14
DEC. S 3° OO'-l S 3"-45
A loose cluster in the Galaxy, on the Unicorn's breast; 15° on a
line from yS Canis Majoris towards Pollux. It was discovered and regis-
tered by I£. in January, 1785, and is No. 408 of his son's Catalogue of
830. It is a region of stars extending far beyond the field, with the
principal members from the8^ to the llth magnitudes, curiously studded
in pairs and triplets. Between these a certain glow indicates numbers
of others still smaller.
m 6h 39m 55s PREC. + 2S'S7
DEC. S 20° 34*' -8 S 3"'48
POSITION 85°-0 (w i) DISTANCE 45"-0 (wi) EPOCH 1836-17
A double star, in a scattered cluster, on the Greater Dog's chest.
A 9, lucid white; B 10, pale white. This was registered by Messier in
1764, as a "mass of small stars;" but it is divided into five groups, of
which the central one is the richest, and marked by three bright stars
forming a crescent. In the np is the open double star which is here
estimated; and 41 Messier may be struck upon by running a ray from
Aldebaran, through e in the centre of Orion's belt, and from thence
between Sirius and Mirzam to about 4° in the south-east space beyond
them. But as a beacon is rather acceptable in so low a declination, the
tyro may hit his object by first directing his telescope — charged with a
low power — upon Sirius, and then depressing it 4° 5', when in about a
minute a pair of 8th magnitudes will appear, constituting 233 and
236 P. Hora VI., and in about another minute, the cluster under discus-
sion will follow.
m 6h 42m 00s PREC. + 4S-13
DEC. N 39° 03'-2 S 3"'64
POSITION 222°-9 (ws) DISTANCE 22"-0 (w2) EPOCH 1833-10
A delicate double star, between the Waggoner's left arm and the
Lynx. A 6, pale yellow; B 11, livid. This is the object described
by BjL as the apex of an isosceles triangle, and classed 102 iv. The
following are its registered measures:
1$. Pos. 216° 57' Dist. 23"-50 Ep. 1782*85
S. 221° 41' 21"-60 1825-02
2. 222° 38' 22"-26 1831 '11
This star is certainly one of no easy measurement, but our results are
sufliciently strong to warrant the inference of a slow spnf, or direct
angular motion. A glance from the Hyades through Nath, at the tip of
the Bull's left horn, carried about 22° into the north-east, will strike
upon three small stars, of which the most northern is the one under
discussion. This place will also be intersected by a line from Procyon
through B Geminorum; and by another from Orion's sword cluster,
through the lowest star of the belt and Betelgeuze, and extended three
times further north-east-ward. The alignment is therefore of very ready
M 6h 43m 33s PREC. + 38>08
DEC. N 0° 38'- 6 S 3" '79
POSITION 10°-5 (us) DISTANCE 15"-0 («>i) EPOCH 1835-22
A compressed cluster in the Via Lactea, on the Unicorn's neck.
A 8i, pale straw-colour; B 9J, light grey. This object was first classed
by ij. in 1786, and is broken into three several rich groups, occupying
a very considerable space. Near the centre is the double star here
observed, but, from having a small comes in the np quadrant, it ought
rather to be registered triple. A trapezium of brighter stars follows; and
it is to be fished up about one-third of the distance between Procyon
and Rigel, where it is intersected by a transverse line from Pollux to
about 1° west of ft Canis Majoris.
37s PREC. + 3S'38
DEC. N 13° 22'-6 - S 3"'97
POSITION 171°'8 <*8) DISTANCE 6"-0 <u>7) EPOCH 1836-10
- 170°'7 <»9) - 5"-8 <»7) - 1839-17
A neat double star, on the left instep of Pollux. A 5^, light yellow;
B 8, purple. This is a very fine object, and the colours so marked, that
they cannot be entirely imputed to the illusory effect of contrast. It is
47 Ip- ni.s and from a comparison of all the measures, a slight but
constant diminution in the angle may be inferred. These are the astro-
metric results:
I£. Pos. 179° 54' Dist. 7"'95 Ep. 1781-99
H. and S. 174° 24' 5"'53 1822-67
2. 174° 52r 5"'74 1829-24
D. 172° 25' 5" -95 1832-93
which suggest a retrograde slow motion of — 0°'16 per annum; and the
distance appearing stationary, hints a period of upwards of 2000 years.
A glance from Rigel carried below f — the southern star of Orion's belt —
and prolonged rather more than twice as far again, till it meets a line
cast between Procyon and Nath, will have just passed over it. 38 Gemi-
norum exhibits a sensible aberration from the common laws of precession,
which has been thus valued:
P.... 2R + 0"-06 Dec. - 0"-08
B.... + 0"-08 - 0"-06
M 6h 45m 56s PREC. + 3S'50
DEC. N 18° 10'-5 S 3"'99
A compressed cluster, on the calf of Pollux's right leg, one-third of
the distance from Pollux to Rigel, on a line carried from the former
star between the second and third
" bullions" of Orion's belt to the latter :
discovered by 1$. in 1783, and forming
No. 415 of his son's Catalogue. It
is a faint angular-shaped group of
extremely small stars — say 12 to 16
magnitudes — which only under the
most favourable circumstances can I
discern with satisfaction. The region
around is immensely rich, and not at
all wanting in double stars. Differen-
tiated with 7 Gemiriorum for a mean place; and when best seen, it is
something like the hasty sketch herewith given.
M 6h 48m 08s PREC. + 2S>51
DEC. S 20° 12'-4 • S 4/x'18
POSITION AB 149°'0 (w 5} DISTANCE 45"'0 (w 5) j
AC 182°-5 (w 3) 52"-5(t*3)l EPOCH 1834-14
AD 185°-0 (w 3) 125"-0 (* i)J
A coarse quadruple star, on the chest of Canis Major; where it is
the middle one of three small stars, about 4^° to the south-south-east of
Sirius. A 6, flushed white; B 9J, ruddy; CIO, ruddy; D 11, dusky.
A and B were classed as a double star, 65 IjjjL. v.; and Piazzi, note 222
Hora VI., says, " Binse sequuntur 10* magn. 1" circiter ad austrum."
Herschel's measures were :
Pos. 154° 12' Dist. 44"-93 Ep. 1782-17
When Sir James South examined this object, he included the two
companions in the sp quadrant, and registered it quadruple, thus:
AB Pos. 147° 57' Dist. 45"-03 Ep. 1825-04
AC 184° 18' 52" '96 1825-07
AD 185° 16' 128"'36 1825-10
On weighing all these results, there seems to have been some error in
l£.'s angle, at the first epoch.
2R, 6h 48m 46s PREC. + 2s-75
DEC. S 13° 50'-5 S 4"«23
POSITION 342°'9 (U>B) DISTANCE 3"-5 (us) EPOCH 1834-15
A neat double star, on the Dog's right ear; where a line through
Orion's belt will meet it, at nearly 4° north-east of Sirius. A 5^, topaz
yellow; B 9^, grey. This elegant object was discovered by 5"., and is
No. 997 of the Dorpat Catalogue; but the earliest measures I met with
are those of H., with his 7-foot telescope, which formed the only com-
parison until the arrival of Jj?s great work, when the results were found
to run thus :
H. Pos. 341° IT Dist. 3" -63 Ep. 1830-18
343° 31' 3"-22 1831-20
M 6h 52m 10s PREC. + 2*76
DEC. S 13° 29'-2 S 4"«52
A tolerably compressed cluster at the back of the Greater Dog's head,
principally composed of stars from the 8th to the llth magnitudes, of
which the four principal form the letter Y; there are also some glimpse
stars, but to no great extent. Yet to IjJ/s powerful "ken," it appeared
to be 20' in diameter, when he observed it in February, 1785. It may
be fished up by first finding //,, the object above registered; when it will
appear in the nf quadrant, well within a degree's distance.
2R 6h 52m 20s PREC. + 2S'35
DEC. S 28° 45'-5 - S 4"'54
POSITION 84°-5 (u>3) DIFFERENCE M = 24S*1 (w EPOCH 1834-83
A Greenwich star with a distant companion, on the Greater Dog's
belly: it will be readily found by running a line from the middle of
Orion's belt through /8, the bright star to the west of Sirius, and extend-
ing the same 14° further into the south-east quarter. A 2£, pale
orange; B 7, violet, with no appearance of the suspected nearer comes.
My meridian observations afford no confirmation of the proper motion
assigned by Piazzi, on comparing his results with those of Bradley and
La Caille: but Mr. Baily's recent investigation shows a discrepancy with
precessional law, although the direction is shaken; the assigned values
P.... M - 0"-05 Dec. + 0"-07
B.... 4- 0"-06 + 0"-01
This star is called Adara, from al 'adhara, the virgins; o, 77, 8, and e,
on the shoulder, tail, and between the tail and legs. Adjacent to these
Royer cut away a portion of Canis Major, and constructed Columba
Noachi therewith in 1679. The part thus usurped was called Muliphein,
from al-muhlefe'in, the two stars sworn by, because they were often
mistaken for Sohe'il, or Canopus, before which they rise : these two stars
are now a and ft Columba?. Muliphein is recognised as comprehending
the two stars called Hadar, ground, and al-tvezn, weight, astonishing
sidereal names, says Ideler, of which the Arabians were ignorant of
the proper location, for while some placed them to the two bright stars
in the Dove, others stuck them in the fore-foot of the Centaur, and a
third party assigned them to f, X, and 7, in Argo. Four of the Greater
Dog's informes are termed El-Kurud, the apes, by Kazwini, which term
applies principally to those which Ptolemy described as standing in a
line; but 'Abd-u-rahman Sufi calls them el-furiid, bright and insulated.
See 8 Canis Majoris, No. CCLXXYIII. The galley rhymes allude
to Royers robbery —
Where Canis Major, from the south, th' horizon moves above —
The stars that deck'd his hinder feet now form the Patriarch's Dove.
.2R 6h 52m 56s PREC. + 4S79
DEC. N 52° 59'-4 S 4"'59
POSITION 158°-9 <t*8) DISTANCE 3"-2 <w6) Et>ocn 1833-21
159°-4 (w 9) 3"-0 <» 9) J— 1843-19
A neat double star, on the animal's neck; where a ray conducted
from Polaris to the westward of Castor, passes over it at 35° from the
pole, or rather more than half-way, on the line between ft Auriga and
ft Ursae Majoris. A 6, and B 6|, both white. This pretty object is
) 1$. I.; and from the first measures taken, as compared with Sir James
South's observations, a change in direction npsf, or retrograde motion,
was to be expected, to the annual amount of -0°'252; but the more
recent results do not countenance such a change. The measures are
more discordant than might have been expected :
I£. Pos. 167° 24' Dist. 3 "50 ± Ep. 1782-87
S. 156° 54' 3"-89 1824'59
2- 159° IT 2"-94 1830-34
D. 160° 37' 3"-32 183M5
m 6h 54™ 37s PREC. + 38'56
DEC. N 20° 47''9 S 4"'73
POSITION AB 355°-0 (** 4) DISTANCE 90r/>0 («> . .
> EPOCH 1831-81
AC 85°-0 (w i) 65-0 (M
I A coarse triple star, on the right knee of Pollux. A 4, pale topaz;
8, violet; and C 13, grey. This was registered as a double star 9 ]£. vi.,
and re-examined as a pair hy H. and S.; hut the third star lying too
handy to be omitted, when once seen, I entered it. Including a deduc-
tion drawn from Piazzi's mean places of the components, the previous
measures are thus tabulated:
1$. Pos. 351° 14' Dist. 91"-86 Ep. 177977
P. 354° 30' 88"'30 ISOO'OO
H. and S. 355° 27' 91"'03 1821-23
This star is called Mekbuda, from al-makbudah^ contracted, or rather
mut-a-kabbidah, a culminating star; it comprehends the two bright stars
of Castor and Pollux, and forms the Vllth Lunar Mansion, called by the
Arabs al-dhira, the arm or paw of the lion. It is easily seen on
running a line between the cluster in Orion's sword and Pollux, for it
passes over f at 9° from the latter star; and it is near the mid-distance
between £ Tauri, the tip of the southern horn, and the Praesepe in Cancer.
JR 6h 55m 11s PREC. + 2S'8S
DEC. S 8° 06'-7 S 4"-78
POSITION 170°'0 (»i) DISTANCE 5"-0 (»i) EPOCH 1833*25
A delicate and close double star in a cluster of the Via Lactea, on
the Unicorn's right shoulder. A 8 and B 13, both pale white. This is
an irregularly round and very rich mass, occupying with its numerous
outliers more than the field, and composed of stars from the 8th to the
16th magnitudes; and there are certain spots of splendour which indicate
minute masses beyond the power of my telescope. The most decided
points are, a red star towards the southern verge, and a pretty little
equilateral triangle of 10th sizers, just below, or north of it. The double
star here noted was carefully estimated under a full knowledge of the
vertical and parallel lines of the field of view: this was made triple by
H., whose 2357 of the Fifth Series it is; but he must be mistaken in
calling it 2}. 748, which is 6 Orionis. It is sufficiently conspicuous as a
double star, and though I perceive an infinitesimal point exactly on the
vertical of A, I cannot ascertain whether it is H/s C.
This superb object was discovered by Messier in 1771> and registered
" a mass of small stars more or less brilliant." It is 9° north-north-east
of Sirius, or rather more than one-third of the distance between that
star and Procyon.
M 7h 00m 44s PREC. + 2S«83
DEC. S 10° 22'- 6 S 5"'25
POSITION 300°-0 (» i) DISTANCE 15"-0 (» i) EPOCH 1833-12
A double star in a loose cluster, under the Unicorn's chest, and about
8° north-east of Sirius, in a direction pointed out by leading a line from
Aldebaran over Bellatrix, and nearly twice as far again. A 9, yellow;
B 12, dusky. This is a scattered group of brightish stars, in an irregular
lozenge form, and consists chiefly of three vertical rows, having four
individuals in each; several are of the 9th magnitude, and reddish. It
was registered by 1$. in 1785.
M 7h 01 m 53s PREC. + 2S'44
DEC. S 26° 08'-6 — S 5"-35
POSITION 224°'0 (w i) DISTANCE 165"-0 («> i) EPOCH 1832-90
A star with a distant companion on the loins of Canis Major; where
a line from Betelgeuze to the south-south-east, through Sirius, intercepts
it at 12° below that star. A 3£, light yellow; B 7i, very pale; other
small stars in the field, and np is the one mentioned by Piazzi, "Alia
9ae magnitud. prsecedit 45"*5 temporis, 1' 48" ad boream." My observa-
tions are, of course, not sufficiently nice for an authority, but still they
countenance the slight proper motion attributed to this star, both in M
and declination. It is considered variable; having been registered 2nd
magnitude by Hevelius, La Caille, and Brisbane; 2J by Halley; 3 by
Ptolemy, Tycho, and Flamsteed; and 3^ by Piazzi and Johnson. From
comparisons made at the above epoch, the comparative brightness was
similar to that recorded in the Palermo Catalogue.
B is called Wezen, al-wezn, weight, from appearing to rise with
difficulty above the horizon, as if chained to the ground. The same
sluggishness was applied to a and /3 Centauri, which 1000 years ago,
under the 30th parallel of latitude, only obtained a meridian altitude
of 4°. The most general application, however, of the name, will be
found under e Canis Majoris. The group of which S may be considered
as the centre, and which consists of e, ?;, S, o, and i, were called El-Zara,
the virgins, by the early Arabians.
m 7h 06m 58s PREC. + 2S'84
DEC. S 10° 00'-8 S 5"77
POSITION 22°-0 <«*6) DISTANCE 21"-0 (u>3) EPOCH 1837'91
A neat double star, on the following boundary of a loose cluster in
the Galaxy, between the Unicorn and the Greater Dog's head. A 8,
and B 8^, both silvery white. This is a very rich field of stars, in the
which is a brilliant oval mass, bounded by a sapphire-tinted 6th-magni-
tude star, in the sf quadrant, and the pair here measured a little north
of it. ]£[., who discovered this group in 1785, makes no mention of the
latter; nor of two other pairs which are in the field, one above and the
other below the object measured. A line from Pollux, passed by
Gomeisa (/3 Canis Majoris) to nearly as far again, will find this object
posited 9° east-north-east of Sirius.
M 7h08m 54s PREC. + 3S'45
DEC, N 16° 49'-5 S 5"'93
POSITION 29°-2 (» S) DISTANCE 10"*3 (w 2) EPOCH 183879
A delicate double star on the left thigh of Pollux, about 12° on a
line from Procyon towards 0 Aurigce, in the north-north-west, and
rather less than a third of the distance between Castor and Sirius.
A 4^, brilliant white; B 12, yellowish: the pair observed under the
most favourable circumstances of wreather and instruments, but the com-
panion was seen best under an averted eye. This fine object was dis-
covered by 51., and is No. 1061 of the Dorpat Catalogue, where it
is thus registered:
Pos. SOLOS' Dist. 9"-56 Ep. 1829-86
X Geminorum has been placed on the variable class, but I could
detect no difference in its brightness as compared with 22 Monocerotis,
v Orionis, and 2 Lyncis : it was also considered to have a large spacial
movement, but recent investigations have diminished it to a question of
mere instrumental error; the best values are:
P.... M - 0"-10 Dec. - 0"-04
#.... + o"-03 0"-00
This being one of those objects impracticable to artificial light, ren-
dered it necessary to apply a non -illuminating micrometer; and the
mean of angles carefully taken with Dollond's spherical rock-crystal,
enabled me to form a position of high weight.
M 7h 09m 46s PEEC. + 4S<93
DEC. N 55° 34'-6 S 6"-01
POSITION AB 3120>4 (w9) DISTANCE 14"-6 (w9)]
AC 358-2 (.a, 215-2 „,} Ep°CH 1833>77
A B 313°«8 («> 9) 14"-8 (w 9) 1839-65
A coarse triple star, in the nape of the Lynx's neck, nearly in mid-
distance of an imaginary line thrown from Polaris to Pollux. A 7>
white; B and C, both 8, and plum coloured. This is 83 I£. in., and
Nos. 47, 48, and 49 P. vn. It is also No. 78 of H. and S. ; but it is curious
that these astronomers have each assigned what I deem, on repeatedly
comparing the light of the components, a wrong quadrant to B. By
shifting it from the sp to the rip, their measures will compare with those
of J£. and myself thus:
lj[. Pos. 316° 54' Dist. 14"-19 Ep. 1782-86
H. andS. 313° 05' 14"'54 1821-22
S. 313° 50' 14"-72 1829-51
This star was made micrometrically triple by H. and S., by including
C, which lies near the north vertical, exactly in the same JR with B.
The whole appear to be unchanged, though A is suspected of proper
motions to the following amount :
P....M - 0" 16 Dec. - 0"-08
B.... - 0"-03 - 0"-05
m 7h 09m 59s PREC. + 4S-61
DEC. N 50° 26'-4 S 6"'03
POSITION 253°*3 («> 9) DISTANCE 15"-2 (w 9) EPOCH 1835-39
A neat double star, on the animal's chest; and 16° east-north-east of
Capella. A and B, both 7i, and silvery white. This object is No. 61
of IJ.'s List of 145, but no measures were given; and Piazzi noted
it double, in these words, " Duplex. Comes ejusdem magnit. 2"circiter
temporis sequitur, 15" circiter ad boream," thus assuming the opposite
quadrant to that which has been adopted. The other measures are:
H. and S. Pos. 252° 39' Dist. 15" -96 Ep. 1823-33
2. 253° 25r 15//>04 1830-55
From a comparison of these results the relative fixity of these stars
may be deduced; but B has a slight proper motion in declination,
amounting perhaps to - 0"'07 per annum, which is a mean of several
m 7h 10m 34s PREC. + 3S'59
DEC. N 22° 16'-3 - S 6"-07
POSITION 198°-5 (u>8) DISTANCE 7"-l («-s) EPOCH 1833-15
— 196°-8.<*9) — - 7"'2(«6) - 1838-92
A Greenwich star of the second rank, double, on the right hip of
Pollux; it is exactly half-way between the Preesepe and f Tauri, on the
tip of the Bull's southern horn, and nearly on the line from Castor
towards Sirius. A 3J, pale white; B 9, purple. This delicate object
is rather troublesome to measure in distance, from disparity, but certainly
with my instrument is not "one of the most difficult stars in the
heavens." It is 27 !$• n., and was thus registered at its discovery:
Pos. 184° 09' Dist. 6" -501; Ep. 1781-20
The same astronomer re-examining this star in 1802, and finding
the angle to be 195° 17', concluded that a large change had taken place
in twenty-one years; subsequent observations, however, indicate some
error in the original entry; the later results being all remarkably coinci-
dent. The measures of other astronomers are:
H. and S. Pos. 195° 24' Dist. 7"'25 Ep. 1822-14
S. 196° 54' 7"-15 1829-72
D. 196° 55' 7"'13 1831-02
This star is known as Wasat, from the Arabic al-wasat, the middle or
centre, and it has a small spacial movement, to the following values:
P.... M - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"'05
B.... + 0"-08 - 0"-05
2R 7h 10m 35s PREC. + 2S'72
. DEC. S 15° 21'-4 S 6"'07
A tolerably compressed but extensive cluster, on the boundary
between the Unicorn, and the Greater Dog. It was discovered by the
indefatigable Miss Herschel, in 1785; and consists of a singular group of
very lucid specks, formed of stars nearly all of lOth-magnitude. The most
compressed portion occupies a third of the field with power 66; and it is
followed by a solitary yellowish star, of the 8th magnitude. It can be
fished up, under a moderately magnifying eye-piece, at 7°i west-north-
west of Sirius; where an imaginary line from Aldebaran passed over
Bellatrix, will intersect it.
2& 7h i2m 04s* PREC. + 2S'48
DEC. S 24° 40'-0 S 6"'20
POSITION 73°'0 (wi) DISTANCE 85"'0 (wi) EPOCH 1834-83
A star with a companion, in cluster 17 1$. vn., on the Greater
Dog's back; where a line from Bellatrix through Sirius, and 12° beyond,
will find it. A 6^, white; B 9, pale grey. The whole has a beautiful
appearance, the bright white star A being surrounded by a rich gather-
ing of minute companions, in a slightly elongated form, and nearly
vertical position. The latest investigations into the proper motions of
this star, destroy the amount formerly attributed to the declination, and
reduce that in M to about + 0"'06 per annum.
M 7h I7m 31s PREC. + 3S'54
DEC. N 20° 34'-3 S 6"- 65
POSITION AB 110°-0 (» i) DISTANCE 60'
D"-0 (w i)l
r-5 (w 7) j
DC 42-4 - <
A course double star pointing to a neat pair in the np quadrant, on
the loins of Pollux, and about 2° to the south-east of S Geminorum, the
alignment of which has been given. A 7i> deep yellow ; B 9, yellowish ;
C 8, blue; D 9, bluish; and besides these, the field is very rich in small
stars. A is the individual selected by Ip. as the director to C D, or
48, in., which was thus registered when first discovered:
Pos. 46° 06' Dist. 6" -25 Ep. 1781-99
It was next examined by Sir James South, who made it:
Pos. 39° 16' Dist. 6"'52 Ep. 1824-21
whence Sir John Herschel inferred, that a notable retrograde change of
position had occurred = — 0°'166 per annum; a surmise not confirmed.
He also states that the above "very exact" results of ]J[. were taken in
1783; but the printed account in the Philosophical Transactions, gives
the same angle at a date two years earlier. Indeed, to save anomalous
comparisons of dates, I may here state, that all the epochs of Tjf.. quoted
by me, are from the lists inserted in that work.
61 Geminorum exhibits evidence of proper motions, the values of
which have been thus registered :
P.... M + 0"-13 Dec. - 0"-02
B.... + 0"-06 - 0"-02
T.... + 0"-06 0"-00
M 7h 17m 46s PREC. + 28'37
DEC. S 28° 59'-7 S 6"- 67
POSITION 285°-0 (« 2) DISTANCE 169"'0 (» i) EPOCH 1833-82
A star with a distant companion, at the root of the Greater Dog's
tail; where an imaginary line from the three small stars forming Orion's
head, passed through Sirius, will strike it at 17° beyond. A3, pale red;
B 7i? dull grey; two small stars following. A is called Aludra, from
the Arabian al-adhrd, which is the singular of al-adhdra: see e Canis
Majoris. B proved to be No. 103 of Piazzf s Hora VII., whose reduced
places give 286° for the angle of position, on a distance of 174", for the
year 1800.
According to the Megale Syntaxis, Hipparchus found that the
solstitial colure passed through the caudine star of the Greater Dog,
which appears to have occasionally served, by its arrival at the meridian,
to indicate the zero for reckoning the hours; its JR, which was then
exactly 90°, rendering it convenient for that purpose. If the longitude
assigned by Hipparchus to this star be compared with its present place,
the annual precession will be 50"*7; and both the theory of gravitation
and the deductions of modern operations coincide in indicating 50"*1, as
the mean annual value. This will very nearly agree with the Platonic
year, or complete revolution of the equinoxes in 25,920 years, as given
by Ricciolus and approved by Flamsteed, at the rate of a degree in about
seventy-two years. Well may Hipparchus be dubbed the Prases of
ancient astronomers! See a Leonis.
M 7h 18m 14s PREC. + 3S>57
DEC. N 21° 46'-l S 6"-71
POSITION 325°-0 (tc 2) DISTANCE 50"'0 (» i) EPOCH 1831-95
A wide double star on the back of Pollux ; following TVasat, & Gemi-
norum, within 2°, about east by south. A 6, yellow; B 10, reddish,
and with two telescopic stars in the sp quadrant, they form a regular
curve. This is 53 I£. v., registered in 1781, but without giving an
angle of position. It was then examined by H. and S., who measured
the angle, but not the distance. The two results, however, lead to the
inference that they are only optical neighbours. The large star probably
has the proper motion assigned to it:
P....J& - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"-12
B.... - 0"-02 - 0"-07
2& 7h 18m 28s PREC. + 3S>26
DEC. N 8° 36"4 S 6"73
POSITION AB 80°'0 («.») DISTANCE 35"
AC 312°-0 (» 2) 105
Y'-O (^ i)J
A wide triple star, on Procyon's neck; rather better than 4° to the
north-north-west of its lucida, where its magnitude readily points it out.
A3, white; B 12, orange; C 10, flushed; the last is coarsely double
with one of the same magnitude, and there are other stars in the field,
of which the white one preceding is that alluded to by Piazzi, " Alia
8* magnitudin. prsecedit 43" temporis, 2|-' circiter ad boream." The
large individual is named Gomeisa, from al-ghomeisd, watery-eyed; and
it is Al-Mirzam, one of the " roarers," mentioned under /3 Canis Majoris.
m 7h 19ra 43s PREC. + 3S'56
DEC. N 21° 13'-9 S 6"-83
POSITION 3550>0 (w i) DISTANCE 95"-0 (» i) EPOCH 1836-22
A star enveloped in an atmosphere, with a distant companion on the
loins of Pollux. A 7J> greyish white; B 8, dusky blue; other stars
following. This was observed by Ij[. in 1787? as a "star of the 9th-
magnitude, with a pretty bright nebulosity, equally dispersed all around.
A very remarkable phenomenon." PL, whose No. 450 it is, describes it,
" a star of the 8th magnitude, exactly in the centre of an exactly round
bright hemisphere 25" in diameter." The beauty of this is, in great
measure, lost to my instrument, for I could only bring it to bear as a
burred star: it lies about 2° to the east-south-east of Wasat, S Gemi-
norum, whose alignment is already treated of.
m 7h 20m 21s PREC. + 2S'82
DEC. S 11° 14/-2 S 6"-89
POSITION 315°-0 (w 3) DISTANCE 20"'0 (w 2) EPOCH 1834-11
A delicate double star, under the Unicorn's belly, where a line from
Canis Majoris, led through Sirius about 11° to the east-north-east,
will meet it. A 7, yellow; B 9|, violet, a third star close to the south
vertical, of the 14th magnitude, and clear blue. This was discovered
by ^., and is No. 1097 of the Dorpat Catalogue, with these data:
Pos. 312° 12' Dist. 20"-20 Ep. 1832-15
This object is close to the gap in the fanciful boundary which marks
out Argo's northern limb on our maps; which gap cuts a narrow slice of
about 13° long by 1° broad, right through the body of Monoceros, in
order to catch up a star pertaining to Canis Minor, which Flamsteed, by
some mistake, registered as 13 Navis. A and B point upon a distant
telescopic group in the np.
DEC. N 32°
POSITION A B 258°-8(«>5)
API fi°°-n 1™ 1^
23s PREC. + 3S<85
-i \'.r\ Q. 7//.01
DISTANCE 4//07(^5)]
*7O '.Q /,- o^ 1
A R 0^70.0 / o^
V-l fur 11
A Tl O^ftP'Q Itn <*\
/1".>7 ,t_ «
A T-i ^^^^'O /in ff\
dv"8 (w s)
- AB 255°-l (w 5)
A p 1 fiOO.O , ,
73 X/" 1 (^ fi) 1
A r> OC/JO.Q /„. r,
API fP0'^ /„. *,\
7CVM (to 5^ 1
A T) OCOO.O ,.„ 0>
4V'Q ttf <r\}
A n 1 fiQ°-f? rM ^
W'(\ <,n *\ 1
A standard Greenwich star, neatly double, in the head of Castor,
and about half way between Regulus and Aldebaran. A 3, bright
white; B 3|, pale white; C 11, dusky, and there is another very small
acolyte at a distance, in the sp quadrant of the field, with which a phy-
'sical connection has been also suspected. This very interesting object,
when classed 1 1$. n., was thus:
Pos. 302° 47' Dist. 5"-16 Ep. 1778*27
When H. and S. examined it, the secondary had changed its quadrant
from np to sp) and stood as follows:
Pos. 267° 07' Dist. 5" -35 Ep. 1821-21
showing a rapid retrograde motion of 0°"97 per annum ; and the more
recent observations so fully confirm the binary system, that Sir J. Herschel
concludes the small star will pass its periastre at the close of 1855, at
a distance of 0"'66; which brings its annus magnus to about 250 years.
At the moment it was made, this was a bold "prediction; and although
;the state of mutual approach and accelerated angular motion do not
circumstantially corroborate it, there is good evidence that the theory is
substantially right.
To arrive at his deductions, Sir John Herschel gathered together all
the observations he could rely upon, it being a question he was deeply
interested in, because, he says, Castor is " the largest and finest of all
the double stars in our hemisphere, and that whose unequivocal angular
motion first impressed on my father's mind a full conviction of the reality
of his long cherished views on the subject of the binary stars." By the
alignments of Pound and Bradley, he was able to carry the angle back for
upwards of 100 years; and by computations which approximate as near as
the present state of the subject will allow, he has deduced the following
elements of the elliptic orbit of the secondary round the primary; major
semi-axis 8"'086; eccentricity 07582; position of perihelion 169° 10';
inclination of the real orbit to the apparent orbit on the sphere of the
heavens, 70° 03'; mean motion, l°-425; period of revolution 253 years.
" This star," he adds, " seems on the point of undergoing, within the
ensuing twenty-four years, a remarkable change similar to that .of which
7 Yirginis has already furnished a striking instance during the last century,
and passing from a distant double star of the second class to a close
one of the first, and ultimately to one of extreme closeness and diffi-
culty, such as only the very finest telescopes, with all the improve-
ments we may expect in them, will be capable of showing otherwise than
single." But there are some orbital anomalies still in the way.
Using Herschel's bow, albeit with hardly vigour to bend it, I
attempted an orbit of this revolver, notwithstanding I soon found that
the values of its annual changes are violently discordant. The projection
brought out an ex-centricity of 0*7781, an inclination =r 70° 36', and
a period of 240 years; the last condition being obtained by H.'s novel
and ingenious process of cutting out the graphic orbit from card-board,
and weighing both it and its requisite sectors in a balance. These are
the previous angles used :
Bradley and Pound
Bradley and Maskelyne
Herschel the Elder .
Herschel the Elder .
Herschel Junior
Herschel Junior and South
Pos. 355° 53' Ep. 1719-84
323° 47' 1759-80
293° 03' 1783-64
284° 19' 1800-27
272° 52' 1813-83
270° 00' 1816-97
264° 59' 1823-11
Several years previous to the combined operations in the Blackman-
street observatory, Sir John Herschel had measured various double stars
at Slough, with a J-foot reflector; and as some of the synoptic results
only were printed in the register published by him and Sir James South,
in 1824, I requested of him, and obtained, the full details from his journal.
With the accustomed diffidence of real merit, Sir John places "no
vast confidence" in his observations of 1816, except in the above-cited
measurement of Castor, " which," he tells me,!" from the circumstances
described, must be correct, and is valuable. And I well remember com-
paring (with my father) this particular result with his former measures,
much to his and my own satisfaction, as a verification of its orbital
movement." The circumstances alluded to are thus given in the Journal:
"Dec. 20, 1816, aGeminorum. Double. Unequal. White — both stars.
Position of the small star, exactly preceding — I made both stars run along
the wire repeatedly from one side to the other, and both were covered. I
then made them run above and below it, and could perceive no deviation
from exact parallelism. The evening is perfectly still, clear, and frosty ."
Bradley appears to have made his estimations upon the parallelism
of the line of direction of the pair, to that joining Castor and Pollux, in
1759, "at all times of the year," evidently intending to notice whether
any annual oscillation might be observed. This induced Roger Long,
Lowndes's Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge, to attack Castor with
telescopes of fourteen and seventeen feet in length, with a view to
Galileo's suggestion on parallax; but the prospect of success soon
became so hopeless, that he was " persuaded the stars would always be
found to appear the same." This gentleman was more happy in the
construction of an enormous astronomical machine — the very A1 of
orreries — at Pembroke College. It is a hollow sphere, about eighteen
feet in diameter, with its polar axis parallel to the mundane axis, upon
which it is readily turned by a winch and rack-work; thus it can be
made to revolve, while about thirty persons conveniently attend a
scientific lecture in the interior, and contemplate the orderly march
of the constellations painted on the moving concavity above them,
the stars being pierced through the metal according to the several mag-
nitudes, so that the light penetrates and each assumes a curious radiated,
or rather stellated form. This sphere Was completed, with considerable
expense as well as ingenuity, in 1758; but although six pounds per
annum is allowed to a keeper, who is generally an under-graduate, it was
suffered to fall so much out of order as to mar the projector's intention of
popularizing astronomy; and many a good man and true has lived and
learned in Cambridge, without even being aware of its existence. Of
this I could tell a story or two, but shall only add, that it was lately
brushed up a bit; and I had the satisfaction of being on its floor with a
party of Cambridge savans of the first magnitude, in whom the shade of
Long must have delighted.
Ai&vjjboi, Gemini, Tindarida?, or Gemelli, is the third constellation
of the zodiac, and one of the ancient 48; lying nearly mid- way between
Orion and the Great Bear, in a region long viewed as the centre of the
heavens. Among the Orientals it was represented as a pair of kids,
denoting that part of spring when these animals appear; but the Greeks
changed them to two children with their feet on the Galaxy; and the
Arabians, whose tenets prohibited the human form in delineations,
afterwards altered them to a couple of peacocks. Paulus Yenetus, and
the early Venetian illustrators of Hyginus, represent them as two winged
angels. Among the ancients every sign had its tutelary deity, and
Phcebus had charge of Gemini, which gave rise to the astrological jargon
about the connexion between the sun and this asterism; to the disparage-
ment of the latter, for many inuendos are on record, and we are told, in
the manuscript Almanac of 1386, that whoever happens to be born under
the aerial triplicity of the Twins, shall be " ryght pore and wayke, and
lyf in mykul tribulacion."
Astronomers, however, view it in a different light; for though it is
not splendidly conspicuous nor thickly studded, it is fine, and contains
bright individuals, which, with its numerous double stars, clusters, and
nebulae, render it interesting and important; and, from its being the sign
of St. Paul's ship, we see that it was esteemed propitious by ancient
mariners. It has been thus tabulated :
Ptolemy ... 25 stars Bayer , . . 33 stars
Copernicus . . 25 Hevelius ... 38
Tycho Brah^ . . 29 Flarasteed . . 85
Kepler ... 30 Bode .... 190
Castor was called by the later Arabians, Has- al-tawum al-mokaddem,
the head of the foremost twin; and with Pollux it constitutes al-dhira
al-mebsiitah, the outstretched arm, forming the Vllth Lunar Mansion.
This dhira is intended to mean the drawn- in paw of the large lion
alluded to by Kazwini; an allusion which Ideler ascribes rather to
the disciples of confusion and ignorance, than to astrognosts. This huge
monstrosity may be thus figured. The two stars in the heads of the
Twins, and in the Lesser Dog, form its paws, the Prcesepe, its nose—
f, <y, 77, and a in the Greek Lion, its forehead — Arcturus and Spica, its
shin-bones — /3, 77, 7, &, and e Yirginis, the hips — and the stars in Corvus,
its hind quarters. No wonder that Ideler indignantly asks, who could
have made such a mistake as placing the nose on the forehead, the
legs on the hip? "Welches Missverhaltniss! Der Nase zur Stirn, der
Schienbeine zur Hiifte!"
To know this star by alignment is easy, as a ray from Rigel, led
through e, the middle star of Orion's belt, and under Bctelgeuze, will, at
about twice that distance further on, rest upon Castor: or, if taking the
poetaster's advice:
From gamma on the Great Bear's flank let a long ray be cast,
Conduct it under Merak's blaze to south-west regions vast;
Across the Lynx to Gemini this line will thus be led, .
And carried further on will reach bright Betelgeuze the red.
A proper motion in space has been assigned to the principal star, to the
following amount:
P.... M - 0"-16 Dec. - 0"-10
#.... - 0"-12 - 0"-07
A.... - 0"-21 - 0"-08
m 7h 25m 53s PREC. + 2S'79
DEC. S 12° 42'-2 S 7"'30
POSITION BC 140°-0 (w 6) DISTANCE 12"'0 (» 2) EPOCH 1836-83
The principal star of a loose Galaxy cluster, under the Unicorn's
belly, and pointing to a double star in the /zp, on an angle 288° and
A M 14S>5. A 7, faint yellow; B and C, both 10, and both dusky; the
two latter point to a 9th-magnitude star preceding them by about 6s, and
the field contains the cluster and its outliers, with several 8th magnitudes
grouped near the centre. It was first registered at Slough, in 1786, and
may be fished up by dropping a line from Pollux close by the west side
of Procyon, and extending it 19° to the south, where it stands 12° east-
north-east of Sirius.
m 7h 27m 33s PREC. 4- 2s-54
DEC. S 23° 07''7 S 7"'47
POSITION 284°-l <u> e) DISTANCE 10"-2 (« 3) EPOCH 1831'92
A neat double star in the Galaxy, over the aplustre of the Argo's
poop; where a line sent from Pollux through Procyon, and 28° beyond,
will hit it; as will a cross line from Orion's sword-cluster carried through
Sirius, and 14° into the south-east quarter. A and B, both 6, and both
topaz-tinted. This appears to be No. 19 of IjJ.'s 145, registered in 1784;
and though the results of Piazzi's circle observations do not quite coincide
with my micrometer measures, the star here noted as B, adjusting the
quadrant, must be his No. 147 of Hora VII. Sir James South, No. 552,
gives these data:
Pos. 284° 53' Dist. 9"-01 Ep. 1825-01
M 7h 28m 57s PREC. + 3s-57
DEC. N 21° 55'-7 S 7"'59
A compressed cluster under the left shoulder of Pollux; and rather
more than one-third of the distance from y8 Geminorum to y8 Canis
Minoris, following Wasat nearly on the parallel, at about 4°. This was
first registered by y. in 1783; and was described as a "beautiful cluster
of many large and compressed small stars, about 12' in diameter." My
telescope only shows a faint mass of very small stars, inclining from sp
to nf, but of indistinct figure, the objects being from the 10th to the
16th magnitude. It is No. 458 of H.Y Catalogue; and was carefully
differentiated with "Wasat (S Geminorum).
M 7h 29m I2« PREC. + 2S73
DEC. S 14° 08'*3 S 7"'60
POSITION 303°-8 <»8) DISTANCE 8"-0 («>4) EPOCH 1834-21
A double star in a loose cluster of the Milky Way, over the Argo's
stern; and one of those seized by Bode to make his Officina Typogra-
phica. A 7i? and B 8, both bright bluish white. It inhabits a very
splendid field of large and small stars, disposed somewhat in a lozenge-
shape, and preceded by a 7th magnitude with a companion about 20" nf
it. The cluster was not registered till 1785, but the double star is
63 1$. ii., the former measures of which are:
H. Pos. 300° 12' Dist. 6"'50± Ep. 1782-78
S 303° 20' 7"'44 1825-02
2. 304° 44' 7" '46 1831-44
To fish this object up, run a line about 12° east-by-north from Sirius,
and intersect it by another from Pollux through Procyon, and continued
20° lower down. It is in a very rich vicinity.
2& 7h 30m 37s PREC. + 5S78
DEC. N 65° 31''7 S 7"72
POSITION 5°-l (w 5) DISTANCE 15"-4 <»«) EPOCH 1831-01
40.7 (w 9) i5".e (» 9) 1839-27
A neat double star, in front of the Greater Bear's head; where a
line run from Capella through S in Auriga's head, and extended 15° to the
north-east, will meet it. A and B, both 8, and both white, in a rich
neighbourhood. This fine object is formed by Piazzi's Nos. 159 and
160, HoraVIL; and the fixity shown by my observations, is also
indicated by a comparison of the other measures and deductions from
Piazzi, which are:
P. Pos. 6° 00' Dist. 13"- 8 Ep. 1800-00
S. 4° 17' 16"-17 1825-05
S. 4° 52' 15" -46 1830-59
M 7h30m55s PREC. + 3s* 19
DEC. N 5° 37''8 S T'U
POSITION 85°-0 (» i) DISTANCE 145"-0 (« i) EPOCH 1833-81
A standard Greenwich star with a distant companion, on the loins of
the Lesser Dog. A 1^, yellowish white; B 8, orange tinge; several
small stars in the field. A is a splendid star, though very considerably
less bright than Sirius, which accounts for the latter being called the
Greater Dog, quite as well as the assigned reason, as to rising time.
Authorities have differed as to Procyon's magnitude; Ptolemy and
Hevelius designating it 1, Tycho Brahe 2, and most of the others 1 ^.
Hunters after parallax will recollect, that this is one of those stars upon
which Piazzi bestowed such labour to detect the angle which the mean
diameter of the Earth's orbit subtends from them, as related in the xnth
volume of the Italian Society's Memoirs; and that an infinity of obser-
vations induced him to assign 3"+ as the value of Procyon. It has also
a large proper motion in space; it is variously assigned; but the follow-
ing values are the most coincident:
P.... 1R - 0"71 Dec. - 0"-98
B.... - 0"-63 - 1"-05
A.... - 0"-69 - 1"'05
Canis Minor, though a small asterism, is one of the old 48, and, as
well as its lucida, was called TIpOKvaiv, the precursor-dog, because
it appeared in the morning dawn before Sirius: though Jacob Bryant
persists that the Greek filched the word from the Egyptian Pur Cahen.
Hence also its name of Ante-Canis', and it was popularly considered as
Orion's second hand, or Canicula^ which title Horace, Pliny, Hyginus,
and Galen, support against Germanicus, Julius Firmicus, and Appian,
who are all for Sirius. The Arabians recognised its quality of forerunner
to the Dog-star in al-kelb-al-mutekaddem, the antecedent dog; but they
also called it Al-shira-l-shamiyah, the bright star of Syria; ghoma'isa,
watery-eyed; and Al-kelb-al-asghar, the lesser dog. All this shows that
the constellation was one of much interest, and the regard of the ancients
descended to the astrologers of later ages: "What meteoroscoper,"
demands old Leonard Digges, " what meteoroscoper, yea, who learned in
matters astronomical, noteth not the great effects at the rising of the
starre called the Litel Dogge ?"
This constellation stands to the north-east of the Greater Dog, so
that the Milky Way passes between them; and under Gemini. They
were anciently in closer connection, but the intrusion of Monoceros
between them, by Hevelius, has parted them. The number of stars
given to this asterism, in successive Catalogues, has been as follows:
Ptolemy .... 2 stars Bayer 8 stars
Hyginus .... 3 Hevelius . . . .13
Tycho Brahe* ... 5 Flamsteed ... 14
Kepler 5 Bode 55
Procyon is a member of the magnificent equilateral triangle formed
in conjunction with Sirius and Betelgeuze, as well as a right-angled one
with Betelgeuze and Pollux. A perpendicular raised at Sirius to a line
drawn from that star to Orion's belt, will also pass through Procyon to
the northward; or, as the alignment is expressed:
Orion's belt from Taurus' eye, leads down to Sirius bright,
His spreading shoulders guide you east, 'bove Procyon's pleasing light.
M 7h 31m 37s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 5° 35'7 S 7"'SO
POSITION 132°'9 («>8) DISTANCE J"-4 («4) EPOCH 1833-22
A close double star, in a fine vicinity on the loins of the Lesser Dog,
closely sf of Procyon. A 7? white ; B 8, ash-coloured, with a minute
blue star preceding it about 2', and another of the llth magnitude in the
sp quadrant. This very pretty star resembles 77 Coronse, but is smaller;
and to see it well, we are directed by 1$. to observe it when Procyon is
near its meridian altitude. The components of this object are both close
and oblique, which may account for the results of the several astrometers
being too discordant to admit of a decision upon the apparent variations ;
though a direct and increasing angular motion must be inferred, now
amounting to about 1° per annum, according to some observers. The
registered details of comparison are :
1$. Pos. 117° 21' Dist. (caref) Ep. 1781-91
H. and S. 127° 08' (caret) 1823'13
2. 132° 06' l"-46 1829-43
D. 134° 13' I" '33 1831-01
An almost imperceptible movement in space is attributed to the
leader, apparently in the same direction with Procyon, from which it
stands at an angle of about 105°, and a distance of 10'; of this movement,
the most rigidly investigated values are :
P.... 1R - 0"-42 Dec. 0"'00
£.... - 0"-02 - 0"-04
T.... + 0"'ll - 0"'06
From the above -cited extract from ^.'s observations, I do not clearly
understand my friend Amici's remark in the twelfth volume of Baron
De Zach's Correspondance Astronomique: "si potrebbe con ragione
sospettare che il gran cannocchiale achromatico del Signor Struve non
abbia tanta luce distinta, quanto un mio telescopic di undici pollici di
diametro; imperocche egli annunzia 1'osservazione sna della doppia
stella 3 Canis Minoris, ossia Herschel i. 23, e non fa parola di un
altra stelletta vicina, che I'accompagna."
M 7h 32m 09s PREC. + 2S*72
DEC. S 16° <XX-3'- S 7" '8*
A loose cluster outlying the Galaxy, over the Argo's stern, where a
ray led from Arneb (a Leporis) between Mirzam and Sirius, and as far
again beyond, will strike upon it; and a line from Castor passed half a
degree to the west of Procyon, and extended 22° beyond, also picks it
up. It comprises a rich field of scattered stars, with occasional glows of
star-dust, so that the magnitudes may range from 9 to 16, and smaller
still; and the stragglers run into the south-south-east quarter, where is the
crowded group 47 I£L. viu. It was discovered by l£[. on the last evening
of the year 1785.
About a minute preceding this object, and 1^° to the north, is a
small faint cluster, which is probably 87 !$• viu., described by Sir
William as consisting of small stars, and not rich.
M 7h 32m 17s PREC. + 2S*46
DEC. S 26° 26'-5 S 7"'85
POSITION 326°-8 (w 4) DISTANCE 9"'8 (<* s) EPOCH 1831-90
A neat double star, in the corymbus of the Argo's ovpa, or poop;
where it may be picked up by a line from the lowest star in Orion's belt,
through Sirius, and 19°, or nearly as far again, beyond. A and B, both
6^, and both topaz-yellow; but the tinge which it exhibited under
observation, may be owing to its low altitude. This is a tolerably fail-
object, and is composed of Piazzi's Nos. 175 and 177 of Hora VII., a
reduction from whose mean apparent places affords another gratifying
proof of the excellence of his meridian observations : a
Pos. 325° V Dist. 10"-5 Ep. 1800
M 7h 34m 30s PREC. + 2*75
DEC. S 14° 27''3 S 8"'03
POSITION 90°-0 (« i) DISTANCE 15"-0 (» i) EPOCH 1836-24
A very delicate double star in a fine cluster, outlying the Galaxy,
over the Argo's poop. A 8^, and B 11, both pale white. A noble
though rather loose assemblage of stars from the 8th to the 13th magni-
tude, more than filling the field, especially in length, with power 93;
the most compressed part trending sfand np. Among the larger stars
on the northern verge is an extremely faint planetary nebula, which is
39 1J[. iv., and 464 of his son's Catalogue. This was discovered by
Messier in 1769, who considered it as being "rather enveloped in nebu-
lous matter;" this opinion, however, must have arisen from the splendid
glow of the mass, for judging from his own remark, it is not likely that
he perceived the planetary nebula on the north. ]J[., who observed it in
1786, expressly says, "no connexion with the cluster, which is free
from nebulosity." Such is my own view on attentively gazing; but
the impression left on the senses, is that of awful vastness and bewildering
distance, — yet inducing the opinion, that those bodies bespangling the
vastness of space, may differ in magnitude and other attributes.
To fish up this object, an occult line must be carried from a Leporis
through Sirius, and extended 13^°, or nearly as far again, to the eastward;
where a glance from Castor over Procyon passes through it. In the
following field there is a coarse pair of 7th- magnitude stars, lying sf and
np of each other.
M 7h 34m 46s PREC. + 28'67
DEC. S 17° 50'-2 S 8"'05
A bright planetary nebula, pale bluish-white, over the Argo's poop,
and on an outlying wave of the Milky Way. This fine object exactly
precedes a 7th magnitude, and
is followed by some small
stars, as in the annexed dia-
gram; by which it is very
readily identified when fished
up, and this may be done by
throwing a line from Castor
through Procyon, and extend-
ing it 24° to the south, where
it follows Sirius about 14°
east by south.
This was registered by Iff., in March, 1790, and was only estimated at
about 12" or 15" in diameter. But the inference from such a supposition
is vast! "Granting," says H., " these objects to be equally distant from
us with the stars, their real dimensions must be such as would fill, on the
lowest computation, the whole orbit of Uranus." The mean apparent
place of this nebula was obtained by differentiation with 4 Argo Navis.
M 7h 34m 47s PREC. + 3S«73
DEC. N 24° 46'-5 S 8"-05
POSITION 231°-9 («* 6) DISTANCE 6"-0 (w 4) EPOCH 1838-98
A very delicate double star, on the left shoulder of Pollux, and about
3i° to the south of its lucida. A 4, orange; B 10, pale blue. This
elegant object was discovered by H., No. 427 of his Sweeps, with the
20-foot reflector, and estimated at about an angle of 240°, with a distance
of 5"; it is one of the remarkable points to which he expressly calls the
attention of astronomers, as forming a case where possibly the comes is
shining by a reflected light. Difficult as the pair seemed to be, they
were attacked by the Rev.W. R. Dawes, who with only a 5-foot telescope,
obtained these results:
Pos. 225° 10' Dist. 6" -25 Ep. 1832-16
The large star is suspected of having a small movement in space, but
the values assigned are not coincident; the best are :
P.... m - 0"-16 Dec. - 0"-02
B.... 0"-00 - 0"'05
M 7h 35m 31s PREC. + 3S'68
DEC. N 28° 24.'-4 - S 8"'ll
POSITION AB 66°-9 (v>8) DISTANCE 130"'0
- AC 73°-6 («6) - 202"-7
} EPOCH 1832-31
A standard Greenwich star coarsely triple, or rather quadruple, in
the eye of Pollux. A 2, orange tinge; B 12^, ash-coloured; C 11^, pale
violet, and it has a minute comes to the sp, which, though unnoticed in
former registers, is certainly now (1832) as bright as C: these com-
panions form a neat triangle*. This wide object is 42 IjjjL vi., but at its
first registry the two nearest only were measured :
Pos. 65° 32' Dist. 116" '80 Ep. 1783-20
But Sir James South included the distant star, and made it triple;
and by altering his uncial letters so that B becomes the nearest to the
principal, according to the rule which I have adopted, the measures he
obtained will stand thus:
Pos. AB 66° 23' Dist. 132" -31 i _. lfl«..lft
AC72°40/ 198"-47J **• 1825
This star has been suspected of varying in lustre, since it is recorded
as having at times been brighter than Castor, whence Bradley rated it of
the 1st magnitude; others have classed it in the 3rd rank; but Ptolemy,
Tycho, La Caille, Zach,and all the best authorities, classify it 2. Nor is
this the only anomaly of Pollux, for the ancients represented it in colour
vTTOKippos, subrufa^ reddish; Lichtenstein says, Qnce irahit ad ceram,
et est cerea; and certainly, in 1832, its tint was as I have mentioned,
under an eyepiece magnifying 240 times. It has a considerable proper
motion, the amount of which has been thus assigned:
P....JSL -0"-72 Dec. - 0"'ll
B.... - 0"-66 - 0"'06
A.... - 0"-71 - 0"-06
This star is well known as Pollux, the brother of Castor; but in
the Alphonsine Tables, and in other old astronomical works, it is called
Ras-al-geuze, the twin's head, from the doubtful word jauza or jiiza.
It was, however, better known among the later Arabians as Rds-al-
tarvum al muakhkhar^ the head of the hindmost twin; and the two heads
form the Vllth Lunar Mansion, in the Arabian constellation al-dhira
al-mebsuiah. See & Geminorum. Pollux may generally be known by
his connection with Castor; but for further identity, a line drawn from
the Pleiades through Nath on the Bull's horn, passes to it; as will also
* While this is in the press, the Rev. W. R. Dawes has shown me an exact diagram
which he made of this object, January 1, 1829, with a 3^-foot achromatic, charged
with a Huygenian eye-piece magnifying 200 times. With this instrument he saw
the three companions very distinctly, although two only were visible, and that but on
remarkably fine nights, in Sir James South 's 7-foot cquatoreal, with an aperture of
5 inches.
a line from Rigel between 6 and £ Orionis, the two last stars of the belt.
Having found it, the brackish rhymes tell us:
If Betelgeuze and Procyon with Pollux bright be cast,
Amid the glories of the sky, shines a triangle vast ;
To gauge with practised studious eye the form that shines afar
The angle of twice forty-five, shows 'tis rectangular.
m 7h37mlls PHEC. + 3S'88
DEC. N 33° 48'-2 S 8"'24
POSITION AB 212°-5 (« 2) DISTANCE 25"-0 (w i))
AC 340-0,-, 95-0(4 Ep°CH 1839'12
A most delicate triple star, just above the heads of Gemini; where
it is reached by a line from Procyon through Pollux, and extended 5^°
to the north. A 5^, topaz yellow; B 13, bluish; C 12, dusky. The
two principal members form 53 Ijj[. iv., but no set measures appear till
2. entered it on the Dorpat Catalogue, with the following results:
Pos. 211° 72' Dist. 22"-60 Ep. 1831-25
The individual C, in the np quadrant, is the star measured by H.
and S., No. 83, which was reckoned the minimum visibile of the 7-foot
equatoreal: the Rev. W. R. Dawes, however, has shown me a very neat
diagram which he made of it in 1828, with a 3i-foot telescope under
an erect eyepiece.
m 7h37m44-s PREC. + 2S'54
DEC. S 23° 29'-l S 8"'29
A small galaxy cluster, in the aplustre of the Argo's poop; a line
from Orion's sword-cluster, led through Sirius, strikes upon it 16° beyond,
where it will be intersected by a ray from Castor through Procyon.
This neat group is of a star-fish shape, the sp portion being the brightest,
with individuals of 7 to 12 magnitudes: it was first registered by Messier,
in 1781, as a mass of small stars.
The unlucky Chevalier d'Angos, of the Grand-Master's observatory
at the summit of the palace at Malta, mistook this cluster for a comet:
from which, and some still more suspicious assertions, my excellent
friend, Baron de Zach, was induced to term any egregious astronomical
blunders — Angosiades.
M 7h 38m 08s PREC. + 2S'76
DEC. S 14° 18'-3 S 8"'32
POSITION 338°-8 (w 9) DISTANCE 16"-8 (« 9) EPOCH 1836-20
A neat double star over the Argo's stern, where a line from Arneb
through Sirius, and as far again to the east, will meet it intersected by a
ray from Castor over Procyon. A 7> silvery white; B 7^, pale white;
and another star in the nf quadrant. This fine object is 91 I£L iv., and
Nos. 204 and 205 of Piazzi's Hora VII. It was measured by IJ[. thus:
Pos. 339° 12' Dist. 17" -38 Ep. 178278
whence its fixity seems to be established, the increase of distance supposed
by H. and S. not being confirmed by my observations, their result being
]9"'66. From Piazzi's mean apparent place for 1800, the space between
these stars was 17"'50.
m 7h 40m 27s PREC. + 2S'82
DEC. S 11° 48'-3 S 8"-51
POSITION 19°-0 <«* 7) DISTANCE 3"-5 <* s) EPOCH 1834-11
A close double star, over the Argo's stern, rather more than 2°
north by east of the last object. A 7y, pale yellow; B 9, light blue.
This fine object is No. 55 Officina Typographic^ an asterism which Bode
proposed to make by gathering 1 00 of the informes between Sirius and
the hind legs of Monoceros, in commemoration of the art of printing.
It must have been seen by Piazzi, who made this note to the principal
star: "alia 9* magnit. praecedit ad austrum;" for though this implies an
error of quadrant, such error is readily made. It has been measured by
5"., with these results:
Pos. 17°'8 Dist. 3"-30 Ep. 1835-24
M 7h50m03s PREC. + 38*12
DEC. N 2° 38'-8 S 9/x-26
75"'0 (w 4)1
AC 153-4 <„*> -115
A wide triple star on the boundary of the Lesser Dog, and 6° to the
south-east of the star Procyon, near where the beforementioned section
or slice of Argo penetrates through the Unicorn. A 6, pale white;
B8, bluish; C 9, blue. This object is 84 1$. vi., and the two nearest
were thus registered:
Pos. 63° 36' Dist. 65"-46 Ep. 1782-11
The third star was stated to form an angle with the other two, in the
sf, a little longer than a rectangle. The three were measured by H. and
S. ; and from a comparison of the whole, I am not inclined to impute any
appreciable motion; their results were:
Pos. AB 65° 42' Dist, 76"'021l ,-, ,«««.,,.
AC 152° 50' 112"-168r EP' 1822 15
M 7h 52m 23s PREC. + 2S'85
DEC. S 10° 20'-5 S 9"'44
A compressed cluster of stars, from the 10th to the 16th magni-
tude, and even smaller, over the Argo's poop, in a rich vicinity of two
or three fields; a line drawn from S Geminorum over Procyon, and
carried' exactly as far again into the south-east, will strike upon it. It
was registered by ]j[. in February, 1791, and described as having some
of the stars "next to invisible;" and H. considers the most compressed
part to be 4' or 5' in diameter. In the preceding portion is a very
minute double star.
This cluster is more susceptible to optical power than many of its
class, and is apparently congregated by peculiar principles of attraction,
independently of the innumerable outliers scattered around. It there-
fore offers a province for meditation as well as calculation, and suggests
a most sublime conception of the boundless extent of the material
universe, in the mysterious vastness which those suns beyond suns, and
glorious systems of suns, probably with attendant planetary bodies,
unfold! Hervey, meditating upon the immensity of the universe, has
eloquently observed, " Could we wing our way to the highest apparent
star, we should then see other skies expanded, other suns that distribute
their inexhaustible beams of day, other stars that gild the alternate night,
and other, perhaps nobler, systems established; established in unknown
profusion through the boundless regions of space. Nor do the dominions
of the GREAT SOVEREIGN end there; even at the end of this vast tour,
we find ourselves advanced no farther than the frontiers of Creation,
arrived only at the suburbs of the GREAT JEHOVAH'S kingdom." This is
inserted rather for the intended than the expressed sentiment; for the
alternate nights, and frontiers, and suburbs, can only be viewed as the
worthy rector's maniera di parlare.
m 7h 59m 029 PBEC. + 38' 68
DEC. N 27° 56'*4 S 9"'95
POSITION 213°'5 (* s) DISTANCE 3"*2 (* 2) EPOCH 1839'70
A close double star, between the head of Pollux and the preceding
claw of Cancer; following the former nearly on the parallel, at about
5°^ distance. A 7? pale yellow; B 12, lilac. This delicate object is
not 11 1$. i., as supposed by H. and S., who mistook for it a very neat
double star about 3' preceding, and a little north of the parallel. On
the arrival of the Dorpat Catalogue, it was found that %. had observed
both; 11 IJJ. i. being Z/s 1177; and the one before us, his No. 1186,
thus measured:
Pos. 218° 52' Dist. 3"'18 Ep. 1828-26
This occasioned some confusion, as I had formerly measured 88 H.
and S. with some degree of exactness at the equatoreal, and also, they
being of the 7th and 8th magnitudes, with much facility; but on fixing
the mean apparent place at the transit-circle, discovered the error. My
measures of 1832 were:
POSITION 354°'2 (w 8) DISTANCE 3"'8 (we) EPOCH 1832*76
M 8h 00m 33s PREC. + 3S'02
DEC. S 2° 31'-3 S 10"-06
POSITION AB 104°7 (wa) DISTANCE 30"-0 («
AC 243-8 ,.» 66"-9(
A delicate triple star, on the Unicorn's flank; it is about 11° to the
south-east of Procyon, which is the last of the splendid host that adorns
the three preceding hours. A 5£, light yellow; B 13, grey; C 9, pale
blue, apparently the comes mentioned by Piazzi, Nota 316, Hora VII.,
" 5s temporis praecedit ad austrum." A and C point to a distant star of
the 8th magnitude; and there are several companions in the field, of
which one in the nf is coarsely double. The two nearest of this group
constitute 97 !$• rv., and were thus registered:
Pos. 105° 12' Dist. 29"-90 Ep. 1782 '80
The small star B escaped detection with the instruments of H. and S.;
but their measure of C., together with the observations of 5*. on the
three, compared with my own, indicate that no appreciable motion has
occurred in half a century.
m 8h 00m 44s PREC. + 2S'56
DEC. S 23° 60'-8 S 10"'08
POSITION 191°-0 («? i) DIFFERENCE M = 3S'8 (» i) EPOCH 1833-82
A Greenwich star, with a distant companion, in the aplustre of the
ship's poop; where an imaginary line from Rigel, passed close under
Sirius, will reach it in the south-east region, by doubling the distance
between those stars. A 3J, pale yellow; BIO, greyish; other small
stars in the field. This star is called Ture'is, the scutulum or little shield,
corresponding to thedo-TTtoYcr/e?; of Ptolemy, A spacial movement is
assigned it. to the following effect:
P....M - 0"'2l Dec. + 0"'09
B.... - 0"'03 + 0"'08
Argo is one of the old 48 constellations, occupying a very large space
in the Southern Hemisphere, but its lucida, Canopus, as well as most of
its more important stars, is always hidden from us. There are sound
reasons for assigning the highest antiquity to this grand asterism, though
the etymologists are crowding on when they derive the English word
canopy, or covering, from Canopus, as hath lately been imprinted: such
sages would readily see our " son of a gun," in the Greek irals Tvvrjs
(Dor.) " This constellation," says Sherburne, " sails by our meridian at
midnight, in January, she being deified for saving deities;11 but he takes
no notice of a strange peculiarity in the good ship's sailing properties.
In the apparent motion of the sidereal system, this constellation actually
dips stern foremost, as Aratus remarked, but which the old scholiast,
whoever he is, assures us, does not really set before the prow. Averso
astro is very properly applied to it, as those who do not distinguish
between a stem and a stern may satisfy themselves, on looking for
the gubernaculum. There is, moreover, no stem to nobilis Argo, as
Manilius designates it, the ship sharing the sectional system so remark-
able in Pegasus and Taurus, which section was termed rj^iro^os by the
Greeks; and Aratus (§ 54, Morel's ed. 1559) expressly says the ship
was halved to the mast, labv St^ooxra Kar avrov. In the Thealrum
Cometicum, 1667, by Lubienietzki, there is a large tabula Uraniscopica,
on which Argo is represented as a goodly Argosie with three masts and
a tier of ports; her courses and topsails are clean full with the wind aft,
and yet she must be pulled back, and set stern foremost.
Owing to the great extent of this constellation, it is subdivided into
four departments, — the hull, the keel, the stern, and the sail, — Argo
navis, carina, puppi, velis. Ptolemy assigned 45 stars to 'Apya); but
as a large portion could never be observed in our hemisphere, the number
continued small till Bode made it amount to 540, by gathering all those
observed by Halley, La Caille, and other southern observers. My friend
Sir Thomas Brisbane, however, has registered no fewer than 1330 stars
in Argo; and as the Yia Lactea sweeps directly across it, there is yet a
rich harvest for future astronomers.
2R, 8h 03m 02s
DEC. N 18° 07''5
PREC. + 3s' 44
S 10"-25
POSITION AB 28°-3 (u> 4) DISTANCE l"-3
AB 23°-8 (« 5)
AC 147°-1 (w5)
AB 19°-6(«>4)
AC 148°-3(«>6)
AB 12°-8(«3)
AC 146°-9 (w s)
AB 5°-2 (w 8)
AC 148°-2 (« 9)
AB355°-1 («e)
AC 147°-2 (to 9)
"•3 (t* 2))
4"-8 (« 4)
5"-2 (« s)}
EPOCH 1832-23
"•2 (« 6)1
A fine triple star, just below the after claws of the Crab, where a
shot from Castor through Pollux, carried twice that distance to the
south-south-east, will strike it; or it may be found by a ray from Sirius
through Procyon, extended to half their distance beyond. But there is
much shade on the authority which designates it Tegmine. A 6, yellow;
B 7, orange tinge; C 71, yellowish, No. 6 of Piazzi's Hora VIII. This
very interesting physical object forms 24 I£L. I., and 19 Ij[. in., and by
modifying the dates and diameter of A for distance, we obtain a point of
departure from whence an extraordinary retrograde motion is exhibited.
The best interval measures for comparing with my own are as follow, —
those of Piazzi being deduced from his JRs and Decs., which of course
cannot demand implicit reliance:
/Pos. AB 3° 28' Dist.
AC 181° 44'
AC 159° 00'
AC 158° 17'
AB 57° 50'
AB 35° 35'
AC 155° 52'
AB 30° 48'
AC 150° 17'
( AB 21° 30'
\ AC 148° 18'
This curious and very interesting object has occasioned no little dis-
cussion, since Ij]L had pronounced it to be a "most minute treble star,"
and more than forty years afterwards H. and S. had declared A and B
to be one — "beautifully defined and round." But Sir James South on
a second trial saw A " unquestionably elongated," whence a supposition
*- v
H. and S.
H. {
D. I
J. UV 1
8" '05$
Ep. 1781-90
6" -47
6" -24
arose that the star B had come from behind A. The distance, however,
appears to he very stationary, so that these remarks are extraordinary,
and must he imputed to some anomaly. The Rev. ~W. R. Dawes, of
Ormskirk, took it in hand with a 5-foot telescope only. Up to 1830, a
direct motion of .+ 1°'25 per annum was assigned to the star B; whereas
from the accurate measures of Sir John Herschel and Mr. Dawes, it was
afterwards considered to have a retrograde one to the surprising mean
amount of — 6° 5 17. As both these astronomers corresponded with me on
the subject, I determined to devote my best powers to it, and though the
near object is difficult from convergence, I was able to assign consi-
derable weights to the results: and from them I drew a scheme of the
interpolated positions, angular velocities, and projected distances. Hence
it follows, that the two close stars perform a binary revolution in about
sixty years, while the outer one accomplishes a grand orbital ellipse in
500 or 600 years. It would seem that l^.'s angle of A and B in 1781,
must have been quadranted wrong, for the retrocession from 183°*3, is
more explicable than the nf position above given. The mean of my own
observations, embracing a period of nearly eleven years, gives a retro-
grade march of only 2°'77 per annum : or from l£l.'s epoch =r 3°*78.
Sir John Herschel thought, that an entire revolution would have occurred
from the epoch of his father's observation to the end of March, 1837, in
a periodic time of 55*34 years; which, though not precisely confirmed
by me, will be seen to meet the remarkable phenomenon as nearly as the
present sidereal knowledge has advanced. " If this be really a TERNARY
system," said Sir John, " connected by the mutual attraction of its parts,
its perturbations will present one of the most intricate problems in
physical astronomy."
Mr. Dawes informs me, that A and B were quite vertical in 1841*32,
for the angle of position was then exactly on the zero point; thereby
affording a gratifying confirmation of his previous deductions. And it
must be noted, that a movement in space has been detected in £ in
which the comites doubtlessly partake, of the following value :
P....M + 0"-04 Dec. - 0"-10
B.... + 0"-14 -0"'ll
M 8h 03m 10s PREC. + 2»-82
DEC. S 12° 23'-4 S 10"-26
A compressed cluster, in the space under the haunches of Monoceros,
where a line from Arneb drawn through Sirius, and extended rather
more than as far again to the east, wrill find it as the eastern point of a
triangle, equilateral with Sirius and Procyon. It consists of a large and
loose, but rich, group of small stars pretty equally strewed over the
field, with a close double star in the middle, and a bright yellow one of
the 6th magnitude to the sf. It was registered by ^. in January, 1785.
M 8h 04m 47s PREC. + Ss'30
DEC. N 11° 19''7 S 10"'38
POSITION 338°-0 («> 3) DISTANCE 2"-5 («> 2) EPOCH 1832*27
A close double star, over the Crab's southern leg; where a line from
the upper star in Orion's belt passed under ft Canis Minoris, and ex-
tended 12° beyond, will find it. Five skips like that from Bellatrix to
Betelgeuze will also pick it up. A 7i> lucid white; B 12, pale grey, —
and there are several distant stars in the sf quadrant, with one in the
np nearly pointed upon by a line through A and B. This object was
discovered by 5*., and thus measured :
Pos. 335°-93 Dist. 2"'357 Ep. 1829'55
M 8h05m40s PREC. + 2s-96
DEC. S 5° 19'-2 S 10"-45
POSITION 205°-0 (« i) DISTANCE 4"'0 (* i) EPOCH 1834'29
A neat but minute, double star, in a tolerably compressed cluster on
the Unicorn's flank, and lying 14° south-east of Procyon. A 9^, and B 10,
both white. This object is in the midst of a splendid group, in a rich
splashy region of stragglers, which fills the field of view, and has several
small pairs, chiefly of the 9th magnitude. It was discovered by Miss
Herschel in 1783, and was classed by I£L. in February, 1786.
M 8h 16m 43s PREC. + 3S'67
DEC. N28° 25'-0 S ll"-26
POSITION 22°-l (« 4) DISTANCE 120"-0 (» i) EPOCH 1830*99
A star with a distant companion, in the space above the Crab's
northern legs; they lie on the parallel with ft Tauri and Pollux, at about
one-third of the distance eastward of the latter. A 6^, pale white; B 11,
lilac. This object was registered 109 Ijl . vi., in 1782; but no measures
were given. It was, however, assiduously attacked by Sir James South,
who obtained these results:
Pos. 21° 48' Dist. 120"-945 Ep. 1825-13
A small quantity of proper motion has been detected in A, the
amount of which is thus stated:
P.... M - 0"-07 Dec. - 0"-10
B.... - 0"-02 - 0"-10
M 8h 17m 06s PREC. + 3s' 64
DEC. N 27° 27''2 S ll"-29
POSITION 212°'5 (w 9) DISTANCE 4"-8 (w 9) EPOCH 1833'25
213°-9 (w 9) 4"-8 (w 9) 1843-19
A close double star, above the Crab's northern legs, where it may be
fished up by the alignment of <£'. A 6, and B 6J, both silvery white.
This very pretty object is 40 Ij[. 11.; and the substantial agreement of all
the measures indicate its fixity. Piazzi briefly says, "videtur duplex."
The following are the registered results obtained by the astrometers,
who preceded me :
I£. Pos. 213° 18' Dist. 5"-500 Ep. 1782-09
H. and S. 211° 13' 5" -514 1822-48
2. 212° Or 4"-563 1829-45
This star seems to have a spacial movement of similar value and direction
with <f>1. They may be in connexion.
m 8h 17m 08s PREC. + 3S'58
DEC. N 25° 03''3 S ll"-29
POSITION 37°'9 (w 4) DISTANCE 6 '-0 <w4> EPOCH 1831-17
38°-6 (w 8) 5"7 (« 6) 1837-26
40°-1 (w 9) — 5"-8 (w 8) 1843-18
A neat double star, on the Crab's northern middle leg; where a line
carried from Sirius through Procyon, and extended rather more than as
far again into the north-east, will reach it. A 7? pale wrhite; B 7i»
greyish. This fine object is composed of Nos. 65 and 66 of Piazzi's
Hora VIII., and it is 41 I£[. n. By a comparison of these measures:
^. Pos. 57° 51' Dist. 4"-00 Ep. 1782-09
H. and S. 37° 47' 6" -04 1822-12
it was inferred that a retrograde annual angular motion of — 0°'514 had
taken place. The subsequent observations, however, of Professor Struve,
Sir John Herschel, and myself, afford no support to this supposed rotation;
consequently some error must exist in Ijl.'s register. And it should be
remarked — albeit the process cannot demand implicit reliance — that
a sifting of Piazzi's mean places for the mid-epoch, 1800, yields an angle
— 45° 30', and a distance of 5x/-2.
M 8h 17m 20s PREC. + os'23
DEC. N 8° 04'-9 S 11"'31
POSITION 328°-0 (w 2) DISTANCE 35"-0 (w i) EPOCH 1837'92
A wide double star, on the Crab's hindmost right leg; it may be
found by running a line from the centre of Orion's belt through Procyon,
and ]4°, or half as far again, beyond. • A 6, pearl white; B 13, violet,
with a glimpse star preceding it. This very delicate object is 109 1$. v.,
and was thus first registered:
Pos. 325° 00' Dist. 35"'40 Ep. 1782-85
m 8h 18m 09s PREC. + 2S'59
DEC. s 23° si'-s — s ir-37
POSITION 85°-4 (w 6) DISTANCE 45"'0 («> 3) EPOCH 1830-83
A coarse double star, close upon the compass with which the moderns
have furnished the Argo. A 6, red; B 9£, green, which is Piazzi's
No. 74, Hora VIII. A ray from Rigel passed below Sirius, and ex-
tended 25° to the east-south-east (rather more than as far again), will
pick it up. This appears to be S. No. 568, whose micrometrical measures
may be thus compared with reductions from the mean apparent places in
the Palermo Catalogue, and the whole data yield evidence of fixity :
P. Pos. 85° 36' Dist. 48"-00 Ep. 1800-00
S. 85° 00' 40"-64 1825-16
m 8h 20m 25s
DEC. S 1° 59'-5
+ 2S>02
S ir-53
POSITION 325°-0 (w 2) DISTANCE 15"'0 (w D EPOCH 1838-69
A very delicate double star, at the root of the Unicorn's tail; lying
about 15° to the south-east of Procyon, on the line formed by that star
and f Tauri, at the tip of the Bull's southern horn. A 7, pale topaz tint;
B 11, violet; other stars in the field, of which the brightest and nearest
is in the sp quadrant, near the vertical. This is one of 37s discoveries,
and was thus registered:
Pos. 331° 32' Dist. 18"-20 Ep. 1828-71
M 8h 22m 28s PREC. + 3S*43
DEC. N 18° 37''9 S ll"-67
POSITION 62°-4 (w 3) DISTANCE 65"-0 (w i) EPOCH 1833-31
A star with a distant companion, in the middle of the Crab's body.
A 5J-, yellow; B 9, grey, and there are four other stars in the preceding
part of the field, the nearest of which is of the 8th magnitude, and about
75" distant. This object must be 59 ^ . v., enrolled in February, 1782,
without any measure of position; but a distance of 44"'88, casts a doubt
on the identity of B. An imagined line from Sirius passed 3° east of
Procyon, and extended nearly as far again to the north-east, will readily
fish the object up.
A comparison of the best meridional observations of 6 Cancri, show
a slight movement in space, of which the several values are near each
other, and the direction also coincident; they are:
P.... M - 0"-15 Dec. - 0"-05
Br... - 0"-08 - 0"-05
B.... - 0"-02 - 0"'05
m 8h 27m 20s PREC. + 3S'20
DEC. N 7° 10'- 5 - S 12"-02
POSITION 24°-7 <«>4) DISTANCE 10"-5 <u>6) EPOCH 1831-19
24°-9 (» 9) - 10"-5 (» 9) 1839-06
A neat double star, between Hydra's head and Cancer, close to 8
Hydrae, which is the preceding of three nearly equi-distant stars in that
monster's head, and following Procyon by 16°. A 6, pale yellow; B 7,
rose-tint; and there are several glimpse stars in the field, preceded by a
9th-magnitude at some distance in the sp. And Piazzi no doubt alludes
to B in his note No. 108, Hora VIII. where he says: "Duplex. Comes
0"*5 temporis sequitur ad boream."
This is 49 ]$. in., in which there appeared to be a slight move-
ment in the npsf direction; but such motion is not confirmed; and
as my second epoch was taken under very advantageous circumstances,
I have the utmost confidence in the results. The other registered
measures are :
I£. Pos. 27° 12X Dist. 12"-50 Ep. 1782'06
H and S. 24° 03' 10"-84 1822-64
2. 25° 45' 10"'33 1832-95
M 8h 29m 14s PREC. + 38'19
DEC. N 6° 15'-5 S 12"-15
POSITION 312°-0 i«* i) DISTANCE 210"-0 («* i) EPOCH 1832-29
A star with a distant companion, in the head of Hydra. A 4, light
topaz; B 9, livid — several other stars in the field. The alignment for
B Hydrae is described in the detail of the preceding object. I was led to
a particular scrutiny of this star from an impression which obtained,
that a gentleman had detected a comes close to A, that is, within 2".
Now, as the discovery was stated to have been made with a 5-foot
telescope, I may, with my means, safely pronounce it to be an error.
M 8h 29m 553 PREC. + 3s-46
DEC. N 20° 14'-0 S 12"-20
POSITION 82°-7 («> 4) DISTANCE 55"-8 <» 2) EPOCH 1831-88
A wide double star, on the Crab's body. A 8, and B 8^, both pale
white; a third star in the np quadrant, at about 3' distance. In general
alignment, it will be seen about one-third of the distance from Pollux
towards Regulus. This object was No. 1249 of J£.'s first Catalogue, but
was rejected from his grand work. A, small as it is, has been pretty
well observed; and both Baily and Argelander assign it a slight proper
motion. This, however, is not countenanced by my reductions.
JR 8* 30m £t* PREC. + 2S'47
DEC. S 29° 23'-4 S 12"«24
A compressed cluster, on the Argo's compass-card. The most
gathering portion consists of stars from the 10th to the 15th magnitudes,
with a glow of star-dust. It was discovered in March, 1793, and is
516 of H.'s Catalogue of 1830, where the shape is aptly likened to a
flattened X. This object lying in a region devoid of large stars, is
only to be fished up by running a line from the cluster in Orion's sword
over Sirius, and extending it twice as far again into the south-east region*
The Mariner's Compass is an introduction of La Caille's; and as if
the needle and card were not a sufficient anachronism, the classic old
Argo was supplied by Bode with a log and line: so sixty-eight stars
were constellated from the informes, and assigned to Pyxis Nautica and
Lochium Funis.
M 8hSOmS9s PREC. + 3S<46
DEC. N 20° 06'-3 - S 12"-27
POSITION AB 155°'8 (ws) DISTANCE 45"-0 (u>2) )
- AC 242-0 ,. a, - 90"-5,-> 1830'92
A coarse triple star, on the Crab's body; with an alignment similar
to that of 118 P. viii., before described. A 7, pale yellow; B 7^» dusky;
C 6^, lucid white. This, though a wide object, forms a very fair scalene
triangle, and is No. 571 of Sir James South's Catalogue of 1826, where
it is thus registered:
Pos. AB1570 Or Dist. 45"-037) - ic^.io
AC 240° 58' 92"'257J ^P* M
A proper motion is detected in A, and it is not improbable that the
three are physically connected, so as to partake in the same movement
in space. These are the latest deductions:
P.... M - 0"-16 Dec. - 0"-01
B.... - 0"-08 + 0"-20
m 8* 31 m 02s PREC. + 3S<46
DEC. N 20° 29'-7 S 12"-27
POSITION 331°'0 (w 4) DISTANCE 150"-0 t« 2) EPOCH 1831-19
A very wide double star in the well known cluster called Prsesepe,
on the Crab's body, enrolled by Messier on his celebrated List of 103, in
1 769. A 6^, and B 7J, both white, being the sf extreme of a wavy line
represented by nine small stars.
The Prsesepe, metaphorically rendered Bee-hive, is an aggregation of
small stars which has long borne the name of a nebula, its components
not being separately distinguishable by the naked eye; indeed, before
the invention of the telescope, it was the only recognised one, for though
that in Andromeda must have been seen, it attracted but little notice till
the days of Simon Marius, in 1612. Whereas the Praesepe in Cancer
engaged very early speculation; insomuch that both Aratus and Theo-
phrastus tell us, that its dimness and disappearance during the progressive
condensation of the atmosphere, were regarded as the first sign of
approaching rain. The group is rather scanty in numbers, but splendid
from the comparative magnitude of its constituents, which renders it a
capital object for trying the light of a telescope. Yet Galileo discovered
this cluster to consist of 36 small stars, when it was supposed that there
were only three nebulous stars, which emitted the peculiar light. The
Praesepe was called by the Arabians al-ma'laf^ a stall or den; and also
al-natkrak) the fissure between the Lion's whiskers, — a district which
formed the YHIth Lunar Mansion. See e Cancri.
An occult line projected from Spica under Regulus, and about 22°
beyond the latter, runs through the Praesepe; or it may be found by a
ray from the Pleiades being brought mid-way between Procyon and
Castor, which will pass over e, on Castor's knee. A line from Castor
through Pollux, and continued about three times the distance between
them, also reaches this remarkable cluster.
M 8h 31m 13s
DEO. N 20° 13'-8
PREC. + 3S'4.6
S 12"-28
POSITION 530>9 (* 8) DISTANCE 20"-3 (u> 8) EPOCH 1833-22
53°-4 («> 9) 20/x-5 (w 9) 1839-16
A neat double star close to the Praesepe on the Crab's body; and the
" cloudy Praesepe" group is visible to the inquiring eye, at one-third of
the distance between Pollux and Regulus. A 7> golden yellow; B 10,
blue. This object is the southern member of a triangle, and is preceded
by three pairs of stars, all of which were measured by Sir James
South. The former registers of this are :
S. Pos. 52° 58' Dist. 20"-69 Ep. 1825-14
2. 53° olr 20" -52 1831 '31
The reductions of A show some slight aberrations from the common
laws of precession, which are thus valued:
P....M- 0"-10 Dec. - 0"-07
B.... + 0"-06 - 0"-07
T.... 4- 0"-02 - Q"-07
M 8h 31m 16s PREC. + 3S>45
DEC. N 20° 06'-2 - S 12"'29
POSITION 248°-9 (* 4) DISTANCE 133"-6 (»4) EPOCH 1830-98
A star with a distant companion, on the Crab's body. A 6^, and
B 7> both pale white; and there is a third star in the field, of nearly the
same magnitude. There has been some little difficulty in identifying
this object, since the letter e was intended by Bayer to denote the whole
nebulous appearance of the Praesepe, where 44 Messier may be termed
the leader, and e the whipper-in. It follows the triple star S 571, a little
south of the parallel, with A M 30S'8; and the principal, A, is Piazzi's
No. 130, while B is No. 128, of Hora VIII. Sir W. Herschel considers
this cluster as belonging to a certain nebulous stratum, so placed as to
lie nearest to us. This stratum runs from € Cancri over 67 Messier; and
is under the same alignment as the preceding object, 129 P. vin.; it is
moreover crossed by an imagined ray or line from Procyon to the tail of
the Great Bear.
m 8* 32m 04s PREC. + 4S'30
DEC. N 49° 25'-9 S 12"'34
POSITION 331°-5 (*7) DISTANCE 9"-8 <«>«) EPOCH 1833-31
A neat double star, close to the forepaw of Ursa Major; being about
2° west-north-west of t, a bright star in that paw. A and B 8^, and
both white. This object was pointed out by Piazzi in these words:
" Duplex. Comes ejusdem magnitud. sequitur 0"-2 temporis, 7" ad
austrum;" but I have altered the quadrant, the stars being of the same
brightness, to meet the following measures :
S. Pos. 330° 58' Dist. 10"-31 Ep. 1825-05
2. 331° 22' 9"'62 183075
M 8* 35m 35s PREC. + 3S'42
DEC. N 18° 44'-4 S 12"-58
POSITION 163°-0 (» i) DISTANCE 25"-0 (w i) EPOCH 1838-26
A very delicate double star, under the Crab's mouth. A 4i, straw
colour; B 15, blue, only seen by glimpses. This was discovered by H.,
sweep No. 457, and is situated nearly equatoreally between two distant
stars: pursuant to my plan, I assumed it, from Piazzi, as 4*5 in bright-
ness; but H., in his table of the comparative lustre of the individuals of
Cancer, in the Philosophical Transactions, classes both it and <y as of
the 4th magnitude, a degree in which I should rate them myself. A
ray from Rigel glanced to the north-east through @ Canis Minoris, and
carried nearly as far again, will find it at about 2J° south-south-east of
the Prsesepe. A has certainly a proper motion in declination, which I am
inclined to rate at — 0"*22 per annum; but that in JR is inappreciable
by my results. Other investigators, however, value them thus:
P.... 1R, - 0"-10 Dec. - 0"'21
B... + 0"-05 - 0"'24
& Cancri is the southernmost of the stars called Aselli by the Romans,
and ovoi by the Greeks; 7 Cancri being the northern one; and they
may very readily be found by their connexion with the Praesepe, which
they closely follow in a line, one to the north and the other to the south.
See 44 M, above. These stars form a part of the VHIth compartment
of the Lunar Zodiac. Manilius calls them Jugulce; but the Arabians,
borrowing Ptolemy's term, designated them Al-himara'in, the two asses,
whence Dupuis, despising the story about the insane Bacchus, conjures
up the emblem of the tribe of Issachar : " Le Cancer," dit il, " oii sont
les etoiles appelees les anes, forme Tempreinte du pavilion d'Issachar,
que Jacob assimile a 1'ane." As with the Praesepe, their dimness was
anciently held to be an infallible prediction of rain.
Cancer is one of the ancient 48 constellations; but as its lucida is only
of the 4th magnitude, it is neither conspicuous nor brilliant, whence it
was of old represented of a black colour and without eyes; but Bartschius,
in his Planisphcerium Stellarum, 1661, and some others of still later date,
converted it to a lobster. Indeed, mythology even seems to apologize for
placing so poor an asterism on the solar rail-road, by stating that ox-eyed
Juno exalted the creature, for the inconsiderable service of pinching the
toes of Hercules in the Lernaean marsh : whence Columella designates it
Lernceus. Yet, on the whole, there is scarcely one of the signs of the
zodiac that has been the subject of more attention than Cancer, nor
scarcely any one better determined. For the reason we have given
under Leo, the Lion and the Crab were assigned as mansions of the
sun and moon; and Cancer being also famous, according to Chaldaic
and Platonic philosophy, as the supposed gate by which souls descended
from heaven into human bodies, it, of course, obtained favour among
mythologists. But the astrologers saw nothing but its " watery tripli-
city," and pronounced that all men born under it, shall be short, effemi-
nate, and sickly. The successive enumerations of its component members,
as optical means have progressed, are:
Ptolemy ... 13 stars Kepler 17 stars
Copernicus . .13 Hevelius .... 29
Tycho Brah<? . .15 Flamsteed .... 83
Chr. Clavius . . 16 Bode 179
Cancer, as the summer solstice, introduces the longest day in our
hemisphere, and names the North Tropic; for as that " aisword beste,"
the Crab, walks obliquely, it is figurative of the sun's retrogression on
arriving at its greatest northern declination in this sign. See a8 Capri-
corni. It forms the fourth of the zodiacal signs, and designates one of
the quadrants of the ecliptic : its name in Arabian records is simply
Al-sertdn^ the crab, from the more ancient Kapitlvos and OKTCLTTOVS.
In the fine copy of Albumazar's Introductio in Astronomiam, 1489, in the
Bibliotheca Lambethana, Cancer is represented as a large crayfish; and
in Lubienietzki's Theatrum Cometicum, 1667, it is figured as a huge
lobster, between the tail of which and Gemini is a small shrimp-like
companion, designated Cancer Minor.
An ardent antiquary, in his late inquiry into the meaning of Choir
Gaur, said to be the British name of Stone-henge, is anxious to prove
that those vestiges are the relics of a vast astronomical machine, or sort
of Orrery. Overlooking the word %opo9, he tells us that Calasius, in his
Hebrew lexicon, translates " the radical chor, or cor, concha marina;
which may be called Cancer, the crab- shell, from resembling more the
quire of a church than any other." But why more than if it were
rendered oslrea? And the nonsense is formally printed!
M 8h 37m 00s PREC. + 3S*65
DEC. N 29° 20'-4 - S 12"-68
POSITION 307°-8 (w 9) DISTANCE 30"-1 (« 6) EPOCH 1836-21
A double star, at the end of the Crab's northern claw; Piazzi's
No. 158, Hora VIII., erroneously marked v in the Palermo Catalogue.
A 5^, pale orange; B 8, clear blue, the colours finely contrasted. A line
from e Geminorum, carried through Pollux, and extended something
more than as far again to the east-north-east, will readily find it; and its
identity will be instantly made out by its forming another line to the
south-west with Procyon and Sirius. It is 62 Ijf . iv., and the several
observations made since its registry shew that no material change has
occurred in a lapse of 54 years. The following are the other results:
$. Pos. 309° 54' Dist. 29"-90 Ep. 1782-11
H. and S. 307° 42' 29"-39 1822-26
2. 307° 06' 30"-46 1828-04
Though the values are small, there is a decided spacial movement
in i Cancri, of which the most authentic statements are :
P....M - 0"*12 Dec. - 0"-06
B.... + 0"-05 - 0"-07
M 8h 37m 16s PREC. + 3S'03
DEC. S 2° 01'-4 S 12"-70
POSITION 258°-9 (w B) DISTANCE 4"-9 (*> 9) EPOCH 1833-08
A neat double star, in the space interposed between Hydra's head,
and the Unicorn's tail. A 7> silvery white ; B 8, smalt blue. This
object is No. 160 and 159 of Piazzi's Hora VIII., the last of which was
only observed twice by him. It was registered No. 1270, Class II. of
the Dorpat Catalogue. The several measures of this star have been
remarkably coincident and satisfactory; being
S. Pos. 258° 26' Dist. 4"'95 Ep. 1824-53
2. 259° 06' 4"- 70 1830-98
In JR it slightly precedes e Hydras, the middle star in that creature's head
being 10° to the southward of it, and nearly due south of the Praesepe.
IR 8h38m18s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 7° 00'-2 - S 12"-77
POSITION 198°-4 <» 7) DISTANCE 3"-4 (w 4) EPOCH 1837*1 1
199°-1 (» 9) 3"-5 (» 6) 1839-23
203°-2 (» 9) 3"-6 («> 8) 1843-14
A secondary Greenwich star, double, and the middle one in the head
of Hydra. A 4, pale yellow; B 8^, purple. A long ray from Betelgeuze
brought over Procyon, and carried nearly as far again, finds it about 14°
south of the Prassepe; and nearly mid- way between Pollux and Cor
Hydrse. This beautiful object was discovered by £., and is No. 1273
of the great Dorpat Catalogue, under these measures:
Pos. 195° 34' ,Dist. 3"-21 Ep. 1830-60
But it must be remembered that 5?s measures did not arrive in this
country till the autumn of 1837, though a catalogue of places, without
angles or distance, had been nearly ten years in circulation. Mr. Dawes
was therefore unacquainted with any other measures of this star, when
his own observations indicated a change both in angle and distance, and
this detection was creditable both to himself and his instrument. His
whole series was as follows:
Pos. 195° 16' Dist. 4"-34 Ep. 1831-13
197° 36' 4"-26 1832-20
199° 10' 3" -60 1834-00
This accurate observer wished me to bestow some pains on the star,
because he suspected it of rotation. " Indeed," he remarked, u were the
small star visible fifty years ago, as it is now, it never could have escaped
the scrutinizing eye of Sir "W. Herschel." On this appeal, my obser-
vations, especially at the last epoch, were rigidly attended to, and the
results corroborate the orbital motion. The distance seems decreasing,
but this conclusion is not yet so evident as that of the angle, which,
on weighing all the data, may have an annual progress of about + 0°'8
per annum, or a circuit of 4^ centuries.
m 8h 42m 26s PREC. + 3"'29
DEC. N 12° 23'-6 S 13/x-05
A rich but loose cluster, at the root of the Crab's southern claw; where
a line from Rigel through Procyon, into the east-north-east, will find it
about 5° north of e Hydra?. It consists principally of a mass of stars of the
9th and 10th magnitudes, gathered somewhat in the form of a Phrygian cap,
followed by a crescent of stragglers.
It was first registered by Messier in
1780, and resolved by Sir W. Herschel
in 1783. The place here given was
obtained by differentiation from 8
Cancri : and though differing so
largely in M from Messier, it is
evidently his object. With a power
of 157 on his large telescope, Sir
William Herschel saw above 200
stars at once, in the field of view;
and on gazing at it with my refractor, of far inferior light, but excellent
definition, charged also with a power magnifying 157 times, as shown
by a dynameter, the object appears as herewith represented.
M 8h 42m 44s PREC. + 3S75
DEC. N 34° 00'-6 S 13"'06
A bright oval nebula, between Lynx and Cancer, but in a confusing
gap given to Leo Minor. It trends nf and sp, with a splendid centre,
and is closely followed by a 9th-magnitude star, which is in a line with
a coarse telescopic pair in the np quadrant, and the preceding of a trio in
the sf. It was registered by !£[., in February, 1787? and to his powerful
eye and instrument appeared " very beautiful, S' long, and 3' broad."
The out-door observer may find this object, and it is worth fishing
for, by directing his telescope, under a very moderate power, to about
16° north by east of the Praesepe, which forms the imaginary centre of
three radii described by Aldebaran and Castor, Betelgeuze and Pollux,
and Sirius and Procyon.
M 8h 43m 43s PREC. + 2S'95
DEC. S 6° 34'-9 S 13"' 13
POSITION AB 345°'0 <« i) DISTANCE 40"'0
r-o («i>)
>"-o («i>)
AC 48»-0«.,) -55"- '
A most delicate triple star, between the Unicorn's tail, and the
first bend of Hydra. A 6£, pearl white; B 12, and C 13, both purplish;
other stars in the field. It is located in a region utterly destitute of
large stars, to the south of Hydra's head, being about 12° east of Cor
Hydrae ; its place is therefore nearly pointed by a ray passed from ft Canis
Minoris through Procyon, and carried six times as far into the south-
east void. The two nearest individuals of this object form 120 1$. v.,
and were thus registered:
Pos. 340° 00' Dist. 43"'03 Ep. 1782 '99
M 8h 44m 28s PREC. + 3S'68
DEC. N 31° 10'-9 S 13"-28
POSITION 335°-0 (« 6) DISTANCE ls<4 (* 3) EPOCH 1838-26
A close double star, over the CraVs northern claw. A 5^, white;
B 7, yellow. This star is designated i* by Flamsteed, and he is followed
by I£. H. S. and £.; but there is only one star distinguished by that
letter in Bayer's Map, which is 48 Cancri, and Piazzi's No. 158,
Hora VIII. To preserve identity it may be mentioned that the object
before us is No. 1 92 of the Palermo Catalogue ; and that Mr. Baily has
restored the a- in his edition of Flamsteed: a most valuable contri-
bution to pure astronomy.
For want of convenient naked-eye stars in this vicinity, the
searcher for the point in dispute, must remember that it is about 18°
east of and on the parallel of Castor; where its place is sufficiently
indicated by a long line drawn up from Sirius in the south-west, and
passed over Procyon.
The other measures of this exquisite object, which is 30 f$.. I., are
indicative of fixity, though not co-incident, being as follows:
I£. Pos. 338° 12' Dist. 0"-85 Ep. 1782-27
H. andS. 340° 11' 1"'89 1822-15
2. 333° 18' 1"-51 1829-71
M 8h 47m 39s PREC. + 2S'94
DEC. S 7° 21 '-8 — S 13"'39
POSITION 358°'9 (« 9) DISTANCE 4"-8 (* 9) EPOCH 1830-29
357°-8 (w 9) 4"-5 (« 9) 1838-12
A close double star, between the Unicorn's tail and Hydra's heart.
A and B, both 7i> and both white. This beautiful object is 77 1$. n.,
and Nos. 214 and 215 of Piazzi's Hora VIII. A reduction of these and
the other measures are as follows, and which, compared with my own,
are sufficient proof of fixity :
1$. Pos. 356° 30' Dist. 5"-00 + Ep. 1782-99
P. 360° 00' 4" -50 1800-00
H. and S. 356° 08' 5"' 72 1822-14
S. 358° 50' 4"'33 1831\59
To align this object, draw a right angle at Procyon to a line brought
from Sirius, and it will meet 17 Hydrse at 11° west of Cor Hydrae, or
rather a greater distance than that between the two first-named stars.
M 8h 48m 14s PBEC. + 4P'IS
DEC. N 48° 39'-9 - S 13"'43
POSITION 348°-0 (to 2) DISTANCE 12"-0 (» i) EPOCH 1839-12
A Greenwich star of 1830, double, and in the Great Bear's right
fore-paw; where it may be readily identified by shooting a west-south-
west ray from /39 the southern-most of the two pointers, which will pass
through 0 at nearly 12°, then at half that distance further on will
strike t,. A 3^, topaz yellow; B 13, purple. This fine object was
discovered by H., being No. 2477 of his 20-foot Sweeps; and as I was
desirous of recent micrometric measures for comparison, Mr. Challis was
kind enough to send me the following, taken expressly with the great
Northumberland equatoreal :
Pos. 350° 02' Dist. 10"-68 Ep. 1841-19
There is a star of the 8th magnitude preceding at an angle = 268°'7,
with A M — 52S'9, which is that mentioned by Piazzi in Note 212 of
Hora VIII. A is charged with very sensible proper motions, to the
following amount:
P.... JR - 1"-05 Dec. - 0"-32
B.... - 0"-63 - 0"-28
A.... - 0"'66 - 0//-29
From strong impressions on his mind, confirmed by what he saw in
the Southern Hemisphere, Sir John Herschel supposes that certain very
minute companions to stars may possibly shine by reflected light; and
i Ursae is one of those instanced as having a dull satellite.
This star has obtained the name of Talita, the third vertebra, the
meaning of which is not quite clear. Ulugh Beigh has it A I Pkikra
Al Thdlitha, perhaps for Al Kafzah al-thdlithah, the third spring, or
leap, of the ghazal. This was applied by the Arab star-gazers to i, and K;
the first leap, al-ulq, being v and f ; and the second, al-thaviyah, was
^JS and /ji. As Ideler found this as well in Tizini's Catalogue as on the
Cufic globes at Dresden, he adopted the antelope, though the purport of
it is not very obvious. Hyde contrives to render it either the vertebrae
of the Great Bear, or the cavity of his heel: but, as Ideler remarks, the
Arabic names of the stars indicate an ancient sphere, different from
that which their later astronomers modified from Ptolemy.
M 8h 51m 35s PREC. + 38*70
DEC. N 32° 52'-4 S 13"'64
POSITION 136°-4 <«> 9) DISTANCE 4"-8 («> 7) EPOCH 1837-13
A close double star, nf the Crab's northern claw. A 6, lucid white ;
B 9, sky blue. This beautiful object is No. 1298 of the great Dorpat
Catalogue, and, from the following measures, and my own, appears to
have been pretty constant in the lapse of twelve years:
S. Pos. 135° 25' Dist. 4" '85 Ep. 1825*04
2. 137° 47' 4"-60 1831-16
There being some confusion in identifying Bayer's sigmas, it is as well
to state that this is Piazzi's No. 226, Hora VIII. ; and a ray from Sirius
through Procyon, carried nearly double that distance into the north-
north-east, will find it.
2R 8h 56m 13s PREC. +
DEC. N 67° 46'7 — S 13"-94
POSITION 262°-4 (to 7) DISTANCE 5"'0 («> 5) EPOCH 1835-27
A neat double star, in the Bear's forehead. A 5^, flushed white ;
B 9^, sapphire blue. This delicate object is 54 1$. IIL; and from the
measures previous to my own, viz. :
$. Pos. 283° 00' Dist. 7" "95 Ep. 1782-42
2. 263° 33' 4"-59 1832-14
a retrograde orbital motion was indicated, as the secondary had changed
its quadrant from np to sp. My measures are of use to the epoch, for
though the feebleness of the small star rendered them difficult, they were
so well under the power of the instrument, that they may be depended
upon. Professor Argelander has given the large star a proper motion
of — 0"-099 in M, and — 0"-119 in declination; and further meridian
observations will very probably bear him out.
There is only one star designated by the letter <r, in Bayer's Map :
" but," says Mr. Baily, in his notes to the British Catalogue, " as there
may be a doubt whether such letter belongs to 11 Ursas Majoris, or to the
present star, Flamsteed has annexed it to each, which I have therefore
retained." The Arabian astronomers classed these stars, together with
/o, TT, S, o, and others in the eyes, ear, and nose of the Bear, as Al-dhiba,
or zibet, the antelopes. It will be easily fished up nearly mid-way of a
line from Polaris to Talita, or t, Ursae Majoris, where it is the north-east
vertex of a small triangle formed by the aforesaid two sigmas and p.
m 9h 06m 02s PREC. H- 3S'12
DEC. N 2° 59''2 S 14"'54
POSITION 168°-6 («3) DISTANCE 45"-0 (»D EPOCH 1835-27
A wide double star in the fore part of Hydra's neck. A 4^, pale
yellow; B 12, ash-coloured. This difficult object is 54 I£. Y., who gave
no measure, but remarked that the stars were excessively unequal; and
that the small one, " a point," was about 75° tf, and nearly a minute
distant. The assigned proper motion to A has been :
P....5l+0"-10 Dec. - 0"-37
B.... + 0"-20 - 0"-32
A.... + 0"-15 - 0"-33
This star, with 8, e, 77, £, o>, and <r, the first seven of the Water-serpent,
are termed by the Arabians min el-azal^ of the unarmed. It will be
met from the west by a line drawn from Betelgeuze through Procyon,
till it meets another from the north-east, running from S Leonis
through Regulus. The point of intersection is visible enough.
m 9h 08m 529 PREC. + 3S76
DEC. N 37° 28'*6 S 14"71
POSITION 241°-6 («* 9) DISTANCE 2"-8 <« 9) EPOCH 1832-35
A close double star, in the animal's tail. A 4, silvery white; B 7|,
lilac. This beautiful and delicate object is 9 IJI. i., and has thus been
severally measured:
^. Pos. 244° 09' Dist. 2"'00± Ep. 1780-90
H. and S. 242° 40' 2"-89 1822-46
2. 240° 14' 2" -70 1829-17
These results are not so coincident as a star bearing illumination so
well as this does ought to have yielded; and I cannot but deem that
the proper motion assigned by Piazzi is somewhat countenanced by the
small change which has occurred in the angle of position, although it is
not entered in the Lists of Brioschi or Argelander. The amount given
in the Palermo Catalogue, and by Mr. Baily, may be thus stated:
P.... IR, + 0"-28 Dec. - 0"-20
B.... - 0"-02 - 0"-04
I was induced to be the more particular with this star, firstly,
because H. and S. relate that a doubt had arisen whether 9 Jjl. i., were
the same withj 38 or 39 of the British Catalogue, both of which are
neatly double: and secondly, because Baron de Zach, in his discussions
of 2".'s early observations (Correspondance Astronomique, vol. viii.,
p. 413), inferred that the angle had considerably augmented since the
year 1780. This star I distinctly saw double — as a choice test object —
in the telescope of Piazzi's circle, in March, 1814, though he has not
entered it among his " binae." It is to be found where a line from
Kegulus, carried over e Leonis, and 23° further to the north-north-west,
meets another from f and 7 Ursae Majoris.
M 9h I0m 54s PREC. + 4S'21
DEC. N 51° 40'-5 S 14"'83
A bright nebula in the animal's right fore-leg, of a pale creamy
whiteness, with several bright stars in the northern part of the field. It
is large, nucleated, and elliptical, with its major axis lying np and sf^
about 4'. It was first classed by ^. in March, 1788, and is No. 584 of
his son's Catalogue. Differentiated with 6 Ursae Majoris to obtain its
mean apparent place: it lies 1°^ west-south-west of 0 Ursae Majoris, and
nearly on the line described by t, 0, y9, and S of that constellation.
M 9h llm 35s PREC. + 43'14
DEC. N 50° 13'-2 S 14"-87
POSITION 319°-2 i« *) DISTANCE 5"-9 (• *) EPOCH 1832'91
319°-5 (« 9) — 6"-2 (« 9) 1839-18
A neat double star, on the Great Bear's right leg, and about 2°^ to
the south-south-west of 6 in that constellation; whence, but for the
map-makers, it must have pertained to Ursa Major. A 6^, lucid
white; B 9, sapphire blue. It has required some trouble to trace
unequivocally the identity of this object. Mr. Baily diminished its JR
above 3^', in order to correspond with modern observations, as there
appeared to be some error in the British Catalogue reduction of Feb. 16,
1704. Piazzi, Note 47 to Hora IX., says that, by Flamsteed and La
Lande, the proper annual motion in JR of this star would be — 0"'8,
which he vainly tried to confirm from Bradley, who observed it on
March 14, 1757; and he therefore concluded that some error of M had
crept in here, and at 40 Lyncis.
I gave great attention to the subject; and as 40 Lyncis is decidedly
a single star, I make no doubt whatever that this is 84 ]J[. in.; nor of
H/s having made a wrong entry, in marking it No. 1334 of the Dorpat
Catalogue. It is No. 596 of S. ; but indeed the original measures unde-
niably confirm this, being:
Pos. 318° 12X Dist, 7"-18 Ep. 1782-87
M 9h 14m 15s PREC. + 4S'32
DEC. N 54° 41'-9 - S 15"'03
POSITION 311°-2 (w 4) DISTANCE 5"-9 <«> 5) EPOCH 1831-32
- 310°-9 («>9) - 6"-3 (w9) - 1839-17
A neat double star, on the Bear's left fore-knee, where an occult line
from Polaris to the west of 6 will find it nearly on the parallel of decli-
nation with 7 Ursae Majoris. A 8, silvery white; B 9, violet tint, with
a third star at a distance in the np quadrant. This fine object is 73
]j[. ii.; and as that observant astronomer gained these results:
Pos. 306° 45' Dist. 5"'00± Ep. 1782*87
317° 38' ...... 1802-39
he concluded that a change of 10° 52' had taken place, in 19 years and
184 days. This, however, is not confirmed, and it is probable that the
317°, of 1802, ought to have been registered 307°. The other recent
observations have been :
H. and S. Pos. 309° 02' Dist. 6"'47 Ep. 1822-12
S. 310° 56' 5"'69 1830-29
A false alarm having been sounded about this star, I attacked it
again in 1839, and hope I have settled the question of 1802, because all
the circumstances, observatorial and atmospherical, were so truly favour-
able, that I can safely assign the highest weight to the results.
m 9h 14m 32s PREC. + 3S«69
DEC. N 35° ll'-9 S 15"-04
A bright nebula, on the fore-paws of Leo Minor; a line from € under
7 and through A Ursze Majoris, carried 16° beyond, marks its site. It
is round, pale white, and sparkling at the centre; nearly all the stars in
the field precede it, especially a yellow 7th-magnitude, which lies on the
parallel. This may be liable to error of identity, if IJL mistook 41
Lyncis for 40; but the place here given will be found, I hope, tolerably
accurate. At all events, it is No. 593 of H.'s €atalogue of 1830. It
was discovered by IJ[. on the 28th March, 1786, and he remarked that
the chevelure, or additional faint circular nebulosity surrounding the
nucleus, was 3' in diameter: by my equatoreal, of course, such a mag-
nitude could not be inferred. Still it was well seen — and pretty fairly
observed — in the meridian instruments.
m 9h 14m 56s PREC. -f 3S<13
DEC. N 4° 10'-8 S 15"-07
POSITION 309°-8 (*> 9) DISTANCE 21"-6 (» 9) EPOCH 1836-29
A neat double star, at the back of Hydra's neck; it is 12° north by
west of Cor Hydra?, and 16° west-south-west of Regulus. A 8 and
B 9, both white; the last being Piazzi's 64 Hora IX., and there are
two other small stars in the sf quadrant. This is so easy an object
under the lamp, that the several measures are remarkably coincident,
and afford evidence that the components are merely optical. The best
for comparison are:
S. Pos. 310° 25' Dist. 22"- 16 Ep. 1825-01
2. 310° 28' 21"-29 1832-23
51 9h 18m 09s PBEC. + 38'97
DEC. N 46° 17''9 S 15"-25
POSITION 160°*8 & 9) DISTANCE 86"-8 <» s) EPOCH 1832-26
A wide pair of stars under the Great Bear's foot. A 6i and B 8^,
both bluish, being Nos. 78 and 81, P. Hora IX., and therefore classed
after his magnitudes, though A seems to merit a higher rate. This object
is No. 598 of Sir James South's Catalogue, who has registered it for
55 1$. iv.; but that star is upwards of 3m to the nf, with its acolyte at
an angle of about 320°, and 15" from its primary. 41 Lyncis has shown
a slight aberration from the common laws of precession, and the follow-
ing registered amount will show that it has been narrowly watched:
P.... M - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"'19
B.... + 0"-05 - 0"-13
A.... - 0"-03 - 0"-16
T.... + 0"-16 - 0"-02
The measures of 41 Lyncis are remarkably accordant between Sir
James South and myself; and a reduction of Piazzi's mean apparent
places affords a fresh proof of the excellence of his practice in observing,
and his ability in obtaining conclusions.
P. Pos. 161° (XX Dist. 87"-00 Ep. 1800-00
S. 161° 31' 86"'C5 1824-72
Such a result from an altitude and azimuth circle, so little expected
to be placed in juxta-position with rigorous metrical observations, is a
gratifying warrant for the value of the Palermo Catalogue.
M 9h 18m 50s PREC. + 4s-82
DEC. N 63° 45H S 15"'29
POSITION 271°-8 <t*9) DISTANCE 23"-0 (»s) EPOCH 1833-26
A neat double star, in the Great Bear's neck; at rather better than
one-third the distance between 6 and Polaris. A 4, pale white; B 9£,
grey. This is 29 JjjL iv., and from the earlier measures seemed to be
constant in angle, but to have had a slight increase of distance : yet from
bearing illumination badly, the latter also is very questionable. The
results of my predecessors are:
M. Pos. 273° 14' Dist. 19"-22 Ep. 1781-32
H. and S. 270° 33' 27"'33 1822-13
2. 272° 45' 22"-81 1830'61
Piazzi attributed proper motions with minus signs to this star; but
Mr. Baily, from most careful investigation, has altered both the values
and directions; they are:
P.... JR - 0"-09 Dec. - 0"'04
B.... + 0"-29 + 0"«04
M 9h 19m 44s PREC. + 2S«95
DEC. S 7° 58'-] S 15"-34
POSITION 155°-0 <» e> DISTANCE 285"-0 <» 2) EPOCH 1833-16
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant companion, in Hydra's
heart. A 2, but suspected of variability, orange tint; B 10, pale green,
the latter perhaps being one of the two stars noted in the remarks to
111 1$. YL, but of which there are no measures given. Mr. Challis
kindly re-examined this at my request, in 1841, with the Northumber-
land equatoreal; yet the difference was hardly greater from my results,
than what might almost be imputed to the proper motion of the large
star, the amount of which may be more than what is thus registered :
P.... M - 0"-15 Dec. - 0"-05
B.... + 0"-02 -f 0"-03
A.... - 0"-02 + 0" 05
This star has been known as Cor Hydrae, and Lucida Hydrae, among
the Latins; and also as Alphard, i. e. the Arabic Al-fard^ the solitary,
so termed perhaps, because there is no competitor in brightness near it.
In Ulugh Beigh we find it designated Unuk al Shugja, which perhaps
were better written Unk-esh-shuja, the serpent's neck. But it has
been most familiarly known as Hydra^s heart. It is readily found by
drawing a line from 7 and 8 Ursee Majoris, the two last in the square —
southwards by 7 Leonis and through Regulus; or, as expressed in galley-
stave heroics:
Thro' Cancer's sign, whence no bright stars distinguish'd light impart,
Pollux from Castor leads you down to hideous Hydra's heart.
"TSpos, Hydra, sen Serpens Aquaticus, the water-snake, with corvus
and the crater upon it, is figured after the same manner in most of the
delineations, from the grand Farnese Globe and the MS. of Cicero's
Aratus, down to Mr. Carey's maps and Miss Whitwell's drawings.
While some term it Hydra, others use the designation Hydros, and a
third party Anguis; but Riccioli names it Al-havich in his Almagest,
with the concurrence of his brother Jesuit, Athanasius Kircber. In
addition to these, it has been called Asina, Coluber, Anguis, Sublimatus,
Furiosus, — in a word, all manner of names. In the Alphonsine Tables
it is Asuia, whence the Asina cited by Bayer *. It is, indeed, a strange
asterism, trailing to such a length, that but for the subdivisions afforded
by the cup and the crow, it would seem interminable: the parts so
treated become Hydra, Hydra et Crater, Hydra et Corvus, and Hydrse
continuatio. The head of the reptile is to the south of Cancer, from
whence its body winds eastward with many curves, under Leo and
Virgo as far as Libra. Mythology calls it the Lernaean serpent; but the
Mosaicists, taking the name literally, see in Hydra the flood, in Corvus
Noah's raven, and in Crater the cup out of which the patriarch sinned
with the juice of the grape. In the rare MS. of Cicero's Aratus, of
the second or third century, Hydrus, Crater, and Corvus, are lumped
together, with S. OMN. STELLA. XXXVI. It was one of the old
48 constellations, and has thus been gradually increased in constituents:
Ptolemy ... 27 stars Bullialdus ... 33 stars
Tycho Brahe' . . 24 Hevelius ... 31
Clavius ... 34 Flamsteed . . 60
Bayer .... 29 Bode .... 370
* These Tables are so intimately connected with the science of the Middle Ages,
and are so often quoted, as to merit especial mention. Alphonso the Wise, prince of
Castile, assembled the best astronomers of the age at Toledo, for the purpose of
examining and correcting Ptolemy's M^-yoAq 'S.vvra^is. After four years of incessant
application this undertaking was completed at an expense, we are told, of 400,000
ducats, though other more probable accounts reduce it to 40,000: either sum spent in
the pursuit of knowledge, at that day, deserves immortality. But the chronicles leave
us greatly in the dark; for they also say that the chief adviser was a Christian, a
Jew, or a Moor; and that Alphonso died at 58, 63, or 81 years of age.
The epoch of the Alphousine Tables was fixed to the 30th of May, 1252, the day
of the prince's accession to the throne ; and he himself wrote the preface to them.
They are usually regarded as a mere compilation, but the following fac-simile of the
head-piece to the black-letter edition of 1483, would imply something of practice: for
there is King Alphonso, — and we may suppose that Isaac Hazen, Aben Said, Alca-
bitius, and A on Ragel are admiring his majesty's grand armillary sphere.
m 9h 19m 53s PREC. + 3S'22
DEC. N 9° 45'-0 - S 15"'35
POSITION 160°-0 (« i) DISTANCE 0"-5 («* ij EPOCH 1832-11
- round (w8) - round (w 8) - 1834-25
- 355°-0 (w 2) -- elongated (w i) - 1839-33
- 193°-0 (»s) 0"-3 («i) - 1843-14
An exquisite close double star, before the Lion?s left fore-foot; being
26 I£. i., and one of the "pervicinae" of 2. A 6^, pale yellow; B 7i,
greenish; at times both stars looking yellow. I am the more particular
in stating these colours, as I was drawn to the subject by IjjL's remark
that it would be curious " if a considerable difference in the colours could
have led us to discover which of the two stars is before the other! But
the far greatest part of their diameters being spurious, it is probable that
a different coloured light of two stars would join together, where the
rays of one extend into those of the other; and so, producing a third
colour by the mixture of it, still leave the question undecided."
A movement in space has been assigned to o>, in which, of course,
the companion partakes ; but the amount and course are variously given.
These are the best :
P.... M - 0"-12 Dec. 0"-00
B.... -f 0"*09 - 0"'04
When this object was first discovered to be double, in February,
1782, IJ. saw the stars hanging together, with part of the smaller one as
it were emerged from behind the larger, being then in the sf quadrant
of its orbit. My angular measures, such as they are, imply a direct
motion into the np quadrant; but as it was rather cuneated than
double, the distance I have given is a mere comparative estimation.
Indeed the image, while under observation, was magnified as highly
as its brightness would possibly bear; and hence the uncertainty.
From a diagram I have deduced that in 1834 it was imperfectly seen,
and therefore deemed round, so much so to the senses as to bear a high
weight: from the same process it also seems, that in 1839 the wrong
end of the egg was measured, for by subtracting 180° we obtain a regular
progress in the angular positions, viz., 110°, 160°, 175°, 193°. How-
ever this may be, by allowing for Ijjf .'s having actually seen a division
between them, with his twenty-foot telescope, and assuming his position,
we gain a fair point of departure, which proves important:
$. Pos. 110° 54' Dist. 0"-4 Ep. 1783-26
To fish up this interesting object by alignment, carry a ray from
Castor through the Prsesepe, and extend it just as far again in the south-
east, where it is the middle one of Flamsteed's Nos. 6, 2, and 3; it lies
in an open space about 11° to the west-south-west of Regulus, and 17°
due north of Alphard,
M 9h 19m 58s PREC. + 33'20
DEC. N 8° 53''0 S 15"'35
POSITION 78°-0 («? i) DISTANCE 25"-0 («> D EPOCH 1834-25
A delicate double star, close to the Lion's left fore-paw, where it
will be found by the above alignment. A6^, pale yellow; B 13, blue,
two or three other stars in the field, of which the nearest is about 2"
distant in the sf. This object is 47 1$. iv., classed in 1782, but Avithout
measures; and it was looked at by me principally as a focus adjustment
for attacking o>, which is within a degree to the due north of it.
M 9h 21m 02s PREC. + 3S'65
DEC. N 34° 21'-3 S 15"-41
POSITION 132°-9 (w 2) DISTANCE 55"-0 (» i> EPOCH 1833-16
A wide double star, immediately under the animal's right fore-paw.
A 6, bluish white; B 11, livid. This object was registered 69 I£I. v., in
1782, with a distance of 58" -30, but no angle of position; and it is No.
1116 of H.'s twenty-foot Sweeps. The companion is one of those minute
and dusky objects which are best seen by averting the eye to the verge
of the field ; but there are many of much smaller magnitude, which shine
quite sharply, and emit a strong blue ray. It may be found by carrying
a line from Regulus close to the eastward of e Leonis, and passing it
exactly as far again into the north-north-west region.
M 9h 21m 02s PREC. + 3S>03
DEC. S 2° 04'-3 S 15"-41
POSITION 20<9 (« 8) DISTANCE 64"'9 i« 5) EPOCH 1831-97
A wide double star, in the Serpent's fore-body, and 6° north of
Alphard. A 5£, flushed white; B 8^, lilac, with a small star preceding
it near the np vertical. This object is 71 !$• vi., and these were the
first measures:
Pos. 358° 36' Dist. 61 "'67 Ep. 1782-06
Nearly forty years afterwards H. and S. examined it micrometrically;
and to the results so obtained, we may place the deductions which follow
from a treatment of Piazzfs mean apparent places of Nos. 94 and 95,
P. Pos. 3° 00' Dist. 64"-00 Ep. 1800-00
H. andS. 3° 11' 66"-68 1821-23
From a discussion of the epochs of 1782 and 1821, this object was
inferred to have changed its angle by 4° 35'; and to have increased its
distance. But the late measures are so coincident as to show no altera-
tion in upwards of thirty years; and it must therefore be concluded that
Ij[. wrote up for nf.
According to Ptolemy, the curve of the neck, /ea/ATTT), is formed by
T1, T*, i, and A; but Kazwini calls them the knot, 'okdah, of the throat.
2R 9h 22m 8s PREC. + 4S-05
DEC. N 52° 24'-2 S 16"*07
POSITION 245°*0 <«>a) DIFFERENCE M = 51"'9 (»D EPOCH 1834'74
A secondary Greenwich star, with only a very distant companion;
on the animal's right fore-thigh, where a line from 8 through /3, extended
more than as far again into the west-south-west, will pick it up by its
splendour, and 5° further it will strike i. A 3, brilliant white; B 10,
dusky. This object was examined and entered for watching the rapid
proper motions of the large star, the values of which have been thus
severally stated:
P.... JR - 1"'80 Dec. - 0"-GO
B.... - 1"'55 - 0"-57
A.... - 1"'59 - 0"'57
This star, with six others in the Bear's throat, breast, and fore-knees,
viz., T, ^, u, <£, e, andyj were called by the Arabian astronomers Serir
benat nasch^ throne of Benat na'sch, which last is said to be the Hebrew
aish, which Ebn Ezra says is a cart or tumbrel. The space has also been
termed Al-kkud, the pond.
M 9h 23m 07s PREC. + 3s-39
DEC. N 22° 12'-1 S 16"-07
A bright-class white nebula, in the Lion's lower jaw; first discovered
by $. in 1784, and No. 604 of his son's Catalogue of 1830; the former
describing it as a double nebula, each having a seeming nucleus,
with their apparent nebulosities running into each other, and this is
confirmed by the latter. It is vertically
between two groups, of three small stars each,
and it is elongated with a major axis lying
sp and nf. To fish it up, run a line from
Regulus to 7, and there draw another, per-
pendicular to it, which, carried nearly twice
the length of the base, will strike it 2° south
of X Leonis. The upper or south part, is
better defined than the lower; it requires, how-
ever, the closest attention and most patient
watching, to make it a bicentral object, with
my means; but the annexed is something of
its aspect under the best vision.
This nebula is in the IXth Lunar Mansion,
which is the district between f Cancri and X Leonis in the Lion's jaws.
This space was named Elterf, or Al-larf, acies oculi, the Lion's glance.
M 9h 23m 23s PBEC. + 38<22
DEC. N 10° 25'-l S 15"-54
POSITION 73°'6 <«> 8) DISTANCE 37"'6 <«> 3) EPOCH 1832-23
A double star, in the Lion's left fore-paw; lying 9° west by south of
Regulus, on the line projected from 0 Leonis through that luminary,
and at half the length of that line. A 6, pale rose-tint; B 9^, purple.
This object is 26 IjJ. iv., and it has been thus measured:
$. Pos. 77° 05' Dist. 36"-15 Ep. 1781 -14
H. and S. 74° 33' 38"'12 1822-16
in discussing which, the proper motion attributed to A must be con-
sidered. It is thus stated :
P.... Si - 0"-21 Dec. - 0"-01
B.... + 0"-05 - 0"-05
m 9h 27m 08s PREC. -f 3S'29
DEC. N 15° 05'-4 S 15"-75
POSITION 80°-1 («> 7) DISTANCE 42"-6 («> 9) EPOCH 1832-23
A wide but very delicate double star, in the space opposite the Lion^s
neck; it is 8° west-north-west of Regulus, in the line formed by that
luminary and 77 Virginis, a bright star lying about twice the distance
in the east-south-east. A 6£, flushed white; B 8|, violet tint. This
object is 58 1$ . v., entered as " supra pedem borealem anteriorem," and
the observations which preceded mine are :
Pos. 81° 24' Dist. 42"-41 Ep. 1782-10
andS. 80° 35' 44"-19 1821-23
M 9h 34m 52s PREC. + 58'66
DEC. N 73° 01'-2 S 16"- 16
A bright-class round nebula, above the Great Bear's ear, with several
stars in the field from the 9th to the 12th magnitudes; of which a
vertical pair precedes the nebula, and it is closely followed by a very
minute one, which is caught only by glimpses. This object was dis-
covered by Ijf. in April, 1785, and is No. 629 of his son's Catalogue;
the last of whom registers its diameter as = 50". The mean apparent
place was obtained by differentiation with \ Draconis; and it may be
fished up by running a line to the north-east-ward from Mizar under
A, Draconis, in the tails of the Bear and the Dragon, and carrying till it
is nearly due south of Polaris. Here the observer will find Flamsteed's
27 Ursa3 Majoris, a star of the -5^ magnitude, and closely following
it is the nebula sought.
m 9* 35m 01s PREC. + 3S'28
DEC. N 14° 45'-0 — S 16"-17
POSITION 140°-0 (w 2) DISTANCE 260"-0 («> i) EPOCH 1834-19
A variable star, with a distant companion, on the Lion's left fore-
knee; and it is about 10° due south of e Leonis, and 6°£ west-north-
west of Regulus. A 6, bright orange; B 10, bluish white; a third star,
of the llth magnitude, nearly 6' distant on an angle of about 280°.
i|r has proper motions attributed to it, of the following values :
P.... M + 0"-04 Dec. - 0"'08
B.... + 0"-05 - 0"-04
The star A is here designated of the 6th magnitude, as assumed from
Piazzi; but was certainly very bright for its rate, at the epoch of my
observations. It is said to vary from 5 to 8, but has not been so closely
followed as such variability seemed to demand. Ptolemy enrolled it e
in lustre, and was followed by Tycho Brahe and Hevelius. Ulugh
Beigh designates it 6, in which he is copied by Flamsteed, La Caille,
and Mayer. They say it once disappeared altogether, after having been
noticed by Montanari, in 1667; and that Miraldi saw it again very
small, in 1691. Mr. Pigott says that he always perceived it of the
5*6th size. Mr. Challis, who was kind enough to re-examine this object
for me in 1841, with the Northumberland equatoreal, diagrammed ty
of the 5th magnitude.
This variable star precedes the one, Mayer 420, mentioned by Koch
as fading from the 7th to the 10th brightness, which Pigott was unable
to find. But though there is a kink in the M, it is probably Piazzi's
No. 176, Hora IX.
m 9h 35m 09s PREC. + 3S'12
DEC. N 3° 21'-4 S 1 6"'17
POSITION 145°-0 (» 3) DISTANCE 4"-0 (» i) EPOCH 1834-26
A delicate double star, just inside the upper frame of the Sextant,
but also on the more ancient Lion's leg; where it will be found — " alone
in its glory" — nearly in mid-distance, and closely west, of a line between
Regulus and Alphard. A 8, yellowish white; B 13, blue, with two or
three other small stars in the field, one of which nearly precedes. This
object was discoverd by ^., being his 'No. 1377> and is thus registered
in the great Dorpat Catalogue :
Pos. 142°-20 Disk 3"-317 Ep. 1830-24
m 9h 36m 46s PREC. + 3S'43
DEC. N 24° 30'-5 S 16"-26
POSITION 9°'l (« 2) DIFFERENCE M 5= 1"'9 (» i) EPOCH 1833*75
A Greenwich star of 1830, with a distant companion, on the Lion's
ear; where it forms the north-west vertex of a nearly right-angled
triangle with 7 Leonis and Regulus. A 3, yellow; B 10, pale grey.
A is designated Rds-al-asad-al-jenub't, or Australis, to denote the south
or undermost of two stars in the Lion's head; asad being one of the
numerous words for that animal in Arabia. See /JL Leonis. An almost
imperceptible movement in space is attributed to e, which is thus valued :
P.... Si - 0"-03 Dec. + 0"-02
B.... 0"-00 - 0"-04
M 9h 42m 10s PREC. + 5S>13
DEC. N 69° 51-8 S 16" -53
No. 81 is a fine bright oval nebula, of a white colour, in the Great
Bear's ear, which was first registered by M. Messier in 1781, and exhibited
a mottled nebulosity to 1$. Its major axis lies np and sf; and it cer-
tainly is brightest in the middle. There are several minute companions
in the field, of which a close double star in the sp quadrant is No. 1386
of 57s grand Catalogue, and by him marked vicince; the members are
both of the 9th magnitude, and trend np and sf, about 2" apart, forming
a fine though difficult object.
With a low power, No. 82 M. can be brought into the north part of
the same field of view, although they are half a degree apart. It is very
long, narrow, and bright, especially at its northern limb, but rather
paler than No. 81. A line drawn through three stars in the sp to a
fourth in the nf passes directly through the nebula. The two nebulas
precede X, in the end of Draco's tail, by 25°, but as the vicinity is
deficient of large stars, they are not readily fished up.
The apparent place here taken, is that of a small star between the
two nebulae, which was differentiated with 29 Ursae Majoris, and every
care taken in the reductions. The bright star on the animal's chest,
south of 29, viz. <£, is pronounced to be double, both components being
of the 5th magnitude, and only half a second asunder.
M 9M3m39s PREC. + 3s -45
DEC. N 26° 45'-5 S 16"-60
POSITION 235°«0 (» i) DIFFERENCE M = 21S-0 («> i) EPOCH 183375
A star with a distant companion, on the osfroniis of Leo, where it
has its fellow in brightness 2°^ to the south-south-west, and with it
forms a reduced portrait of <y Leonis and Regulus, which are similarly
situated relative to each other, about 10° south-east of their miniature.
A 3, orange; B 10, pale lilac; forming an equilateral triangle with two
stars preceding it, of which that to the south is of the 8th magnitude.
This star is known as Rasalas, from the Arabian Rds-al-Asad, and
further designated by Al shemalt, or borealis, to denote the northern
star in Asad's head. See e Leonis.
This object is charged with a proper motion, which appeared very
slight to Piazzi, on comparison of his observations with those of Bradley;
but later investigations show a very sensible Talue in JR. The fol-
lowing are the registered amounts:
P.... JR - 0"-03 Dec. + 0"-02
£.... - 0"-27 - 0"'06
A.... - 0"-31 - 0"-08
Nasira-1-din mentions that the two stars on the Lion's forehead,
meaning 6 and /£, are a whip's length apart. As this is a favourite term
of measure among the Arabian writers, it may be stated that, in this
instance, it is rather more than 2°.
M 9h 45m 45s PREC. + 3S-14
DEC. N 5° 41'-8 S 16"70
POSITION 293°-5 (» 9) DISTANCE 49"'7 («c 5) EPOCH 1832-18
A double star on the right fore-leg of Leo, though crimped into the
Sextant; it lies at one-third of the way from Regulus to Alphard. A 7
and B 9, both blue, and well defined. A reduction from the mean
apparent places of Nos. 204 and 205, Hora IX., of the Palermo Cata-
logue, with the measures of Sir James South, stand thus for comparison :
P. Pos. 296° (XX Dist. 49"'7 Ep. 1800-00
S. 292° 43' 51"'02 1825-01
Desirous of assigning an asterism to the perpetual remembrance of
celestial affairs, and especially wishing to commemorate the instrument
so successfully used by Tycho Brahe at Uranienburg, about the year
1590, Hevelius gathered some informes between the Lion's fore-legs and
Hydra, and called them Sextans Uranice. But, with more zeal than
taste, he fixed the machine upon the Serpent's back, under the plea that
the said Sextant was not in the most convenient situation, but that he
placed it between Leo and Hydra because these animals were of a
fiery nature, to speak with astrologers, and formed a sort of commemo-
ration of the destruction of his instruments when his house at Dantzic
was burnt in September, 1679; or, as he expresses it, when Yulcan
overcame Urania. He who thus placed it in the heavens only mustered
12 stars, but Flamsteed made out 41, and Bode has increased them to
112. This, and some other of Bevel's denominations, have occasioned
an ill-natured and groundless sneer from the redoubtable La Lande,
himself a wholesale apotheosizer; but it assuredly speaks more for his
flippancy than for his scientific gratitude.
The above ebullition is, however, to be strictly confined to the case
in point; for whatever singularities or failings he possessed — and, from
the testimony of his own camarades, these were neither few nor trivial —
there were not many of his day to whom the "million" were more
indebted for scientific supplies, than to Jerome Le Francais La Lande.
M 9M9m30s PREC. + 5S'00
DEC. N 69° 30'-4 S 16"-88
A bright-class round nebula, at the back of Ursa Major's left ear,
preceding X, at the end of Draco's tail, by 22°; it is lucid white, and
lights up in the centre. There are two lines of three stars each across
the field, of which the one preceding the nebula is of the 7th magnitude,
and that following of the 10th; between these the sky is intensely
black, and shows the nebula as if floating in awful and illimitable space,
at an inconceivable distance. Dr. Derham, whose judgment led him to
consider nebulze as vast areas of light "infallibly beyond* the fixed
stars," thought that some of them might be openings in an opacity
surrounding the visible system, which chasms allow us a sight of the
empyreal sphere beyond it. The present object, under the favourable
conditions in which I viewed it, would have almost countenanced his
This nebula was discovered by Ij[. in November, 1801; and he says,
that " on the nf side there is a faint ray interrupting the roundness."
m 9h57m16s PREC. + 2S'99
DEC. S 6° 56'-9 S 17"'24
An elongated bright nebula, on the radius or graduated limb of the
Sextant, followed by two stars of the llth magnitude, which are the only
other objects in the field of view. Its major axis trends towards the
vertical of the sp and nf quadrants; and the extremes appear pointed.
It was discovered by IJ. on the 22nd of February, 1787, and is No. 668
of his son's Catalogue.
It is remarkable that this object was very clearly distinguished
in my telescope; for H. says it was scarcely perceptible in his 20-foot
when he gave it only six inches of aperture. It follows Alphard by
about 10°, a little north of the parallel; where it precedes a knot of small
stars, which are a couple of degrees further to the west.
* Yet a recent and greatly patronized treatise on Astronomy, written expressly to
accompany the large perforated constellation-cards called Urania's Mirror, published
in 1825, intrepidly asserts, that the nebulosities "are now generally considered to be
at no very considerable distance from the Earth."
m 9h 59m 51s PREC. + Ss'22
DEC. N 12° 44'-8 S 17"'35
POSITION 306°-8 (w 8) DISTANCE 175"'8 <» 6) EPOCH 1837'33
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant companion, in the Lion's
breast. A ], flushed white; B 8^, pale purple. This object is 11 1$. vi.,
and the details were thus, at its first registry:
Pos. 305° 05' Dist. 168" -33 Ep. 1781-84
Piazzi then entered it in the Palermo Catalogue : " Duplex. Comes
praecedit ;" but there can be little doubt of this comes being his No. 249
of Hora IX., as I found, by repeated trials, that the A JR was == 9S*7.
By obtaining data from a reduction of his mean apparent places, the
details of Piazzi, and the results of H. and S., stand thus:
P. Pos. 307° 00' Dist. 178" -00 Ep. 1800-00
H. and S. 307° 07' 174"*96 1821-21
A comparison of the measures of JjJ., and H. and S., induced a
belief, that a considerable alteration had occurred in the relative places
of the two stars, in a lapse of forty years, showing a physical connection
between them; but I am inclined rather to attribute the differences to
proper motion and instrumental errors, than to inconstancy of angle or
increase of distance. Indeed, it is a wide object for this system of
measuring, and a long run upon the micrometer spring. The proper
motion has been thus stated:
P.... Si - 0"-28 Dec. - 0"-01
B.... - 0"'23 0"-00
A.... - 0"-27 + 0"-02
This star is well known as KapSia Xeovros, Cor Leonis, the lion's
heart. It is pointed to by Aldebaran and 7 Geminorum, as well as
by running a line from Orion's belt through Procyon, and carrying it
nearly twice as far again to the east-north-east. The prolongation of
the same line, or rather great circle, will lead to Denebola, in Leo's tail.
Regulus and Denebola form the longest side of an extensive quadrila-
teral figure, with two other stars to the north of them; there is a still
more remarkable square adjoining this, 7 being a corner-stone of each.
Regulus is also readily found by drawing a line southwards from 7 and
8 Ursae Majoris, the last stars in the square; or, with the poetaster,
reversing it:
From Hydra's pass through Leo's heart, (which marks th' Ecliptic Line,)
You'll rise to where, in Ursa Great, the third and fourth stars shine.
Ptolemy calls this star .Bao-tXtoveo?, from an opinion of its influen-
cing the affairs of the heavens; whence comes its Latin name Regulus, a
word which appears to have been first used by Copernicus as the dimi-
nutive of rex. It is the lucida of the extensive northern constellation
Leo, whose stars are well disposed and conspicuous, forming the fifth
asterism in zodiacal order. The classic star-gazers viewed this as the
apotheosis of the Nemaean Lion, and the emblem of heat; but Stower's
celebrated manuscript Almanac of 1386, recognises in it one of Daniel's
lions, and therefore " whoso es born in yat syne he schal be hardy and
lytherus." Schickhard insisted that it represented the Lion of the tribe
of Judah, mentioned in the Apocalypse. It was under the tutelary
protection of Jove himself, whence the astrologers chattered largely
about an alliance between the planet Jupiter and the constellation Leo.
Macrobius — De Somnio Scipionis — says that the Lion was assigned as
the Sun's house, and Cancer as the Moon's, because they were in those
signs " in ipsa genitura mundi nascentes." The Arabs called this " fiery
trigon" Kalb-al-Asad, or lion's heart, and Meliki, or kingly; for this
impression of greatness was as rife among the Oriental astronomers and
their successors, as among their classic predecessors. Thus Wyllyam
Salysbury, treating of the sphere, or frame of the world, in 1552, tells
us, " The Lyon's herte is called of some men, the Royal 1 Starre, for they
that are borne under it, are thought to have a royall nativitie;" and
in the Tabule Astronomice Alfonsi Regis, 1492, it is written against
Regulus, "Que est super cor: et dicit. Rex." Yet after all Horace
only sings of it as
Stella vesani Leonis.
Aecov, Leo, Nemeas alumnus, Bacchi sidus, Stella regia, are also
names by which the Lion has been designated; and it is visible to the
gazer by the large trapezium which it displays. Even should Regulus
not be personally known, this trapezium is readily found by the univer-
sally-known pointers of the Great Bear; for as they serve to show Polaris
to the northward, so also doth the line produced by them, prolonged
southward about 45°, point to the Lion. It is one of the old 48 con-
stellated groups, and has been thus catalogued :
Ptolemy ... 35 stars Maraldi ... 60 stars
Tycho Brahd . . 40 Flamsteed ... 95
Bayer .... 43 Hodell .... 276
Hevelius ... 50 Bode .... 337
The retrograde motion, owing to the recession of the equinoctial
points — from a slow vibration of the EartlTs axis, occasioned by planetary
attractions — by which the stars appear to go in antecedentia, or backwards
from west to east, contrary to the order of the signs of the zodiac —
affords data from which the march of those heavenly bodies, in a course
parallel to the ecliptic, is easily traced. This motion was first detected
and reduced to rule by Hipparchus, in discussing his own observations
with those of Aristyllus and Timocharis; and the longitude of Regulus
has, through successive ages, been made a datum-step, by the best
astronomers of all nations. From these a few may be selected, in order
to show the changes of that point, since it has been under observation :
Timocharis B.C.
<S> 27° 54'-5
Hipparchus ....
Ptolemy A.D.
Abd-r-ahman Sufi . .
Chrysococcas Persa . .
Ulugh Beigh ....
Tycho Brahd ....
29° 50'
Si 2° 30'
15° 12'
17° 30'
19° 55'
24° 06'
25° sr-s
Maskelyne ....
26° 38'
Airv '.
27° 36' -3
The Astronomer Royal, Mr. Airy, sent me his position of this star
to rigid exactness. " Our catalogue place of Regulus,'' he obligingly
wrote, "from the observations of 1840, is as follows:
Meanm 1 Jan. 1840= 9h 59m 50" 71
Mean N.P.D. = 77» 15* 12*43
"With these, and the mean obliquity = 23° 27' 36"'52, the latitude
and longitude will be computed thus:
Longitude 147° 36' 20" -15
Ecliptic N.P.D. . . . 89° 32/ 25" -12"
These data afford a striking instance of the sagacity of the early
astronomers. They, however, considered the equinoxes to be immovable;
and ascribed the change of distance of the stars from it, to a real motion
of the orb of the fixed stars, which they supposed to have a slow revo-
lution about the poles of the ecliptic in the Platonic period of 25,920
years, a space not remotely different from that produced by moderns,
from other principles. Sir Isaac Newton very ably demonstiated, that
the physical cause of the precession arises from the broad or spheroidal
oblate figure of the Earth; which satisfactorily proves the operation, and
accounts for the effect.
M 10h 05m 58s PREC. + 3S'12
DEC. N 4° lo'-l S 17"'61
A bright-class round nebula, on the frame of the instrument, with
another, rather larger but more faint, at about 29s on the following
parallel; the latter being attended by three stars, the middle one of
which is the smallest, and is closely nf. This was discovered by y. in
December, 1783, but it is very remarkable, that, though he made four
observations of the object, he did not notice that there were two nebulae
in the field. H., however, saw them both, and has described them
under No. 685. The place is not very difficult to find, being about 9°
south by east of Regulus, and in the line with that luminary and p
in the head of the Lion.
This object is on or near the spot where the Capuchin, De Rheita,
fancied he saw the napkin of S. Veronica, in 1643, with an improved
telescope which he had just constructed. It would be much easier to
ascribe this strange discovery to a heated imagination, than to deliberate
falsehood; but it happens unfortunately that there is no staring cluster
or nebula near. However, in case any one still chooses to search
for it, we may state, that in a letter to his friend J. Caramuelis, dated
Cologne, 24th April, 1643, he mentions having detected most clearly,
by means of his binocular telescope, with the greatest surprise, admira-
tion, and delight, the sacred " sudarium Veronicas sive faciem Domini
maxima similitudine in astris expressum," in the sign of Leo, between
the equinoctial and the zodiacal circles. And this is an accurate reduc-
tion of the figure which Zahn gives of it in the Oculus Artificialis*
Padre de Rheita makes very respectahle mention of this same appa-
rition in his great work, Oculus Enoch et Elice, sive Radius Sidereo-
mysticus, the very elaborate engraved title-page of which thus invites
us, in the words of the Royal Psalmist, Venite et vldete opera Domini.
In craving permission to doubt his assertion, Sir John Herschel's words
may be applied: "Many strange things were seen among the stars
before the use of powerful telescopes became common.'"
PREC. -f 3S-30
S 17"'82
DISTANCE 2"-6 <» 4) EPOCH 1831-36
2"-8 (« 3) 1833-20
2"-5 (« 9) 1836-42
2"-6 (M 9) 1839-23
2"-8 (« 9) 1843-18
M 10Mlm08s
DEC. N 20° 39'-0
POSITION 103°-2 (to 4)
102°-5 (to s)
104°-9 (to 7)
106°-0 (to 9)
107°'2 (to 9)
A splendid double star, close to the Lion's mane, about 7°i to the
north-north-east of Regulus, and nearly in the middle of the constellation.
A 2, bright orange; B 4, greenish yellow, and there are two stars in a
line with A in the np quadrant. This most beautiful object is 28 ^ . i.,
and from a comparison of the several measures seems decidedly to have
a slow progressive angular acceleration, which may perhaps give an
annus magnus of about 1000 years; but the exact amount is involved in
the question of proper motion, of which these are the assigned quantities:
P.... 51 + 0"-35 Dec. - 0"-20
B.... + 0"-35 ~ 0"45
A.... + 0"-30 - 0"-14
The results which have been obtained by the best astrometers, since
its registry in 1 782, are :
1$. Pos. 83° 3<X Dist. 3"'00± Ep. 1782-71
H. and S. 98° 24' 3"-24 1822-24
2. 103° 22' 2" -50 1831 "51
D. 103° 41' 2"-64 1833-18
This star has been improperly called Algieba, from Aljeb-bah, the fore-
head; for no representation of the Lion, which I have examined, will
justify that position. "With a, f, and 77, it forms the Xth Lunar Mansion.
m 10h 15m 51s PREC. + 3S'86
DEC. N 53° 26'-0 S 18"'01
POSITION 85°-0 (» 6) DISTANCE 3"-6 (w 3) EPOCH 1832-49
A very neat double star, on the Great Bear's right shoulder. A 8,
and B 8^, both white. This pretty but minute object was discovered
by .£., being No. 1428 of the Dorpat Catalogue; and the juxtaposition
seems to be only optical. The measures which precede mine are:
H. Pos. 88° 43' Dist. 4//'09 Ep. 1830-56
2. 84° 33' 3" -84 1831-69
To find this pair by alignment, run a line from the Lesser Bear's
leading guard, /?, through Dubhe, and the mid-distance on the north-
east of that lucida will mark the place of K Draconis, while a similar
extent to the south-west of Dubhe will strike upon 58 P. x.
M 10h I7ra 01s PREC. + 2s-88
DEC. S 17° 50'-6 S 18"'05
A planetary nebula, pale greyish-white, nearly 2° south of yn, about
20° south-west by west of Regulus, and in the middle of Hydra's body.
From its size, equable light, and colour, this
fine object resembles Jupiter; and whatever
be its nature, must be of awfully enormous ^*
magnitude. It was discovered by 1$. in
February, 1785, and has four telescopic stellar "^
companions, two of which are posited at nearly
equal distances, np and sf9 from the nebula. ,/'
It was carefully differentiated with p Hydrae ; •".' N
and as a line passing from a star in the np
quadrant to another in the sf, just touched its disc, it was diagrammed
as above.
Though this remarkable nebula escaped H., his remarks on planetary
nebulae are so applicable to it, that they should be here transcribed.
" Granting these objects," he observes, " to be equally distant from us
with the stars, their real dimensions must be such as would fill, on the
lowest computation, the whole orbit of Uranus. It is no less evident
that, if they be solid bodies of a solar nature, the intrinsic splendour of
their surfaces must be almost infinitely inferior to that of the Sun's. A
circular portion of the Sun's disc, subtending an angle of 20", would
give a light equal to 100 full moons; while the objects in question are
hardly, if at all, discernible to the naked eye. The uniformity of their
discs, and their want of apparent central condensation, would certainly
augur their light to be merely superficial, and in the nature of a hollow
spherical shell; but whether filled with solid or gaseous matter, or
altogether empty, it would be a waste of time to conjecture."
M 10h 17m 09s PEEC. + 3S-17
DEC. N 9° 35'-2 S 18"'06
POSITION 64°-8 (» «) DISTANCE 3"-0 (* 3) EPOCH 1831-18
65°-3 (« 7) 3"-5 (« 5) 1843-16
A very neat double star, on the Lion's right shoulder; about 5°J to
the south-west of Regulus, and exactly on the line described from that
luminary to Algorab. A 8, white; B 9^, pale blue. This beautiful
but delicate object is evidently only optical, and relatively fixed: it is
29 I$c i., and has been thus measured:
1$. Pos. 63° 28' Dist. 4"-00 ± Ep. 1782-13
S. 63° 59' 3" -63 1825*20
2. 65° 54' f 3"-20 1832-56
The aberrations of A from the common laws of precession, may in
time prove the independence thus indicated between the components of
this object, the most authentic values of its proper motion being:
P.... M - 0"-13 Dec. - 0"-05
B.... + 0"-11 - 0"-20
M 10h 18m 17s PREC. + 3s-39
DEC. + 29° 19''1 S 18"-10
A bright-class nebula, beneath the animal's belly, but pretty close to
the old Lion's mane ; where a north-north-east ray from Regulus carried
closely before Algieba, and extending rather more than as far again, will
find it in the centre of a trapezium of four stars, of which the two
southern ones are the largest. This fine object is of an oval shape, with
a palpable central nucleus; it was discovered by JjJ. in April, 1785, and
is No. 711 of his son's Catalogue.
M 10h26m38s PREC. -f 38-16
DEC. N 9° 28'-5 S 18"'40
POSITION 158°'l <•*«) DISTANCE 2"'5 <tcs) EPOCH 1838-37
A close double star, under Leo's right shoulder, close to f, and about
8° west-south-west of Regulus. A 6, silvery white; B 9, pale blue.
This was discovered by 5*., and is thus registered in the great Dorpat
Catalogue, No. 1450:
Pos. 161° 09' Dist. 2" '39 Ep. 183076
These results would imply a retrograde angular motion, but that
it is both too delicate and difficult an object to decide upon at once
I am not aware of any other observations upon it, so that it must for
the present remain questionable. The small spacial movement attri-
buted to A by Piazzi, has disappeared under the test of recent
M 10h 28m 45s PREC. + 3S'79
DEC. N 54° 20'-4 S 18"-48
A planetary bluish-white nebula, in the Great Bear's right shoulder,
having two stars of the 10th magnitude nearly between it and an orange-
coloured companion in the sf quadrant. It is a small object but well
defined, with a palpable un-attenuated round disc; this I note the more
particularly as denoting the limit of my means upon such bodies, for I
saw no symptom of the " very feeble atmosphere " with which H. says it
is surrounded. It was discovered by 1$. in April, 1789, and is No. 731
of his son's Catalogue of 1830. The place is differentiated from ft
Ursae Majoris; from which it bears south-west about 4°, and is nearly
on the same parallel with 7.
Sir William Herschel considered the indistinctness on the edges
sufficiently extensive, to make this a step between a planetary nebula
and those bright in the middle.
m 10h 29m 42s PREC. + 3S'40
DEC. N 32° 48'-3 S 18"-51
POSITION AB 270°-0 (w 3) DIFFERENCE M = 21s-9 (w i)
AC 21°-4(«8) 10s-2<«>i) EPOCH 1833-30
AD 291°-0 (w 2) 18s-2 (w i)
A star with three very distant companions, on the Little Lion's right
side; where it will be seen on a line produced from Regulus through
Algieba, and extended to nearly double that distance into the north-north-
east. A 4, yellowish white; B 7^ pale grey; C 13, reddish; D 12, violet
tint. An almost insensible movement of A in space, has been detected
by the perseverance of investigators, and this is the assigned value :
P.... Hi - 0"-03 Dec. + 0"'01
B..... + 0"-06 0"-00
Piazzi noted the two principal members of this object, remarking,
"Alia 7'8ae magnitud. praecedit 22" temporis, 3' circiter ad boream;"
and he has entered A by its old name Praacipua, as the lucida, or prin-
cipal star of Leo Minor, registered of the 3rd magnitude by Hevelius,
and continued so by Bode. Mr. Baily, however, in his recent edition of
Flamsteed, has rated it 5^ in lustre, under the following plea : "This star,"
he says, " is marked as of the 3rd magnitude, in the British Catalogue :
but in the original entries it is designated three times as of the 6th, once
of the 4tb, and once as 4^, but nowhere greater. I have taken the mean
of the whole." I have never seen it but as given above, from Piazzi.
This asterism was formed by Hevelius, from 18 sporades between
Leo of the Zodiac, and the Great Bear; the constituents of which were
increased by Flamsteed to 53 stars, and by Bode to 96. It was first
announced as a constellation in the Prodromus of the former, 1691; and
the author tells us, that he selected the place in order not to disturb the
circles, notions, or rules of astrologers : " Since they esteem the Bear
and the Lion as the hottest and fiercest animals, I wished to place there
some quadruped of the same nature."
M 10h 35m 02s PREC. + 3S'12
DEC. N 5° 35'-2 S 18"-68
POSITION 240°-1 (w 9) DISTANCE 6"-9 (w 9) EPOCH 1834-27
239°-6 (w 9) — — 6"-8 (* 9) 1839-19
A neat doubje star, on the north extreme of the graduated limb of
the instrument, and three-fifths of the distance between Alphard and
Denebola. A 7, topaz yellow; B 8, smalt blue. This fine object is
No. 36 of y/s N. 145; and No. 141 of P. Hora X., where it is thus
described: "Duplex. Comes telescopica prascedit 0"*4 temporis, 2" ad
austrum;" but the first micrometric measures, as far as 1 know, are
those of H. and S. :
Pos. 237° 34' Dist. 7" '87 Ep. 1822-33
The subsequent observations were :
2. Pos. 240° 47' Dist. 6" '75 Ep. 1825-20
D. 240° 26' 6" -93 1831-21
showing, on consideration, no angular motion, and the suspected decrease
of distance to be in a very small ratio, if at all. Moreover, A has a slight
proper movement in space, thus oppositely valued:
P.... Si - 0"-05 Dec. + 0"-01
B.... + 0"-03 - 0"'06
m 10b 35m 31s PREC. + 3S*18
DEC. N 12° 31'-9 S ]8"'70
A lucid white nebula, on the Lion's ribs, with only two small stars,
?ip and rtfy in the field. Its place is almost due east of Regulus, with a
distance of 9°, where it forms the southern vertex of a triangle nearly
equilateral with 7 and B Leonis. This nebula is round and bright, and
perhaps better defined on the southern than on the northern limb, a
phenomenon worthy of remark, and observable in the great nebula of
Andromeda, and other wonderful masses. It was discovered by Mechain
in 1781, and registered by Messier as a "feeble nebula, without a star."
Nearly a degree to the eastward of this object, follows another round
but not equally well defined nebula, large, and of a pale white colour. It
is Messier's No. 96, and was also discovered by Mechain in 1 781 ; it
constitutes the intersecting point of a rectangle formed by five stars, of
which the nearest is in the sp quadrant, and of the llth magnitude.
m 10h 39m 46s PREC. + 2S'95
DEC. S 14° 47'-0 S 18"-83
POSITION 10°-0 («> s] DISTANCE 31"'5 (w 9) EPOCH 1836-22
A double star, near the cup on the Hydra's back, where an east-
south-east ray from Alphard towards the middle of the little square that
constitutes Corvus, will meet it in the half-way. A 8, pale white; B 9,
light blue. Piazzi first described this object's duplicity: *' Duplex.
Comes 9* magnit. sequitur \" temporis, \' ad boream;" and the micro-
metrical refults of it, previous to my own, are:
2. Pos. 9° 45' Dist. 31 "-39 Ep. 1822-16
S. 11° 03' 31"'65 1825-17
from which it may be inferred to have undergone no appreciable change
in a lapse of fourteen years, especially as the measures are rather difficult,
from being teased with variable refraction.
M 10* 39m 49s PREC. + 3S'18
DEC. N 13° 28'-0 S 18"'83
A pair of bright-class nebulae, sp and nf of each other, on the Lion's
belly, discovered by ^J. in March, 1783, and No. 758 of his son's Cata-
logue; while at a small distance to the nf is a neat but minute double
star. These are two of the three nebula? described by both the Her-
schels; but the third I cannot distinguish, unless it be a glow in the
sf, in a vertical line with two small stars. We now approach a region
•where these mysterious luminous masses are scattered over the vast
concavity of the heavens, in truly boundless profusion; and in them, all
true Herschelians must view mighty laboratories of the Universe, in
which are contained the principles of future systems of suns, planets,
and satellites!
The objects here treated of, are among the nebula? included within
a round patch of about 2° or 3° in diameter, in the apparently starless
space of the Lion's loins. Now the observer unprovided with an
equatoreal instrument — and unfortunately many of Urania's most zealous
followers are in that predicament — may wish to fish it up. If his tele-
scope be of capacity for grasping sufficient light, the field may be found,
under a moderate power, south of the line which joins Regulus and
6 Leonis about J0° east of, and nearly on the parallel with, the former.
M 10h 42m 17s PREC. + 3S*01
DEC. S 8° O3''l - S 18"-90
POSITION AB 310°'0 («> i) DISTANCE 20"
"•0 (w 1)J
AOMWV4-. 290-0 ' »
A most delicate triple star below the Sextant, of which the third is
not seen by me, though I have measured a distant companion in the
same quadrant. A 6, white; B 16, dusky; C 10, bluish. It lies exactly
on the parallel, and 20° to the east, of Alphard, nearly " alone in its
glory," so that, like an oasis in a desert, it is tolerably visible to the
inquiring eye. A line from e, in the Lion's head, through Regulus,
prolonged more than as far again to the south-east, strikes upon it. This
object was forwarded to me by Sir J. Herchel, as an experimentum crucis
of my optical power, on mounting the large telescope, there being a
minute point in the sfof the 17th or 18th magnitude, which baffled all
my endeavours to detect it. Indeed the one in the np quadrant, B, is
only caught by transient glimpses and keen gazing, so that the estimated
angle and distance are next to mere guesses.
41 Sextantis has been held as having a very sensible proper move-
ment, but recent comparisons have reduced the values of it; yet even
the best are not agreed as to which course it is taking:
P.... Si - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"'03
B.... -f 0"-03 + 0"-02
M 10h 42m 27s PREC. + 3S'31
DEC. N 28° 49''2 S 18"'91
A faint round nebula, pale white, on the ham of the Little Lion's
hind-leg; it is preceded nearly on the parallel by an 8th-magnitude star,
and there are several other small ones in the field, of which four following
ones cross the parallel in a neat arc. This was discovered and registered
by BjL in April, 1785; and is H/s No. 773. The mean apparent place
is differentiated from f Ursae Majoris, and it may be fished for nearly
in mid-distance between y Leonis and f Ursae.
M 10h 43m 50s PREC. + 3S'13
DEC. N 8° 18'7 S 18"-95
POSITION 305°-6 («> 6) DISTANCE 11"'8 («> V EPOCH 1836-26
A neat double star, under Leo's belly. A 8^, and B 9, both bluish
white. Piazzi noticed the duplicity of this object: "Videtur duplex;
praecedens ad austrum;" but the earliest measures I meet with are:
2. Pos. 304° 42' Dist Ep. 1822-43
S. 303° 21' 12"-51 1824-92
whence, on comparison with my results, a direct angular motion might
be inferred; but the object is too difficult to expect a greater coincidence.
It is to be picked up about 13° on a line conducted from Regulus to
Spica Virginis.
2R, 10h 46m 56s PREC. + 3S'27
DEC. N 25° 36'-l S 19"'03
POSITION 102°-5 (w 8) DISTANCE 6"-5 (w 5) EPOCH 1832-26
102°-7 (« 8) 6"-2 (« 8) 1839-33
A neat double star just over the Lion's back, where it is preserved
from the Lesser Lion by one of the map-maker's nooks; it will be
found about 15° north-east of Regulus, on the line produced towards
Alkaid, at the end of the Great Bear's tail. A 4J, white; B 7, grey.
This beautiful object is 30 Ij[. m., whose notification of the colours is
identical with mine, in this instance; and a comparison of the results of
those astronomers who preceded me in measuring it, afford testimony
that little change, if any, has taken place in fifty-eight years:
1$. Pos. 99° 14' Dist. 7"'10 Ep. 1781-14
H. and S. 98° 19' 7"'02 1821-68
2. 102° 48' 6"'18 1830-35
M 10* 51m 38s PREC. -f 3S'29
DEC. N 29° 50'-0 S 19"'16
A large bright-class orbicular nebula, on the Little Lion's haunch,
lying 4° on a line from f Ursae Majoris into the south-west space towards
Regulus; it was discovered by IJ[. in April, 1785, and is No. 805 of his
son's Catalogue of 1830. This remarkable object, with the exception of a
7th magnitude in the north, is in a field strewed with glimpse stars, from
the most remote of which it may still be inconceivably remote, proceeding
by analogy. H. observed it closely, and says, "no doubt a distant
globular cluster;" in other words, not only suns beyond suns, but glorious
systems of suns arranged in harmonious order. Where facts are still
wanting, we can only form our opinions upon general principles.
Now, when the dot which includes our system occupies a range of
3,600,000,000 of miles in diameter, besides a larger space which it
controls, — should it be taken for an average among the millions of suns
around, what imagination can grasp the immensity of creation ! Indeed,
where system thus stretches beyond system, the space must be infinite,
or infinitely near it; and in such contemplation we become conscious of
our own littleness. But no subject whatever, except revelation, can give
a more exalted conception of the Eternal Fountain of all intelligence.
M 10h 52m 00s PREC. + 2s-95
DEC. S 17° 26'-9 - S 19"'17
- BC 268°-2 (.3) --
A star with two very distant companions in the sf, on the base of the
Cup. A 4, orange tint; B 8, intense blood colour; C 9, pale blue, —
a fourth star away in the sf quadrant. This object may once have been
brighter, since it acquired a name — Alkes — and was lettered a; but 8
is now the lucida, and wears the Greenwich honours. It may be found
by carrying an occult line from Arcturus, through B Virginis, and rather
more than the same distance to the south-west. The large star has a very
considerable proper motion, the amount of which has been thus assigned:
P.... SL - 0"-59 Dec. + 0"'06
B.... - 0"-44 + 0"-14
A.... - 0"'48 + 0"-14
KpaTTjpi Crater, though a small and inconsiderable asterism, is one
of the old 48 ; and is easily made out by six stars of the 4th magnitude
in an annular form, on Hydra's back, forming Cicero's fulgens Crater a.
The scholiast on Germanicus termed it Urna, and the Arabians Batiyah,
a large cup, and al-Khas^ the shallow basin ; which last was corrupted
to Alhas by the framers of the Alphonsine Tables, but Scaliger properly
suggested that the word should be Alkes, the name now used for the
star a. While one party looked upon this goblet as Noah's, and others
as the bowl of Bacchus, Schickhard, a reformer of the sphere, declared
it to be the cup of Joseph. The number of its constituents have been
thus stated:
Ptolemy . . . 7 stars Hevelius . . . 10 stars
Tycho Brahe . . 8 Flamsteed ... 31
Bayer .... 11 Bode ..... 95
m 10* 52m 08s PREC. + 38'67
DEC. N 57° 14/-3 S 19"-17
POSITION 1720>6 (u>2) DISTANCE 75"'0 <«> i) EPOCH 1831-37
A bright star with a distant companion, on the Greater Bear's body.
A 2, greenish white; B 11, pale grey, — other stars in view. Though
Piazzi has registered but a small quantity from his Bradleian deductions,
this star appears to have a very perceptible proper motion according to
later comparisons; they are thus:
P.... Si + 0"-12 Dec. + 0"-06
Br... + 0"-26 + 0"-05
B.... + 0"-23 + 0"-03
Although the name Helice, a winding spiral figure in geometry,
pertained to the whole asterism of the Greater Bear — as will presently
be seen — it was also specially applied to /3, the southernmost of the two
pointers; this star has always been a favourite with ancient and modern
seamen, because, by a line from it through a — both stars being the
farthest from the tail — the Pole-star is always readily found. It has since
then obtained the name of Merak, from the Arabian Merak al-dubb-
al-akbar, the loins of the Greater Bear:
Where Charles's Wain adorns the sky, if Merak you would know,
The Pole-star led through Dubhe's light will mark it just below.
M 10h 53m 48s PBEC. + 3S'80
DEC. N 62° 36' 8 S 19"'21
POSITION 203°-8 (w 7) DISTANCE 380"-6 (w 3) EPOCH 1832-41
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant companion, on the Great
Bear's back. A 1£, yellow; B8, yellow, being No. 214 of Piazzi's
Hora X. ; from whose Catalogue these remarkably coincident results are
obtained by reduction:
Pos. 205° 0' Dist. 384"-0 Ep. 1800
A, the northern pointer, which was marked ft or second magnitude by
Ptolemy, is suspected by H. of being variable, and he asked me in
October, 1838, to compare it with e in the same asterism; but my slight
examination was res i?ifecta. A proper motion has been given it, to the
following value:
P.... JR - 0"-24 Dec. 0"-00
£.... - 0"-20 - 0"-09
A.... - 0"'26 - 0"'09
"Aptcros fjL€<yd\rj, Arctos Major, the Great Bear, rivals Orion in
beauty, and is the most splendid and conspicuous of those asterisms in
the Northern Hemisphere which never set; and is, of course, one of the
ancient constellated groups. But the " doers into English" have certainly
injured the purity of its descent to our times, for Job is made to talk
about Arcturus, whereas Bochart assures us that the Hebrew word is
derived from an Arabic one for bier; but Eben Ezra maintains it to be
agalah, a waggon. Both these renderings apply to the succeeding
denominations of the Greeks, Romans, Italians, Germans, and English,
in the "Afjuafa, Plaustrum, Triones, Feretrum, Cataletto, Wagen, and
David's Car, the Plough, and Charles's Wain. In the latter, the two
pointers are termed the hind wheels, the other two the fore wheels, and
the three in the tail are the horses. The Egyptians, we are assured,
called this constellation the Hippopotamus, whence my intelligent friend,
Professor Leemans, says, " Ursa Major, qute secundum Champollionem
dicebatur Canis Typhonis, in tabulis astronomicis indicatur figura hippo-
potami; Horus Apollo." It was also sometimes styled 'E\l/crj in Greece,
a name which, dropping the mythological fable, alludes to its circum-
volution round the pole, whence Aratus, speaking through Gennanicus,
Dat Graiis Helice cursus majoribus astris,
Phoenicas Cynosura regit.
Homer's description, however, of this revolving course, by which the
asterism watches Orion from its arctic den, is but lamely rendered by
Pope. In those early times the name of bier, or sarcophagus, was
directly applied to the four bright stars disposed in the form of a quad-
rangle on the bear's body ; and the three which we call the horses, or
tail — for this bear actually has a tail of 20° projecting from his stern-
frame — symbolized the children of the deceased in attendance. Kircher,
to be sure, claims the four stars of " the square" as the bier of Lazarus,
and the three of the tail as Maria, Martha, and Magdalen; while Schiller
sees, in the same group, the ship of St. Peter. Our popular name of
Charles's Wain (ceorl unde churl) is familiarized from the Gothic Karl-
wagen, the charl, or peasant's cart; and it is applied to the seven well-
known stars a, /3, 7, S, e, f, and 77, which are disposed in the form of a
quadrangle joined by one of its corners to a triangle. Here the classic
astronomer will recognise the Septentriones, of which Cicero says :
Quas nostri Septem soliti vocitare triones.
This constellation guided the nocturnal path of ships, whence it is
introduced into the beautiful picture of night in Apollonius Rhodius;
and Manilius tells us,
Seven equal stars adorn the Greater Bear,
And teach the Grecian sailors how to steer.
Modern navigators, of course, resorted to the same asterism, wherefore
King James in his Prentise^ describing the azure gown of Urania as
decorated with fixed stars, says,
Heir shynes the Charlewain, there the Harp gives light,
And heir the Seaman's Starres, and there Twinnis bright.
Nor is it less an object of regard with our present seamen, by whom
it is usually referred to in alignment, as a known figure; though as Nep-
tune obligingly consented that it should never set within his domain,
both he and Juno must have been dwelling in Europe, for it has been
my fate to see it set often enough, as well as to lose it entirely. And
there is little in southern celestial scenery to balance the loss, either
in beauty or utility; look to the rhymes for its prime use in alignment:
Where yonder radiant hosts adorn the northern evening sky,
Seven stars, a splendid glorious train, first fix the wand'ring eye.
To deck great Ursa's shaggy form, those brilliant orbs combine;
And where the first and second point, there see Polaris shine.
But it must be admitted, that our poets have done little to foster or
exalt the taste for astronomy. Perhaps the theme is too sublime to be
shackled by metre; and as to the nonsensical
Glittering stars in borrowed lustre
of Young*, and the
Blue etherial vault of space
of a Parnassian contemporary, it were better to leave us to such effusions
as Captain Sturmy enriched the old Mariner's Magazine with:
The army of the starry sky
Declares the glory of God most high ;
Seen and perceived among all nations
In eight-and-forty constellations.
To return. The principal star in this constellation is called Dubhe,
from Dubb, the Arabic for a bear, the name of the whole asterism, and
erroneously entered in the Alphonsine Tables for a tlrsse Majoris only.
It was also designated Dhuhr dubb-al-akbar, the back of the Great Bear.
When Bayer facilitated the arrangement of the fixed stars, in 1603, he
marked those in each constellation by the Greek alphabet, according to
their degrees of brightness. But he made an exception in Ursa Major,
so that the principal stars are lettered nearly in their order of JR. The
constituents of this grand asterism have been thus numbered, as pro-
gressive power has been applied :
Ptolemy ... 35 stars Griemberger . . 57 stars
Copernicus . . 35 Hevelius . , . 73
Tycho Brand . . 56 Flamsteed . . 87
Kepler .... 56 Bode .... 338
M 10h 54m 29s PREC. + 3S'28
DEC. N 28° 49''9 S 19"'23
A bright-class nebula, on the Little Lion's haunch, with some glimpse
stars in the field, of which the principal are in the sp quadrant. It is
pale white, elongated, and has the semblance of a nucleus. It was first
registered in April, 1 785, and is No. 810 of H/s Catalogue, who says it
is a resolvable distant cluster. Differentiated with f Ursas Majoris,
which star is also useful in its alignment, should such be attempted;
a north-east ray from Eegulus towards f will pass its site at four-fifths
of the distance from the Lion's heart, f Ursa? will readily be made out,
with v 2° north of it, between Eegulus and Alkaid.
* Did he of the Night Thoughts pick up his science from Blundvil ? This sage
philosopher, writing on the sphere, in 1594, has an apposite passage:
Q. " Why are not the stars scene as well in the day as in the night ?"
A. " Because they are darkened by the excellent brightnesse of the Sunne, from '*
whom they borrow their chiefest light."
We are, however, inclined to forgive Young's borrowed lustre when we recollect his
One sun by day, by night ten thousand shine;
And light us deep into the Deity.
m 10h 55m 44s PREC. + 38'10
DEC. N 4° 30'-0 S 19"'26
POSITION 280°'0 <«2) DISTANCE 1"'3 («2) EPOCH 1836-29
A very neat double star, preceding the Lion's hind-legs. A 8, and
B 8 , both white. It closely follows 58 Leonis, a star of the 5th mag-
nitude, which lies a little south of a line produced from Regulus to
Spica, at one-third of the distance. This pretty object was discovered
by .£., who marked it one of his "pervicinae" under No. 1504 of his
Catalogue of 1827; and he has since thus measured it:
Pos. 275°-68 Dist. 1"'076 Ep. 1829-13
A slight movement in space has been detected in A, of which we
must for the present suppose that B partakes; it has been thus valued:
P.... m - 0"'lo Dec. - 0"-02
B.... - 0"-08 - 0"-08
T.... + 0"-15 - 0"-18
M 10h 57m 37s PREC. + 38'07
DEC. N 0° 49''6 i S 19"'31
A bright-class nebula, preceding the Lion's hind-paws, with an
8th -magnitude star following in the sf quadrant, and four of the 10th
magnitude form a trapezium in the nf, between which and the nebula is
one of the 13th lustre. This object was discovered by Bjl. in February,
1784, and is No. 818 of his son's Catalogue; being large, elongated in
direction np and sf, pale white, and well defined, with the brilliance
increasing in the sp region. It closely follows 62 Leonis, a star of the
6th magnitude, which is 20° south-east of Regulus, and about 11°^
west by south of $ Virginis, the nearest bright star to the east.
This enormous mass of luminous matter is an outlier of the vast
nebulous tract which appears to be posited nearly at right angles to the
Galaxy; but in irregular occurrence. This wonderful zone consists
mostly of groups of spherical nebulae; and skilful inference shows, that
they are as much beyond our sidereal system, as the distance of the stars
exceeds that of our planet from the Sun! As to our own apparently
vast distance from the solar orb, it may be deemed pitifully minute and
almost infinitesimal in comparison.
Besides the more condensed masses, diffused nebulosity exists in an
abundance which exceeds all imagination; and the indefatigable I+L
examined more than 150 square degrees of it. His conclusion is, that
the high degree of rarefaction of the nebulous matter, should not be
considered an obstacle to the theory of its finally being compressed
into a body of the density of our Sun: for, supposing the nebula to
be about 320 billions of miles distant, and its diameter subtending
an angle of 10', then must its magnitude exceed that of the Sun by
more than 2 trillions of times! This presents magnitude and mass vast
and inconceivable; and has staggered many a tyro. Now several im-
portant astronomical truths have been strongly conceived, and adopted
by vigorous understandings, long before their evidence became indubi-
table; and such will be received by the wise, without that "itching
morbus demonstrandi " of which Thomas Lydyat so bitterly complained,
when he determined to oppose, against Jesuit or Papist, the bringing in
of the Gregorian year. The developments which crown Ij[. with im-
perishable fame, will for ages draw forth both practical and theoretical
talent, so that his reasonings and conclusions on the condensation of
nebulous matter into suns and planets, will be rigorously reviewed and
tested; and there is no doubt but that future exertions will create
progressive advances in means. Already has the Earl of Rosse, as
hath been mentioned, page 16, produced the most perfect telescope that
ever was constructed; and he has now undertaken another of 6 feet
aperture and 50 feet focus, with every prospect of attaining perfection.
May diligent observation and faithful records follow, in the true
Herschelian spirit of advancing sidereal astronomy.
M 10* 58m 17s PREC. + 3S'12
DEC. N 7° 59'-9 S 19"*32
POSITION 164°-5 <w 8) DISTANCE 8"-0 («> 6) EPOCH 1831-25
164°-7<«« — 8"-2<«9) 1839-16
A neat and delicate double star, close to the Lion's hind-legs. A 8,
topaz yellow; B .11 J, cerulean blue. These places do not quite quadrate
with Piazzi's; and there is some shade of doubt as to identity, this being
placed before No. 238, Hora X., in the Palermo Catalogue; but the
object here observed is 78 1$. 11., and its relative fixity seems conclu-
sively established, by comparing the above results with the former
^. Pos. 165° 21' Dist. ... Ep. 17«3'00
S. 164° 01' 8"-63 1825-29
2. 164° 46' 8" -03 1833-28
This small pair closely follows % Leonis, a star of the 4th magnitude,
nearly in mid-distance between Regulus and vj Virginis : it will, there-
fore, be readily caught up by the practical gazer.
M Ilh02m02s
DEC. N 56° 31 '-8
PREC. + 3S'57
A large milky-white nebula, on the body of the Great Bear, with a
small star at its sp apex, and an 8th-magnitude preceding it at double
the distance; there is also a brightish group in the np quadrant. It is
easily found, since it lies only about 1° south-east of y@, Merak. This
object was discovered by Ip. in April, 1789; and is No. 831 of his son's
Catalogue. It is faint but well denned, being much elongated with an
axis-major trending sp and nf across the parallel, and a small star, like
a nucleus, in the centre. As Ijf . considers this star to be unconnected
with the nebula, it follows that it is between us and it, and therefore
strengthens to confirmation our belief in the inconceivable remoteness of
those mysterious bodies.
M llh 05m 17s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 21° O0'«3 S 19"'48
POSITION 288°-6 (» 7) DISTANCE l"-2 (« s> EPOCH 1833-31
A neat double star, on the Lion's loins; and closely to the south-west
of 8, Zosma, a star of the 3rd magnitude. Both 74, and both faint
yellow. This beautiful object, which resembles 77 Coronae, was dis-
covered by 2?., and is No. 1517 of the Dorpat Catalogue, where the
results preceding mine are :
Pos. 287°* 80 Dist. 1"*052 Ep. 1829'70
There appears to be a small though sensible proper motion of this
star through space, of which these values have been estimated:
P.... JR - 0"-37 Dec. - 0"-07
B.... - 0"'38 - 0"'ll
r.... - 0"-20 - 0"-18
2& llh 05m 24s PREC. -f 3S'53
DEC. N 55° 52'-9 S 19"-48
A large planetary nebula, or globular collection of nebulous matter,
found by M. in 1781, on the Great Bear's flank, with several stars in
the field, one of which is pretty close. It lies about 2° to the south-east
of /$, Merak, and just south of an imaginary line from /3 to 7. This
very singular object is circular and uniform, and after a long inspection
looks like a condensed mass of attenuated light, seemingly of the size of
Jupiter. The mean apparent place was obtained by a differentiation
with that of ijr Ursse Majoris, and this diagram was sketched. Sir
William Herschel discovered this orb in 1 789, and found it a globular
body of equal light throughout: he also says, "From the observation
of the 20-foot telescope, it appears that the profundity of this object is
beyond the gauging power of that instrument; and as it must be suffi-
ciently distant to be ambiguous, it cannot well be less than of the 980th
order." The 980th order!
M llh 05m 35s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 21° 24'-l S 19"'48
POSITION AB 500>0 (wi) DIFFERENCE M = 4s-9 (*>
AC3450-0,.,, a-' ']
A standard Greenwich star, with companions forming a coarse triple
object, in a black field, at the root of the Lion^s tail. A 3, pale yellow;
B 13, blue; C 9, violet; a fourth and most minute star is suspected
nearly in the line of C, and about a third of the distance, but this is not
confirmed by Mr. Dawes, who also examined the object for me.
£ Leonis and 6 Virginis are the stars which FJamsteed observed, in
1690, with the object which has since proved to be Uranus. S has a
proper motion, which has been thus registered:
P.... M + 0"-18 Dec. - 0"-11
B.... + 0"-26 - 0"-14
A.... + 0"-22 - 0"-14
This star is called Zosma, from fwcr/ia or fw/za, a tunic or girdle,
but why so designated, deponent sayeth not: it is not mentioned by
Ideler. With 6 it forms the Xlth Lunar Mansion, and is named al-
zuhrah) the mane or hair on the lion's back. Zosma will be readily
distinguished 18° north-east of Regulus, and 5° due north of 0, where it
forms a fine scalene triangle with 6 and y8.
M Ilh08m28s PREC. + 3s' 17
DEC. N 18° 55'-0 S 19"-54
A fine round white nebula, at the root of the Lion's tail, well-defined,
and with a brightish centre. A little to the north of it is another
rather smaller, which is 51 Ij[. n.; and there are some telescopic stars
between them. They are followed by a triangle of three stars, and the
whole forms a field of high interest.
This object was discovered by I£. in March, 1784, and described as
a "triple" nebula, but I can only see the above-mentioned: they form
Nos. 845 and 846 of H.'s Catalogue of 1830. The mean apparent place
was carefully differentiated with S Leonis, from which it bears about 2°£
to the south-south-east.
m 1 lh 08m 32s PREC. + 38'05
DEC. S 2° 46'-6 S 19"'54
POSITION 285°-5 («u) DISTANCE 105"-0 (**) EPOCH 1831-27
A star with a distant companion, under Leo's hind-paw; to pick it
up, drop a ray from B through 0, and prolong it south till it intersects a
line produced from 77 Yirginis to Alphard. A 5, pale yellow; B 8J, violet;
two other distant stars in the field; which did not escape the steady
gaze of Piazzi, who remarks, Nota 23, Hora XL, " Binae telescopicae
praecedunt." This object was merely examined to ascertain whether an
increase of distance between the two had actually taken place, to the
extent denoted by a comparison of the following registered measures:
1$. Pos. 281° (XT Diet. 98"-58 Ep. 1782-11
H. and S. 286° 56' 106" '25 1821 -24 .
</> Leonis has a very slight movement in space attributed to it, of the
following contending values:
P.... Si - 0"-20 Dec. -f 0"-09
B.... - 0"-05 - 0"-05
M llh 09m 38s PBEC. + 3S'25
DEC. N 32° 25'-8 S 19"-56
POSITION 207°*5 (*> 4) DISTANCE l"-8 (w 3) EPOCH 1830-94
196°-9 (« 7) l/7-9 (« 3) 1832-29
182°-6 (« 7)
180°-2 (w 5)
165°-5 (w 7)
160°-7 (« 9)
143°-2 (» 9)
^5 *1 (^C 3)
1"'9 (10 5)
lX/-8 (w 3)
2"'l (w 4)
A binary star of the most interesting description, in the Bear's left
hind-paw, directly under v, or Al ulq Borealis; the two forming a
miniature of 8 and 0 Leonis, which are 10° due soutli of them. A 4,
subdued white; B5J, greyish white, and both very bright. It is usually
designated Al Ula Australis, from the Arabian Al-kafzah-al-ula, the
gazelle's first spring or leap ; and has had this proper motion assigned it :
P.... 1R - 0"-62 Dec. - 0"-G4
£.... - 0"-45 - 0"-57
A.... - 0"-51 - 0"-60
This extraordinary pair forms an object of the gravest importance,
since its motion is so rapid as to admit of being demonstrated by measure-
ments at short intervals. So far back as 1825, H. most strongly recom-
mended it for constant and careful observation. " This done," said he,
" there is no doubt of our arriving at a precise knowledge of the elements
and position of the orbit described by each about their common centre
of gravity; and the question of the extension or non-extension of the
NEWTONIAN law of gravity to the sidereal heavens — the next great step
which physical astronomy has yet to make — will be effectually decided."
The effect of such a call, was to animate exertion; and its consequence
has been a series of excellent measures by various astronomers. From
the whole the following are selected, as my discussion points:
IJjL Pos. 143° 47' Dist.3"-50 Ep. 1780-33
H. and S. 258° 27' 2"*81 1823-29
2. 229° 30' l"-82 1827 '26
There is not a binary star which goes further to prove that there is
yet much to be accomplished in the art of measuring, than f ; for the
discordancies in the value of its annual movement in orbit are great.
This, and the gap in the period of the starting points, make it difficult
to investigate the elements by the process of gathering the radii vectores
of the revolver from the angle of position — a method founded by Herschel
on the condition, that they are equal to the square roots of the apparent
angular velocities. Still I essayed it, and brought out a period of sixty-
five years, which, perhaps, is not offensively out.
Sir John Herschel had also predicted that, between 1839 and 1841,
this star would have completed a full revolution from the epoch of the
first measurement of its position in 1780, in a periodic time of about
59 years. M. Savary elaborately computed its orbit in 1830, making its
period to be 58^ years, and in his acute discussion of the details, adduces
an equation due to the finite velocity of light. Indeed, of all the stellar
orbital periods yet discussed, this of £ Ursse Majoris is admitted to be the
most rigorously determined; and did we but know its parallax, and
thence its absolute distance from the Earth, we might readily decide
upon the linear extent of its orbit. This long-sought and ardently-
wished desideratum, however, now appears to be close at hand, and the
admirable labours of Bessel and Henderson will enable us to set about
weighing the masses of those Stars whose relative movements become
known: since the prevalence of universal gravitation is unequivocally
established by the elliptic forms of the orbits of binary systems. But
more of this at (51 Cygni.
From what is advanced respecting stars of the first lustre, it may be
inferred that f Ursae, which is of the 4th magnitude, may be about 7|
millions of solar distances from us. With this deduction, which, though
hypothetical, is not arbitrary, the geometer proceeds to view this binary
system as united by attraction under masses equal to 117 and 42, which
together embrace a space 159 times as large as our solar system; and if
we can accord a density equal to that of the Sun, the diameter of the
two bodies will be 4y9^ and 3^ times greater than his. A path slightly
elliptic is indicated by the one moving round the other, in about sixty
years, having an orbital inclination at an angle of 37° 45' with the plane
of our visual ray, and a mean separation of 83f of our distance from the
Sun. According to this hypothesis, the apparent diameters of these two
stars are only f^" and -g-^-g- "; wherefore, if we see them in our best
telescopes under an angle of half a second, the apparent enlargement
must be attributed to the dispersion of light in the atmosphere, in the
instrument, and in the eye.
M llh 09m 49s PREC. + 3S<26
DEC. N 33° 58'-0 S 19"'57
POSITION 147°-2 (tc5> DISTANCE 7"*8 (»2> EPOCH 1834-31
A delicate double star, on the Bear's left hind-foot, immediately
above f, and therefore called Al Ula Boreulis. The six stars in the
three feet — v and f, \ and ytt, t, and K — were designated Kafzdt al-
dhiba^ springs of the gazelle; and the two in each foot one spring.
These antelopes seem to have, been the informes since gathered up as
Leo Minor; and the springs were owing to the fear of the Greater
Lion's tail. Thus on the Borgian globe stands Al-dhiba tva-auladu~ha,
the gazelles and their young, where now the Lesser Lion figures. A 4,
orange tint; B 12, cerulean blue, preceded exactly on the equatoreal line
by a 7th-magnitude star, with A JR = 2ls'5. This elegant object was
discovered by X> No. 1524, and thus measured:
Pos. 146° 56' Dist. 7"'096 Ep. 1830-69
and A has had a slight proper motion assigned, thus:
P.... M - 0"-03 Dec. + 0"-05
B.... + 0"-06 + 0"-04
A.... - 0"-01 + 0"-05
It is mentioned under No. CCCCVI. that this star with f forms a
miniature of 8 and 6 Leonis, 10° to the south of them; and for further
identity it may be added that a west-south-west ray from Cor Caroli
to e Leonis passes them in mid-distance.
m llh llm 21s PREC. + 3S-00
DEC. S 13° 54'-8 S 19"-59
POSITION 94°-l <«>i) DIFFERENCE JR = 19s-8 <« n EPOCH 1834-33
A secondary Greenwich star, with a very distant companion on the
Goblet; midway between Alphard and Spica, but a little south of the
line produced by them. A 3|, pale orange; Bll, pale blue, — other
small stars in the field. The magnitude of A is here adopted from
Piazzi, and he is followed by most of the recent catalogues; but on
comparing it with others of similar grade, it hardly appears sufficiently
bright to have been lifted out of the 4th magnitude, where Ptolemy,
Tycho Brahe, Hevelius, and Flamsteed, placed it. It is now, however,
the lucida of the asterism; and the value of its proper motion in space
is thus registered:
P.... JR, - 0"-19 Dec. - 0"-06
B.... - 0"-06 + 0"-17
A.... - 0"-10 + 0"-20
m llh llm 38s PREC. + 38'04
DEC. S 6° or-4 S 19"-60
POSITION 315°-0 («>4) DISTANCE 8"-0 <t*4> EPOCH 1836-29
A neat but minute double star, between the Cup and the Lion's
hind-feet; and exactly 8° due north of B Crateris, the alignment for
which has just been given: a ray projected from 8 Crateris to 6 Leonis
passes over it at nearly one quarter of the distance. A 8^, and B 9, both
bluish white, — other small stars in the field. This object was detected
double by 5"., No. 1530 of the Dorpat Catalogue, under these measures:
Pos. 314° 60' Dist, 7"'65 Ep. 1830-23
M llMlm48s PREC. + 3S'14
DEC. N 13° 52'-4 S 19"'60
A large elongated nebula, with a bright nucleus, on the Lion's haunch,
trending np and sf; this beautiful specimen of perspective lies just 3°
south-east of 6 Leonis.
It is preceded at about
733 by another of a
similar shape, which is
Messier's No. 65, and
both are in the field at
the same time, under a
moderate power, toge-
ther with several stars.
They were pointed out
by Mechain to Messier
in 1780, and they appeared faint and hazy to him. The above is their
appearance in my instrument.
These inconceivably vast creations are followed, exactly on the same
parallel, at A JR— 174s, by another elliptical nebula of even a more
stupendous character as to apparent dimensions. It was discovered by
H., in sweeping, and is No. 875 of his Catalogue of 1830.
The two preceding of these singular objects were examined by Sir
William Herschel, and his son also; and the latter says, "The general
form of elongated nebulae is elliptic, and their condensation towards the
centre is almost invariably such as would arise from the superposition of
luminous elliptic strata, increasing in density towards the centre. In
many cases this increase of density is obviously attended with a diminu-
tion of ellipticity, or a nearer approach to the globular form in the central
than in the exterior strata." He then supposes the general constitution
of those nebulae to be that of oblate spheroidal masses of every degree of
flatness from the sphere to the disc, and of every variety in respect of
the law of their density, and ellipticity towards the centre. This
must appear startling and paradoxical to those who imagine that the
forms of these systems are maintained by forces identical with those
which determine the form of a fluid mass in rotation ; because, if the
nebulas be only clusters of discrete stars, as in the greater number of
cases there is every reason to believe them to be, no pressure can be
propagated through them. Consequently, since no general rotation of
such a system as one mass can be supposed, Sir John suggests a scheme
which he shows is not, under certain conditions, inconsistent with the
law of gravitation. " It must rather be conceived," he tells us, " as a
quiescent form, comprising within its limits an indefinite multitude of
individual constituents, which, for aught we can tell, may be moving one
among the other, each animated by its own inherent projectile force,
and deflected into an orbit more or less complicated, by the influence of
that law of internal gravitation which may result from the compounded
attractions of all its parts."
M HM5m35s PBEC. V 3S'12
DEC. N 11° 24'-8 S 19"' 67
POSITION 90°-5 (w5) DISTANCE 2"-4 <u>2) EPOCH 1836-40
87°'7 <««) 2"-4 <«3) 1839-32
86°'0 (w 8) 2"-5 (w 4) 1843-38
A binary star on the Lion's flank; 7° south-west of Denebola, with
which star and 6 it forms a neat scalene triangle, of which it is the
southern vertex. A 4, pale yellow; B 7i> light blue. This beautiful
object was discovered by £., whose earliest measures were:
Pos. 97° 0' Dist. 2"-30 Ep. 1827'28
and afterwards, by treating the result of his observations by the method
of least squares, he inferred a retrograde angular motion. My own
measurements in 1836 and 1839 were so satisfactory, that X's views
are confirmed, and I scruple not to designate it a binary system; but
I am not aware that any other telescopes have yet been directed to its
investigation; however, as great interest must attach to its movements,
it may be proper to show ground for entertaining the suspicion, which
is, that from 1827 to 1836, the observations gave a change of angle
= - 0°72 per annum, and from 1836 to 1839 one= - 0°'93.
Since this was written, the Rev. W. R. Dawes has shown me some
forthcoming observations which he has taken of this object; and on
the night of April 24th, 1843, we saw it very neatly from Mr. Bishop's
observatory, in Regent's Park. My measures at Ilartwell just after-
wards were, to the senses, very satisfactory.
Piazzi's comparisons of i Leonis with Bradley and Mayer, yielded no
proper motion in JR; but more recent examinations show a positive
movement; the values stand:
P.... 2& 0"'00 Dec. - 0"-03
Br... + 0"'25 - 0"-06
B.... + 0"'23 - 0"'06
m llh 16m 01* PREC. -f 38'28
DEC. N 39° 38'-2 S 19"'68
A bright-class nebula, before the animal's left hind-leg, nearly in a
line with four telescopic stars to the south from the 9th to the llth
magnitudes — two of which precede, and two follow; the latter are the
smallest and by far the nearest. It is small, round, and lucid white;
and H. says it is resolvable. Assuredly it is most wonderful that this
object — apparently about 40" or 50" in diameter — should present a
remote universe; yet the resolvability implies the existence of an
immense number of stars at a proximity apparently much greater than
those in our own Via Lactea. Indeed it has been shown, that clustering
collections of stars may easily contain upwards of 50,000 of them !
A ray from Polaris, through the tip of Draco's tail, and prolonged
30° due south, will arrive at this nebula^s site; which is nearly in mid-
distance between Alioth and Regulus, and exactly between Flamsteed's
No. 55 and 57 Ursse Majoris.
m llh 16m 54s PREC. + 29'99
DEC. S 16° 48'-3 S 19"-69
POSITION 102°-5 («>2) DISTANCE 3"-0 (»n EPOCH 1838*26
A close double star, in the centre of the Goblet, and 3° south-south-
east of S, the present lucida. A 4, bright white; B 14, grey, a star of
the llth magnitude following nearly on the parallel, in the line of A
and B, at about 25s; and the 8th-magnitude star mentioned by Piazzi,
Note 62, Hora XL, is at a distance in the np. This fine but delicate
object, erroneously lettered ^ in the Palermo Catalogue, was discovered
by H. in his 20-foot Sweeps: the acolyte was sufficiently visible in my
telescope for the rock-crystal, or for exact estimation, but was utterly
obnubilated under the slightest artificial light. The proper motion of A
has been asserted, and then doubted ; but my observations countenance
the following quantities at least, although they were not of a sufficiently
exact nature to decide the question:
P.... M - 0"-29 Dec. + 0"-02
B.... - 0"-09 + 0"-04
A.... - 0"-19 + 0"-07
M llh 17m 21s PEEC. + 3S'31
DEC. N 44° 27''9 S 19"70
A large elongated nebula, between the Greater Bear's hind knees, with
two minute stars about twice as far to the south of it, as they are from
each other. This nebula was discovered by IjL. in January, 1788, and is
No. 887 of his son's Catalogue. It is pale white, brightish towards the
centre, and its axis of extension is preceded by star-dust; but it presents
an ill-defined surface, and has the appearance of a flat stratum seen
A ray from Regulus into the north-east to 7 Ursae Majoris, will
reach the site of this nebula at about two-thirds of the distance, where
it is w/'56 Ursae, about one degree.
m llh 18m 39s PREC. + 3S'09
DEC. N 3° 53'' 1 S 19"72
POSITION 150°-5 <»9) DISTANCE 29"'5 <w>9) EPOCH 183] -33
150°-8 (wo) 29"-8 («9) 1839-22
A neat double star, on Leo's right hind-leg, closely np r Leonis, at
21° east- south -east of Regulus. A 8, silvery white; B 9, pale rose-tint.
This object is 13 ]j]L iv.; and a comparison of the several measures,
while it shows the distance to be stationary, does not confirm the
suspected direct change in the orbital angle. The difference, therefore,
between ]J[. and the recent observers, must be attributed to instrumental
error. These are the results with which I compare my own, for drawing
so decided a conclusion.
$. Pos. 144° 55' Dist. 29"'08 Ep. 1780-27
H. and S. 151° Of 29" -54 1821 '20
2. 150° 01' 29"-58 183271
The object is of very easy measurement, and therefore its fixity may
be deemed to be established : indeed, under the present modes of observ-
ing, greater coincidence can hardly be looked for than that which appears
from 1821 to 1839. It has a very sensible proper motion in space —
presumptively common to both components — which is thus registered:
P.... M - 0"-78 Dec. + 0"-22
B.... - 0"-77 + 0"-16
A.... - 0"-80 + 0"-16
M llh 20m 26s PBEC. + 33'26
DEC. N 40° 13''0 S 19"'75
POSITION 9°-9 (tea) DISTANCE 5"-9 i« 5) EPOCH 1835-42
A neat double star, on the Bear's left hind-leg, nearly midway on a
line produced between 6 Ursae Majoris and Regulus. A 6, lucid white;
B 9, violet. This beautiful object is 86 1$. m., discovered in 1782, but
as he gave no measures of distance, it was probably not rigidly observed.
Still, however, as he mentions the angle of position to have been
75° 36' nf, which was upwards of 4° less than Sir James South found it
in 1825, a slight orbital change was inferred. This is not confirmed by
my results, and the amount of proper movement in space is too insigni-
ficant for consideration ; the micrometric conclusions for comparing with
my epoch, stand thus:
S. Pos. 10° 15' Dist. 6" -294 Ep. 1825-25
2. 10° 42/ 5"«373 1831-91
Another remark is called for: I£[. says that the small star is " a red
point without sensible magnitude;" and S., upwards of half a century
afterwards, rates it of the 10th lustre, as shown by his 7-foot telescope.
In the summer of 1835 it was very distinct, being a bright 9th-size,
bearing illumination admirably. Is it variable?
M llh 21m 50s PREC. + 3s' 68
DEC. N 70° 12'-8 S 19"77
POSITION 345°-0 (*° i) DIFFERENCE M = 17S*5 (•» i) EPOCH 1834-32
A bright star with a distant companion on the tip of Draco's tail.
A 3;j, orange tint; B 12, white; several other small stars in the field
under power ]57« Though neither Brioschi nor Argelander have placed
X on their lists, I cannot but suspect it of proper motions in space, even
to greater values than those assigned, which are:
P.... JR - 0"-15 Dec. + 0"-09
B.... - 0"-06 - 0"-08
This is the Giauzar of the Catalogues, from al-jauzd, a word of
doubtful origin and signification, but interpreted al-juza, the central,
from being nearly midway between the Pole-star and the Pointers.
Others have rendered it Jauzahr, as written by the Arabs for the
Persian Gau-zahr, the poison-place. But this related to a notion that
the nodes, or points where the Moon crosses the ecliptic, were poison-
ous, because those nodes happened to be called the head and tail of the
Dragon. X, however, is merely registered here because it is of some
importance in several of the polar alignments; it is readily known by
its position between the Pointers and Polaris, as it follows the produced
line at nearly 8° from Dubhe.
-?R llh 22m 43s PREC. + 3S'05
DEC. S 5° 50'-2 S 19"'78
POSITION 330°-2 (w s) DISTANCE 9"'5 (w 3) EPOCH 1834-30
A fine but very delicate double star, in a barren field, under the
Lion's hind-paw ; it lies south of a line from ij Virginis to Alphard, and
one-fourth of the way, where it is also two-thirds of the distance between
Denebola and 8 Crateris. A 8, creamy white; B 11, greenish, and
rather more difficult under illumination than its magnitude quite war-
rants. This object was discovered by ^., and the following are the
measures assigned in the great Dorpat Catalogue:
Foe. 331°-85 Dist. 9"'38 Ep. 1831-65
.2R 'Il*23m29s PREC. + 38'13
DEC. N 15° 15'-3 S 19"79
POSITION 319°-8 (»9) DISTANCE 14"'9 (»9) EPOCH 1835'38
A neat double star, on Leo's flank, nearly midway between ft and 6.
A 7» topaz yellow; B 9, pale lilac; a third star of the 10th magnitude
follows in the sf quadrant. This is a good object, although it rather
weakens under illumination; it is 51 IJ[. in., and was first enrolled with
its distance scored as "a little inaccurate." Time, however, has proved
it to be otherwise; for it has been thus measured:
1$. Pos. 317° 33' Dist. 14"-63 Ep. 1782-11
II. and S. 320° 14' 14"'67 1823-28
2. 319° 50' 15"-31 1829-02
From these results, probable errors considered, compared with the
very satisfactory observations I obtained, the object appears to be
unchanged in a period of fifty-three years. A proper motion to the
following amount has been assigned to A, in which B probably partakes :
P.... 1& - 0"'38 Dec. - 0"-25
B.... - 0"-27 - 0"'20
A.... - 0"-30 - 0"-17
M llh 24* 21* PBEC. + 2S'96
DEC. S 28° 23'*0 S 19"'80
POSITION 207°-8 <«3> DISTANCE 10"'l <«2) EPOCH 1833-21 '
A neat double star, of which A is 5£, lucid white; and B 75 violet
tint. This object is situated in the far south, about 15° south by east
of 8 Crateris, its lucida; and there it is also pointed to by a ray from Spica
through a in the Raven's beak. It is formed by Nos. 95 and 96 P.
Hora IX., who designates it 17 Hydrae; but though on Hydra's back, it
is in the Crater's boundary, and albeit Bayer's stars in that asterism do
not exceed 11, Flamsteed numbered it as above, in the British Catalogue,
having carried his numeration up to 31. It is 96 1$. in., and was thus
first registered:
Pos. 205° 33' Dist. 9" -78 Ep. 1783-03
The observations are as coincident as can be expected, under the
variable refractions with which the place of this star is troubled. A is
also subject to a small amount of proper motion, thus:
P.... Si + 0"-24 Dec. + 0"-15
B.... + 0"-06 4- 0"'15
Now had not B been physically connected with A, it seems clear that
their situations regarding each other ought to have varied in forty years.
Even Mr. Baily's reduced value, although it would let the position alone,
would have increased the distance to 15"*7.
m 11* 26m 23s PREC. + 3S*13
DEC. N 17° 40'-9 S 19"'83
"'8 (w 3)J
AC233°-9(*5) 58- '
A triple star in the root of Leo's tail, infra eductionem caudce, where
it will be found 4° west-north-west of Denebola, nearly on the line shot
from that star towards Zosma. A 6, silvery white; B 7J, purplish;
C 9£, pale red. This fine object is 27 1$. !•, and must be classed as
optical; for the excellent and coincident measures previous to mine,
when compared, already indicated fixity. They were :
1$. 1782-29 I H. andS. 1S22-27
Pos. A B 208° 51' Dist. 3"'00± Pos. 208° 52' Dist. 4"-45
AC 234° 4S7 53//-72 233° W 60" 75
M llh 27m 52s PREC. 4- 3S'17
DEC. N 28° 40"0 S 19"'85
POSITION A B 340°'l (u» e) DISTANCE 1'''4 («> 5)1
AC 145°-0 (« 2) 17"-0 (« i)J
A fine and delicate triple star, under the left hind-leg of Lee; A 6,
and B 7, both pale blue; C 13, plum colour. This object forms 3?s
No. 1555; and the two principals have undergone these micrometrical
2. Pos. 339° 22' Dist. 1"'25 Ep. 1829-12
H. 338° 00' (omitted) 1830-26
D. 340° 18' l"-45 1832-24
Here a typographical error has crept into H.'s first series of 7-foot
measures, 111 Piazzi being designated 3. At a distance in the .j/'is the
star mentioned in the Palermo Catalogue : " Alia 8* magnitud. sequitur 57"
temporis, 20" circiter ad austrum." It is situated in a very vacant space
to the eye, about 8° from S Leonis, in a north-north-east direction towards
Mizar; but, to the powerful reflectors now in use, is in a very ocean of
m llh 30m 14s PREC. + 3S<06
DEC. S 1° 33'' 1 S 19"-87
POSITION 280°-9 (* s> DISTANCE 5"-0 («> i) EPOCH 1833-27
A fine but very delicate double star, between Leo's hind-paw, and
the Virginia wing. A 7, pale orange; B 12, reddish, — with a distant dull
star in the sf. This beautiful object, far too delicate for metrical obser-
vation with a small instrument, was discovered by 5*., and is No. 1560
of the Dorpat Catalogue, the last -edition of which records these results:
Pos. 280°-57 Dist. 5"'093 Ep. 1831-58
This star may be fished up about 5° south-south-west of /9 Virginis.
M llh 32m 48s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 37° 25' '-9 • S 19"'90
A first-class nebula, at the back of the Bear's hind-leg, of a pale
white tint. It is elliptical, and though large, so faint as not to be
ily made out, till the equatoreal clock fixes the telescope upon it,
when it rises to view, lying slightly across the parallel, with a following
star. It was discovered in April, 1785, and was re-examined by H.,
No. 945: the space around is apparently blank and starless; hut the
spot is to be sought by a line projected from Regulus through f Ursae
Majoris, and carried 5°^ beyond, where it is intersected by a ray from
6 Leonis to 8 Ursae, the north-east corner of the square.
M HMOm54s PREC. + 38'10
DEC. N 15° 28'-0 S 19"-98
POSITION 114°-0 (» 2) DISTANCE 298"*0 (« i) EPOCH 1833-47
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant companion, on the switch
of Leo's tail. A 2J, bluish; B 8, dull red; preceded by a 7th-rnagni-
tude star in the tip. A sensible proper motion is attributed to A, thus:
P.... M - 0"-53 Dec. - 0"-08
B.... - 0"-48 - 0"'10
A.... - 0"'52 - 0"-09
This star is named Denebola, from the Arabian dhanab-al-asad, the
lion's tail. It is likewise designated Serpha, from al sarfak, the
changer (of the weather), being the Xllth Lunar Mansion ; and has
moreover been known as Daphira, from al-dafirah, the tuft of hair at
the tail's extreme. A line from Procyon through Regulus passes 0,
and over ft Leonis, the latter being about 25° from Regulus ; or, for
eye measurement in aligning, half as far from Regulus, as the latter
is from Procyon. If seeking it from the eastward, drop a line from
Alkaid, lead it through Cor Caroli, and extend it about double the
distance between those two stars into the south-west. The brackish
rhymes point out a nearly equilateral figure, thus:
From Deneb, in the Lion's tail, to Spica draw a line,
Then will these two with Arcturus a bright triangle shine.
m llh 42m 22s PREC. + 3S'10
DEC. N 2° 40'-0 S 19"'99
POSITION 285°-3 (« 2) DIFFERENCE M = 13s- 1 (» i) EPOCH 1833-31
A discarded Greenwich star, with a small companion, in the upper
part of the Virgin's right wing. A 3y, pale yellow; B 11, light blue;
and these two are followed at a distance, near the parallel, by a 9th-
magnitude star. A is charged with a large spacial motion, of which the
following is the registered amount; besides its having been selected by
Mayer, in his Commentatio de moLibus propriis:
P.... 1R + 0"-76 Dec. - 0"-30
B.... + 0"-80 - 0"'28
A.... + 0"'75 - 0"-28
This star is comparatively not bright for its magnitude; but may be
found by the star-gazer's dropping a fancied line from 7 Ursze Majoris,
the southern star of the square in the Greater Bear, through Deneb, and
carrying it about 13° beyond. Piazzi calls it Zavijava, which is cor-
rupted from Zarviyat-al-auwa, the retreat of the barker. Ulugh Beigh
has it Min-al-aurva^ i. e., the stars of the barker, or barking bitch.
These stars, y8, 7, S, and 77, and according to Tizini 6 also, form the
XIHth Lunar Mansion; of which 7 is termed by Kazwini Zawiyah-al-
^ the barker's corner, being at the angle of those stars.
31s PREC. + 35'10
DEC. N 16° 19'-8 - S 20"'00
POSITION 13°'4 ^ DISTANCE 35"-0 <«>2) EPOCH 1832-99
A double star, in the brush of Leo's tail, and following Denebola at
about 1° to the north-east. A 7i, pearl white; B 9J, livid. This object is
60 ]j[. v.; and a comparison of my measures with the preceding ones, indi-
cates that a slow angular change is in progress. The results alluded to are :
y. Pos. 19° 12' Dist. 37" '24 Ep. 1782-09
H. and S. 14° 03' 37"' 11 1823-28
which certainly show a retrocession of greater regularity and amount,
than would be fairly owing to the anomalies included under the vague
term " personal equation."
M llh 44m 36s PREC. + 3S'14
DEC. N 37° 52/-8 S 2CTOO
A bright-class nebula, of a pale white tint, with a central blaze,
between the Bear's hind-legs, and the Hounds. It was discovered in
March, 1786, and is No. 1005 of H.'s Catalogue. When seen by strong
moonlight, it looks like a star in a burr; but in dark nights has a very
large apparent diameter. The above mean apparent place hangs upon
f Ursas Majoris; its site is known by glancing from Alkaid, at the tip
of the Greater Bear's tail, towards Regulus, and it is passed at rather less
than half the distance. But the immediate vicinity is very poor to the
unassisted eye.
M Ilh45m23s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. N 54° So 'I S 20"'00
POSITION 34°'7 (»D DIFFERENCE M = 15S'3 (wi) EPOCH 1833*37
A standard Greenwich star, with a distant companion, on the Bear's
right ham. A 2, topaz yellow; B 9, ashy paleness, with a fine group
of stars in the field, of which one near the parallel of the sp quadrant is
coarsely double. The reduction of my own meridional observations does
not warrant the assumption of proper motion to A, but a small quantity
has been assigned, of these values :
P.... JR + 0"-06 Dec. - 0"-03
B.... + 0"-24 - 0"-02
A.... + 0"'19 - 0"-01
This star is called Phecda, from the Arabian Fekhah-al-dubb-al-akbar,
the thigh of the Groat Bear; and being at the south-east angle of the
conspicuous stellar square in that constellation, is useful in some of the
alignments by which particular stars are noted. Thus we are told by
the oft-quoted word-spinner:
He who would scan the figured skies, its brightest gems to tell,
Must first direct his mind's eye north, and learn the Bear's stars well.
M Ilh45m25s PREC. + 3S'18
DEC. N 53° 13'-6 - S 20"'00
A large pale-white nebula, on the Bear's right haunch, about l°i
south of 7; discovered in April, 1789. It has a peculiar appearance in
the field, from there being a coarse small double star to the north of it,
and from its being followed by a vertical line of five equidistant telescopic
stellar attendants. This object is fine, but, in my instrument, faintish;
it brightens towards the middle; and 1£. says there is, in that part, an
unconnected star, the which I cannot make out.
From every inference this nebula is a vast and remote globular
cluster of worlds, for H. assures us it is actually resolvable. By its
blazing towards the centre, proof is afforded that the stars are more
condensed there than round its margin, an obvious indication of a
clustering power directed from all parts towards the middle of the
spherical group. In other words, the whole appearance affords pre-
sumptive evidence of a wonderful physical fact, — the actual existence
of a central force.
M llh 46m 45s PREC. + 3S'15
DEC. N 47° 22'-0 S20"-01
POSITION A B 35°'8(«>7) DISTANCE 3"-8(w>7)l
> EPOCH 1837'39
AC 115°-0 (u> 4) 63 '-5 <«M) j
A triple star, on the Bear's left thigh, of which the sf member, or C,
is Piazzi's No. 184, Hora XI. A 7, hright white; B 9^, pale purple;
C 7» white. This is 72 1$. I., and the various measures hitherto taken
indicate fixity. They are:
I£. 1782-89
Pos. AB 36° 15' Dist. 4" '00 +
AC 112° 21' 60" -08
H. and S. 1821-30
Pos. AB 36° 46' Dist. 3"'71
AC 114° 17' 62"-18
The magnitude which I have assigned, on mature comparison, to B,
does not altogether quadrate with l£[.'s description, of its being a mere
point, which would hardly be suspected. It may be variable; and I
have reason also to think C is. Probably all three are physically con-
nected, in which case they will partake of the slow proper motions of
A, which have been thus registered :
P.... BL - 0"-05 Dec. + 0"'15
S.... + 0"-09 - 0"-02
T.... + 0"-02 0"-00
There is therefore reasonable ground for supposing that this object
will increase in interest. It is easily fished up by carrying a ray from
the Pole-star, between K and X Draconis, through 7 Ursse Majoris, and
7° south of it, where it will meet a cross line from -^ to rj.
m llh 47m 03s PREC. + 3S>18
DEC. N 56° 00r7 S 2CT-01
A planetary nebula, in a barren field, on the Bear's hind-quarter.
It is small, find uniformly of a pale bluish-white colour, but exceedingly
well-defined, without the haziness mentioned by H., No. 1017; but I
certainly had a splendid night for the examination, with the instrument
in capital working order. This neat object was discovered with a
moderate reflector, at Slough, in April, 1789. There is a lilac-tinted
lOth-magnitude star on its south vertical. The mean apparent place
was obtained by differentiation from that of 7 Ursaa Majoris, from which
it is only about 1°J to the north by east.
M llh 56m 05s PREC. + 3S'08
DEC. N 22° 21'-1 S 20"*04
POSITION 240°-8 (» 6) DISTANCE 3/x>3 (» s) EPOCH 1832-31
239°-9 («> 9) 3"-6 (» 9) 1839-37
A neat double star just over the Lion's tail; and nearly mid-way
between its own lucida and Denebola, but preceding the imaginary line so
produced. A 6, pearly white; B 7J, lilac tint. This beautiful object is
47 1$. ii., and having been rigidly examined, is concluded to have no
motion appreciable in fifty-seven years. The previous measures were:
^. Pos. 242° 18' Dist. 4"-00± Ep. 1782-30
H. and S. 238° 45' 3"'68 1823-14
H. 234° 47' 4"-88 1828*42
2. 240° 37' 3"'73 1829-54
My last measures of this star were so satisfactory, that I place the
greatest reliance on them. The night was truly superb, and the defini-
tion of the objects so exquisite, that they resembled two jewels fixed in
the field. Indeed, under the Claude Lorraine illumination, they were
admirably sharp and tranquil; the vision therefore might almost be styled
perfect. Under such circumstances, with the instrument in the finest
working order, and the eye so turned, by inclining my head, as to have
its principal section parallel to the wires, the results could hardly fail of
being among the best I ever obtained.
M llh 58m 51s PREC. + 3S'08
DEC. N 43° 57''3 • S 2(T'04
A bright-class nebula, in a poor field, behind the Greater Bear's left
hind-leg, at rather more than one-third of the distance from B towards
Denebola, where it is within a degree to the east by north of 67 Ursae, a
star of 5^ magnitude. It is of a lucid white
colour, and narrow, being elongated in the
direction of np and sf. ]$L discovered it in
January, 1788; and it is No. 1088 of his son's
Catalogue of 1830. In the nf quadrant is a
fine wide double star, the individuals of which
point exactly to the centre of the nebula, on a
line forming an angle of about 230° with the
meridian. The mean apparent place is obtained
by a careful differentiation with 2 Canes Venatici, and the annexed was
its appearance in the field of view.
M 12h 06m 01s PREC. + 3S>06
DEC. N 15° 47''2 S 20"-04
A fine and large, but rather pale nebula, between Virgo's left wing
and Leo's tail; with the bright star, 6 Comae Berenicis, following in the
next field exactly on the parallel. M., who discovered it in 1781,
merely registered it as " a nebula without a star, with an extremely faint
light;" but on keeping a fixed gaze it brightens up towards the centre.
It is elongated, in the direction of two stars, the one np and the other sf
of the object; with another star in the nf quadrant pretty close. Diffe-
rentiated with ft Leonis, which star it follows by 60J in the direction of
Arcturus; it lies on the outskirts of the vast region of nebulae that adorns
the Virgin's wing.
M 12h07m28s PREC. + 3S-00
DEC. N 57° 55'-3 S 20"'04
POSITION 127°-0 (w 2) DIFFERENCE M = 20S>4 (w n EPOCH 1832-41
A fine star — suspected of variability — with a distant companion, on
the Greater Bear's stern-frame. A 3, pale yellow; B 9, ash-coloured,
other stars in the following part of the field. This was enrolled by
Ptolemy, Ulugh Beigh, Hevelius, La Caille, Bradley, and Piazzi, of the
3rd magnitude; but Tycho Brahe and the Prince of Hesse designate it of
the 2nd. Flamsteed records it of 2^, Pigott of the 4th, and I have,
on careful comparison, sometimes thought it too bright for a 3rd rank.
It may therefore prove to be variable from the 2nd to the 4th lustre;
and that at long periods.
This star, the north-east one of the brilliant square, is Megrez of the
Palermo and other Catalogues; a word abbreviated from the Arabian
Maghrez-al-dubb-al-akbar, the root of the Great Bear's tail, since it is
" a la naissance de la queue," rather than " in radice caudae," a berth
given sometimes to the neighbouring star Alioth, with its little compa-
nion, called the Fox, to the nf. e Ursse Majoris, was also called al-
hawar, intensely bright, and al-jaun, the black horse; but its most usual
name, Alioth, first appears in the Alphonsine Tables. This being also
the reported site of Hevel's nebula of 1660, and Messier's No. 40, of
1 764, I searched for them by faking, but found only a couple of small
stars lying np and ,$/, with gleams of others. This object, however,
resolved by my telescope, may have been the one seen by those astronomers.
By Mr. Baily's recent investigation, Megrez appears to have a larger
proper motion in JR than was attributed to it by Piazzi, on a comparison
with Bradley; these are the values:
P.... M - 0"-06 Dec. - 0"-08
B.... + 0"-29 - 0"-06
m 12h 07m 35s PREC. + 38*04
DEC. N 37° 12'*8 S 20"'03
A fine white nebula, between the two Hounds, discovered by 1$. in
April, 1785, and No. 1146 of his son's Catalogue. It is in a very poor
field, with two small stars preceding, one on each side of the parallel,
and a lOth-magnitude one pretty closely sf. On attentively gazing,
especially when the equatoreal clock is applied, the nebula comes up
very fairly defined, and is of a slightly oval shape, with its elongation
from np to sf; but despite of all my coaxing, I was unable to see the
two remarkable nuclei, so beautifully figured by H. This object is one
of a nebulous group located between Cor Caroli and f Ursse Majoris,
and bearing west-south-west from the former, distant about 8°.
M 12h 07m 37s PREC. + 3S*06
DEC. N 14° 02'-8 S 20"'03
A long pale-white nebula, among some telescopic stars, on the upper
part of Virgo's left wing; announced in the preceding verge of the field
by a 9th and a lOth-magnitude star, closely on each side of the parallel.
It was discovered by Ijjf . in April, 1783, and is No. 1148 of his son's
Catalogue, where it is erroneously synonymed as 109 Ij[. i. — but it
is delicately figured at No. 59 of the engraved illustrations. This is a
very curious object, in shape resembling a weaver's shuttle, and lying
across the parallel; the upper branch is the faintest, and the centre
exhibits a palpable nucleus, which in my instrument brightens at inter-
vals, as the eye rallies. It is an outlier of the vast and wonderful
nebulous region passing through Virgo, and is one-third of the way
from /3 Leonis to e Virginis.
Nearly 3' following this, and 1°J to the north, is 99 M., a large
round nebula, which, though pale, is well defined in my instrument.
m 12h 08m 06s PREC. + 3S'03
DEC. N 41° 33'- 1 - S 20"'03
POSITION 259°-8 (w &) DISTANCE 11"-1 (w 5) EPOCH 1831-37
- 259°-5 (W9) - ll"-3 («7) - 1839-31
A neat double star, near Chara's mouth, and in a barren naked-eye
spot, about 9° south-west of Cor Caroli, and one-third of the distance
between that star and 8 Leonis. A 6, golden yellow; B 9, smalt blue.
This very fine object is 85 IjjL in., and notwithstanding the supposed
connection between strong colours and motion, its fixity is fully esta-
blished. Indeed, all the recorded observations are eminently coincident:
1$. Pos. 259° 00' Dist. 12" -20 Ep. 1782-87
H. andS. 259° 31' 11"'53 1822-18
2. 259° 38' ll"-42 1832-16
m 12h 09m 57s PREC. + 3S>07
DEC. S 3° 03'-9 S 20"-03
POSITION 198°-5 (to 9) DISTANCE 21"-4 (» 5) EPOCH 1831-39
198°-6 (w 9) 20"-6 (w 9) 1836-27
A fine double star, near the centre of Virgo's right wing, 3° due
south of 77 Virginis, and one- third of the way from Spica to Regulus;
formed by Nos. 32 and 33 of Piazzi's Hora XII., according to whom
they are both 7i magnitudes, though I cannot but say that B is certainly
smaller than A. They are both of a silvery white tinge. It is also
No. 22 of Ijl.'s list of 145 New Objects; but the first micrometric
measures I meet with are those of H. and S., who obtained these results:
Pos. 197° 02' Dist. 21"-01 Ep. 1823-33
This being an object which I had viewed with the amiable Piazzi at
Palermo, in 1814, I was induced to bestow no small attention upon the
observations at the first epoch here recorded; and being a fair and easy
object, I am happy to say that to the senses they are every way satis-
factory. The second epoch was from my desire to examine rigidly
the space between this object, and 17 Piazzi, Hora XII., under the
following circumstances.
In the month of September, 1835, I received a letter from M. Caccia-
tore, the successor of Piazzi at Palermo, of which this extract is literally
translated : " One important thing I must communicate to you. In the
month of May I was observing the stars that have proper motion; a labour
that has employed me several years. Near the 17th star, 12th hour, of
Piazzi's Catalogue; I saw another, also of the 7'8th magnitude, and noted
the approximate distance between them. The weather not having per-
mitted me to observe on the two following nights, it was not till the
third night that I saw it again, when it had advanced a good deal,
having gone further to the eastward and towards the equator. But
clouds obliged me to trust to the following night. Then, up to the end
of May, the weather was horrible; it seemed in Palermo, as if winter
had returned; heavy rains and impetuous winds succeeded each other,
so as to leave no opportunity of attempting anything. "When, at last,
the weather permitted observations at the end of a fortnight, the star
was already in the evening twilight, and all my attempts to recover it
were fruitless: stars of that magnitude being no longer visible. Mean-
while the estimated movement, in three days, was 10" in .51, and about
a minute, or rather less, towards the north. So slow a motion would
make me suspect the situation to be beyond^Uranus. I was exceedingly
grieved at not being able to follow up so important an examination."
Though this notification arrived after the apparition of Virgo had
passed for the season, I lost no time in advising the astronomical world
of its tenour; and bestirred myself, on the reappearance of the constel-
lation, by makiflg reticle diagrams of all the 7i-magnitude objects which
I could find hereabouts. My endeavours proved fruitless; and after
much good time lost in the search, I became convinced it would not be
my fortune to rediscover a planet there.
An extract from my letter being read to the Academy of Sciences at
Paris, 15th February, 1836, it was printed in the Comples Rendus of
that seance, with this sensible but severe animadversion by M. Arago :
"II y a dans cette communication une circonstance que les astro-
nomes auront beaucoup de peine a comprendre. Lorsque le terns rede-
vint favorable a Palerme, a la fin de Mai, Fetoile mobile n*etait plus
visible, dit M. Cacciatore, a cause de la lumiere crepusculaire du soir.
L'explication est admissible lorsqu'il s'agit du passage de Tastre au
meridien; mais deux, mais trois heures apres le coucher du soleil, mais
a nuit-close, rien ne pouvait empecher de comparer la planete soup-
^onnee aux etoiles voisines, soit avec une machine parallactique, soit, a
son defaut, avec le grand cercle azimuthal qui occupe le premier rang
parmi les instruments de VObservatoire de Palerme. II nous parait incon-
cevable qu'un observateur du merite de M. Cacciatore, contrarie comme il
Tetait, comme il devait 1'etre, de ne pouvoir constater de realite une
decouverte aussi capitale, ne se soit pas avise de suivre 1'astre hors du
M 12h llm 04s PREC. + 2S<99
DEC. N 48° ll'-l S 20"-02
A large white nebula, closely following the haunches of the Greater
Bear, discovered by y. in 1788, and No. 1175 of his son's Catalogue.
It is a noble-sized oval, trending rather from the vertical in a direction
np and sf9 with a brightish nucleus in its southern portion ; the lateral
edges are better defined than the ends. It is preceded by two stars of
the 10th magnitude, and followed by two others; and there are also
some minute points of light in the field, seen occasionally by glimpses.
This object was carefully differentiated with Alkaid; and its place
will be indicated by running a diagonal line across the square of Ursa
Major, from a through 7, and carrying it 7i° into the south-east, that
is, a little less than the distance between those stars.
M 12h 13m 45s PBEC. + 3S'06
DEC. N 5° 21'-6 S 20"- 01
A large pale-white nebula, between the Virgin's shoulders. This is
a well defined object, but so feeble as to excite surprise that Messier
detected it with his 3^-foot telescope in 1779. Under the best action
of my instrument it blazes towards the middle; but in H.'s reflector
it is faintly seen to be bicentral, the nuclei 90" apart, and lying sp and
nf. It is preceded by four telescopic stars, and followed by another.
Differentiated with the following object, from which it bears about south
by west, and is within a degree's distance.
This object is an outlier of a vast mass of discrete but neighbouring
nebulas, the spherical forms of which are indicative of compression.
M 12h 14m 24s PREC. + 3S'06
DEC. N 6° ir-8 S 20"-01
POSITION 336°'2 (» 8) DISTANCE 19" -8 <» 6) EPOCH 1832-28
A neat double star, between the Virgin's shoulders; lying at nearly
one-third of the distance from Denebola to Spica, and nearly north of
77 Virginia. A 6, light rose tint; B 9, dusky red. This object is
50 Iff., iv., and from a difference between the first observations and
those of H. and S., the change was suspected to be owing to the proper
motions of the large star, the amount of which is thus assigned:
P.... 1R - 0"-25 Dec. - 0"-02
B.... - 0"-15 - 0"-07
A.... - 0"-20 - 0"'08
But I am* inclined to suppose that an error of 10° in the angular
position may be imputed to the original entry at Slough, as the following
measures of comparison would then be pretty coincident for a star of
such disproportion:
13 . Pos. 328° 21' Dist. 20"-15 Ep. 1782-10
H. and S. 339° 3& 20" -94 1823-20
2. 336° 45' 19" '32 1829'26
M 12h 14m 27s PREC. + S^-OS
DEC. N 26° 44'-l S 20"'00
POSITION 168°-2 (WB) DISTANCE 66"-l (»4) EPOCH 1831-28
A bright star, with a distant companion, in the middle of the Tresses;
about 1°^ south-west of its lucida, and nearly mid-way between Cor
Caroli and Denebola. A 5, straw-coloured yellow; B 8, rose -red; a
third star of the same magnitude in the sf quadrant. This object is
121 Ij]L v., first registered in the new-year^s night of 1783; and its
comes is alluded to by Piazzi's note to 59 Hora XII. The result of
Ip.'s observations gave:
Pos. 163° 00' Dist. 58" -91 Ep. 1783-00
It was next attacked by H. and S., who obtained :
Pos. 168° 47' Dist. 65"-95 Ep. 1821-39
showing an increase both of angle and distance. A comparison of these,
however, with my determinations, implies a relative fixity.
Berenice's Hair was intruded into the constellated host many ages
ago, but was only confirmed between the time of the old 48 asterisms,
and the gathering together of some clustered amor photos in the sixteenth
century; for Ptolemy did not include it as a distinct asterism, but
designates it only as TrXofca/jios; and TJlugh Beigh enrols it as an
extra of Leo, under the name of al dafirah, the tresses. Niebuhr heard
it called al-huzrneh, at Cairo, the which signifies a bundle of wood, or
corn; but the Arabs in general termed it al-helba, and the Trica of the
Alphonsine Tables is recognised as being from rpr^es-, a head of hair.
It was anciently believed that the Tresses had been snatched into the
heavens, because Conon, the astronomer, had so asserted, in order to
console the lady for the loss of a lock of her hair, which she had
dedicated to Venus, on account of a victory obtained by her husband,
Ptolemy Evergetes; but it was Tycho Brahe who first fixed it, about
270 years ago. Old Thomas Hill, in his Schoole of Skil, 1599, calls
these sacred tresses by the homely designation of Berenice's Bush; and
there has been a name still homelier. It is readily found by running
an imaginary line from Benetnasch, the outer horse of the wain, or tip
of the Great Bear's tail, through Cor Caroli, and thence to Denebola, in
the Lion's tail ; midway between which two last, stands this fine though
diffused cluster. The numbers have successively been :
Tycho Brahe . . .14 stars Flamsteed ... 43 stars
Hevelius .... 21 Bode . . . .117
2R 12h 14m 52s PREC. + 3S-04
DEC. N 16° 42'-6 S 20"-00
A round nebula, pearly white, off the upper part of the Virgin's left
wing, and certainly at a great distance from Virgoes ear of corn, where
the Connaissance des Temps places it: indeed, the true site will be hit
upon just one-fifth of the way from /3 Leonis towards Arcturus. This
is a large but pale object, of little character, though it brightens from its
attenuated edges towards the centre; and is therefore proved to be
globular. It was discovered by M. Mechain in 1781, and is accompanied
by four small stars, at a little distance around it; besides minute points
of light in the field, seen by occasional gleams.
We are now in the broad grand stratum of nebulae, which lies in a
direction almost perpendicular to the Galaxy, and passes from the south,
through Virgo, Berenice^ Hair, Canes Venatici, and the Great Bear, to
the Pole, and beyond. This glorious but most mysterious zone of
diffused spots, is an indisputable memorial to all future times, of the
unwearied industry and indomitable scientific energy of Sir William
Herschel. Yet has this unrivalled contributor to knowledge been dis-
paragingly described, as a man indulging in " speculations of no great
value to astronomy, rather than engage in computations by which the
science can really be benefited." Save the mark! This is said of a
philosopher of zeal and application hitherto unequalled: one whose
contributions to the Philosophical Transactions prove the bold but
circumspect grandeur of his conceptions, his consummate mechanical
resources, and the exactness of his elaborate calculations. Herschel's
labours, however, transcended those of the age in which he was cast,
although he gave such animation and bias to sidereal astronomy that
his mantle was caught at.
M 12h 21m 35s PREC. + 3S'10
DEC. S 15° 37''4 S 19"'96
POSITION 210°-9 («>5) DISTANCE 23"'5 («>3) EPOCH 1831-34
A fine double star, on the Haven's right wing. A 3, pale yellow;
B 8^, purple. This object is 105 lj[. iv., and was thus noticed by
Piazzi, No. 101, Hora XII.: "Duplex. Socia summe exigua 0"'5 tern-'
poris praecedit, parumper ad austrum." The following are the measures
with which I compared my own results, and discordant as the angle of
position seems to be, I am more inclined to attribute the differences to
instrumental and accidental oversights, than to orbital movement;
moreover, there is a minus quantity of proper motion imputed to the
large star by Piazzi, and the observations at so low an altitude are
teased with variable refraction:
$L Pos. 216° 00' Dist. 23-50 Ep. 1782-87
H. and S. 213° 33' 24"'00 1823*29
The movement in space attributed to this star, is diminishing under
the recent rigorous comparisons, as will be seen by the values:
P.... Si - 0"-07 Dec. - 0"-20
Br... -0"-11 -0"23
S.... - 0"H)2 - 0"'16
The Palermitan and other Catalogues have dubbed this star Algorab,
from the Arabian Al-ghordb, the raven, though the star is less brilliant
than ft. "Wherefore a, which is usually the brightest star in an asterism, has
here less brilliance than /:?, 7, or 6\ and is recorded as Minkdr-al-ghordb,
the raven's beak; and it is also called Al-khibd, the tent, a name given
by some of the Arabs to Corvus. With the addition of al-yemdni, the
southern tent, the same star is signified, says 'Abdu-r-rahman Sufi.
(Hyde Syntag., pp. 79, 81.) In the old Alphonsine Tables, the name
Algorab is applied to 7.
The alignment of Algorab is both easy and pleasing. To the west-
south-west of Spica two stars of the 3rd magnitude, and 3° apart, will
be seen prolonging the line. These are $ and 7 Corvi; £, the nearest
to Spica, is 15° from it, and it forms with that star and the well-known
7 Virginis, an exact equilateral triangle.
M 12h 21m 369 PREC. + 3S>05
DEC. N 8° 52'-9 S 19"'95
A bright, round, and well-defined nebula, on the Virgin's left
shoulder; exactly on the line between 8 Yirginis and /3 Leonis, 8°, or
less than half-way, from the former star. With an eyepiece magnifying
93 times, there are only two telescopic stars in the field, one of wrhich is
in the sp and the other in the sf quadrant; and the nebula has a very
pearly aspect. This object was discovered by Oriani in 1771, and
registered by Messier as a " faint nebula, not seen without difficulty,"
with a telescope 3^ feet in length. It is a pity that this active and very
assiduous astronomer could not have been furnished with one of the
giant telescopes of the present day. Had he possessed efficient means,
there can be no doubt of the augmentation of his useful and, in its day,
unique Catalogue: a collection of objects for which sidereal astronomy
must ever remain indebted to him.
M 12h 23m 54s PREC. + 3S'03
DEC. N 15° 18'-5 S 19"'94
A long elliptical nebula, on the outer side of Virgo's left wing. It
is pale-white in colour, and trends in a line bearing np and sf; and
with its attendant stars, forms a pretty pageant. The lower or northern
part in the inverted field is brighter than the southern, a circumstance
which, with its spindle figure, opens a large field for conjecture.
This is a wonderfully nebulous region, and the diffused matter occu-
pies an extensive space, in which several of the finest objects of Messier
and the Herschels will readily be picked up by the keen observer in
extraordinary proximity. The following diagram exhibits the local
disposition of the immediate nebulous neighbours north of 88 Messier ;
they being preceded by M., No. 84, and followed by M. 58, 89, 90,
and 91, in the same zone; thus describing a spot only 2°J from north
to south, and 3° from east to west, as the micrometer shows it. And it
will be convenient to keep in mind, that the situation of the extraordi-
nary conglomerate of nebulae and compressed spherical clusters which
crowd the Virgin's left wing and shoulder, is pretty well pointed out to
the practised naked eye by e, 6\ 7, 77, and ft Virginis forming a semi-
circle to the east, whilst due north of the last- mentioned star, ft Leonis
marks the north-west boundary. Reasoning upon the Herschelian prin-
ciple, this may reverently be assumed as the thinnest or shallowest part
of our firmament; and the vast laboratory of the segregating mechanism
by which compression and insulation are ripened, in the course of unfa-
thomable ages. The theme, however imaginative, is solemn and sublime.
m 12h 26m 00s PREC. + 3S'13
DEC. S 22° 30'*6 - S 19"'92
_ AC 306°.5 <„„ -
A Greenwich star of the second grade, elected in 1830. It is in the
Raven's right claw, and lies nearly midway between the two distant
companions, whose position and distance are here estimated. A 2^,
ruddy yellow; B 7> greenish yellow; C 8, dull grey. This is a fine star,
and has unquestionably the precedence of lustre in Corvus, which could
hardly have been the case in Bayer's time; and what is singular, it has
no trivial Arabian designation. Ptolemy gave 7, or third degree of
brightness, to a, (3, 7, £, and e; but Tycho and Hevelius both rated
a and e of the 4th magnitude, and /3 has latterly been elevated to 2'3.
Such discrepancies should be closely watched, for though the low altitude
of the asterism may be against precision in this country, it must be
recollected that Ptolemy, Ulugh Beigh, Alphonsus, and Piazzi, had a
smaller south polar distance. The comparative lustre of the stars in
Corvus, in the year 1796, was ably tabulated by ]$., and is to be con-
sulted in the 86th volume of the Philosophical Transactions, page 468.
Kopag, Corvus, is one of the constellated groups of the southern
hemisphere, and though poor, is one of the ancient 48 asterisms. It is
immediately to the east of Crater, and between Spica and Alphard, but
considerably nearer to the former, where it is readily made out by a
lozenge of four stars of the 3rd and 4th magnitudes. As it contains a
part of the body of Hydra, on which the bird rests, it is sometimes
designated Hydra et Corvus. It was piously regarded as Noah's raven;
but this not being quite satisfactory to the Mosaicists, Columba Noachi
was instituted by Royer, in 1679. (See a Hydrae.) The ancient Arabians
called it ""Arsh al-simdk al-a'zal, the throne of Spica; and with some it
was also Al-ajhmal, the camels, Al-khiba, the tent, and ''Ajaz-al-A sad,
the lion's rump, from an enormous constellation of which it was a part,
without any reference to the Lion of the Zodiac, afterwards borrowed
from the Greeks. Indeed these original Arab names relate to figures in
the heavens imagined by the Bedawis, long before their descendants
studied Hellenic astronomy. The constituent members of Corvus, have
been thus numbered :
Ptolemy .... 7 stars Hevelius . . . .10 stars
Tycho Brahe . . 8 Flamsteed ... 9
Kepler .... 7 Bode ..... 61
A long occult line from Wega (a- Lyrae) through Spica (a Virginis),
and carried about 15° beyond, enters among the four principal and well-
known stars of Corvus:
Mark in the space along the sky, where Hydra's volumes are,
And 'twixt the Cup and Virgin's spike, you'll find the Raven's square.
M 12h 26m 08s PREC. + -2«-93
DEC. N 42° 13'7 S 19"'92
POSITION 228°-0 (u> i) DISTANCE 297"'0 (w i) EPOCH 1835*24
A bright star with a distant companion, in the eye of Chara, the
southern dog. A 4|, but suspected of variability, pale yellow; B 10,
bluish; and there is another star in the $/?, nearly on the parallel, at
A JR 28S<5, as well as a very minute one in the nf quadrant. The
large star is involved in a nebulous photosphere, as described by H.,
No. 1332 of Catalogue for 1830; but the nebulosity is no further
apparent in my instrument, than in giving the , object an apparent
derangement of focal definition. A proper motion has been assigned to
it as follows, and my observations countenance the largest value :
P.... M - 0"-02 Dec. + 0"'33
B.... - 0"-98 + 0"*28
A.... - 0"-48 + 0"'28
Here Piazzi, by comparison of his own observations with those of
Flamsteed and Bradley, produced but a small value in JR ; but Mr.
Baily has detected a serious amount.
m 12h 27m 06s PREC. + 3S'01
DEC. N 19° 15'-5 S 19"'90
POSITION 272°-l (w 9) DISTANCE 20"'5 (w 9) EPOCH 1836-38
A neat double star, between the Tresses and Virgo's left wing; lying
at two-fifths of the distance from Arcturus to Regulus. A 5£, orange
colour; B 7> emerald tint, — the colours very brilliant. This fine object is
27 ^. iv., and Nos. 132 and 133, Hora XII., of the Palermo Catalogue.
The following measures — in which reductions from Piazzi are also
included — are those from which, compared with my own, we may venture
to pronounce the relative orbital fixity of these stars; and the refine-
ment of modern observations, and rigid scrutiny, is making its imputed
proper motions disappear:
1$. Pos. 273° 28' Dist. 18" -44 Ep. 1781 '16
P. 273° 00' 20" -20 1800-00
H. and S. 272° OT 20" '65 1822 '24
2. 271° 57' 20"'42 1830-03
This seems to be one of the informes designated by Ptolemy as afiavpol,
obscurce, but now in the distinct boundary of Berenice's Hair.
m 12h 28m 21s PREC. + 2S'99
DEC. N 26° 52'*2 S 19"'89
A large white nebula, in the centre of the Tresses, and 2° south-
east of the lucida, or 16 Comae Berenicis; discovered by 1$. in April,
1784, and No. 1357 of his son's Catalogue. It is a curious, long, and
streaky object, lying np and sf across the field, in somewhat of a weaver's
shuttle shape, and preceded by four telescopic stars in a vertical curve.
From the description which I received viva voce from H., my attention
was intently fixed upon this nebula; ajid, after long and patient gazing,
a parallel patch on the following limb was rather inferred than made
out, by a peculiar glow on that part.
The parallel appendage to this nebula is a most extraordinary pheno-
menon, and is very beautifully figured in the Philosophical Transactions
for 1833, by H. ; who considers the two as constituting a flat annulus
seen at a great obliquity, but having very unequal breadths and densities
in its two opposite semicircles. " Or," asks he, " must we admit the
appendage to be a separate and distant nebula, dependant, by some
unknown physical relation, on its brighter neighbour?"
m 12h 30ra 30s PREC. -f 3S'08
DEC. S 3° 29''5 S 19"'87
POSITION 104°*5 (» 3) DISTANCE 50"-0 (» V EPOCH 1833-31
A wide double star, on the centre of Virgo's right wing; on the line
and exactly two-thirds of the distance between Spica and ij Virginis. A
6y, pale yellow; B 11, greenish; several small stars in the field, of which
a pair in the np quadrant must be the " double star of the Vth class in
view, preceding," recorded at 129 IjJ. v. This object was registered in
February, 1783, but without measures of position; yet the estimation
6° or 7° sf identifies it, as well as the distance = 46"*70. It appears to
have been first microraetrically treated by S. with these results:
Pos. 105° 22' Dist. 50" '55 Ep. 1825-36
143 P. is a borderer of the locus lunce designated the XHIth House;
and also of a region of spherical nebular masses revealed by the telescope,
of which it was well said, " Ccelique vias et sidera monstrat."
m 12h 30™ 56s PREC. + 3"-16
DEC. S 25° 51'*1 - S 19"*86
A large round nebula on Hydra's body, under Corvus, discovered in
1780 by Mechain. In 1786, Sir William Herschel's powerful 20- foot
reflector resolved it into a rich cluster of small stars, so compressed that
most of the components are blended together. It is about 3' broad,
and 4' long; and he estimated that its profundity may be of the 344th
order. It is posited nearly mid-way between two small stars, one in
the np and the other in the sf quadrant, a line between which would
bisect the nebula. It is very pale, but so mottled that a patient scrutiny
leads to the inference, that it has assumed a spherical figure in obedience
to attractive forces. Differentiated with ft Corvi, from which it bears
south by east, within 3° distance.
M 12h 31m 40s PREC. + 3S*10
DEC. S 10° 43'-7 S 19"*85
A lucid white elliptical nebula, between the Virgin's right elbow and
the Raven, in an elegant field of small stars; discovered by ]j[. in May,
1784, and No. 1376 of his son's Catalogue. It lies nearly parallel to
the equatoreal line of the instrument, and on intense
attention may be seen to blaze in the middle. The half
dozen principal stars form a great Y, with the nebula
as the centre. But it seems a mere wisp of subdued
light, insomuch that my telescope does not afford me
even the doubts inspired by the 20-foot reflector; for
Herschel remarks that there is a faint, diffused oval
light all about it, and that he is almost positive that
there is a dark interval or stratum, separating the nucleus and the general
mass of the nebula from the light above it. " Surely no illusion."
" The general form of elongated nebulfe is elliptic," says H., " and
their condensation towards the centre is almost invariably such as
would arise from the superposition of luminous elliptic strata, increasing
in density towards the centre." This must be another of those vast flat
rings seen very obliquely, already spoken of, and is an elegant example
of that celestial perspective; it bears due west from Spica, and is 11°
distant from that star, forming nearly a right angle with ft Hydra?, which
lies 12° to the southward.
!, 12h 33ra 33s PBEC. + 3S'07
0° 34'-3 S 19"'84
DISTANCE l"-6 (* « EPOCH 1831-38
l"-2 (ITS) 1832-40
63°-6 (« 7)
45"-5 (w
round (w 9)
round (w 9)
6/0% (»8)
(w 4)
348°-6 (» 4)
7 (tc3)
not taken
elongated (w 6)
elongated («? 5)
Ox/-6 (w i)
0/y*8 (w 2)
r-o (« 2)
r-a (« 3)
l/X-9 (^ 5)
(tr 1)
(w 9)
(Uf 5)
A fine binary star, in Virgo's right side, heretofore known as Por-
rima and Postvarta by Calendar savans. A 4, silvery white; B 4, pale
yellow, but though marked by Piazzi of equal magnitude with A, it has
certainly less brilliance; and the colours are not always of the same
intensity, but whether owing to atmospherical or other causes, remains
undecided. They are followed by a minute star nearly on the parallel,
and about 90" off. With ft S, and 77, it formed the XHIth Lunar
Mansion, and was designated, from its position in the figure, Zdrviyah-al-
'aurva, the corner of the barkers. This most instructive star bears north-
west of Spica, and is 15° distant, in the direction between Eegulus and
7 Leonis, which are already aligned. A very sensible proper motion in
space has been detected in A, and there can be no doubt of B's standing
on in the same course; the most rigorous comparisons of recent observa-
tions afford the following values :
P.... JR - 0"-72 Dec, + 0"-10
B.... - 0"-50 - 0"-02
A.... - 0"-52 - 0"*02
It was with much gratification that I watched this very interesting
physical object through a considerable portion of its superb ellipse, and
I was fortunate enough to attack it during the most critical period of its
march. It is rather singular that, brilliant as these two stars are,
various occultations of 7 Virginis by the Moon have been recorded,
without allusion to its being double. So lately as the 20th March,
1780, the phenomenon was watched by nine astronomers; yet at Paris
only, on that occasion, is mention made of one star being occulted 10s
before the other. On the 21st January, 1794, the occultation was
observed by four astronomers; yet no one mentions duplicity. This is
passing strange, because Cassini had, in 1720, perceived and recorded
the two stars, noting that the western disappeared 30" before the other,
behind the Moon's dark limb, but they emerged nearly together. He
could not divide them with a telescope of 11 feet, but with one of 16
they were well severed, and of equal magnitudes. He watched the
immersion, which was oblique, with great care, hoping by refraction or
discoloration to detect a lunar atmosphere; but though the circum-
stances were favourable, he perceived no symptom. Yet the observation
was held to be of importance, for, by enlisting that able astronomer and
Bradley, Sir John Herschel considered that he gained some useful points
in the orbital departure; and the results of more than a century, pre-
vious to my measures, may be thus shortly stated:
Bradley and Pound . . . Pos. 160° 52' Dist. caret
Cassini II caret
Mayer 144° 22'
Herschel 1 130° 44'
Herschel II. and South . . 103° 24'
Struve 98° 18'
Dawes 78° 15'
7" '49
3" -79
Ep. 1718-20
A mere inspection of the conditions here stated, shows the vast
acceleration of the revolving star on approaching its periastre, and the
retardation of its getting away again. These are the annual rates of
retrograde angular progress :
Mayer .
Herschel I.
H. Il.andStb
Struve .
Dawes .
3° -39
3° -43
9° -40
15° 25
22° -01
As the rigorous observations and computations of this object must be
deemed a sort of expertmentum crucis of the sidereal connected systems,
I may be excused for entering into rather fuller details of the detection
and establishment of so wonderful an elliptic motion, than I have yet
indulged in among the binaries; and it will thereby serve as an example
of the method of procedure with those interesting objects.
The various observations were most ably and zealously discussed by
Sir John, and treated in a straight forward, geometrical mode, so as to
be widely available; as will be seen on consulting the vth volume of
the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. The method is equally
novel and ingenious. Assuming that the motions of binary stars are
governed by the universal law of gravitation, and that they describe
conic sections about their common centre of gravity and about each
other, he was bent on relieving their discussion from the analytical
difficulties attending a rigorous solution of equations, where the data are
uncertain, irregular, and embarrassing. Measures of position were to be
the sheet-anchor; for distances, with the exception of the major semi-
axis, were peremptorily excluded from any share of consideration in the
investigation, because of their notorious looseness and insecurity.
The process, (said he,) by which I propose to accomplish this, is one essentially
graphical; by which term I understand, not a mere substitution of geometrical con-
struction and measurement for numerical calculation, but one which has for its object
to perform that which no system of calculation can possibly do, by bringing hi the aid
of the eye and hand to guide the judgment, in a case where judgment only, and not
calculation, can be of any avail.
Under the assumption, therefore, that gravitation governs, and one
of the components revolves, while the other, though not necessarily in
the focus, is at rest, the curve is constructed by means of the angles
of position and the corresponding times of observation; and tangents to
this curve, at stated intervals, yield the apparent distances at each angle,
they being, by the known laws of elliptical motion, equal to the square
roots of the apparent angular velocities.
Thus armed, Sir John proceeded with the orbit of 7 Virginis. From
the above positions and epochs, with interpolated intermediates, a set of
polar co-ordinates were derived, and thence, for the apparent ellipse,
the following elliptical elements:
Major semi-axis 5"'862
Position of major semi-axis 67° 20'
Excentricity 0*70332
Maximum of distance 9" "423
Position at the maximum distance .... 218° 55'
Minimum of distance 0"'5i4
Position at the minimum distance . . . . 1° 15'
Date of next arrival at minimum distance . . 1834*39
Greatest apparent angular velocity . . . . — 68°*833
Least apparent angular velocity . . . . — 0°*193
The next process was to obtain the elements of the real ellipse, and
the whole consequent investigation is so succinctly described in the paper
alluded to, that any zealous tyro may tread in the same steps, with a little
attention. The results, together with a comparison of the elements and
observations up to the period of the computation, and an ephemeris of the
system for the years 1832, 1833, 1834, and 1835, were inserted in the
Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for 1832. But finding a discrepancy
between the measures then obtained and the places predicted, Herschel,
nothing daunted, again took the field, and recalculated the orbit, as
described in the vith volume of the Astronomical Memoirs. In this
process, my measures of 1832 and 1833 were included, and the two
conclusions stood thus:
1831. 1833.
Major semi-axis . . . . 11" -830 12" -090
Perihelion projected . . 17° 51'
Excentricity .... 0-88717
Inclination to plane of the heaven 67° 69'
Position of node ... 87° 60'
Mean annual motion . . . — 0°'70137
Period in tropical years . . 513-28
Perihelion passage . . . 1834-01
36° 40'
67° 027
97° 23'
In giving the first part of these remarkable elements to the astro-
nomical world, Sir John said:
If they be correct, the latter !end of the year 1833, or the beginning of the year
1 834, will witness one of the most striking phenomena which sidereal astronomy has
yet afforded, viz., the perihelion passage of one star round another, with the immense
angular velocity of between 60° and 70° per annum, that is to say, of a degree in five
days. As the- two stars will then, however, be within little more than half a second
of each other, and as they are both large, and nearly equal, none but the very finest
telescopes will have any chance of showing this magnificent phenomenon. The
prospect, however, of witnessing a visible and measurable change, in the state of an
object so remote, in a time so short (for, in the mean of a very great number of
careful measures with equal stars, a degree can hardly escape observation), may
reasonably be expected to call into action the most powerful instrumental means which
can be brought to bear on it.
And this was Sir John's projected ellipse:
From the extreme delicacy of so novel a case, all the conditions were
not yet met, so that this bold prediction was not circumstantially verified,
although it was admirably correct in substance. Whilst rushing towards
the nearest point of contact, or shortest distance of the revolving star
from its primary, and the proximity became extreme, the field was left,
as far as I know, to Sir John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope,
Professor Struve at Dorpat, and myself at Bedford. Our measures
afforded unquestionable proofs of the wonderful movement under dis-
cussion; yet they certainly exhibited greater discrepancies than might
have been expected, from the excellence of the instruments employed.
But the increased angular velocity which so excentric a star acquired,
when gaining its periastre, and the closeness of its junction, rendered
the operations extremely difficult: added to which, the brightness of two
such stars was sufficient to call forth that disadvantage, arising from the
inflection of light, which the wire micrometer labours under, and which
interferes in the exact contact between the line and the luminous body.
The accelerating velocity of angular change was thus vigilantly
watched, until the commencement of the year 1836, when an unex-
pected phenomenon took place. Instead of the appulse which a careful
projection, drawn from the above elements, had led me to expect, I was
astonished, on gazing at its morning apparition in January, to find it a
single star! In fact, whether the real discs were over each other or not,
my whole powers, patiently worked from 240 to 1200, could only make
the object round. I instantly announced this singular event to my astro-
nomical friends, but the notice was received with less energy than such
a case demanded; none of the powerful refractors in this country were
pointed to it in time; and it is to be regretted, that we had not the
benefit of the unexcelled Dorpat telescope's evidence, at the critical
epoch in question. This state of apparent singleness may have existed
during the latter part of 1835, for when I caught it, as may be seen in
the observations above, it was very near a change. At length, about
the beginning of June, 1836, a letter arrived from Sir John Herschel,
addressed to Mr. Baily, wherein he detailed his observations on the
single state of this star, at the villa of Feldhausen, Cape of Good
Hope, in his 20-foot reflector. Under the date of February 27th, that
unwearied astronomer says:
y Virginis, at this time, is to all appearance a single star. I have tormented it
under favourable circumstances, with the highest powers I can apply to my telescopes,
consistently with seeing a well-defined disc, till my patience has been exhausted; and
that lately, on several occasions, whenever the definition of the stars generally, in that
quarter of the heavens, would allow of observing with any chance of success, but I
have not been able to procure any decisive symptom of its consisting of two individuals.
The companion now took such a movement, as quite to confute a
large predictive diagram I had constructed, showing that the orbit was
extremely elongated, more like a comet's than a planet's; which gave
me a suspicion that we had been looking at the ellipse the wrong way.
Hereupon I returned to the Herschelian process to obtain the elements
of the apparent and the true ellipse, with my new measures, but could
neither accommodate the period, nor arrive at any satisfactory conclusions.
When therefore M. Madler's masterly computations appeared in the
Astronomische Nachrichten, my views were greatly countenanced; but
with a full value for the talent and zeal of that astronomer's process, I
was still anxious for Sir John Herschel to return to his own field, and
meet the apparently unaccountable informalities which still remained.
Having made a request to this effect, he replied :
Maugre I cannot yet send you any finalities about y Virginis, yet to prove that
I have not been quite idle, I will state one or two general conclusions that a projec-
tion of all the observations has led me to, preparatory to exact numerical computation.
1. We are all wrong, Madler and all of us, and it is the early observation of Bradley
in 1718 which has misled us. That observation is totally incompatible with any
reasonable ellipse, and must be absolutely rejected. Had it not been for my respect
for that single observation, I should have got very near the true ellipse in my first
approximation. 2. The period is short of 150 years. My conjecture, antecedent to
any exact calculation from my projection, is 143, which is considerably less than the
least of Madler's, and beyond his assigned limits of error. 3. I suspect Madler's
perihelion to be half a year too early, and that the true perihelion passage took place
at 1836-6, or thereabouts. We shall get on better now that we have found out the
black sheep.
Thus duly authorized, I attacked the orbit again, rejecting, with
some regret, Bradley, Pound, Cassini, and Mayer, and assuming Ij[.'s
observations of 1780 as the point of departure. Taking, therefore, the
epochs from that date to 1843 for abscissae, and the observed angles for
ordinates, a fresh set of periods was obtained, through which the inter-
polating curve was led, on a very large scale*. From the interpolated
positions corresponding to the assumed dates between 1780 and 1843,
the intervals being first decennial, then quinquennial, and afterwards
more rapid still, the angular velocities were concluded, and by their aid
the distances as radii vectores. These positions and distances were laid
down from the central star as an origin of polar co-ordinates. Now,
though this is a simple and merely graphic process of obtaining the
elements of both the apparent and true ellipse, and is liable to shakiness,
it undeniably shows the physical fact of a highly elongated orbit; and
several of the conditions prove that, notwithstanding the present anoma-
lous differences, we are arriving near the mark. It is singular how all
the determinations of the excentricity have agreed, thus:
First orbit. Second orbit. First orbit. Second orbit.
Encke . . . 0'890 0'860 I Madler . . . 0'864 0'868
Herschelll. . 0-887 0-834 Myself . . . 0'883 0-872
As the ellipse projected by Sir John Herschel, under all the epochs,
has been given, the reader may like to see the figure produced by the
Bedford observations, which yields a period of about 180 years:
* Sir John Herschel informs me, that he has disused the method of drawing
tangents for the angular velocities. The substitute is a closer reading off of the curve,
equalizing the differences on paper, and thence deducing the angular velocities by first
and second differences (if needed) ; but first will generally suffice.
As the resulting elements, though better, were still unsatisfactory, I
was about to take another point of departure, and try again, when I
received a letter from Sir John Herschel, dated Collingwood, 9th July,
1843, of which the following is an extract:
I wrote to you last, that I could not make Bradley's observations agree with any
ellipse consistent with the later observations, and that Madler's elements, which
assume the correctness of that observation, are inadmissible. I have now satisfied
myself that this is really the case, and that Madler's period admits of being yet
reduced. But still it is necessary to suppose materially greater errors in one direction
over the whole interval 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, than I quite like. The mean of
Dawes's and my own measures, however, is on the whole exceedingly well repre-
sented in all the critical and puzzling part of the orbit corresponding to 1830—1834
inclusive. Your observations of 1831, 1832, and 1833, offer discordancies of -f- 2°,
+ 2°4, and + 3°, which are, considering the then considerable closeness of the stars,
not more than might well be committed. But Struve's are quite inexplicable;— his
errors, supposing the orbit correct, run thus :
1825 1828 1829 1831 1832 1833 1834
_|_ 1° _j_ 3° _|_ 3°| 4. 4°£ + 5°, 4.7° 4-6° _|_ 7°^
after which the deviation ceases.
On the whole I consider the proofs of gravitation afforded by this star quite
satisfactory. It is true that I am forced to admit an error of — 3°4 hi my father's
measure of 1781, and an error exceeding 2° in the same direction in his subsequent
mean result for 1803; but when I recollect what sort of micrometer and apparatus he
used, I am not disposed to quarrel with these.
I am not satisfied with my inclination and node, and there is still a tendency in
the curve of the star, if your measures of this year be correct, to run away from its
proper course, to bolt; which leads me to believe that these elements are not yet so
well determined as I hope to get them. Your ellipse from the Bedford observations
is a very beautiful one, but I have not yet compared your elements with the obser-
vations. I am somewhat surprised at the length of your period, as I find 1 26 years
represents the mean of all the observations (including Struve's) on the whole well.
I have been chiefly attending to improving the method as a working one, and lam
preparing a paper on the subject, in which the orbit of y will occur in exemplification.
What I aim at is, a direct process leading to the separate correction of each element,
in place of a turmoil of calculus on the principle of least squares, which in cases of
such discordant observations is, if not illusory, at least unnecessarily troublesome.
The inquirers into binary systems will yearn for the coming of this
discussion; meantime, to use an expression of Pliny the Younger, I am
fortunate in my heliacal rising, since what I have here stated may be of
a little interest, before it shall be obscured and eclipsed in Herschel's
brighter eminence.
One word more. To those who are earnest upon either of these
topics, I submit a diagram of what I saw myself, which may render the
above details more evident:
1831-38 1834-20 1836-06 1836*39 1838-28 *'j
T G-- 1
Such a phenomenon has had more discussers than beholders, so
that astute doubts have been flung out of these stars being amenable to
gravitation, whether their angular changes are reducible by the laws of
elliptical motion, whether the period be a little longer or shorter, and all
that. Nay, with such unquestionable instances before the world, and at
the very time that admiration was incited in every reflecting mind, a
blundering Zoilus, who, had he flourished at an earlier age, might have
figured at Galileo's trial, was permitted to stain the Church of England
Quarterly Review, April, 1837, p. 460, with the following Boeotian
attempt at sprightliness:
We have forgotten the name of that Sidrophel who lately discovered that the
fixed stars were not single stars, but appear in the heavens like soles at Billingsgate,
in pairs; while a second astronomer, under the influence of that competition in trade
which the political economists tell us is so advantageous to the public, professes to show
us, through his superior telescope, that the apparently single stars are really three.
Before such wondrous Mandarins of Science, how continually must homunculi like
ourselves keep in the back-ground, lest we come between the wind and their nobility.
This plural unit must truly be, so far as education and intellect are
concerned, the downright veritable homunculus he has written himself.
The would-be-wit, however, though quite as ignorant, is perhaps
less malignant than a fellow reviewer, who must needs meddle with
works beyond his ken. This stultified Bavius asserts, that it best suits
with the knowledge we possess of our finite understanding, and with
the purport and end of our being, to refrain from silly speculations
which may perplex, but can never satisfy the mind. He holds it both
vain and wicked to attempt to probe the infinity of space, and decries
Sir "William Herschel's estimate of the magnitude of the nebula in
Orion, as a speculation to confuse rather than instruct the mind. This
man is susceptible of very great improvement before his opinions com-
mand respect. So far from science being daring and proud, as he
asserts, there are abundant reasons for it to feel humbled; but the
effusion in question shows the proper nursery of those qualities,
For he that has but impudence,
To all things has a fair pretence.
m 12h 35m 33s PHEC. + 3S'02
DEC. N 12° 26'-] S 19"'80
A double nebula, in the centre of Virgo's left wing, lying np and sf9
about 2' or 3' from centre to centre, the preceding one being extremely
faint. The following, or brighter one, is that seen and imperfectly
described by Messier in 1779, and is nearly between two telescopic stars
vertically posited. A fine field is exhibited under the eye-piece, which
magnifies 93 times, just as this object enters, because the bright little
nebula 59 M. is quitting the np verge, and another small one is seen in
the upper part, H. 1402: in fact, four nebulae at once.
The hypothesis of Sir John Herschel, upon double nebulie, is new
and attracting. They may be stellar systems each revolving round the
other: each a universe, according to ancient notions. But as these
revolutionary principles of those vast and distant firmamental clusters
cannot for ages yet be established, the mind lingers in admiration, rather
than comprehension of such mysterious collocations. Meantime our clear
duty is, so industriously to
collect facts, that much of
what is now unintelligible,
may become plain to our
successors, and a portion of
the grand mechanism now
beyond our conception, re-
vealed. " How much," ex-
claims Sir John Herschel,
" how much is escaping us !
How unworthy is it in
them who call themselves
philosophers, to let these
great phenomena of nature,
these slow but majestic
manifestations of the power
and the glory of GOD, glide by unnoticed, and drop out of memory beyond
the reach of recovery, because we will not take the pains to note them
in their unobtrusive and furtive passage, because we see them in their
every-day dress, and mark no sudden change, and conclude that all is
dead, because we will not look for signs of life; and that all is uninte-
resting, because we are not impressed and dazzled." "To say,
indeed, that every individual star in the Milky Way, to the amount of
eight or ten millions, is to have its place determined, and its motion
watched, would be extravagant; but at least let samples be taken, at
least let monographs of parts be made with powerful telescopes and
refined instruments, that we may know what is going on in that abyss of
stars, where at present imagination wanders without a guide!" Such is
the enthusiastic call of one, whose father cleared the road by which we
are introduced to the grandest phenomena of the stellar universe.
This mysterious and shadowy doublet will be found 5° west of Vin-
demiatrix, in the direction of Regulus, where there is a very large and
wonderful nebulous region.
M 12h 43m 04s
DEC. S 9° 28'-0
POSITION 307°-9 (w 5) DISTANCE 33"'5 (w 3)
PREC. + 3s'll
S 19"'69
EPOCH 1834-41
A neat but wide double star, between the Virgin's right arm and
the tail of the Raven ; about 8° west-half-north of Spica, and closely sp
i/r Virginis, a star of the 5J magnitude. A 6^, topaz yellow; B 9J,
lucid purple, the colours finely contrasted. This was enrolled by the
indefatigable Struve, No. 1682 of the Dorpat Catalogue, whose micro-
metrical measures were:
Pos. 308° 46' Dist. 33"-65 Ep. 1831 '61
The rigorous comparisons of Messrs. Piazzi and Baily, with an
interval of 40 years between them, produce an amount and direction of
proper motion in the star A, which is almost identical; the values and
signs being:
P.... m - 0"-13 Dec. - 0"-06
£.... - 0"'ll - 0"-07
M 12h 43m 22s PREC. + 28'84
DEC. N 41° 69'7 S 19"-69
A large bright nebula discovered by Mechain, in 1781, immediately
preceding the crown on Charles's Heart. It is a fine pale-white object,
with evident symptoms of being a compressed cluster of small stars.
It brightens towards the middle, and the gradual augmentation of
intensity from the margin to the centre of this apparently orbicular object,
is a direct proof of the real sphericity of the stellar mass. There
are several small stars in the field, of which one in the sf quadrant is
double. Differentiated with the bright star Cor Caroli, from which it is
but 2°i in the north-by-west.
M 12h 43m 59s PREC. + 2S'98
DEC. N 20° 02'-6 S 19"-68
POSITION 201°-4 (w 9) DISTANCE 15"'9 («> 9) EPOCH 1831-39
201°-9(u>9) 16"-2(*9) 1838-28
A neat double star, between Berenice's Hair, and Virgo's left wing:
it lies due west of Arcturus, or on its parallel, at the distance of 22°,
where a line dropped south from Cor Caroli will intercept it. A 74,
and B 8, both white ; other stars in the field, but small and distant.
This object is 58 1$. iv.; and is also formed by Nos. 201 and 202,
Hora XII., of the Palermo Catalogue. A comparison of my own with
the following measures, afford presumptive proof of fixity:
I£. Pos. 202° 03' Dist. 1 5" -86 Ep. 1782-30
H. andS. 202° 11' 16" -96 1823-41
2. 200° 48' 15" -82 1829-87
M 12h 44m 50s PREC. + 38'01
DEC. N 12° 05'-9 S 19"'66
A pale elliptical nebula, in the middle of Virgo's left wing; disco-
vered by I£. in March, 1784, and No. 1466 of his son's Catalogue.
This is a fine object trending sp and
nf) nearly in the vertical, but from its
superior brightness at the south, or
upper end, it rises while gazing from
the dumpy egg-shape to that of a
paper kite: over it is an arch formed
by three telescopic stars, the symmetry
of which is so peculiar as to add to
that appearance. These stars trend,
by two very faint ones, to a round
nebula in the np quadrant, preceded
by two stars of the 10th magnitude;
this is 74 ^. ii. The mean place of the kites centre was obtained by
differentiation with e Virginis, from which known star it is only 2°^
distant, on the western parallel.
m 12h 45m 25s PREC. + 2s-96
DEC. N 22° Or-0 S 19"-65
1"-0 (*o D )
!8"-8 (» 6) J
AC 126-5 <„« 28- --' EPOCH 1834'38
AB 42°-0 <« 2) l"-5 (w D 1843-32
A delicate triple star, between the Tresses and the Virgin's northern
wing, about 7° south -south -east of its own lucida, and 20° west of
Arcturus. A 5, pale yellow; B, indistinct; C 10, cobalt blue. Of this
object A and C were classed as a double star, and registered 130 I£. v.;
but 5*. detected B, and rendered it a fine but extremely difficult triple.
Indeed, the latter was so involved in the moulds and twirls of the
primary, that but for A and B pointing directly upon a 12th-magnitude
star in the nf quadrant, the estimation of angle and distance would have
been hardly possible. The other two have been thus measured, and
their fixity seems proved:
1$. Pos. 126° 51' Dist. 31"-29 Ep. 1783-15
H. andS. 128° 18' 29"-49 1821-34
2. 124° 43' 28"-61 1830'13
M 12h 47m 29s PBBC. + 3S'01
DEC. N 12° 22'-0 S 19"-62
POSITION 197°'9 (« ») DISTANCE 29"- 1 (» 9) EPOCH 1831-38
A neat double star, near the middle of Virgo's northern wing; pre-
ceding Vindemiatrix on the parallel by only 2°, and therefore readily
fished up by the out-door gazer. A 7i> pale white; B 9, sky blue.
This object is thus described by Piazzi: "Duplex. Socia 1036 magnit.
0"'6 temporis prascedit, 20" circiter ad austrum." J§*. has since entered
it on his Catalogue; but the earliest microraetrical measures I find, are
those of H. and S., as follows:
Pos. 196° IT Dist. 29"«17 Ep. 1823-40
m 12h 47m 33s PREC. + 2S'40
DEC. N 4° 16'-1 S 19"-62
POSITION 144°*2 (» 2) DIFFERENCE M = 5s-8 (w 2) EPOCH 1832-31
A star with a distant companion, on Virgo's left side; it is readily
seen by directing the eye 17° north-north-west of Spica, where it stands
nearly mid-way between e and 7 Virginis. These stars, together with
77, TT, and several minor ones, assist in encircling the rich nebulous
oasis which decks the damsel's left wing and shoulder ; and which is so
well delineated on Sir John Lubbock's map, published by the Society
for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. A 3i, golden yellow; B 10^,
reddish; several small stars in the field, but none nearer to the pri-
mary than B. My meridional observations confirm the fact of a proper
motion of A, as compared with the epoch of the Palermo Catalogue,
yet they are not sufficiently exact to pronounce upon a quantity for
registry; but the amount has been ably looked to, and valued as
P.... M - 0"-65 Dec. - 0"'02
B.... - 0"-40 - 0"-09
A.... - 0"-43 - 0"-06
so that the direction seems pretty well ascertained.
Ptolemy tells us, that those stars which Hipparchus placed on the
Virgin's shoulder, were shifted by him to her side, " because their dis-
tances from the head were too great for the distance from the head to
the shoulder;" hence the present situation of 8.
m 12h 48m 08s PRBC. + 03'29
DEC. N 84° IT'-O S 19"'60
POSITION 327°'3 <» 9) DISTANCE 21"'8 <« 9) EPOCH 1833*97
A neat double star, near the animal's ear; it is nearly 7° south-by-
east from Polaris, and forms the vertex of a nearly isosceles triangle
with that star and 8 TJrsas Minoris. A 6 and B 6j, both bright white;
a third star in the sp, but only of the llth magnitude. This was classed
by Ij[. in 1780, as 15 iv.; but no angle was measured, and he merely
gives a distance of 20"*01. It was afterwards measured by H. and S. thus :
Pos. 327° 00' Dist. 21"-07 Ep. 1822-28
whence it appears to have had no motion either in angle or distance, in
an interval of 12 years; and since the arrival of the Dorpat Catalogue,
these results are confirmed by Professor Struve's observations. This
object affords afresh instance of the admirable correctness of the Palermo
Catalogue, where its components are Nos. 230 and 232, Hora XII. ; the
mean places of which, on reduction, yield 329°'5 for the angle, and 21 "*4
for the distance, for the epoch of 1800.
51 12h 48m 32s PREC. + 2S«84
DEC. N 39° 10'-9 S 19"«59
POSITION 227°*3 (» 7) DISTANCE 20"-2 (w 6) EPOCH 1830-64
227°-0<«>9) 19"-8(«>9) 1837-39
A fine double star, the lucida of the heart placed between Asterion
and Chara. A 2J, flushed white; B 6^, pale lilac; a third star at a dis-
tance on the north vertical. This is a Greenwich star of the 2nd grade,
and is a fine object, being 17 I$L iv., by whom it was thus measured:
Pos. 228° 33' Dist. 20"-00 + Ep. 1780-60
The companion is No. 226 of the Notes to Hora XII., in the Palermo
Catalogue; and has been measured by H. and S. and .£., showing a
coincidence of results which sufficiently proves that there has been no
appreciable alteration, in position or distance, during 57 years. A proper
motion has been given to the large star, to the following amount:
P.... M - 0"-34 Dec. + 0"-04
B.... - 0"-26 + 0"-04
A.... - 0"-30 + 0"-05
This star is the leader of Ptolemy's a/jLoptftcorot, to the Great Bear,
and it appears on the Borgian globe. Ulugh Beigh records it by the
Arabian designation Kabd-al-asad, liver of the lion, and there is
abundance of evidence to prove that it was pretty notorious among
astronomers. But it came to pass that it was named Cor Caroli by
Halley, at the suggestion of Sir C. Scarborough, after a worthless man's
heart. The popular story, or rather the vulgar one, runs, — how Scar-
borough, the court physician, gazed upon a star the very evening before
the return of King Charles II. to London, the which, as in duty bound,
appeared more visible and refulgent than heretofore; so the said star,
which Hevelius had already made the lucida of Chara's collar, was
thereupon extra-constellated within a sort of Valentine figure of a heart,
with a royal crown upon it; and so the monarch, it would seem, by this
extraction, remained heartless. Though this pretty symbol appears as a
tail-piece to the preface of the Alias Cadeslis, Flamsteed has not
honoured it with a place on the plate, of the Hounds.
Cor Caroli is readily found by alignment. With the three stars of
the Greater Bear's tail as the head of a paper kite, it forms the tail end;
or a line from the Pole-star over Alioth will point upon the heart.
Another clue is obtained in the galley- rhyme :
When clear aloft, Bootes seek, his brilliance leads the gaze,
And on each side its glitt'ring gems the spacious arch displays;
Arcturus east to Wega join, the Northern Crown you'll spy;
But west, to Ursa's second star, he marks Cor Caroli.
The Canes Venatici form a new constellation, or pair of constel-
lations, intruded into the heavens in recent times. Tycho Brahe, unfor-
tunately less known by his excellence as a practical astronomer than as
the author of an unmechanical system, had observed a couple of stars
here; but Hevelius scraped together the sporades between the stern of
the Bear and Bootes, and figured two Hounds, for the latter to chase the
Bear with; that nearest the Pole he named Asterion, because the appel-
lation is poetical, and it pleased him, and the southern one Chara:
"Asterionis sociam, Charam appellavi, quod forte Booti, more venati-
corum, canis ilia foemina, ob celeriorem ejus cursum, fuerit admodum
grata et chara." These dogs first appeared in the Prodromus of Hevelius,
published by his widow, at Dantzig, in 1690. Since then, the number
of its constituents has swelled very considerably, although, except Cor
Caroli, the asterism offers little remarkable to the unassisted eye; they
are thus registered:
Hevelius ... 23 stars Piazzi .... 45 stars
Flamsteed . . 25 Bode . . . 139
m 12h 48m 52* PREC. + 2S'95
DEC. N 22° 33'-2 - S 19"'59
A conspicuous nebula, between Berenice's Hair, and the Virgin's left
arm; discovered by M. in 1780, who, however, only saw it very faintly.
Yet it is magnificent both in size and brightness, being elongated in a
line np and sf^ and blazing to a nucleus. This is the object which
Sir Charles Blagden, on being shown it by IjJ., likened to a black eye,
which, though odd, is considered not an inapt comparison.
Sir John Herschel examined this
nebula Yery minutely. He considers
it resolvable, though not resolved;
and adds, "I am much mistaken if
the nucleus be not a double star, in
the general direction of the nebula;
320 much increases this suspicion; 240
shows well a vacuity below the nu-
cleus." My utmost endeavours only
show it thus:
This nebula was fixed by differen-
tiating it with e Virginis, the bright star
11° south of it; and it lies between
Arcturus and 8 Leonis, about 20° west of the former bright star.
m 12h51m36s PREC. + 3S'08
DEC. S 2° 5.7H - S 19"-54
POSITION 55°-0 (w n DISTANCE 20"-0 («> D EPOCH 1834-21
A delicate double star, on the lower part of Virgo's right or southern
wing; lying 10° north-west of Spica, in the direction of Denebola. A 6,
bright white; B 13, blue. This object is so difficult, that my estima-
tions are merely registered as confirmatory of its general details. It is
51 Ij[. iv., and has been thus measured:
H. Pos. 57° 30' Dist. 22"-29 Ep. 1782-10
2. 53° or 21"-29 1830-63
The discrepancies here observable are such as must be rather attri-
buted to the errors of observation incident to so delicate a test, than to
any perceptible motion in the individuals as to angle of position, or
alteration of distance. Yet my meridional reductions warrant the
conclusion of a proper motion in space to the primary, at least equal
to that which Piazzi, referring to Mayer, has assigned it; although it
does not find such a value in Mr. Baily's list. The amounts stated are:
P.... M - 0"-40 Dec. -rO"-06
B.... + 0"-03 + 0"-03
My own operations, referred to Piazzi's, would give even a greater
quantity; but as they are not sufficiently directed to that object, I merely
mention it to call attention to a somewhat slighted, though gravely
interesting branch of astronomy. Tis true, the amount in question is
so small as to require the nicest practice to detect it precisely; but these
VOL. n. U
aberrations from the common law of precession, however secondary and
minute the quantities may appear, are matters of high import as leading to
ulterior abstruse discoveries. They should therefore be most rigidly and
vigilantly watched; for though the present age of astronomy cannot arrive
at any great or final conclusion on them or their causes, posterity proba-
bly will, if exact uranographical details are left them. We must not,
therefore, any longer neglect studying a motion so perceptibly carrying
stars through space, towards some unknown point in the firmament.
Proper motion is not only in itself an object of curious research, but, as
Mr. Baily has forcibly expressed it, " more especially as it frequently inter-
feres with and deranges those general rules which are laid down, with
so much accuracy, for the determination of places of stars at any distant
period." We shall know more about it by-and-bye.
m 12h54m13s PREC. -f 3S'00
DEC. N 11° 49'-3 — S 19"'49
POSITION 123°-8 (» 4) DISTANCE 229"'0 (w 2) EPOCH 1838-42
A star with a minute distant companion, on the upper extreme of
the Virgin's left wing. A 3^, bright yellow; B 15, intense blue, — this
last colour on so small an object is very striking, and an astronomical
friend, who examined it at my request, with powerful means, confirms
both the tint and its intensity. The large star, which I suspect to be
slightly variable, has a sensible proper motion, of which the following
value has been given :
P.... M - 0"-37 Dec. + 0"-07
B.... - 0"-18 + 0"'03
A.... - 0"-25 + 0"'03
This star appears, in various treatises on astronomy, as symbolizing
the gatherer of grapes; but Vindemiatrix, in the Alphonsine Tables,
is an adaptation of the longer word Provindemiator (ViTRUV. ix. 4),
a translation of TTpoTpvyrjT'rjp, given to e Virginis, because it rises in
the morning, just before the vintage. (Schol. in Arat., 138.) Hence it
became Mttkdim-al-kilafi the forerunner of the vintage, among the
Arabians, some of whom included it as a boundary of the XHIth Lunar
Mansion, in their Manazil-al- Kamar, implying the Moon's Zodiac.
On completing my examination of this star, I made a second search
at Mr. Baily's request, for 42 Virginis, which was missed by H. in 1828;
but could find nothing in the place indicated in the Astronomical
Society's Catalogue, No. 1490, except a star of the 10th magnitude.
This answers to the JR pretty well, and differs in declination only
within blundering distance: it may, therefore, be the lost 7th-magnitude
one retiring, and such retreats should be well watched with the Mammoth
telescopes. It is, however, singular, that Mr. Baily could find no
observation of 42 Virginis of the British Catalogue in Flamsteed's
Historia Codestis; " nor," adds he, " can I discover that such a star
exists." That fixed upon by Baron de Zach, and enrolled in his Tabula;
Speciales, as 42, differs 3' in JR, and, what is remarkable, it is now also
missing. Neither Piazzi, Lalande, nor Bessel has any star that can
be mistaken for it. It may often happen that such anomalies arise
from erroneous entries, but here at least De Zach's star was regularly
observed and registered, and yet has probably disappeared from the
visible heavens, for an indefinite period.
In star-gazing, Yindemiatrix may be identified by drawing an ideal
line from Dubhe to Spica, which will pass it at about one quarter of the
distance between those fine stars. Or it may be found nearly midway
between Arcturus and J3 Yirginis. Spica forms a remarkable triangle
with Arcturus and Denebola; and of the bright stars in this triangle,
Yindemiatrix is the one nearest to the line joining Arcturus and the
Lion's tail. Though only a secondary kind of star, it has been deemed
of suflicient importance to meet the notice of the galley rhymester:
Would you the star of Bacchus find, on noble Virgo's wing,
A lengthy ray from Hydra's heart unto Arcturus bring ;
Two-thirds along that fancied line, direct th' inquiring eye,
And there the jewel will be seen south of Cor Caroli.
M 13h Olm 40s PREC. + 3S'10
DEC. S 4° 41'-0 • S 19"'32
POSITION AB 345°-2 (ws) DISTANCE 7"'l I"'5;
AC 295-0 ,.3, 65"- ' EPOCH 1831-15
"'l (iff 5))
"-0 (» i)J
AB 350°-0 (» 2) 7"-4 (w 2) 1833-40
— AB 344°-2 (« 9) 7"-2 (* 9 - 1837'07
A triple star on the lower part of the Yirgin's southern wing; and
7° to the north-west of Spica. A 4J, pale white; B 9, violet; C 10,
dusky. This star was considered as having a considerable orbital motion,
which appeared to be countenanced by my two first epochs; but as the
measures of 1833 were made with a new spherical crystal micrometer, of
which the zero point was not rigorously exact, little reliance was placed
on them, and my last observations were under so favourable a train of
circumstances, as to leave no doubt of the object's fixity. The results
of other astronomers were certainly not so coincident, as a star bearing
illumination admirably would lead us to expect; for the following were
the points of comparison:
I£. Pos. 339° 18' Dist. 7//'13 Ep. 1782-10
H. andS. 347° 08' 8"'30 1821-24
D. 345° 07' 7"'52 1832-25
Since these angles of position were discussed, the Dorpat Catalogue
arrived, in which ^jVs results justify the above conclusion. A slight
proper motion is traced to the principal constituent, which will bear
upon some future discussion of the question; Mayer had made the value
in M = — 0"'30, but the best registers are conflicting, being :
P.... JR - 0"-15 Dec. - 0"-05
B.... + 0"-02 - 0"-05
M 13h 02m 12s PEEC. + 28'95
DEC. N 18° 22'-6 S 19"'31
POSITION round (w 8) DISTANCE round (w 8) EPOCH 1832-38
10°-0 (w 2) elongated (w n 1839'41
5°-0 (•» i) — — 0"-3 (« i) - 1842-50
A close double star, between Berenice's Hair and the Virgin's left
hand. A 4^, and B 5, both pale yellow. It was discovered by ^., No.
1728, and recorded as a high class " vicinissimae;" and his first measures
prove to have been:
Pos. 9°-5 Dist. 0"-64 Ep. 1827'83
When I first attacked this object in 1832, it appeared quite round;
and I several times returned to it with similar results. At the middle
epoch above recorded, however, though I could not raise a vacancy
between the individuals, or even palpably notch them, the [elongation
was so distinct, under a power magnifying 850 times, as to be capable of
a tolerable estimation: the last, which was obtained at Hartwell, is
little to be relied on, as the object was at times quite round. In the np
quadrant is a 10th- magnitude grey star, at an angle ^=31 5°, and A .51
= 7s. The primary appears to be subject to a proper motion, the amount
of which has been thus severally recorded :
P.... M- 0"-45 Dec. + 0"-15
B.... - 0"-41 + 0"-14
A.... - 0"'44 + 0"-16
42 ComaB is placed fortunately for the out-door gazer, being mid-
way between Arcturus and Denebola on the parallel, and vertically half-
way from Spica to Cor Caroli.
03m 33s PBEC. + 3S'17
DEC. S 15° 20r-0 — S 19/x'28
POSITION 35°-0 i«>i) DISTANCE 45//-0 («>i) EPOCH 1833-40
A wide and very delicate double star, in the space between the
Virgin's spike and Hydra; at 5°i from the former, on a south-south-
west line towards ft Corvi. A 5±} yellowish white; B 15, bluish, — there
is also a bluish lOth-magnitude star in the np quadrant, and a dusky one
of the 12th, nearly on the s vertical. As I could only catch a sight of
B by gleams, with the equatoreal clock driving the telescope, the above
results are but estimations. It was first registered by H., in one of his
20-foot Sweeps, No. 2645; and is a good test for an instrument. A
proper motion is given to the star A, to this amount :
P.... M - 0"-09 Dec. - 0"-36
B.... + 0"-14 - 0"-29
A.... - 0"-10 - 0"-27
m 13h 04* 55s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. S 17° 58'-5 S 19"'24
POSITION 33°-5 (» 6) DISTANCE 5"-9 (» 4) EPOCH 1831-41
— 33°-5 («0) 5"-7 (»9) 1839*30
A neat double star, between the Virgin's right hand and Hydra;
where a line from Arcturus carried through Spica, and 8° beyond, will
hit it. A 7, and B 7i, both white. This object is 45 1$. n., and is
called u duplex" by Piazzi. The micrometrical measures previous to my
attack were:
I£. Pos. 33° 00' DIst. 4"-00 Ep. 1782-26
H. and S. 33° 43' 6" '77 1823-28
whence it was inferred, that though the angle of position was nearly
stationary, the distance was on the increase. This surmise is not con-
firmed by my results; and it must be remembered that Ijl.'s interval
between the stars, was only estimated on the apparent diameter of the
larger star. Mr. Baily utterly differs from Piazzi in the value and
direction of 54's proper motions:
P.... 1R - 0"-02 Dec. - 0"-07
B.... -f 0"48 + 0"'02
31 13h 05m 03s PREC. + 2s-94
DEC. N 19° Or-3 S 19"'24
A globular cluster, between Berenice's tresses and the Virgin's left
hand, with a coarse pair of telescopic stars in the .y/' quadrant, and a
single one in the sp. This is a brilliant mass of minute stars, from the
llth to the 15th magnitude, and from thence to gleams of star-dust,
with stragglers to the np, and pretty diffused edges. From the blaze at
the centre, it is evidently a highly compressed ball of stars, whose law of
aggregation into so dense and compact a mass, is utterly hidden from our
imperfect senses. It was enrolled by Messier in 1774 as No. 53, and
resolved into stars by Sir W. Herschel.
The contemplation of so beautiful an object, cannot but set imagi-
nation to work, though the mind may be soon lost in astonishment at
the stellar dispositions of the great CREATOR and MAINTAINER. Thus, in
reasoning by analogy, these compressed globes of stars confound con-
jecture as to the modes in which the mutual attractions are prevented
from causing the universal destruction of their system. Sir John
Herschel thinks, that no pressure can be propagated through a cluster
of discrete stars; whence it would follow, that the permanence of its
form must be maintained in a way totally different from that which our
reasonings suggest.
Before quitting this interesting ball of innumerable worlds, I may
mention that it was examined by Sir John Herschel, with Mr. Baily, in
the 20-foot reflector; and that powerful instrument showed the cluster
with curved appendages of stars, like the short claws of a crab running
out from the main body. A line through 8 and e Virginis, northward,
meeting another drawn from Arcturus over 77 Bob'tis, unite upon this
wonderful assemblage; or it is also easily found by its being about 1° north-
east of 42 Comae Berenicis, the alignment of which is already given.
M 13h 06m 34s PREC. + 3s' 14
DEC. S 10° 30'-4 — S 19"'20
POSITION 62°-8 <u>7> DISTANCE 42"-4 (w 5) EPOCH 1831-38
A wide double star, preceding the Virgin's right hand, at 2°^ to the
west of Spica. A 7i, and B 8^, both bluish. This object is composed
of Nos. 25 and 26 of Piazzi's Hora XIII., and though coarse is not
without interest, especially in a moderate telescope. The only micro-
metrical measures I am aware of, previous to my own, are those of
H. and S. Pos. 61° 39' Dist. 44"-84 Ep. 1823-35
2& 13h 08m 38s PREC. + 2S'70
DEC. N 42° 52'7 - S 19"-15
An oval nebula, on the chest of Asterion, the northern dog; dis-
covered by M. Mechain in 1779. This object is of a milky-white tint,
and brightens in the centre, where the nucleus resembles a small star,
It is placed between two telescopic stars which cross the parallel verti-
cally, while closer to it in the sp is a third. Sir TV. Herschel figured
this object in the Philosophical Transactions for 1811, and described it
as very bright, extending from np to sf^ 9' or 10' long, and near 4' broad,
with a very brilliant nucleus. The mean apparent place was differen-
tiated from Cor Caroli, from which it bears north-north-east 5°|, on the
line indicated from Denebola through Charles's Heart.
2Si 13h 10m 03s PREC. + 3S'19
DEC. S 17° 25'-l S 19"'12
POSITION 340°*6 (» 2) DIFFERENCE M == 2s-8 (» i) EPOCH 1832-31
A star with a distant companion, in a barren field, between the
Virgin's right hand and Hydra's back, and 7° south-south-west of Spica.
A 4i, light straw colour; B 10|, pale blue; a distant star in the sp
quadrant. This was merely looked at as being 90 IjjL vi., thus registered:
Pos. 345° 00' Dist. 73"'25 Ep. 1782*26
The primary has considerable proper motions, which my meridional
observations were sensible of, and which are thus valued:
P.... M - 1"-30 Dec. - 1"-08
B.... - 1"-04 - 1"-03
A.... - 1"-09 - 1"'02
In Mr. Baily's Address to Astronomical Observers, in May, 1837, he
cites the JR of this star, thus :
Robinson 13h 9m 318t28 from 4 observations
Argelander 13h 9m 31s '49 12
Johnson 13h 9m 3P-53 10
Taylor 13h 9m 31S'97 14
Pond 13h 9m 31s-93 11
So that we have here a difference of no less than Os'65 between two
of our best modern astronomers. "Has personal equation" asks Mr.
Baily, "anything to do with these anomalies?" But, after all, the
coincidences are so admirable, that the shade of Homer may be delighted
with the products of the transit instrument.
M 13h Hm 01s PREC. + 2s-93
DEC. N 18° 36'-4 S 19//'01
POSITION 225°-0 <* 2) DISTANCE 15"'0 c* D EPOCH 1834-33
A delicate double star, preceding the right foot of Bootes. A 8,
white; B 13, blue; and a line through them passes near a brightish
distant star in the nf quadrant. 3*., in the Catalogue of 1827, mistook
his No. 1736, for 63 P. xin., which he has therefore since rejected;
but it is, no douht, his No. 1737, though the identity of the apparent
place is not quite exact. It lies \ 4° west-by-south from Arcturus, in
the line projected from that star towards Denebola and Regulus; or
rather less than half-way between the two first.
m 13h 16m 47s PREC. + 3S'15
DEC. S 10° 19''5 S 18"-93
POSITION 57°-3 (» 2) DIFFERENCE M = 19S<4 (w 2) EPOCH 1833-28
A standard Greenwich star, in the Virgin's right hand. A ], bril-
liant flushed white; B 10, bluish tinge. This beautiful bright star is in
a clear dark field, and, in a manner, insulated, for it has no companion
nearer than the one here described; and it is subject to a very slight
proper motion, the value of which has been thus registered:
P.... M - 0"-09 Dec. - 0"'03
B.... 0"-00 - 0"-05
A.... - 0"'04 - 0"-03
a Virginis is the ^rcL^ys, Spica, As-Sumbuleh, or ear of corn, of
the Greeks, Latins, and Arabians*. It is also designated As-Simdk-al-
azal) the unarmed or defenceless Simak; and Chrysococcas calls it, in
reference to Arcturus, MiKpbs KOvrapdros, the little lance-bearer. The
true meaning of Simak is uncertain, but it appears to have been a leg
of an enormous asterism of the ancient Arabs, called the Lion, without
any reference to that of the zodiac, and as such forms the XlVth Lunar
Mansion. Firuzabadi, in the Kamiis, mentions another name for Simak
and Al 'Auwa, Al-anharan, the two rivers, on account of their rising
being accompanied by rains; and Riccioli asserts that its Nubian name
was Eleazelet. The last seems like the Arab EPazelat.
This star has strong claims to regard, as affording presumptive
evidence that Hipparchus, the first astronomer on record who really
made systematic observations, was acquainted with the fact of the pre-
cession of the stars, or rather the retrogradation of the equinoctial points.
The argument which supports this opinion, is the comparison which this
celebrated philosopher made of the places of Spica, determined by
himself, with those assigned to it by Aristyllus and Timocharis, about
170 years previously. This lover of truth, as Ptolemy styles him,
* While the fussy to-do was making as to whether Orion's name should be changed
for that of Nelson, or Napoleon, a poet stepped forth for another enrolment of Spica
Virginis :
The star which crowns the golden sheaf,
And wants a name, O glory of the skies !
And shall not justice dignify thy sphere
With the great name of NEWTON ? Be at least
To me for ever the Newtonian Star,
bestowed intense application to both the theoretical and practical
branches of astronomy. From a difference which he detected between
some early observations of this star, and the place which he determined
for it by two lunar eclipses, he entertained a suspicion that there existed
an inequality in the length of the solar year. It is therefore probable
that, in order to ascertain this point, he made comparisons with the
ancient registers of celestial phenomena, especially that of a solstice
which had been made by Aristarchus, or Archimedes, at the end of the
50th year of the first Calippic period, B.C. 281, or 145 years before
his own observation. The latter circumstance was decisive, for there
appeared a difference of 12 hours between the calculation and the
observation, on the supposition that the year consisted of 365£ days;
but -0^ is = "00345, or nearly -g-J-Q-, therefore that supposition seemed
to be in excess about -^-^ of a day, and Hipparchus concluded that the
number of days in a tropical year was = 365 -f^- — ^3-5-, or to 365*24(555.
This value is greater than the truth by 6' 13" only; since, according to
La Place, the length of the tropical year at that time must have been
equal to 365*242215 days, or about 4"'2 shorter than in the present age.
By such a result much was gained; but Hipparchus, conscious of the
uncertainty attending the observations of the solstices, from the small-
ness of the variations in the lengths of the shadows cast by the gnomon,
employed the method of the equinoxes, by observations made with the
equatoreal armillae. Under these means, with the lapse-epoch of 33
years afforded by his own results, his expanded mind approximated to
the exact length of the tropical year; a grand step in the solar theory, not
only on account of its utilitv in the regulation of the calendar, but also
because upon it, depend the elements of the apparent solar orbit. See
a Leonis, No. CCCLXXIY.
Virgo, irapOevos, is one of the old 48 constellations; being the sixth
sign in zodiacal order, and the last of the summer signs. According to
mythology, the lady represents Ceres, or Isis, or Parthenos, or Erigone,
or the Singing Sibyl, or some one else, who wore a stern but majestic
countenance; though the scales at her feet seemed to fix her as Astrea or
Justitia. She is considered as symbolizing the Earth, the producer of fruits
and animals; and Dr. Hyde, observing that the Orientals call Spica
Sumbuleh, says that this was the 2l{3v\\a of the ancients. The
Arabians designated her 'Adhra nedhifah^ the pure virgin; and among
Christians she has been recognised as the Blessed Mother, "but how
wisely," observes Hood, " any child may judge :"
O Virgo felix ! O Virgo significata
Per Stellas, ubi Spica nitet.
We are told, that in Ogygian ages and among the Orientals, she was
represented as a sun-burnt damsel, with an ear of corn in her hand, like
a gleaner of the fields; but the Greeks, Romans, and moderns, have
concurred in depicting her as a winged angel, holding wheat ears, typical
of the harvest, which came on in the time of the Greeks as the sun
approached this star. She forms a conspicuous and extensive asterism,
replete with astronomical interest; but astrologers, nothing daunted by
classic attributes, stigmatized it as a barren sign, and the illuminated
manuscript Almanack of 1386, tells us that whoever is born under the
dominance of its earthy triplicitj, he shall " wythowten gylt be blamed."
The constituents have been thus numbered :
Ptolemy ... 32 stars Bullialdus ... 43 stars
Copernicus ... 32 Hevelius .... 50
Tycho Brahe . . 39 Flamsteed . . .110
Bayer .... 42 Bode 411
and there are moreover 323 nebulae enrolled within its boundaries, by the
unrivalled scrutiny of the elder HerscheL
To find the lucida of this constellation by alignment, is easy enough.
A long line through the conspicuous stars a and 7 Ursse Majoris, will
pass close to Spica, which makes nearly an equilateral triangle with
Arcturus and Denebola, in the Lion's tail. Or a line from Polaris
through % Ursse Majoris, the 6th of the large stars, or middle of the tail,
passes, at 70° distance, through Spica:
From the Pole-star through Mizar glide with long and rapid flight,
Descend, and see the Virgin's spike diffuse its vernal light.
And mark what glorious forms are made by the gold harvest's ears,
With Dt neb west, Arcturus north, a triangle appears ;
While to the east a larger still, th' observant eye will start,
From Virgo's spike to Gemma bright, and thence to Scorpio's heart.
m 13h I7m 28s PREC. + 2s-42
DEC. N 55° 45'-8 - S 18"'91
POSITION 147°'0 (v> 7) DISTANCE 14"-6 (v> 5) EPOCH 1830-85
147°-4 (» 9) - 14"-4 («») 1839-32
A splendid double star, conspicuous in the middle of Ursa Major's
tail, but was rejected from the Greenwich list in 1830. A 3, brilliant
white; B 5, pale emerald; a distant bluish star of the 8th magnitude,
with minute companions, in the sf quadrant; and Alcor, of the 5th,
away down in the nf, at a A of JR = 77S'5. This truly fine object is
2 ]$. in., and is formed by Nos. 78 and 79 Piazzi, Hora XIII. It has
an ascertained proper motion which, though questioned by the Bishop
of Cloyne, is thus registered:
P....1R, -:0"-08 Dec. - 0"-01
#.... -|- 0"-30 - 0"-04
A.... + 0"'28 - 0"-04
As this proper motion has been pronounced peculiar to both stars,
they would appear to be connected, or their apparent motion is paral-
lactic; but IjjL thought he detected a retrograde change of position
= 5° 32' in 20 years 319 days, on which he remarks: "this cannot be
accounted for by a parallactic motion of f, which would have occasioned
a contrary change of the angle." His earlier observations suggested to
him an idea that the distance was also rapidly increasing; but both
these opinions have been dissipated by the late observations, and cer-
tainly my own possess most gratifying coincidence. The data previous
to my first epoch were:
Bradley Pos. 143° 05' Dist. 13" -88 Ep. 1755-00
Herschel 1 146° 46' 14"'50 1779'63
Piazzi 146° 01' 15"-S1 1800-00
Struve 145° 20' 14"'24 1819'70
Herchel II. aud South 147° 46' 14"'45 1822*24
Professor Struve made some elaborate observations on these stars,
in 1814 and 1815, for the investigation of their parallax, and the aberra-
tion of light. The results, however, effected little more than disproving
the hypothesis of MM. Fuss and Soldner, in the Berlin Ephemerides
for 1785 and 1803.
In 1723, a German astronomer thought he had discovered a new
wandering star near f, and not remarking that it was a strange location
for a planet, immediately dubbed it Sidus Ludovicianum, in honour of
his sovereign, Louis V., landgrave of Hesse Darmstadt. This was
probably the 8th-magnitude star to the southward of Alcor, which was
first noticed by D. Einmart, the Nuremberg astronomer, in 1691. About
sixty years afterwards, M. Flaugergues was wont to try his telescopes
on £ without ever noticing its being double; but in August, 1787, he
was astonished to find that it was composed of two stars. On continuing
to observe them closely, he found a continual augmentation in the distance,
and that the smaller component had increased in size and brightness:
" Ce progres est actuellement bien sensible, et il y a au moms quinze
secondes de distance entre elles, c'est-a-dire, trois ou quatre fois plus
que lorsque je fis cette observation." This must have been merely the
effect of becoming better acquainted with the object before him.
But there is no end of mistakes respecting f Ursae Majoris, for it
has since been frequently observed by continental astronomers, as a
single star. Hence it is the supposed cause of several discrepancies, in
results of movement, more especially in those of M. Mechain, at Barce-
lona, in 1792. M. Nicollet, in discussing the operations of the French
meridian, states that the telescopes attached to the repeating-circles used
by Delambre and Mechain, were unable to separate Mizar. This was
so limited a performance for instruments on such an important service —
for it requires but little optical aid to divorce the components — that I
was not at all surprised on receiving a letter from Mr. Airy, our Astro-
nomer Royal, in which he says : " About seeing f Ursae Majoris with
the telescope of Mechain's circle, I can only tell you that I saw it in the
beginning of September, 1829, at Milan, and that I made it double
perfectly well, but of course, rather close, the power of the telescope
being low. I did not inquire for Delambre's telescope. I asked for
La Caille's sector, but could not hear of it."
£"Urs83 Majoris is familiarly known as Mizar, which means a waist
cloth or apron, a name unknown to the Arabians. It was introduced
into the celestial maps in consequence of a conjecture of Scaliger^s, who
substituted it for Mirak, the name of /3 Ursae Majoris, also given in the
old Tables to f instead of Al-'anak-al-benat, the goat of the mourners.
Mizar occurs as a proper name in the 42nd Psalm.
Mizar must not be quitted without a notice of Alcor, its more distant
companion, usually called the Rider, since it gave rise to the Arabic
proverb, applied to one who in searching for a mote overlooks a' beam :
"Thou canst see Alcor, yet canst not perceive the full Moon." But
they are wrong who pronounce the name to be an Arabian word import-
ing sharp-sightedness : it is a supposed corruption of al-jaun, a courser,
incorrectly written al-jat^ whence probably the Alioth of the Alphonsine
Tables came in, and was assigned to e UrsaB Majoris, the " thill-horse"
of Charles's Wain. This little fellow was also familiarly termed Suha>
and implored to guard its viewers against scorpions and snakes, and was
the theme of a world of wit in the shape of saws: " I show her Suha,
and she shows me the Moon," said one Arab wag; while another asks,
" How should Suhe'il (Canopus) and Suha ever come in each other's way?"
and a third observes, " Truly, as soon as the Sun appears, what can
Suha do further than hide himself?" In the Latin version of the Alma-
gest, Alcor is written Aliore^
whence Joseph Scaliger con-
jectured the word ought to be
alyah in the original, meaning
the tail of the broad -tailed
sheep; and the name Saddak
is also applied to it. This star
has led many reckless assertors
to declare, that they could see
Mizar double with the naked
eye; but this is another of the
errors alluded to, as the accom-
panying diagram of the whole group will testify.
From a presumed identity of proper motion, Mizar and Alcor, the
eques stellula of old, though upwards of 700" apart, have been suspected
of having a physical connexion, albeit under an annus magnus of 190,000
of our years; but this may only prove an additional error. However,
to assist a watch upon them, I will add their position and distance from
each other, and from a third star — the Sidus Ludovicianum — at a vertex
between them, as above shown:
Mizar and Alcor. Pos. 71°'7 Dist. 11' 30") p^ i«oQ"*>
Mizar and third star. 102°-6 8' 45" J **' 1<RW 6£
2R 13h 20m 59s PREC. + 3S'26
DEC. S 22° 27''1 S 18"-81
POSITION 80°'9 <«> 2) DIFFERENCE M = 19s-5 («> 2) EPOCH 1834-38
A variable star, in the caudine portion of Hydra, with a distant com-
panion: it is about 12° south, a little easterly, from Spica, in the line
towards Cor Caroli, and is the third of three equidistant stars, 1/r, 7, and
//,, on the same parallel. A, at the time of observation, was 5^, pale
orange-yellow; B8, greenish, with a small one sp it, near the vertical,
both companions being the preceding outliers of a following group.
Both the magnitude and colour of the primary here given, are liable to
the uncertainty created by low altitude, refraction, and vapours. Piazzi
remarked it in May, 1805, as " 5K magnitudinis, et rubei coloris."
Montanari had called attention to the changes of this star in 1670,
and in 1704 Maraldi closely observed it, continuing to examine it at
intervals till 1712, when he concluded it variable under a period of
about two years. The conditions were investigated by Pigott, who
made the time of the star's passing through all its gradations of light and
magnitude to be 494 days, by a mean of Maraldi's best observations;
but only 487 by his own, under the following conditions :
1. When at its full brightness it is of the 4th magnitude, and has no perceptible
change for about a fortnight.
2. It is about six months in increasing from the 10th magnitude, and returning
to the same.
3. Therefore it may be considered as invisible also during six months.
4. It is considerably quicker in increasing than decreasing, perhaps by half.
In several recent publications, this star has been designated 7 Hydrae,
which is the adjacent greenish-yellow star with a minute purple comes
following by about 11s. But though 7, from its low altitude, has been
variously rated, it has never been indistinct, let alone invisible. Ptolemy
marked it S, or 4; Ulugh Beigh and Hevelius, 3; Flamsteed, 3*4;
Mayer, 4; and Piazzi, 4*5. I certainly saw it considerably brighter than
its neighbour A^T, which is also rated 4'5 in the Palermo Catalogue.
Mr. Samuel Dunn, of Chelsea, in a paper read to the Royal Society
in February, 1 762, thinks there may be a gross atmosphere interposed
between us and the varying stars: such an ethereal medium he deems
sufficient to account for the appearance of new stars, and the disappear-
ance of others.
m 13h 22m 05s
DEC. S 5° 38'-5
PREC. + 3s'll
S 18"-77
POSITION 18°-5 <w 3) DISTANCE 25"-0 (u> i) EPOCH 1832*26
A very delicate double star, on the right side of Yirgo's lower
garment; and about 4°^ north by east of Spica, just preceding the line
produced between that star and Arcturus. A 7i? yellowish white;
B 13, violet tint; a third star in the sp quadrant. This is No. 27 of
IjjL's 145 New Double Stars, which was registered in March, 1785; no
measures were, however, obtained, and it is merely noted, " Extremely
unequal. Position about 30° nf. Large white. Small red." Its
detected spacial movement has been thus opposingly valued:
P.... Si - 0"'12 Dec. - 0"-01
B.... + 0"'ll + 0"'02
m 13h 23m 00s PREC. + 2s-22
DEC. N 60° 45'-5 S 18"'75
POSITION 151°-0 (w 3) DISTANCE l"-8 <«> 2) EPOCH 1835-38
A close double star between the Dragon's and the Bear's tails, 5°
north-by-east of Mizar, and exactly in midway of Alioth and Thuban.
A 8|, and B 11, both bluish; with three stars stretching across the
south part of the field, in a line east and west; the whole seen during a
lively Aurora Borealis. This fine object was discovered by ^., and is
No. 1752 of the Dorpat Catalogue, where it is thus registered:
Pos. 149°-43 Dist. 1"'63 Ep. 1832-17
M 13h 23m 06s PREC. -f 2S>54
DEC. N 48° 01 '7 S 1S"'74
A pair of lucid white nebula?, each with an apparent nucleus, with
their nebulosities running into each other, as if under the influence of a
condensing power. They are near the ear of Asterion, the northern
hound; and the smaller nebula, or northern one, having the brightest
nucleus, was differentiated by the wire micrometer ; they are 3° south-
west of Alkaid, where the place is indicated by a line from Dubhe
through Megrez, extended nearly twice that distance into the south-
east beyond. There are three telescopic stars following, and a bright
7th-magnitude about as far beyond them as they are from the nebulae,
but the preceding part of the field is quite clear. Sir John Herschel has
given a very beautiful representation of this extraordinary object, No.
25, in the illustrations to his Catalogue of 1830.
This fine field was discovered by Messier in 1772, and described as a
faint double nebula whose centres are 4? 35 " apart, but with "the
borders in contact." The southern object is truly singular, having a
bright centre surrounded with luminosity, resembling a ghost of Saturn,
with his ring in a vertical position. They form Nos. 1622 and 1623 of
H.'s Catalogue, who terms the southern, or halo nebula, a most astonish-
ing object, probably a similar system to our own, the halo representing
the Galaxy. " Supposing it,11 he remarks, " to consist of stars, the
appearance it would present to a spectator placed on a planet attendant
on one of them, excentrically situated towards the np quarter of the
central mass, would be exactly similar to that of our Milky Way, tra-
versing, in a manner precisely analogous, the firmament of large stars,
to which the central cluster would be seen projected, and (owing to
its greater distance) appearing, like it, to consist of stars much smaller
than those in other parts of the heavens. Can it then be that we have
here a brother-system, bearing a real physical resemblance and strong
analogy of structure to our own?"
"We have then an object presenting an amazing display of the uncon-
trollable energies of OMNIPOTENCE, the contemplation of \vhich compels
reason and admiration to yield to awe. On the outermost verge of
telescopic reach we perceive a stellar universe similar to that to which
we belong, whose vast amplitudes no doubt are peopled with countless
numbers of percipient beings; for those beautiful orbs cannot be con-
sidered as mere masses of inert matter. And it is interesting to know
that, if there be intelligent existence, an astronomer gazing at our distant
universe, will see it, with a good telescope, precisely under the lateral
aspect which theirs presents to us. But after all what do we see?
Both that wonderful universe, our own, and all which optical assistance
has revealed to us, may be only the outliers of a cluster immensely more
numerous. The millions of suns we perceive cannot comprise the Creator's
Universe. There are no bounds to infinitude; and the boldest views of
the elder Herschel only placed us as commanding a ken whose radius is
some 35,000 times longer than the distance of Sirius from us. Well
might the dying Laplace exclaim: " That which we know is little; that
which we know not is immense."
m 13h 24m 19s PREC. + 3S>19
DEC. S 14° 32'-3 S 18"-70
POSITION 112°-0 <» i) DISTANCE 93"'0 <« i) EPOCH 1835 '32
A star with a minute distant companion, on the tip of the wheat-ears
in Virgo's right hand; and nearly 5° south-south-east of Spica. A 6>
pale white; B 14, dusky; two other small stars at a distance in the
np quadrant. This object was merely looked at from being among H.'s
Sweeps, No. 2658; otherwise it is too difficult to measure, and too wide
for tolerable estimation, — indeed the comes was best seen by averting the
eye to another part of the field of view. Careful comparisons have
produced these values for the spacial movement of No. 75:
P....JR, - 0"-10 Dec. 0"-00
B.... - 0"'02 - 0"'10
The minute companions occasionally registered in this Cycle, are the
nearest objects to be seen with my telescope, and therefore will be tests
for the general ones ; but no doubt the grand instruments will bring out
some still smaller, and nearer to those lettered A.
M 13h 26* 07s PREC. + 3S'06
DEC. N 0° 30'-4 - S 18"-65
POSITION 24°-l (u> 5) DISTANCE l"-5 (« 3) EPOCH 1832-39
31°-0 (w 8) - ]"7 (w 4) - 1838-48
37°-9 (« 8) - l"-7 (w 6) - 1842-52
A close binary star in Virgo's lower garment; it is 11° north-by-east
of Spica, just preceding the line between that lucida and Arcturus, and
close to f Virginis, a star of the 4th magnitude. A 8, pale white; B 9,
yellowish; and the two point to a telescopic star at a distance in the
nf quadrant. This was discovered by J£., and is No. 1757 of the Dorpat
Catalogue, where the earliest measures for a starting point, by which the
direct angular motion is seen, are :
Pos. 10°-0 Dist. 1"-60 Ep. 1825-37
From comparing this early measure with his and my subsequent
ones, embracing a period of 17 years, it might be inferred that during
the first part the angular progress was at the rate of 2° per annum; that
it then diminished to 1°, and is now on the increase, amounting to 1°^,
whilst the distance appears to have continued the same. We may hence
conclude that we are gazing at this binary couple nearly full face, in
which case its revolution, assuming its present rate as a mean, will be
accomplished in about 240 years.
M 13h 29m 13